Just Saiyan [DBZ/DC]

Chapter 108: Brother

Shallot or rather Nathan was a strange Saiyan. The brother he knew had changed into someone that was unfamiliar to him. The last time Giblet had seen his brother was during their fight against Zahha. Perhaps it was somewhat ironic to conciliate with each other and fight side-by-side only for one to never return.

Since the beginning, he knew that this Saiyan wasn't his brother. The way he acted during their initial fight didn't reflect the mindless brute he knew as his kin. So, when Nathan mentioned that their souls had fused, he knew it to be the truth. Some other soul had taken over his dead brother's body until the remnants of its soul were being influenced into him through the Omnificence Crystal. Perhaps he shouldn't have handed over the Crystal this easily, otherwise, he could have wished for Shallot to return.

Now that they had fused, he wasn't sure whether he could get his brother back. Even though Kakarot and Vegeta had shown that fusions were reversible, he doubted a fusion through the crystal would be as easy. The crystal itself might not have enough power to do it and the dragon balls might not be able to reverse another wish. Perhaps he would never get his brother back.

Honestly, it wouldn't have been bad if he didn't see the glimpses of him in Nathan's demeanor. Sometimes a few of his traits shone through during their daily interactions. His love for food, his stubbornness, and the way he fought was something that reminded him that a bit of his brother was still alive. These things made it difficult to brush off his hand from his shoulder as he announced their departure.

"I will make sure to visit daily for a spar." Nathan reminded with a smile as he flew away with his girlfriends. A battle maniac, though he was sure that this wasn't purely his brother.

"Hmph." He simply snorted and just watched them fly away to the coordinates on some island in the middle of the ocean. As they flew away, he couldn't help himself but smile lightly. Although he had changed and was partly another person, he certainly looked happier than before.

And that drive in his eyes. He looked like he had found his purpose which was completely divorced from their former war against the evil Saiyans. It's like he was searching at any corner to become even stronger, searching for new ways to push his limits. Something that he could respect as a Saiyan, though as a brother- well, half-brother now - he was worried that he couldn't or wouldn't stop.

At one point in a warrior's journey, one had to acknowledge that one was going too far too quickly. Rest had always been an important aspect of getting stronger. It was where the Saiyans massively improved. Of course, Saiyans could improve during the fight as well and to astonishing degrees, but a rest every now and then was very well needed.

It was something Nathan had not yet internalized. Even now, when he was not actively training, the ki inside of him was constantly swirling around like a raging storm. He could guess that it had to be painful and intense as he needed to maintain a balance that would very well end him at a single instance of inattention.

However, despite this, he continued on like it was nothing, and from the looks of it, he seemed to know what he was doing. Fortunately, he had his girlfriends to support him. He was sure they would drag him to rest even if he didn't want to or rather this Nathan seemed considerate enough to take their feelings into account.

For a moment, he just stood there at the door frame and watched their figures disappear into the horizon before he heard someone call him. He answered it after getting the small earpiece. "What is it?" He asked as he looked at the blood on the sand that was left behind by the evil Saiyan, Cumber. Hopefully, Nathan knew what he was doing by keeping that guy alive.

"The Team needs some hand-to-hand training. You in?" Batman directly asked, knowing that any other way of asking for a favor would only serve to piss Giblet off.

"Sure, I can beat those kids up." He answered positively, which left the dark knight grumbling about being careful or something, he didn't really listen too carefully. Why should he be careful? Of course, he wouldn't kill them but some of them could benefit from a beating. They could get a rest after he broke their bones.

He cut the call as Batman talked about the rest of the league being occupied or something Giblet wasn't interested in knowing. Afterward, he directly teleported into the kitchen of the secret hideout inside a mountain. It wasn't the first time he had visited and he disliked the teleportation devices the rest used.

He calmly watched their surprised reactions and couldn't help but shake his head. If he had been hostile, he could have taken one or two out in the first encounter even if they were as strong as he was. "Training, now." He demanded and walked towards the combat area, while the half-Kryptonian followed closely behind, slightly hovering above the ground.

Giblet just nodded at the boy, which seemed to have thrilled him. It seemed like the boy started to see him as some sort of mentor figure after he taught him a bit. He didn't mind it as he had the potential to grow stronger and actually showed some desire in training, something that Superman clearly lacked.

Now, let's shape these kids into warriors.


Hell was a hostile and dangerous place, at least that was how usually one would see it, but to me, it never felt like some place I needed to avoid going to. Even now as I stood here with Raven and Kara surrounded my hellfire, I didn't think much of it.

It was a bit warmer than most places, but even in the normal universe, there were stars that burned with a fury of thousands of suns. So hot, it wouldn't just burn you to ashes but completely wipe you out without a trace.

After training on the surface of such stars, hell was like a walk through the park. No matter the fact that it was teeming with magic. I glanced around and just crushed every demon that got close to a bloody ball of demonic flesh with my telekinetic powers.

