Just One Week

Chapter 4: Lesbians


When Jay woke up the next morning, she was at first confused to find herself not in her own bed. Then she quickly recognized it as being Steph’s, and realized they had spent the night together. That prompted her to remember last night. She noticed she was still thinking of herself as being a girl.

That’s ‘cause that’s what I am right now, she thought.

She could feel something warm pressed against her back. She tried to turn her head to see what it was, then found herself with a faceful of blonde hair.

Oh. Steph was still asleep, pressed up against her back. Jay twisted to get a better look at her girlfriend.

She’d at some point gotten changed for bed, probably after Jay had already fallen asleep. She was wearing an oversized Guns N’ Roses t-shirt. One of her arms was resting on Jay’s hip. Sunlight streamed through the window and lit up her cute face. Jay also realized that she wasn’t wearing her borrowed skirt anymore. Steph must have taken it off for her. She was still dressed in leggings, though.

Steph must have been roused by Jay squirming around. Her eyes opened slightly. She smiled. “Morning, cutie.”

Jay blushed. “M-morning, Steph.” She tried to return the smile.

Steph placed a kiss on Jay’s lips. “You forgot to wipe your makeup off last night. I did it for you, don’t worry.

Jay nodded. “Ok…”

“We don’t have to go all out again today, but I’d like you to try putting on concealer again, if that’s ok.”

Jay nodded. She was actually perfectly happy with that. She hated how her beard shadow looked, and it just never went away. Steph probably had it easier, being blonde. Less visible.

Steph sat up, stretching her arms over her head. Jay tried very hard to not get distracted by the way her boobs moved when she did that.

“I’m gonna go make some breakfast, babe. How do waffles sound?” Steph got out of bed. Jay noticed that her legs were completely bare, and got distracted staring at her girlfriend’s toned thighs.

“Uh, sounds good, Steph,” Jay said.


When Jay joined Steph in the kitchen, she immediately noticed that she had already put on some concealer. She’d probably shaved as well, considering how long it took her.

As for her outfit — she hadn’t put on any of her own clothes. Steph recognised the shirt and legging as belonging to herself. Jay looked cute in them.

“Love the outfit, babe,” Steph said, smiling, trying to encourage her girlfriend a bit.

Jay smiled. “Thanks. And thanks for the waffles, too.”

“Of course, babe. It’s probably a pretty big adjustment, being a girl now.”

Jay shrugged. “Honestly? Not really. Like, it feels natural. I’m a girl for now. Guess I’m, like, a method actor, or something.”

“Or something,” Steph replied, smirking. “You don’t think you could be trans?”

Jay shook her head. “This is only temporary, right? I guess I could be, like, gender fluid or something. Be a girl sometimes as a treat.”

As a treat??

God, this egg was dense.

“So, you prefer being a girl, Jay?” Steph asked.

Jay shrugged. “I get to wear cute clothes.”

“You could do that while being a boy.”

Jay shook her head. “Wouldn’t that be, I dunno, weird?”

Steph shook her head. “Totally not weird. Some people think it is, but it’s whatever, people can do what they want. Maybe I personally am not a fan of how some clothes look on some people, but that’s more on me than anything else.”

“What do you mean?”

Steph shrugged. “Sometimes clothes don’t really work on a person’s body. That’s ok. Sometimes you just gotta experiment a bit. Figure out what works. And that outfit is definitely working on you, girl.”

Jay blushed very adorably at that. “I just picked some stuff from your closet… I hope you don’t mind.”

“I definitely do not mind if you look this cute in my clothes. Heck, this could be a permanent thing, sharing clothes, even if you decide to go back to being my boyfriend.”


“... go back to being my boyfriend.”

Go back?

That’s right. I have to go back.

That sucks.

Jay pushed those thoughts aside and smiled at Steph. “That would be fun, Steph!”

After they finished eating, Jay scrubbed their dishes since Steph had prepared their breakfast.

While Jay scrubbed her own plate, Steph came up behind her, wrapped her arms around Jay’s waist, and kissed her cheek.

“Happy pride, babe.”

Jay was confused. “What?”

