Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 78

Despite the fact that all the gathered dark mages were in different guilds, they quickly managed to cooperate and attack me, not wanting to be on the spot, those poor creatures that fell under my hot hand. 

Unfortunately for them, even their joint attack could not do much for me, because my solar corona incinerated all spells without any problems, before they could get to my body and harm me. 

This is not surprising, since all these mages were ordinary weaklings and were in third-rate guilds, which were mere lackeys subordinate to the more powerful guilds from the Balam Alliance.

Most of the opponents barely made it to C-Rank and that was only due to the fact that they used the dark arts, which gave more power than ordinary magic, although this will have to be repaid later, but those who simply did not have the talent were ready to go for it, for the sake of obtaining more power. 

For the sake of this, they, in fact, became dark magicians and were ready to voluntarily submit to the Balam Alliance, especially after mental processing in training centers, in the hope of gaining even greater power. 

Although, this will obviously never happen, because all these magicians are ordinary, replaceable, expendable material, of which truly dark magicians have a lot. Well, that was before I destroyed the Avatar. 

Now, when this is known, it will be much more difficult for dark mages to find smart errand boys, at least I want to believe so. 

Although, there will always be plenty of gullible and naive fools like those who are now standing in front of me and trying to kill in order to get to my treasures, so, in fact, I did not change much.

But, in any case, the innocent will no longer be drawn into this mess against their will, and if people themselves are ready to step onto a dark path, then this is not my fault. It is their choice and their responsibility. 

Saving such people is a thankless task and I'm not going to do it, especially since I already changed something in the world and significantly reduced the chance of dark magicians appearing, so I'm not going to stand on ceremony with these guys, especially since they I was angered by looking sideways at people important to me. 

However, I don't mind showing them what happens when you get on the wrong side of the law and that for every crime you commit, you will receive the appropriate punishment. 

And I hope that with the help of fear I will at least slightly influence the worldview of these bad guys and maybe they will decide to change their lives. And I can not say that I will not enjoy this process. 

There's something about it when people who revel in their power to oppress the weak look at you in fear, losing all their pompous air as I slowly approach them while ignoring all their attempts to harm me. Mira definitely affects me badly... 

However, I should not delay this, otherwise it may end badly. I think I caused enough fear and now I can start more active actions, especially since I promised Rosa to finish everything quickly, and half of the allotted time has already passed. 

The most dangerous here was Erigor, who with difficulty, but pulled to the S-Rank, thanks to his Air Magic, which he skillfully controls, although at the same time, he was also the most cowardly here. 

Unlike other magicians who stubbornly continued to attack me with various spells, refusing to admit defeat, the Eisenwald guild master, seeing that I had no problem defending himself from his magic, decided to flee with his tail between his legs. 

I could not allow this, because he must pay for his brazen attempt to rob me. Fortunately, I expected something like this, so I managed to prepare a spell in case the dark magicians decide to escape. I decided not to deviate far from the classics, and when Erigor removed his wind dome, my square barrier created from solar plasma appeared in its place. 

In fact, the situation turned out to be funny, because Erigor managed to gain a good flight speed in order to quickly escape, and when my barrier appeared, he did not have time to react and crashed his face directly into a hot wall, which obviously did not pass without a trace, judging by his heart-rending cry of pain. 

If only the enemies always dealt with themselves like that, life would become much easier... 

At the same time that their leader tried to escape, and then withdrew from the battle and fear caused by my invulnerability, turmoil began in the ranks of the dark magicians and they stopped acting like single mechanism. 

Someone gave in in a panic, someone decided to run away and hide, and someone, on the contrary, began to attack me with a vengeance, which somewhat complicated the situation for me, but another thing is important, it was the perfect moment to launch a counterattack. 

Using the attack of dark magic, one of the wizards, I redirected him to a group of people with the help of a spell, which confused them even more, and then, I rushed to the attack. 

I mainly used my fists backed up by the power of the sun, which hurt like hell and quickly convinced the bad guys not to get back on their feet after a single punch that left serious burns. 

Thus, I managed to neutralize more than forty people, until the villains realized that at such a pace they would end up like this, which they, of course, did not want. 

As a result, instead of attacking, the magicians focused on defense and began to use all kinds of defensive spells, which I had to break through to get to my opponents, who were already shaking with fear at each of my hits on the barrier. 

