Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 79

Quickly bypassing the entire territory closed by my barrier, I gathered all the magicians whom I defeated into one heap with the magicians who surrendered of their own free will and now slept peacefully under the influence of the spell. 

Also, I found a few more mages who managed to quietly hide from me and waited for the moment when I relax in order to escape. 

Unfortunately for them, I still found all the fugitives, which turned out to be almost twenty people, and without much pity knocked them all out, after which I took them one by one to other dark wizards, ignoring any attempts to somehow interfere with me.

If, being a single army, they did not succeed, then one by one they will not be able to oppose anything to me, although among them there were magicians with rather dangerous magic, but before overwhelming power, this could not change much. 

After making sure that all the magicians who attacked my company today are here, and no one will escape justice, I also made sure that none of them died from my attack and will not die in the near future. 

Death it would have been too light a punishment for them to make Rosa nervous and trespass on my property, so I healed all the most dangerous wounds, leaving those that cause the most pain and are not life-threatening. 

Most of the problems were with Erigor, who was practically in the afterworld, and if I had lingered for at least five minutes, then the wizard Eisenwald would definitely not have been saved. 

The second encounter with the plasma barrier and my Light Devil's Cero was very sad for Erigor and more than 85% of his body is now covered with terrible, charred burns. 

The pain from this is definitely hellish and it is not surprising that Erigor passed out from shock. And I have not yet mentioned the numerous fractures and bruises, which definitely did not help the case. 

Even the miracle that he was still alive and only the fact that he was an S-Rank magician had saved him. No wonder they say that magicians of such strength are no longer quite people, because thanks to Etherano, they are able to survive such injuries, and most importantly, they may well recover from this and return to their former strength, although not quickly. 

I healed Erigor a little and removed the most dangerous wounds, so that he will definitely not die today, and then he will be given better care when he is in prison. 

I confess, the thought rumbled in my head, that I can leave everything as it is and let him die, but then again, for a bastard like Erigor, who shamelessly killed hundreds of innocents just to get to his goal and complete his mission, this is too easy death and thus he will not receive a worthy punishment.

But to live the rest of life suffering from phantom pain after terrible burns, while being in a small cell, where there is nothing but a toilet and at the same time all magical power is constantly being sucked out of you, which further worsens the general condition, in my opinion, that's it for a dark magician who reveled in his strength and had no problem killing weaker people. 

Although, I must make sure that Erigor does not have a chance to be free again, otherwise there will be no point in such a punishment and in the future my decision to let him live may bite my ass.

Knowing full well how corrupt and unreliable the Magic Council is now, I decided not to leave everything to the will of fate and cast one unpleasant spell on Erigor, although it would be more correct to call it a curse, which I can cast thanks to my main magjc. 

The essence of the curse, which will be powered by the energy of the magician himself, is to inspire Erigor with a fear of open space, in fact, cause him agoraphobia. 

As a result, after a while, he himself will not want to leave the cozy and small cell, even if they try to help him escape or break the curse, since the fear will take root in him forever. I don't think I'll ever hear about this mage again. 

After I finished with Erigor's curse, I searched his robe, which was only coals, and found some money in it, as well as one magic item that survived the battle. 

Money is not superfluous and I will give the magic item to Rosa so that she can sell it. Do not waste the good and a good compensation for the inconvenience will come out. But his magical scythe, thanks to which Erigor became very famous, I decided to keep as a souvenir. 

I also searched the rest of the magicians and did the same with their things. As a result, I became richer by a couple of million precious and received several hundred Magic items of various strengths and usefulness, which will bring me good money. Rose will be pleased. 

But all the dangerous artifacts, books on dark magic and cursed items that were strengthened at the expense of life force, I destroyed just in case. There's always a chance they'll fall into the wrong hands and hurt someone, so it's best not to risk it. It's better for things like this not to exist at all. 

Eventually, dark magicians were left with nothing and some even naked, as they had enchanted robes, which can also be sold through my company. 

'Perhaps I overdid it a little…' - I thought, looking at the unconscious magicians, whom I first beat, then robbed to the skin, and then sent to prison again.

'Well, they started first. I just did to them what they wanted to do to me, so it's deserved.' - I thought, waving my hand, calming my conscience. 

- God, you're like always… - As I moved the sorted items into my inventory, a familiar voice came from behind me. 

- Rosa, good to see you. As you can see, I dealt with all the enemies. - I said with a smile, pointing to a bunch of beaten people. 

