Just One Week

Chapter 3: Nail Polish and Pizza


Steph smiled as she watched her girlfriend stare at her own reflection. She knew that look Jay had on her face — she remembered it on her own face, the first time she put on makeup and girl clothes. It made her really happy that she could help another trans girl like this.

Steph wasn’t even sure Jay would last the whole week without coming out as trans, but she was definitely sure she would, in the end, choose being a girl.

Not that it really was that much of a choice. When you’re trans, you either live as yourself or live in misery, if at all. It was depressing, but true. It pissed Steph off to no end just how many cis people were incapable of understanding that one simple fact.

“And finally, nail polish,” Steph finally said. Jay turned away from the mirror.

“That’s me,” Jay said.

Steph nodded.

“I look like that,” Jay said.

Steph nodded again.

“I-” she swallowed. “Um… so…”

Steph took Jay’s hand. “Come on cutie. Going to paint those nails. I think a nice purple will work best.”

Jay nodded. Steph sat her down in the chair next to her desk. “Just hold out your hand for me. Fingers apart.”

Jay did as Steph asked.

“Good girl, now just hold it steady.” Steph pulled out a canister of base coat, then started applying it to Jay’s nails.


“Good girl.”


Jay’s mind ground to a screeching halt and the sound of those words. She wasn’t really paying attention as Steph started applying the base coat to her nails, her mind still reeling from the impact of those words.

Good girl.

What was it about those words that was having such an impact on her?

“Other hand, Jay,” Steph said, snapping Jay back to reality. She dutifully held out her other hand. “Good girl,” Steph said again.

[Jay.exe has stopped working]

“Ok, now we just wait for these to dry, then I can put on the polish,” Steph said.

“Huh, wha?” Jay said.

Steph giggled. “Such a cutie. Just make sure your nails don’t touch anything for a bit. They’ll be dry soon. Want me to put on a movie?”

Jay struggled to kick her brain back into operation. “Uh… sure, yeah, that would be fun.”


Oh, she is adorable!

The way calling Jay a ‘good girl’ affected her… Steph couldn’t get enough of it! The sheer euphoria radiating off of her…

Steph led Jay back out of her bedroom, leading her back to the couch. Steph grabbed the TV remote, turning it on. She plugged her laptop into the HDMI, then opened up her movies folder, hunting through for something to watch. She selected the Matrix, then settled back on the couch next to Jay.

After a bit, shortly after Neo took the red pill, Steph went back to her room to grab a bottle of purple nail polish.

“You know,” Steph said, as she started painting Jay’s nails. “The red pill in that scene is supposed to represent premarin, which, at the time, was the go-to for HRT for trans girls.”

“W-what?” Jay said.

“It’s estrogen. The red pill is estrogen.”

Jay’s eyes widened. “Wait, really?”

“Yup! So all those ‘redpilled’ wackjobs online…”

Jay giggled. “Oh my god! That’s actually kinda funny.”

Steph smirked. “Little bit, yeah. All these right-wing fuckfaces just going around calling themselves that… like, honey, at least commit and take some estrogen!”

Jay laughed. “I bet that would freak them out a bit!”

“Oh, for sure. Other hand, please.”

Jay held out her other hand. “Wait, so, are the writers trans or something?”

“Trans women. The credits say that it was directed and written by the “Wachowski Brothers”, but that isn’t accurate. Should be the Wachowski Sisters, instead.”

“Both of them?!”

Steph nodded.

“That’s a fun coincidence.”

After Steph finished painting Jay’s nails, she unpaused the movie, and they continued watching.

“Been a while since I’d seen that movie,” Jay said. She seemed a lot calmer and less fidgety now.

“Been a few months for me,” Steph replied. “Anyway, you wanna help me put together something to eat? It’s almost time for supper.”

“What do you want?”

“Honestly? Not feeling like anything to fancy. Wanna heat up a frozen pizza?”

Jay shrugged. “Sounds good to me.”

Jay and Steph moved to the kitchen together. Steph pulled a frozen pizza out of the freezer while Jay started pre-heating the oven.

God, Jay is so cute!

Steph found herself with the overwhelming urge to kiss Jay. To press her up against a wall and kiss her senseless.

She was going to do just that — unless, of course, Jay said no.

Jay noticed Steph staring at her, and shifted anxiously. “Steph? What’s… why are you looking at me like-”

Steph cut her off with a kiss. “Because you look so pretty, sweetie.”

Jay blushed. “O-oh.”

“I just wanna-” Steph kissed Jay again. “And-” Steph kissed the side of Jay’s mouth. “And-” Steph kept kissing over Jay’s jaw, and down her neck.

“Steph!” Jay said. “W-what-”

“If you want me to stop, I’ll stop.”

Jay shook her head. “N-no. Please, don’t stop.”

Steph smiled wide. “Alright, cutie.” Steph placed her hands on Jay’s hips, pulling her closer. She continued kissing Jay’s neck, before kissing along her shoulder and collarbone.

“Oh my god, Steph!” Jay exclaimed. “Fuck, keep doing that.”

Steph pushed Jay back until her back was up against the wall. Steph placed a kiss on the tip of Jay’s nose. “You like it, hm?”

Jay nodded. “Y-yeah.”

Steph continued kissing Jay’s neck until-


They were interrupted by the oven letting them know it had finished heating up.

“Damn,” Steph said. She walked back to the counter and unwrapped the pizza, placing it on a metal tray and putting it in the oven, closing it up and setting the timer for eight minutes. “Now, where was I…”

Jay inhaled sharply. “You were, uh…”


The pizza being slightly burnt was worth it, Jay figured. She and Steph had gotten thoroughly distracted and the eight minutes they had waited for the pizza. They had ended up on the couch, Steph lying on top of Jay as she kissed every exposed bit of skin she could find. And when she ran out, exposing more skin.

Now, the two of them were back on the couch, both of their shirts lying on the floor, eating pizza.

Jay couldn’t help but stare. She knew it was a bit rude, but this was the first time she had seen Steph shirtless for a prolonged period of time. She hadn’t even taken off her bra!

“Enjoying the view, cutie?” Steph asked.

Jay nodded. “Um, yeah. You’re beautiful.”

Steph giggled. “Thanks. You’re pretty too.”

Jay blushed for what felt like the hundredth time that evening. She took a bite of her pizza to try and distract herself. It mostly worked.

When they were finished eating, Jay brought the pan back to the kitchen and scrubbed it clean, placing it on the drying rack.

She let out a sigh. This evening had been… wild. First her girlfriend had come out as trans, then managed to convince her to spend the next week as a girl, then she got Jay to put on makeup and a skirt, and now, here she was, shirtless, with several very obvious hickeys.

“Hey, cutie,” Steph said, joining her in the kitchen. “Come cuddle with me?”

“Yeah,” Jay said. “Let me just dry my hands.”

Jay dried her hands on a towel, then took Steph’s hand. Steph led Jay back to her room.

Steph jumped onto the bed. “Come on,” she said. “You can be little spoon, ok?”

Jay laid down next to Steph, her back facing towards her. Steph wrapped an arm around Jay, pressing up against her back.

“There we go,” Steph said. “Is this good?”

Jay nodded. It was really good, actually! She felt safe and cosy, being held by Steph like this. She felt like she could easily fall asleep like this.

So it should come as no shock that she did.

Hope you enjoyed! This was originally posted on my Patreon, where the next chapters are already available! Also, you can join my Discord server to chat about this story as well as my other stories!

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