Just Saiyan [DBZ/DC]

Chapter 107: Naming Sense

I glanced at Cumber's unconscious body and wondered how much stronger he would be the next time he woke up. It would probably take another day or two as Giblet had fucked him up again before he had even finished healing from his bout with me.

"Are you being serious?" Giblet once again asked as if using Cumber as a whetstone was something abhorrent. So, instead of answering, I just stretched a bit, warming up in case he didn't want to let it go. "You are insane!" He threw his hands up in indignation, but from what I could tell, it was less about wanting to have a whetstone in the form of an ever-improving killing machine. No, he was just mad I wanted to keep the Evil Saiyan alive.

Seeing his posture, I figured he wouldn't attack, so I looked into the window at Kara and Felicia, who were now busying themselves in the kitchen. Although they had made up and decided to bury the hatchet, it wasn't like they were going to be best friends. At least, that was what I had first thought.

Given the fact that Raven seemed to be on the verge of losing her battles against this darkness and didn't need some nagging friends to wake up to, they were forced to be on neutral terms. Now it seemed they were getting along better than expected.

Given Kara's genuine admittance of how she thought about her behavior, it had eased the tension and hostility between the two by a lot. Honestly, I was rather proud of her and had let her know afterward.

Now the two had some neutral ground to build upon. Currently, it looked like Felicia was teaching Kara a few tricks that she learned in the bakery and from her hobby of making pastries.

I also decided to keep the public shows of affection to a minimum for both of them as I didn't want to cause another fight or some resentful feelings between them to come back up. "By the way, how the fuck did you manage to fight Cumber?" I suddenly asked my brother. It wasn't like an impossibility or rather it should be a given that a Super Saiyan God could best a Super Saiyan 3.

Of course, the base strength mattered most, but it felt like we three were all pretty much on the same level. After my boost with god ki, I had already caught up to them and was quickly overtaking them, but this also made me confused about how we three were still on a similar level when transforming to our limits.

Cumber was an Evil Saiyan and a mutant on the likes of Broly, so I wasn't really that surprised he could keep up with me, but what about Giblet? I had regained my godly ki and my experience with it through Shallot's memories, but he was still as strong with plain old god ki while I busted off my ass with my version of the Legendary Super Saiyan mixed with god ki.

Although I had already surpassed him by a tiny margin, it wasn't to the degree I would declare myself a winner all the time. "What's that supposed to mean?" Giblet raised an eyebrow as if I wanted to provoke him.

"Relax, I was just bemoaning the fact that I also have god ki and use it with my transformation to the limits of our Saiyan heritage, Super Saiyan 4, to only be a bit stronger than you. How is that fair?"

He looked like he wanted to punch me, but he just snorted at me. "Saiyan heritage? Maybe the primitive side, you haven't delved into your god ki at all since you got it weeks ago. If you asked me, our real heritage lies in being a descendant of the Super Saiyan God, Yamoshi. That's why I keep up even as you use the Saiyan's primitive powers, the abomination you call Legendary, and the minuscule power of your god ki. I am just further ahead in that aspect."

As he continued to sulk while glancing at Cumber, I figured he thought I knew what that entails. "So, how does that answer my question? Why are you this strong now, because you awakened your Super Saiyan God heritage? You amplified your god ki?"

He shook his head slightly as he listened to my questions. He then landed on the beach before he answered. "We aren't like the Evil- I mean the modern Saiyans. Their divine ki was attained through hard work, and condensed normal ki under immense pressure until it underwent a qualitative change. Even now they can continue to train and grow more powerful by creating more of it and letting it grow qualitatively."

He chugged the contents of a bottle, spilling a bit as he uncaringly poured the liquid into his mouth. He wiped the spillage away before continuing. "God ki is in our bloodline. Although deluded through the generations, it is still running strong once activated. It is by far more potent than their god ki or divine ki as I like to define it. If you could activate the full potential of your god ki running through your veins, you wouldn't be a Saiyan that used god ki. You would just be a god. Although I hate to say it, Zamasu would be a close comparison to what we would be if our god ki unlocked as he was a god before he stole Kakarot's body. Of course, we would be a lot stronger than he ever will be."

True, Zamasu had grown immensely with just a few encounters with Kakarot and Vegeta to the point he easily outmatched them even when they had training in between. Of course, his immortality had come into play, but it was his strength that leveled their fights as soon as he was able to transform into a Super Saiyan.

"A simple Super Saiyan transformation with true god ki would make their version of Super Saiyan Blue or whatever they call it nowadays a laughable display of what could be truly achieved. Just imagine your entire body filled to the brim with god ki erupting with endless power as you transform. Even Beerus and all the other gods of destruction would be outmatched. However, it is rather difficult to activate your god ki and it seems to be more difficult for us to transform into Super Saiyans with god ki than it is with their diluted versions." He shook his head, clearly annoyed that his path to grow stronger was taking so long.