Even in Giblet's universe's version of hell, it wasn't a dangerous place to take a stroll. Of course, the demonic vermins were a hassle to deal with and the ladies didn't really like the ambiance - I wasn't a fan either -, but it was a good place to let loose as one didn't have to worry about innocent casualties besides the few prisoners.

The only thing truly of concern was the possibility of encountering something we couldn't handle as the ceiling for power in Giblet's universe was extremely high. However, I doubted there was anything that could harm me at this point.

Not to toot my own horn, but I was already approaching the limits of what even gods could achieve in this universe, and I had no intention of stopping my growth. Now that my body was stimulated, destroyed, and rebuilt with every step, with every breath I took, I continued to grow stronger beyond anything that this hell could possibly throw at me.

Even without me, these two would be fine without me. Raven's growth was already insane, while Kara was lagging a bit behind, her natural advantages and some specialized training would ensure she would grow unstoppable in no time.

We didn't have much of a purpose in hell besides letting Raven run amok. She said she needed to release her powers to satiate her desires as it grew more difficult with each passing second. With this, we would guide her to a suitable target, have her vent, and let her grow stronger and more familiar with her new destructiveness.

It was a good deal considering the alternative. Raven was blasting holes into the approaching demons that were trying to devour us for invading their master's, Satanus' realm. The name tingled a distant memory, perhaps from the time we went out into hell of the other universe to devour countless demons' territory, or perhaps the name was something I heard from my past life. I wasn't sure, but I also didn't really care.

Kara looked rather vigilant as she was almost jumpy with the way she lasered through a few demons that popped up from behind rock formations. With the way she clung to my arm, it almost felt like I took my girlfriends to a horror house at an amusement park. At least, they didn't scream...

Suddenly a huge shadow was cast over our head, causing Kara to spin around and shoot her heat vision at the suddenly appearing enemy. Her heat vision slid across his dark skin, leaving behind a trail of smoke. The demon brushed off the attack with ease as he wiped away the trails of smoke with his hand before growling at her for the offense.

"So, you are the ones that are attacking my minions." His voice boomed as he stared a hole into us. Finally, we were confronted by the master of this realm. It was about time that we had a challenge, I was already getting bored. I was about to step forward when the shadows from beneath our feet suddenly expanded before attaching to Satanus' shadow.

"W-what-" He squeaked before the shadow crept up his legs like living ink, dragging him into the darkness that covered the ground. He struggled and screamed, shooting a fiery beam at us, which I blocked with one hand to his horror before he was swiftly devoured.

"Hmm~ that was really, really tasty," Raven said and I noticed that her arms had turned pitch black again. I wasn't sure what had happened in the Rock of Eternity, besides that she had devoured the seven deadly sins and that the claw she had formed out of Trigon's realm had shattered.

The claw's destruction would mean that Raven could no longer filter the demons' remnants through it and might be influenced by any demon she devoured. It was because of this that I told her we would limit our visits to one realm per day. It would give the demons some time to escape, but at least we would realize sooner whether it affected her mentality too much. However, she did mention that there was a way to filter the unwanted stuff, but she didn't want to tell me as she would show me after our today's visit.

"Can we-" Raven started, her voice slightly tainted by an eldritch mind-numbing tone.

"Nope, we are leaving." I decided firmly, which made her pout adorably if it wasn't for the abyss-like darkness slowly invading the white of her eyes.

"We are leaving?" Kara asked with a hopeful tone and clearly more upbeat than she had been for the entirety of our trip. "Fucking finally, this place is giving me the creeps." She suddenly spun around and cut a demon's head in two. For beings that should be used to the heat of hell, they sure as hell die quickly to her heat vision.

"Yes, just one more thing." I floated up until I was among the stormy clouds that covered the realm's sky like most realms in hell seemed to copy. The two followed me as they seemed to guess what was about to happen. I flexed my ki and urged it outside into my palm. A swirling ball of green and red ki emerged in my hand. The space around it distorted from the crazy energy was inside of this wonky sphere of energy. Clear signs that a lot of ki leaked, making me rather unsatisfied, but this wasn't time to ponder over my training progress.

I glanced at the realm with tens of thousands of lesser demons looking at us. The previous hungry eyes were now filled with fear. The knowledge of their immediate demise filled their beings and without uttering a word, I dropped the ki sphere. It slowly fell and approached the smoke-filled land, causing the demons to turn and scramble away.

The more intelligent demons just watched as they knew that this would be the last thing they would witness. It was like a human seeing an atomic bomb drop into their garden, they knew they would be pulverized as soon as it detonated. And that was precisely what happened, only worse.

After burning through several martyrs, the ki sphere buried into the gravel for a moment before detonating, changing the reddish hell into a mixture of green and red before a black slit appeared in the middle of the two opposing energies. The explosion ripped through the ground, buildings and demons alike. Nothing could stand before it and the realm too cracked like an egg being hit by a boulder.

The black slit grew bigger as the realm was ripped apart. Cracks covered every corner of this realm, from the heavens down to the hell stone covering the wasteland. As soon as the destruction started, Raven moved. Her shadow expanded rapidly covering the entire realm with practiced ease.

