Just My Luck-(rewrite)

chapter 5

Slightly longer chapter.

Four years ago. City of Mariejois.

The recently captured boa sisters were pushed towards a cell. The cell reeked so badly that the boa sisters felt like they were about to pass out.

“don’t worry, the gods will have fun with you tomorrow.” The man who brought the boa sisters spoke.

The youngest Sandersonia, looked terrified, she was sobbing.

The second oldest, marigold, she too was terrified but as the most responsible sister she tried soothing her younger sister.

The oldest, Hancock, stared at the guard with untamed malice.

“I’ll kill you all, you bastards.” Hancock shouted at the guards.

The guards, instead of trying to teach her a lesson or beat up, some laughed while others showed sympathy.

“HAHAHAHA, do you hear that?”

“Heh heh, shell break in a week.”

“a week? I say 4 days.”

To the guards, the have witnessed many people becoming the slaves of the celestial dragons, thus they have witnessed many slaves either proclaiming that they will kill them or proclaiming that they will escape. None did. Each and every one of them broke, some broke in a day, others broke in months. No matter how strong they were, no matter how prideful or optimistic they were, each and every person who was captured by the celestial dragons, become shells of their former selves.

That was the fate for all those who were chosen to be the entertainment of the celestial dragons.

Laughing, the guards left the cell.

A voice called out to them from the corner of their cell, the voice was empty and lifeless.

“do everything they say, they don’t like playing with obedient slaves.”

Hancock turned around and glared at the corner.

Give up? Me? Hancock questioned herself inwardly. She looked at the corner and spoke, her voice filled with determination,

“Heh, do you think that I, boa Hancock, would listen to a man? Know your place.”

Hearing Hancock’s words, the man neither laughed or cried, he replied indifferently back to them.

“I see.”

That’s all he said.

Hancock snorted in disdain at the thought that she would have to share a cell with a man.

The moonlight slithered through the window and lit up the cell.

The boa sisters saw the person who talked to them.

He had long unkempt black hair, a pair of mismatched eyes, one brown and the violet. His skin was deathly pale, and his body thin, his bones visible. His mismatched eyes gazed at the three sisters with indifference.

Hancock was slightly shaken when he gazed at her, his eyes were lifeless, it made him remember of a mannequin that she once saw.

Sandersonia seemed sad and was about to get up and check up on him but was stopped by her sister marigold.

“Where do you think you’re going?” she whispered to Sandersonia, her question rhetorical.

“he looks hur-“ Sandersonia, the youngest and most caring of the trio, was about to answer marigold’s question, unaware of its rhetorical nature, but she was stopped by Hancock.

“Absolutely not. Men are evil, if you go near him, he might kill you. Remember the story about the “kuja and hungry wolf”, that will happen to you if you go near him.” Hancock spoke, remembering the stories that the elders of her tribe told them.

Marigold was about to retort but stopped herself.

Sandersonia fearfully nodded her head.

Their cellmate stared at the three sisters with indifference but also familiarity.

Boa Hancock. Fisher tiger would be coming soon, a few more years and I would be saved. Arashi thought to himself.

Days passed, then a week and then a month.

It has been a month since the boa siters have become slaves. Arashi was perplexed.

How can three children, who were mentally and physically younger than him still smile.

It was night time, and the three boa sisters were covered in wounds, yet they were talking to themselves while smiling, the one with the biggest smile was Hancock.

He stared at them perplexed and confused, but he stopped worrying about them due to pain of his own wounds.

Another month passed. It was currently nighttime, the younger two boa sisters were sleeping, the other two, Hancock and Arashi were awake. Hancock stared at her sisters in worry.

It has been very difficult two months, she was beaten, abused and degraded. She was treated as an animal rather than a human. Her younger sisters shared the same pain, but hers was greater due to her earning the ire of a female celestial dragon, who was angered due to Hancock’s beauty.

Without realizing it tears fell from her eyes. Her nose became runny, and she silently sobbed.