"So, how do you create more of your god ki?" When I asked this, he just looked at me like I was stupid.

"How else do you grow more powerful? By training, of course! Just let your blood boil with power and excitement for the fight and your instincts will guide you!" He said confidently, which left me stunned for a moment before I laughed heartily.

I shook my head as I thought about all the insights, I made about ki and my transformations only to reach a desired level through sheer necessity or emotions. Super Saiyan was because of my fight with Kara, legendary ki was because I almost died to Darkseid, and Super Saiyan 4... Limit Breaker - I guess? - had also been achieved through necessity when I was forced to by Trigon's trap.

Of course, that didn't mean my insights had been useless as I always laid the groundwork for me to achieve these forms in the first place. Still, I had turned this into a science. Though without this approach, some things would have taken a bit longer than necessary.

So, in the end, I would have to continue this way. After all, I had surpassed my 'older' twin brother with this method despite the fact that he had some years on me or at least some years with his strength being this high.

Anyway, his explanation wasn't something I could outright deny. To bring my blood to boil, huh? To get stronger by training and fighting, something anyone who knew about Saiyans could get behind it. However, why did Saiyans get stronger through training? I wasn't too sure about it myself despite having trained and felt what influence it had on my body.

Everything I learned wasn't mentioned in the series, but most aligned close enough to confirm my theories and give me further ideas and ways to improve. Perhaps training caused my cells to produce more ki at any given moment, thus having more leeway to supply my body with ki.

Despite the fact that people without ki were much more vulnerable to attacks, it could also mean training just made my muscles better, more powerful, and more efficient in the way it let ki empower the body.

Maybe the training would compress ki to let it undergo a qualitative change. Or it was something more metaphysical as I unlocked my Saiyan heritage through combat and training and awakened a change in my ki. There were a lot of possibilities and from what I could tell, truthfully all of them were correct.

I had seen everything work until now. My training was even more efficient in the pure power aspect when I didn't use ki. It let me know my body and my cells were growing more efficient in withstanding my ki. Just the fact that my cells didn't rupture because of my ki let me know that physical training was rather effective.

The compression of ki was easily proven if one looked at god ki, a ki that was condensed under immense pressure to undergo evolution. Just having ki not leak out of the body would strengthen it beyond what was previously possible. Kakarot had already improved his transformations twice in canon by lowering the leakage of his ki. First with Mastered Super Saiyan and then with Perfected Super Saiyan Blue.

As for my Saiyan heritage, just having used Ikari had given me so much power. After I used my knowledge of Ikari, Oozaru, the Super Saiyan transformations, and god ki, I even achieved Super Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker.

To summarize, there were many ways I could develop to grow stronger. I could keep myself transformed as a Super Saiyan God to master it, I could find myself a black hole and train under its weight in order for it to rebuild my body stronger, or I could compress my normal ki until every last drop transformed into god ki.

"What are you grinning about?" Giblet asked with a frown as he paused his drinking. His hair seemed to stand on its end as I looked at him, his pupils dilated as he stared at me like he was staring at a predator about to pounce at him

"Nothing, I just figured something out." These natural mutant monsters like Cumber or Broly would soon be left in the dust. After all, they heavily relied on their talent and their natural disposition.

I could admit that I just didn't have the sheer natural talent that those two possessed, but I was working hard and most importantly I planned ahead. This was also the difference between Giblet and I. He was hard-working but given his talks about my 'abominations' of transformations, he seemed like a bit of a purist, something that could admittedly give him immense power, but also limited his view of the future.

After all, what will he do after he became a Super Saiyan God permanently? Was that his limit or would he use Super Saiyan Blue? Kakarot and Vegeta, who skipped ahead, were already dabbling in future transformations that gave them an advantage above mere raw power. By the time he achieved the same transformation, they would have mastered their Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego or whatever they came up with next.

Of course, I had my knowledge from the series as a cheat. It gave me the vision to work on my Oozaru form, then Ikari, my techniques, my Super Saiyan transformation, and then god ki. All this accumulated until I was able to achieve my current strength.

Of course, it had some disadvantages as my strength was scattered in several directions. Different forms, heritages, and kis. However, wasn't it all mine, wasn't it all my power? Super Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker had now proven it to me, it could be mixed together to form something stronger and unified. Some aspects would be lost, but the overall result would leave me stronger.

Now, how could I develop my strength? What would be able to rebuild my body stronger than before? Where would I find enough ki to condense and transform into god ki? What could compress this ki in order for it to evolve? I already had all the answers.

My legendary ki was like a limitless well that gave me a lot of ki to work with. My god ki could compress my ki to form more of itself. And both of them were able to reconstruct my cells to accept more and higher powers, it would probably activate whatever Giblet thinks is inside our bloodline.