“It’s pride, silly. And we’re lesbians! So, happy pride, cutie.”

Right. Lesbians. They were girlfriends. This prompted a goofy grin to appear on Jay’s face.

“Awwww, sweetie. That make you happy?” Jay nodded. “You like being a lesbian? You like being my girlfriend?” Jay nodded enthusiastically. Steph kissed her cheek again. “You make a great girlfriend, Jay.”

Jay placed her plate on the drying rack, then picked up Steph’s plate. “You really think so?”

“Oh, yes! A wonderful girlfriend. Actually, let me go get something!” And Steph ran off towards her bedroom.

Jay giggled quietly. She wondered what Steph was going to get. Nothing embarrassing, she hoped.

She heard Steph walk past the kitchen and into the living room, and then some awkward grunting noises. Jay dried her hands off, then went to see what Steph was up to.

She found Steph standing on their couch, hanging an orange pink and white striped flag on the wall.

“What’s that?” Jay asked.

Steph turned around. “Oh, that’s, um, the lesbian pride flag.”

Jay nodded. “Ok, and, you’re hanging it up because…”

“Well, we’re lesbians, in a lesbian relationship.”

Jay nodded. “So you’re putting this up for this week?”

Steph nodded. “Or permanently, if you stay a girl.”

Tempting… NO! That would be weird, right? She couldn’t just… she couldn’t just…

Why couldn’t she?

She didn’t have to decide now.

Steph climbed off the couch, then gave Jay a kiss.

“You know, it is a pretty flag, Steph,” Jay said.

Steph nodded. “Isn’t it? It’s one of my favourites. Oh wait!” Steph ran off towards her bedroom again.

Jay turned to follow her. “Steph, what?”

Steph returned with a blue pink and white flag that Jay had remembered seeing hanging by the window in her room.

“Trans flag,” she said, answering Jay’s unasked question.

Jay blushed. “I’m not-”

“But I am, sweetie. And you can be too, you know.”

Jay shook her head. “I don’t know.”

“You. Can. Just. Be. A. Girl. Jay.”

Jay shrugged. “That’s what I’m doing, ain’t it?”

Steph sighed. “Jay-”

“Look,” Jay interrupted. “Let’s not worry about this right now. I have a week to decide. Let’s just hang up the flag and then… uh…”

Steph giggled. “Alright, cutie. You can take your time.” Steph climbed back onto the couch to hang the flag up.


Steph stepped back to admire her flags. “Perfect!” She exclaimed.

“The flags do go together well,” Jay said.

Steph giggled. “Yup! That’s us, babe. Trans lesbians!”

“Well, I-”

“Jay, sweetie. You’re a girl, right?”

“Um, well, sort of, I guess?”

Steph raised an eyebrow at her girlfriend.

“Ok, well, yeah, but only for this week…” Good enough.

“So that would make you…”

“Does that make me trans, Steph?”

Steph nodded. “Of course it does!”

Jay shook her head. God, she was so adorable. “But it’s only for this week. Does that count?”

“It totally counts, babe! For this week, you are a trans girl.”

Jay’s eyes widened. A faint blush appeared on her cheeks. Then she cringed. “Ok, Steph. If you say so.”

Steph reached out towards her girlfriend, who accepted Steph’s embrace. Steph pulled the other girl in for a hug, kissing her temple. “You are allowed to be trans, Jay. It’s ok.”

Jay shook her head. “No. I- I don’t know, Steph. It’s scary.”

Steph nodded. “I know, sweetie. I know.”

They ended up sitting on the couch, Steph gently running her hand through Jay’s hair.

Jay sighed, sitting up straight. “Ok,” she said. “I’m ok.”

Steph smiled at Jay. “Glad to hear it, babe. We don’t need to talk more about this… do you wanna put on more makeup, maybe?”

Jay hesitated, then nodded. “Yeah. I… I really liked looking pretty last night. I- I want to again. Is that ok?”

Steph nodded. “Of course it’s ok, babe. Come on.” Steph stood up and took Jay’s hand.

Hope you enjoyed! This was originally posted on my Patreon, where the next chapters are already available! Also, you can join my Discord server to chat about this story as well as my other stories!

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