Just My Luck-(rewrite)

chapter 6

Arashi and boa sisters were outside, reminiscing about the past.

“I did not like you. At all.” Hancock confessed.

“Really? I never would have figured.” Arashi replied sarcastically.

Hancock pouted.

“Hey?” all three sisters stared at Arashi waiting.

“Do you want be pirates?” Arashi has been thinking about this for a long time, years.

I always wondered what I would do when I escaped, no, rather than what I would do, I wondered how I would get my revenge. Over time, I’ve had many plans, most of them either involved being a pirate or a revolutionary. Though some of my plans did involve needing to be a marine, but I scratched them out.

I thought that I would originally be freed in two years’ time, but since thanks to Qlee-

“You’re welcome!”

Who I still don’t trust! My plans needed a bit of rework but it should still work.

My plan is simple, marinate the celestial dragons with fear, terror and uncertainty. Then…make their lives a living hell.

To do that, I need to first become a pirate with a high bounty and be strong as whitebeard in his prime. Then at an opportune moment, I would reveal my status as a former slave, by then I would be strong enough that the marines wouldn’t be able to beat me. the celestial dragons would go nuts due to my status as a former slave and would declare that they catch me. but by then I would be too strong.

After that, I would do…nothing. I would let the sword of Damocles hang above them, but would do nothing. But secretly I would prepare an island, to store the celestial dragons.

Then I would secretly capture one of them, break his or her mind and then release them. once the other celestial dragons learn of what happened do the captured one, their fear will rise. Then I would kidnap any celestial dragons that would leave their city.

Overtime, making them fear the very thought of stepping out of the city. And just when they think they are safe inside their walls, I would infiltrate it, and capture them. which would make them fear the thought of even stepping out of their homes.

I would repeat this until for some time, then I would kill all of them.


Arashi inwardly cackled like a madman on drugs.


“what’s got you smiling all of a sudden?” Hancock asked.

Arashi turned to her and told his plan. By the end, both marigold and Hancock had sinister smiles on their faces.

“can’t wait to do that to those little shits, mi going make those shits swallow their whips. marigold?”

“Do you think people would pay to see two celestial dragons beating each other to the death?”

“Ooh! Nice one! What about you Sonia?”

The two boa sisters turned around to search for their sister, they found her snuggled asleep against Arashi.

“Shhh. Go to sleep.” Arashi whispered.

Hancock and marigold joined Sandersonia and snuggled close to Arashi.

“Good night.” They whispered to each other.

The boa sisters and Arashi slept under the watchful gaze of the stars.

 The following morning, Arashi and the sisters were back inside the mansion. Sandersonia and marigold were holding a devil fruit in their hands.

“So…do we eat the whole thing or do we just take a bite?” marigold gazed at Hancock, since she was the only one here who had eaten another devil fruit.

“Umm…I don’t know.” Hancock murmured while fidgeting. She had no idea on the proper way to eat a devil fruit, that celestial bitch just shoved it down her throat.

“Just first eat a bite, and if nothing happens eat the rest.” Arashi advised.

Will there be any adverse effects due to your enhancements? Arashi mentally asked Qlee, the earing who not only saved him and the boa sisters, but also enhanced the devil fruits.

“None. The enhancements will make simply difficult for them to awaken their devil fruits, but in addition, once they awaken their devil fruits their power will rival demigods.”

Okay, thank grandfather. So anyway, I promised to search for three of the devil fruits you mentioned, two was for enhancing these two devil fruits, and for the last one, you promised enhancing Hancock’s devil fruit. So…when are you going to enhance it.

“Ahem…can I take back my promise?” Qlee asked.

Arashi furrowed his brow, what do you mean? Are you seriously going back on your promise? Arashi asked, though he was not angry just slightly saddened and disappointed.

“I thought you would scream and insult me. so why the fuck are you being reasonable?” Qlee asked bewildered.

“Speaking from experience?”