I think they will remember this day for a long time and next time they will think carefully before making decisions to protect an honest businessman. If, of course, they have a chance to be released from prison, which will obviously not happen soon. 

These magicians were clearly much better at defending than attacking, as by combining the forces of more than two hundred magicians, they managed to create an impressively strong, multi-layered barrier, which I could hardly manage to damage using only my fists, which was somewhat pointless, since the magicians repaired it faster than I broke. 

Since this method proved to be pointless, I decided to use a more powerful spell, at the same time even more catching fear in the magicians who are trying their best to protect themselves from me.

- I hope you survive after this… - I said jokingly, which frightened the dark mages even more. 

Taking a deep breath, using a certain amount of Etherano, I cast the «Roar of the Sun Dragon King» spell and spat out a volley of hot plasma that began to vaporize one layer after another of the barrier. 

At the same time, the spell lost its power, leaving exactly the last layer of protection, which saved the lives of the unlucky magicians, who, perhaps, did not crap out of fear, but had already clearly managed to say goodbye to their lives. 

- This is your last chance. Give up and I will not touch you again, otherwise, you are finished. - I said, deciding not to torture people anymore and just hand them over to the authorities, where they will receive a well-deserved punishment. 

- W…we give up! Please don't touch us! g shouted one of the magicians from the 'Dark Unicorn' instantly, perhaps even their master. 

- Yes, yes, we do too. Spare us! - said another mage wearing the 'Werewolf Ball' guild emblem patch. 

- Smart decision. What about the rest, do you want to continue or finish this stupid farce? ,h I asked, and as a threat, I increased the radiation of the solar corona. 

Luckily, the rest of the magicians lost any fighting spirit and decided to follow their comrades, deciding to simply capitulate. 

They even removed the barrier, their last defense against me, and if I was a bad guy, I would definitely take advantage of the situation, but since I'm not like that, I decided to still keep my word, especially since it's not at all fun to fight a surrendered enemy.

- It would always be so simple… - I muttered, about to tie the surrendered mages, but in life, as always, everything is not simple. 

Just as I was about to use the binding spell, an attack was sent to the dark magicians in the form of numerous sharp sickles of air, which could have killed a couple of dozen people if I had not protected them in time. 

As is clear, it was Erigor, who appeared after his attack. And I must say, he looked like himself. After hitting the plasma barrier, half of his face and part of his body were covered with terrible burns that looked extremely painful and it was only a miracle that he was still conscious. 

It seems that he was supported by rage, which directly poured out of him, with a powerful wind, as well as cries of: 

- Cowards! Pitiful weaklings! You can't defeat a single magician, and with such a numerical superiority!

- Bb… but, boss, you yourself decided to escape first… - one of Eisenwald's magicians, who looked like Shikamaru and had the same abilities, correctly noted. 

- Shut up!!! You are worthless, I will destroy you after I kill this pathetic upstart!!! - Erigor shouted hysterically, continuing to send wind sickles at me and the dark mages, whom I again had to protect.

- And they call me an upstart… - I said softly, shaking my head, but it seems that Erigor heard me and got even angrier from it. 

- YOU!!! IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! If you hadn't intervened, I would have already been swimming in money and dumped from this stupid country forever!!! - yelled the guild master of Eisenwald, sending strong blasts of air at me that could have blown me away if I hadn't secured myself to the ground with magic. 

- Shut up, hysterical. Tired of yelling. - I said dismissively and creating a Light Devil's Cero in my hand, fired a powerful beam of light that knocked Erigor down and sent him again towards the plasma barrier. This time, he doesn't have to get up.

- Well, now what do you say? - I asked as I looked at the dark magicians who, upon seeing their boss lose, simply raised their hands in the air, yelling 'We give up'. 

- Right choice. - I said and sent a spell that put them all to sleep without any problems. 

Not forgetting to add a few more disabling spells, I finally turned off Sunspot Mode, which I immediately regretted, because the next moment, I was hit by a huge fatigue and I fell on my ass, unable to stand any longer. 

- Phew, this is more tiring than I thought. - I murmured wearily, but then I thought to myself: 

'At least the regime performed well in battle, you can use it in the future. Plus, I finished right on time. Dealt with three hundred mages in just ten minutes, not a bad result.' 

- Oh, it's not time to lie down, it's time to take on the analysis of this mess... - I said, and getting to my feet, I began to do the rest of the business.


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