“hick…how long would we stay here. hick…I want to go home. Hick..hick…I-i-I-“

“You good?” interrupting Hancock’s sobs was Arashi who spoke to her, worried about the future pirate empress.

“it’s you…” Hancock muttered to herself, somewhat embarrassed. During the two months the other occupant was silent, never talking to them, they would’ve completely forgotten about him if it were not for the fact that they would see each other in the morning, when they were taken to the celestial dragons.

“I’m good. I…hick…am the future…hick…empress of the seas.” Hancock replied to Arashi, in between sobs.

“You hungry? catch” Arashi threw the bread he was given today to Hancock.

Hancock caught the bread in surprise. Though she has only spoken a few times to her cellmate, every time she did, she had insulted him.

“Why?” Hancock asked, confused on why a man would give her food that was only give every few days. Food was precious for the slaves, and they only get one loaf of bread every few days.

“You remind of my little sister.” he replied and then closed his eyes to sleep.

Hancock still surprised and confused, stared at the piece of bread that was given to her by the person she insulted.

Hungry due to having not eaten the food she received due to forcing her younger sisters to eat her portion.

She bit down on the piece of bread that was given to her. Tears streaming down her face, she ate like a woman possessed.

“Thank you” she muttered in between bites.  

Arashi stayed silent, watching the little girl who reminded of her sister. he had a slight smile on his face, though it disappeared as soon as it appeared.

Next day, night.

Hancock was keeping the heads of her sisters on her lap while stroking their head. She looked at them for a few moments before redirecting her gaze at the corner of the cell, where the man stayed.

Hancock had never had an actual conversation with him, the stories told by the elders of her tribe warned her of their cruelty. But this man seemed to be even younger than her, also he gave her his bread, so he cannot be that bad.

So, placing her prejudice away, Hancock spoke to the man.

“So…how long have you been here?”

Arashi was surprised but did not think much of it.

“Long enough.”

Hancock’s eyes twitched in annoyance. Long enough? long enough!?  answer the question properly you bastard! She inwardly cursed the man.

“How old are you?”


Hancock’s eye raised in surprise. 12? He is two years older than me? he looks younger? Wait, is he lying?

“You sure…you look like you are 8.”

“that’s what happens when you don’t get proper nutrition during your growing phase. If it wasn’t for me being a half-fallen, I probably would’ve died.”  The it was not entirely correct, the real reason that his growth was stunted was due to the celestial dragons ripping off his wings.

“half-fallen?” hearing an unfamiliar word, Hancock asked the man.

“My race. Just like you three a kujas, I am a half-fallen”

Hancock looked at the man with surprise and hostility.

“How do you know we are kujas?”

Rather than answering the man snorted.

“Are you slow?”

“Slow? I am the fastest warrior in my age.”

“Forget it. anyway, the reason I know you are a part of the kuja tribe is simple. It’s your personality.” Arashi answered. The real reason is that I had a small crush on you in my previous life. If I told her that she would probably kill me. Arashi though inwardly.

“My personality!” Hancock muttered to herself and glared at the man. Though to Arashi it looked more cute than scary.

It reminds of me of that time when I switched the salt and sugar, Akeno glared at me like a puppy that was kicked by its owner. Heh heh, good times. Arashi lost himself in the nostalgia for a few moments, but Hancock’s voice brought him back to reality.

“Hey! Hey!! Finally.” Hancock shouted quietly, making sure that her sisters wouldn’t wake up.

“Ahem. Anyway, my name is Hancock, the future queen of the seas. What’s yours?”

“Does that mean you want to find the one piece?” Arashi asked, confusion and curiosity laced his question. I font remember Hancock having a dream about finding the one piece? Am In some kind of alternate universe?

“One piece? What’s that? And why do you need a piece to rule the seas. All you need is power.” Hancock looked at the man as if he was crazy.

“Heh. He should’ve died, either she doesn’t know of the current state of affairs or I am really in an alternate universe where the timeline is wonky.” Arashi muttered to himself tiredly.