“Yes. do you have any idea how many incompetent users blamed me for the simplest of problems, which FYI, had nothing to do or were they caused by me. those curly-haired baboons would act all arrogant and gung-ho but the moment something went wrong they would immediately point their stupid, incompetent, pathetic fingers at me!” Qlee ranted.

“Ahem. Anyway, I was not going to tell you at first but since you acted reasonably, I will tell you.

“The devil fruit that boa Hancock has eaten is not the love-love fruit.”

Qlee stopped talking to build suspense.

“The true name of her devil fruit…

“The human-human fruit, model: Medusa.”

Arashi’s brain stopped working for a moment.

“Wait, what the actual fuck!?” he mentally yelled.


“Wait, how are you sure?”

“Zoan devil fruits have something that neither logion and paramecia have. Zoans contain a will. Depending on the zoan, the quality of the will differs, thus mythical zoans have the strongest will.”

“So…does that mean that you won’t be able to enhance her devil fruit.”

“Yes. if I wanted to enhance her devil fruit, I would need to enhance it before she had eaten it. but now that she has eaten it, the will of her devil fruit will defend against it.”

“Wait, how are you enhancing the ouroboros fruit?”

“that’s because its slumbering. Zoan devil fruits, or most zoan devil fruits, are mostly in hibernation when they are fruits, only when eaten do they wake up.

“Also, awakening for zoan devil fruits mean that the will of the devil fruit has fully woken.”

After conversing with Qlee some more, Arashi shifted his full attention to the two boa sisters, Sandersonia and marigold.

He clapped his hands to gain their attention.

“You ready? You two don’t have to eat it, there are plenty of ways to get stronger.” Arashi asked, concerned about their decision.

They simply nodded their heads. “Big sis has already eaten a devil fruit.” Sandersonia stated.

Seeing that both of them were enthusiastic about it, Arashi did not have the heart to reject them from eating it.

“Happy thoughts!” Hancock shouted.

Arashi turned his attention to Hancock.

Hancock seeing his questioning stare, explained.

 “It is very, very, very disgusting.” Hancock shuddered juts remembering the taste.

I would rather die than ever eat another one, not like I can anyway, since according to Arashi-nee a person can only eat one devil fruit, if not they will explode.

“Is it really bad?” Arashi asked concerned.

“Think about the worst food you have eaten, then make it 1000 times worse.”

“Your exaggerating, right? right!?”

Before Hancock could answer Arashi’s question, the two boa sisters yelled in disgust.

“Yuck!” marigold shouted in disgust yet preserved and ate the devil fruit.

“Blawghh!” Sandersonia threw up, though fortunately a small piece of the devil was swallowed by her involuntarily.

Sandersonia ran away to the small stream and dunked her head to the stream and took a gulp of water and gurgled it, and the spat the water out. She repeated this a few more times, before she finally felt the disgusting taste of the devil fruit wash over.

Arashi looked back to marigold and his jaw dropped.

“The actual fuck…” Arashi muttered looking at marigold. If she was a 6/10 before, now she is probably 11/10.

The small wounds and scars have completely disappeared, she grew a couple inches taller, and become even more beautiful.

“Woah! I have wings!!” Sandersonia yelled in surprise.

Arashi turned around to look at her, Sandersonia who was hovering a couple feet in the air, leathery green wings which emerged from her back. Flapping constantly.

Though looking at her, Arashi felt even more shocked than when seeing the changes in marigold.

Sandersonia while incredibly precious, and innocent, had a certain trait that diminished her beauty, her head which is disproportionately large and wide compared to her body. though now, the size of her head had shrunk to a more normal proportion.

Similarly, to marigold, she also has had looked much more beautiful than before she ate the fruit.

“Boa Sandersonia! Get down now!!” Hancock shouted from the top of her lungs.

“I CAN FLY!!” Sandersonia yelled at the top of her lungs and started flapping her leathery wings, she dashed away.

Arashi and the two boa sisters ran after their youngest sibling, worried about her safety.

“I’m sowwy.” Sandersonia, looked up to Hancock, her eyes watery and her lips trembling.