I needed to activate both of them at the same time while keeping them as wild and destructive as possible. Super Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker was too mild for that. The mixture it was made up was already too perfect. I needed my body to push its limits. What better way to use the state I was in just moments before I had transformed against Trigon?

A state of constant war, of constant improvement with my life on the line. I was forcing my body, my instincts for survival guide me to transform every last bit of my ki into god ki. A true god and whatever came afterward. I didn't need to be a freak of nature, I could make myself into one, and by now I was already halfway there.


"...Yeah and how his muscles ripple when he throws your body around in the bed. The power behind his hands, his grip, or when he puts his arm around your neck and squeezes to the point you are just about to pass out, fuck I have never felt that full~" Kara gushed as she sliced through the meat before stirring it with the rest of the ingredients in the pot.

"Damn, Kara you a freak," Felicia said as she opened up the oven and put on the gloves before taking out the plate of cookies.

"Don't knock it 'til you tried it~" Kara sang. Though the way she bit her lip made it clear that she was reminiscing.

"Yeah, I guess I could see the appeal in being rough. Hell, that was the main thing I was fantasying about, but to almost pass out while fucking, that's crazy."

"Who said that I didn't pass out? To wake up with Nathan rearranging my guts, it's coming on a strong second place for what I like him do to me." Felicia got a bit uncomfortable with the way Kara was rubbing her legs together. The Kryptonian was in heat probably since she didn't get it when Raven had been in a critical condition.

"...Geez, there is something wrong with you to actually like that." Felicia shook her head though she didn't really mean what she said and the moment the words left her mouth she instantly regretted it as she didn't want to antagonize the other woman. She looked at Kara, who just raised an eyebrow at her as if she was challenging her claim.

"You know I can see through things, right?" Kara said almost mockingly. Felicia's mind came to a screeching halt as she placed the plate away and thought about what her response had to do with her words.

"You don't mean...?"

"Yes, I mean the little hidden entrance your suit now has down there." Felicia could feel the blood rushing to her face, though it seemed like Kara wasn't going to let her off easy. "You didn't really think anyone would miss that little buzzing sound that started after you got a taste and then was denied it for several days, right? After all, most of us have pretty good hearing and similar experiences. Some commercial toy isn't going to escape our senses.."

"Alright! I got it." Felicia whined but Kara's smile just got wider.

"Not to mention that you even run around the rooftops with that suit. Don't you fear it accidentally opening? Or do you get off being seen by others?"

"No, it's not that! It's the thrill, you know what I am talking about! You go around with that short skirt all the time." She pointed a finger at Kara who just looked at her unimpressed.

"I only wear it on our property, when he is around. You don't see me wearing a skirt now or during my patrols, do you?" Kara was indeed wearing form-fitting trousers. They still emphasized her curves but didn't expose her like the skirt she liked to wear. "Yeah, you are alone on this one. Being watched while doing it? That's really-"

"Please, stop! I get it. No kink-shaming." Felicia sat down on the bar stool before slumping on the kitchen counter. With her cheek resting on the marble counter, she thought about another topic to talk about instead as she watched Kara work the pot as if she was a professional cook. "Weren't you horrendous at cooking? How did you get this good?"

"Hmph. So what if I was bad, there is nothing you can't improve if you just try to." Watching her like this and then remembering her speech when they had huddled together around Raven's bed, made her realize that she was truly trying to be better. Of course, she knew about her past and how traumatizing it had to be to lose everything, her world, her culture, her friends, and her family.

She winced slightly as she thought about what she had thrown at Nathan about picking up broken women. Everyone had demons to fight against, some more literal than wanted, but she shouldn't have worded it like this. It made it sound like she thought of him as predator than the kind soul he was.

Even after being accused he hadn't only brushed it off but understood she said it from a vulnerable position and it was more about how she saw herself than a shot against him or the others. She looked out of the window and saw him hover in mid-air, a green chaotic aura surrounding him as he was probably training some new technique.

She definitely needed to apologize to him.

Kara came to a finish and she took that as a cue to stand up and stretch a bit. She then walked outside, not to sunbathe anymore, but to get the attention of those out about. "Dinner is ready!" She shouted loudly. There were few things that could catch a Saiyan's attention, food was definitely one of them. She didn't even blink and the two Saiyans were already walking inside.

Raven landed softly behind her on the beach before stepping up beside her. The half-demon came to a stop next to her before they looked into the building in silence for a moment. "Your zipper is open."

"!!!" She immediately crouched down before patting herself down there to find the opening sealed shut as it was the same as when she had last checked. "W-what?" She instantly realized that she lied, causing her to look up and glare at the demon, who looked at her with a smug smile on her face. "That's not funny!" She yelled at Raven who waved her off as she walked into the house.