“Anyway, what’s your name? don’t tell me man’s do not have names.”

“So many mistakes.” Arashi whispered to himself and shook in head in disappointment. “One, it’s men not man’s; two, I am not yet a men and finally, my name is Arashi himejima, nice to meet you Hancock.”

“that’s a weird name.” Hancock spoke honestly.


Hancock asked some questions and Arashi answered, they conversed until Hancock’s eyes started drooping. Arashi who saw that Hancock was falling asleep chuckled.

“Heh, you should go to sleep. You will need your energy for tomorrow.”

“huah.” Hancock yawned loudly, so loudly that Arashi could see the back of her mouth.

“Whatever.” She muttered and quickly fell asleep.

Arashi seeing this couldn’t help but silently comment.

“she’s like a slightly more rebellious Akeno.”

The days passed, Sandersonia and marigold, with the assurance of their elder sister, started talking to Arashi.

Arashi’s lifeless eyes started gaining life, he smiled a bit more.

Most days were hell, but at night, it was like a lite version of heaven. It wasn’t paradise, but for Arashi who had been enslaved for years, this was the closest to paradise they have ever gotten.

“And then?” Sandersonia impatiently asked Arashi. Marigold too was waiting for him to continue, Hancock acted like she didn’t care but her ears were perked up.

“And then, ash Ketchum, after several loses, after several close calls finally won his first league championship. His trusty partner, pikachu by his side he lifted the trophy for all to see. And after the tournament, he said goodbye to all his friends and went seeking new adventure.”

“How cool! I also want to travel…” Sandersonia spoke loudly but soon excitement turned into sadness due to remembering their current predicament. What if we are never able to leave? How will I catch pokemon.

Marigold wanted to refute her younger sister and remind her that it was just a story, but seeing the tears that threatened to spill almost crushed her heart, so rather than waking her sister to reality she tried to distract her.

“Hey Soni, what’s your favorite pokemon? Mine is definitely that lightning lizard. The one that clement had.” Marigold tried to remember the name of the lizard, but it evaded her, while she did like the story about the ten-year old who pursued his dream against all odds, due to her knowing it was just a fairy tale she did not immerse in it like Sandersonia did.

“sniff…you mean heliolisk?”


“sniff…mine is…mine is…” Sandersonia was troubled. She couldn’t choose one, there were simply too many to choose!

“eh, umm…” Sandersonia stopped crying, her face was wrinkled due to her concentration.

“toxitricity!” Sandersonia shouted in glee in having found her favorite.

“What about you, big sis?” Sandersonia asked Hancock.

Hancock was about to refuse, saying that she was far too old for childish stuff like that but seeing marigold, who signaling Hancock to answer their younger sister, she also tried to think about it.

“of course, to someone as amazing as myself only the most beautiful is worthy to stand by my side.” Hancock spoke in mock haughtiness.

“Eh. So…milotic?”

“Is it the most beautiful? Even if it is, it is only slightly worthy, Fufufufufu.” Hancock laughed while covering her mouth with the back of her hand.

Sandersonia claps made her laugh even harder, all the while ignoring marigolds dry gaze.

“Heh.” Arashi silently chuckled. Milotic? I wonder if this could be considered as foreshadowing of her title as the most beautiful woman.

Arashi had a slight smile on his face while seeing the sisters interact with each other.

“Get in there trash.” A guard wearing heavy armour pushed Arashi into the cell.

Sandersonia rushed towards him, the moment the guard closed the gate and left.

“do you nee-“ Sandersonia gasped in horror. Hancock and marigold hearing their sisters gasp also got up to see what made her gasp. When they came closer to the downed form of Arashi and seeing his back, they too gasped.

Arashi who was lying down on the ground was covered in wounds. Even breathing was akin to setting him ablaze. But the reason they gasped was not this, afterall as fellow slaves being covered in wounds and scars was nothing special. But the scar on his back was something else.

On the back of Arashi, his shoulder blades, two holes has been gouged out. The hole was deep enough that they could see his bones.