“Sorry! SORRY! what if you fell? You could get injured or worse.” Hancock shrieked making the youngest siter lower her head with every word that came out of her mouth.

Meanwhile away from them, Arashi and marigold were testing out Marigold’s powers.

Marigold whose hands currently looked like it belonged to a reptile, were slashing at a boulder. Every swipe of her claws left deep marks on the boulder.

“Try poison?” Arashi called out


“Yes, echidna is a mythical being who was said to have poison that could make her victims to go crazy.”

Marigold nodded her head. She concentrated, she felt her mouth filled with liquid, which she spat out. The liquid came in contact with a tree, the area that the liquid poison came in contact with the tree started dissolving.

Arashi whistled at the sight of the poison eating away the tree, and gave a thumbs up to marigold.

Arashi looked at the three sisters, Hancock who was lecturing Sandersonia, marigold who was trying to find her powers and Sandersonia who was on her knees listening to Hancock’s lecture.

Hancock, the mythical zoan fruit, snake-snake fruit, model: Gorgon.

Marigold, the mythical zoan fruit, snake-snake fruit, model: Echidna.

Sandersonia, the mythical zona fruit, snake-snake fruit, model: Melusine.

Three sisters, three mythical zoans related to snakes.

I wonder what kind of title will they gain in the future, will they still become the fearsome gorgon sisters or maybe they will gain a different kind of moniker.

Also, the zoan fruit that Qlee is upgrading is also a snake type mythical zoan. That would be four mythical snake zoan users.

“You know what Qlee?”


“I’m feeling lucky.”

“Oh! So, you finally going to use my ability?”


Arashi walked away from the three sisters, away to another clearing.

Finding a proper place, he asked Qlee on how to use it.

“So how do I use your gacha ability.”

“YOU do nothing, I am the one who uses the ability.”

“Okay…anyway how many times can I use YOUR ability?”

“Depends on how much EF energy I have.”

“EF energy?”

“Erroneous fortune energy.”

“Whatever, let’s do this.”

The earring glowed in silver, and ripple in spaces was formed Infront of him, the ripple contacted and relaxed a few times before it stabilized. A hole in reality was formed, the hole was the size of a soccer ball, inside the hole many star-like lights could be seen moving around.

Suddenly the one of the ten radial arrows that made up the earring extended and elongated; it pierced through the hole causing ripples to travel through it.

A few seconds of silence passed, before finally the extended arrow vibrated and came out of the hole.

In the grasp of the arrow, were two cards, one which depicted a blonde female knight holding a sword and another which depicted a silver haired knight holding a bow.

“what’s that?”

“Class cards. Specifically, an archer and saber card for archer Emiya and saber Artoria. Sigh, tough luck.”

“Sweet! wait what do you mean tough luck! I have the ability to summon two heroes of legends, even the weakest of heroes have crazy powerful noble phantasms!”


“What? What are you not telling?”

“The world won’t allow their existence.”

“What do you mean won’t allow their existence.”

“Listen, servants are beings made of mana, this world that you stand on does not allow for the existence of mana in its atmosphere it will purge any signs of mana.”


“But…there is a way for us to summon them without them being purged.”


Curious about the method on way to properly summon them? find out next time on just my luck.

Also, Hancock’s devil fruit is probably canon, afterall black beard did come attack her for her devi fruit. (manga)

Did you know? that there’s is a rom-com movie called just my luck as well.

Anyway guys, if you like my work consider leaving a review, follow, favorite, add me to your libraries, give me power stones.

I like reading reviews and comments so make sure you do that.

Criticism is always welcomed.

Anyway, advanced chapters can be found on p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / Lucinziel


Shypunk:  I thought it would be nice to see how their relationship developed. Though that may have just been me. anyway, ill keep it in mind next time, should have I made the flashback shorter? Or should have I just summarized the events that happened?

tobikempachi: *checks the name* *sees both tobi and kempachi* *feels sorry for the innocent mobs* *prays to their well being*







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