"Bitch, I am hilarious." Raven looked over her shoulders and for a moment her eyes flared with a demonic red as she winked at her.

"Seriously. What kind of weird group did I join just for some dick?" She glanced at Nathan who ripped off his damaged shirt, exposing his muscular chest with a bit of sweat running down his forms. "Worth it. Oh, so fucking worth it."

She quickly walked inside and sat across from him as Raven and Kara had already taken the seats to his sides. "So, did that new transformation solve your ki problem?" Felicia remembered their last talk about his ki. Nathan at that time was a bit troubled about the differing nature of his ki or something.

"Yeah, kinda," Nathan responded as he proceeded to stuff his mouth full of soup. Felicia would rather he licked her with this mouth of his- "Though now I am trying to convert all of my ki into god ki. It is rather difficult as bla bla bla… my entire body is tense the entire time and bla bla bla…" She imagined pushing his head between her thighs as they were dangling at the edge of a rooftop with cars driving below them. "Bla bla bla… Afterward, I can go Super Saiyan as a Super Saiyan god."

"Wait." She shook her head in confusion as she recounted what he had said even if she missed most of it. "A Super Saiyan god Super Saiyan, are you serious?"

"Yeah, it's called Super Saiyan Blue though." He shrugged a bit embarrassed.

"I am going out on a limp and say your hair turns blue after transforming," Raven stated with a deadpan expression. At least, Felicia wasn't alone in thinking that the naming was stupid. Felicia had the suspicion that Saiyans were really bad with names and just took the most obvious things about something and declared it its name.

Hell, she suspected that these foodies of a race even named their children after food because it was something that they had lying around. Their guess about the hair color seemed to be confirmed when Nathan just scratched his cheek in embarrassment. "I didn't choose the name and it actually makes sense if one understood the concept of the transformations."

Kara crossed her arms as she cocked an eyebrow, clearly challenging the naming origin as well. "You see there is this ritual where you need five pure-hearted Super Saiyans to create a Super Saiyan god. I suspect that it has something to do with the amount of ki needed to be compressed in order to create a Super Saiyan god. Anyway, they all put their energy into one Super Saiyan and they would transform into a god."

"…" The women in the room looked at each other before Kara took the lead and spoke what was on their minds. "It's going to be called Saiyan god and the blue one is from now on Super Saiyan god." She declared. Giblet didn't seem to care and just continued to eat after he gave an eye-roll, while Nathan didn't seem to be too bothered by it either. He even looked like he agreed with the change.

"And Super Saiyan 4 is now Primal Saiyan," Nathan added as if he had been thinking about it already.

Kara just nodded. "Sure."

With that, a new naming was introduced, though who knew how long they would keep using them? It seemed like the names were already well-established. She just shook her head. That wasn't something she decided. Nathan and Giblet would sure spread the word and get rid of these bad names.

"By the way…" Giblet started after swallowing another mouthful and placed his fork on the plate. "…why the hell are you here?" He asked with a bit of heat in his voice before glaring at Nathan as if this was his fault for some reason.

"You know, your universe is rather resilient. So, I thought I took my girls for some training here." He answered with a shrug before continuing to eat. However, the response seemed to have pissed Giblet off even further.

"And That's fine. What I want to know is why you are in my house?" Didn't Nathan announce their presence? Felicia wondered as she thought about the days since they had arrived here. She didn't seem to remember that Giblet had come back home since they had arrived.

"Is it so bad to want to spend some time with my brother?" Giblet blinked in surprise at the response and his features softened slightly. "Besides, where the hell should we stay if not here? This isn't our universe, and we don't have any connections besides you." Nathan asked as he snatched the rest of the meal from the pot for himself, which he quickly emptied as well.

"Just ask the Justice League and they will surely arrange something!" Giblet exclaimed though Nathan didn't seem to take his words too seriously as he continued to eye the food Felicia, Raven, and Kara were still spooning their plate. He didn't ask for their portions though and for some reason, she felt warm inside since she knew what that meant for him to do so.

When Nathan looked at her, he raised an eyebrow at her, making her realize that she was giving him bedroom eyes again. "Sure, I can ask them… Hey Giblet from the Justice League, we are currently bothering my brother for a place to sleep, could you help us out and arrange an apartment for us?"

"Fine," Giblet growled before abruptly standing up. "You know where the guest room is and keep it quiet this night." The moment he finished his sentence, he was already out of the room and left for his bed. He must have been exhausted from whatever he was doing. Or perhaps he was sulking for being single.

"Yeah, will do!" Nathan answered as he leaned back in his chair. Felicia squinted slightly at him and saw a low green mixed with red light glow in his eyes. It was mesmerizing.

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