“don’t worry. It’s an old wound. These days I barely feel it.” Arashi told them. the depressions on his shoulder blades were made years ago, when a celestial dragon wanted his wings, so she could use it as a decoration.

The loss of his wings not only made it difficult of using his mana, but it also took away most advantages that he had as a half-fallen angel. The only ability he has is a slightly stronger physique and the ability to speak and understand any language.

A week later.

The boa sisters were huddled together due to the cold temperature. They did not have any blankets, so they were shivering.

Arashi sighed. “How troublesome.” He stood up, and slowly shuffled his way to them.

Hancock who saw him coming was curious and also slightly afraid. These weeks alongside him has taught her that Arashi wasn’t like the evil men who were depicted in the stories, but as someone who has been taught that all men were evil ever since she was young, she couldn’t help but feel suspicious when Arashi, someone who never moved from his corner suddenly walked closer to them.

Arashi sat next to them and leaned on the wall. He closed his eyes and focused.

The wings of a fallen angel are the most important part, the wings could be considered as the source of their power. without it, their quantity and quality of mana will significantly decrease. Thankfully Arashi is a half-fallen angel, unlike their fallen angel brethren, half-fallen angels do not rely completely on their wings.

Thus, Arashi’s mana capacity is quite small, and he wouldn’t be able to even a create a single lightning bolt, but he could use his mana to increase his body temperature.

His forehead was covered in sweat due to immense concentration.

Meanwhile Hancock was looking at Arashi strangely.

Did he come here because he was also cold? Hancock and marigold had the same thought.

Maybe Arashi-san was lonely and he came here. Sandersonia, bless her heart, thought differently than her elder sisters.

Due to getting know each other, Hancock did not chase him away since she realized that he too was just like them.

Hancock saw Arashi sweating and was about to ask if he was okay, but before she could do that a comforting warmth washed over them. their cold bodies heated up.

Sandersonia feeling the comforting warmth, separated from her sisters and huddled closer to Arashi.

Hancock stared at her youngest sister in betrayal. Did my own sister leave me?

Marigold alternated her gaze between Hancock and Arashi. Finally due to the comforting warmth she separated from Hancock and sat closer to Arashi.

Hancock felt as if someone stabbed her heart with a knife and twisted it.

“onee-chan, come on it ish sho warm and coshy here.” Sandersonia murmured, closing her eyes in comfort.

“Hmph. I don’t need it.” hancock stubbornly refused.

A few minutes later, three girls could be seen huddled closer to a black-haired child who looked younger than the oldest child. The youngest, green haired child, had a smile on her face while sleeping, the older, blonde child had an impassive expression and the oldest, black-haired child had a frown on her face while snoring cutely.

Arashi shook his head in amusement.


A few days later.

The boa sisters were huddled closer to Arashi listening to another one of his stories.

All of them had tears in their eyes while listening.

“-The lady was already on the brink of losing control. She said in a daze, “I don’t want to become a monster…”

“Alright…” Klein looked at her with a sorrowful gaze as he quickly thought of the means to rescue a Rampager.

Daly smiled with great difficulty as she resisted the white feathers and pitch-black scales that kept growing out of her.

“So it’s you…

“Didn’t you ask me why I didn’t take the initiative to confess to Dunn, to throw him in bed?”

She gasped for air and said with a bitter smile, “I had indulged myself too much in the past. H-he was a conservative man. I-I felt inferior.”

She couldn’t hold out much longer, with the outcome of her becoming a monster happening at any moment.

At this moment, she heard Klein Moretti reply, “Captain actually liked you too, very much. Because you were too outstanding and young, he felt inferior as well.”

Daly smiled as her blurry gaze saw a man in a black trench coat with a receding hairline. He had dark gray eyes. She watched as he pressed his hand to his chest, bent down, and reached out his palm to invite her to a dance.

She reached out her hand as her thoughts turned sluggish. The gray-eyed man in a black trench coat pulled up Daly, whose mutation was slowly fading away. Under Leonard’s watch, they danced a brisk dance in the destroyed square with the fountain spewing water everywhere.