- Yes, I noticed. Just like the fact that you robbed them. Now it's clear how you became the second richest man in Fiore, after the King. - Rosa said, rolling her eyes, sharply as always. 

Although, she was clearly still somewhat in shock and thus trying to calm down, so I didn't mind falling victim to her sharp tongue. 

- I'm glad you're okay. It's good that I made it. - I said sincerely, going up to the girl and hugging her.

The hug was clearly exactly what she needed now, because she clung to me like a tick and clearly was not going to let go. If not for her professionalism, she would have clearly burst into tears. 

This is not surprising, she has never been in such a dangerous situation and is clearly not used to feeling fear for her life. I used to have doubts, but now I'm sure that I should help Rosa become a magician so that she can protect herself on her own. 

She's not in the 10% of the population of Fiore that have the ability to become mages, so just awakening her Container of Etherano is not enough for her to become a powerful mage. 

Fortunately, with my magic and a little preparation, I can correct this misunderstanding, and I think the Dragon Sea King's Lacrima will help me with this.

I trust Rosa completely, so I can trust her with such powerful magic without any problem, especially since I can make sure that she will definitely survive the process of becoming a Dragon Slayer. 

Although, let's leave this idea for the future, now is clearly not up to it. Five minutes later, Rosa nevertheless released me and tried to fix a little leaky mascara. Still, she couldn't hold back a couple of tears. 

- Are you better? - I asked carefully. 

- Yes thank you. And for saving our lives. - said Rosa, returning her cold face to a real businesswoman.

- First of all, it happened because of me, as they were attracted by my treasures, so you don't have to thank me. I just had to protect you, because it's my responsibility. - I said seriously and without listening to objections, I immediately asked: - How are your workers? 

- It's all right, I managed to calm them down, although not immediately. By the way, they saw you through the windows and how you fought with dark mages. They know that I called the president of the company for help, who is known to be a strong magician, so many will be able to put two and two together and understand who you are. I won't tell you your name, but they will remember your appearance. - Rosa said regretfully. 

- Sooner or later it would happen, especially since they have earned trust, so it's okay. - I said with a wave of my hand.

- Then, in order to establish your authority, you will have to appear before them and give an inspiring speech. - The girl promptly suggested. 

- Not today. We have a lot to do. As today has shown, we have caught the attention of truly dangerous people and now they are ready to work together to get our treasures. This place is no longer safe. - I said shaking my head. 

- Yeah, you can't save us every time someone strong enough shows up. - Rose said thoughtfully. 

- That's what I'm talking about. I suddenly have ten free days, so I can start creating a new headquarters that no one dark magician can get close to, I promise you. - I said, finding something to do for the rest of the days before the exam. 

Well, this will also make for a good workout. Not on strength, but on creativity and control, which will also not be superfluous.

- Okay, then I'll look for a suitable safe place and buy the right territory. - Rosa said decisively.

- Not worrying about the price, or how remote the place is. I will find a way to link the new headquarters to major cities. - I immediately said.

- Okay. Anything else? 

- Find an architect. The best of the best. I need help creating the blueprint as well as the construction itself. - I said, deciding to ask for help from a professional. 

- Good idea. In fact, I have one friend. I think she's exactly what we need. I'll contact her and try to arrange a meeting where you can discuss all the details. Will see you tomorrow? More precisely today? : Rosa asked, glancing at the clock, which showed almost 4 o'clock in the morning.

- Yes, at six o'clock in the evening. I think you have time to rest. Also, I wanted to talk about one more thing, but we'll save that for the next meeting. - I said, determined not to put off getting my VP strengthened.

- No problem. That's all? 

- Yes, I'll go. When I disappear, the barrier will also disappear, so people from the Magic Council will come here, so you will have to talk to them and take them into custody of the dark magicians. - I said. 

- Don't worry, I know how to talk to those idiots. - Rosa said with an angry gleam in her eyes. I wouldn't want to be in the place of those Rune Knights who have to talk to Rosa. 

- I that case, I'll leave it all to you. Oh yeah, don't forget to give your employees a nice bonus and a couple of weeks off. They deserve it. - I said at last. 

After receiving a nod from Rosa, I once again hugged her and patted her head, teleported to the Poseidon Mansion, where I immediately fell asleep. 

In the coming days, I have to do something that cannot be solved with naked might. Constructing a building at least capable of withstanding a nuclear strike would obviously be more difficult than beating up three hundred magicians.


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