One material after another flew out. There were golden grapevines and a rather ugly rubber mask. Under the guidance of spirituality, they slowly mixed together and entered a small metal bottle.

Amidst the beautiful dance, Daly leaned forward gently, resting herself in Dunn’s embrace.

Klein held the potion bottle, brought it to his mouth, and downed it.

 the end.”

Hancock listening to what he said yelled in desperation.

“What do you mean the end, what happens next. Tell me you heartless monster. Tell me!” Hancock, with tears streaming down shook Arashi.

“Nope.” Arashi answered while popping the p.

“You…” Hancock glared at Arashi, but rather than threatening it looked cute so he pinched her cheeks.

“How cute.” Hancock huffed and turned her face away.

Arashi, marigold and Sandersonia laughed at Hancock’s expense.

The four stayed in comforting silent, simply enjoying each other’s presence.

Sandersonia looked back and forth between Hancock and Arashi with her tongue sticking out.



“Arashi-nee and big sister looks like brother and sister.” Sandersonia stated.

Marigold raised her eyebrow in surprise, and turned around to observe them.

Huh, now that I think about it, they do look similar. If Arashi-san washed away the dirt, he would look like big sister’s twin.

“What do you mean we look similar? Are you losing your sight Sonia, where on earth does this idiot look like me.” Hancock was pulling Sandersonia’s cheeks, a vein throbbing on her forehead.

“butch, itsh throo.”

“it’s true, you two look as if you are identical twins, the only difference being your genders, eye color and height. If Arashi-san became a bit taller you two would be-“

“Hmm. But I am 2 years older than Hancock, so rather than the twin I should be considered the older brother.”

“wha-“ Hancock turned her head around so fast that she got a whiplash. Before Hancock could even begin Sandersonia shouted in excitement.

“Really!? Can you really be our big brother!?”

“Ah, what?” Arashi questioned unsurely. He was just trying to make Hancock uncomfortable; how did it turn into him becoming their brother.

“You’re always telling how Hancock-nee looks similar to your younger sister?” Sandersonia muttered, though everyone heard it. Sandersonia lost in her own world kept muttering out loud.

“so, if Arashi-nee really become our older brother, would he be boa Arashi, or would I become Sandersonia himejima.” Sandersonia thought so hard that her face gained wrinkles.

Why is she acting like it would solve world hunger? Arashi deliberately lampooned.

Hancock, marigold and Arashi wanted to deny Sandersonia’s mutterings but neither of the three were able to.

At the beginning Hancock and marigold had to endure his existence, but months have passed and he had become a pillar of support to them.

It would be nice if I could call him brother. Marigold thought.

Sandersonia came closer to Arashi and asked him with her big doe eyes.

“Will you be our brother?” currently rather than a human being, Sandersonia appeared as an eager golden retriever to Arashi.

“s-sure.” Arashi answered slightly flustered.

“Pinky promise.” Sandersonia held her pinky finger Infront.

“Sigh. I pinky promise.” Arashi linked his pinky with hers.

When about to remove his finger, two more pinky finger linked together with his. Three pinky fingers belonging to the three boa sisters hooked on his pinky.

On that day, four people who were torn away from their families and homes, came together and formed a new one.


Longest chapter yet. Around 3.8K words.

Anyway guys, if you like my work consider leaving a review, follow, favorite, add me to your libraries, give me power stones.

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Criticism is always welcomed.

Anyway, advanced chapters can be found on p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / Lucinziel


Shypunk: did I write somewhere that Baraqiel was a god!? I will have to reread the chapters again and make it right.

5tbillin: he will, once the 8th arrow turns blue, he will gain his wings back.

Sickboy398: I mean you don’t have to; I would be explaining unfamiliar terms. Or I would try my best to explain them.

Lazy’sReader: I rushed it too much, the relationships were not formed, too many gacha items, unproper explanation, and other stuff. But don’t worry, EMIYA and Artoria will be here as well.







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