I didn't stop her from absorbing more as the master of the realm was already dead and the only thing that remained was the years-long pollution of demonic energy. It wasn't as difficult to fend off as devouring a demon lord would be and it gave Raven more energy.

It certainly wasn't something we would miss as the risk was comparatively low while the rewards were abundant. Kara watched with wide eyes as I destroyed the realm and Raven devoured the bits and pieces that were left. After a few moments, there was nothing left of something that had stood the times for thousands of years, reduced to energy.

In the distance, I could feel the life force of several more powerful demons, but these weren't for me to fight. Despite the fact that I liked to use hell as my training ground, fighting the inhabitants wasn't really something I desired. Without giving Raven enough time to protest the decision, I hugged her and Kara close to me before teleporting us out of hell.

We popped into reality in front of our house on the sand beach of our island. It was nice to have connections to powerful and rich allies. Of course, the fact that we got such an island was mostly because they wanted us as far away from the cities as possible. Did they forget I was a hero as well? They acted like I was a maniac. Perhaps they were still resenting the fact that I had threatened to blow up the planet.

Or maybe me pointing out all the bugs inside Giblet's house had pissed off the man with the wallet. Certainly, he would use this as an opportunity to observe me some more. Wasn't like he hadn't done it with his satellite for the time I had been at Giblet's house.

"Anything we missed?" I asked Felicia, who was sitting underneath a sunshade, looking at her phone.

"Nope." She answered before she removed her gaze from her phone to look at me with half-lidded eyes peeking over her shades "Though, now that you are here-"

"Won't happen today," Raven interjected before grabbing onto my arm and pulling me into the house. "He has a promise to fulfill and a darkness to quell." She firmly declared leaving Kara and Felicia on the beach.

"...Huh, didn't think you would be left behind as well." I heard Felicia say to Kara, though for some reason she remained awful quiet.

"You had trained under Shiva, the one that had trained Nathan, right?"

"Yeah, why?" Kara sighed as she sat down.

"How about you teach me some? They aren't going to finish for the next few hours at least..." That was the last thing I heard before I was thrown onto the bed. Raven crawled into it as well like she was a predator stalking her prey until I was with my back against the bed with her looming over me.

Her long hair cascaded down and tickled my face as she stared at me hungrily with the way she licked her lips. "You said you would do anything I want you to do. You promised." Her voice seemed to be overlayed with a demonic tone.

"I did," I answered carefully, not entirely sure what she wanted to do, though when she separated into two forms, one demonic with short white hair and red skin, while the other had short purple hair and pale human skin.

"Finally." Demon Raven hissed out as she climbed on my lap to straddle me before grinding against my still-clothed crotch. She noticed the obstruction and a whirl of demonic energy left me naked as the day I was born. "You don't know how long I have waited for this." The demon bit his teeth as her hands wandered over my chest and abs, feeling them up and down.

"Shit, you really can grate cheese on these abs... Do you know how difficult it is to only ever watch you fuck her? You can only finger yourself for so long until you snap. For the first time, we reverse the sides." She looked at Raven, who had pushed her leotard to the side and was already digging as she watched her demon side grind against me.

"...So, you are the one responsible for giving my sweet Raven a voyeur fetish?" I asked as the realization dawned on me. They were still the same person, just with two different personalities. They still influenced each other.

"Don't put all the blame on me. You had started and awakened it by getting freaky with Kara as Raven slept next door." She answered teasingly. "You knew she was a telepath and you still did it."

"...I guess that's fair, so what was it you wanted, Raven? Do you just want me to fuck your demon side?" I asked before pulling her closer by the leg, getting a shriek as I hugged her to my side for me to massage her behind while her demon continued to grind away.

"You d-don't mind?" She asked a bit surprised.

"Not really, she is still you and I love all of you," I said as I forced her to be on all fours. Her tits were hugging my arm as I reached down to tease her slit.

"Fuck~ Man we caught ourselves a romantic." Her demon side remarked as she took hold of my rock-hard dick before pushing it straight into her snatch, slamming her hips onto mine without any preparation. "OOooo, fuck. This is good." I watched her roll her eyes back into her skull as she trembled.

The Raven I was teasing with my fingers also shivered slightly. I watched in fascination as the black corruption on the arms of both of her sides started to recede. "You know I love you, and stand by your side, right?" As if to respond to my words, the black ink-like corruption faded a bit more.

I turned Raven onto her back and on my chest, so I could continue fingering her while allowing her to see herself being fucked by me. "Such a great view, don't you agree?" I almost growled into her ear, causing her to shiver again before she nodded vigorously.

Her pussy started to clench around my fingers while her demon side clamped up around my dick as well. They were sharing their pleasure. Grinning slightly as I grabbed onto Raven's tits before seeing the response of her demon's side. "Don't you want to move?" I asked her demon, who had paused after making such a bold entrance.

She gave me a shaky smile that seemed like an attempt to show off her experience and sexual confidence, though it was clearly too much for her, making her appearance more cute than seductive. So, without giving her time to get her bearings back, I thrust up, bouncing her a bit up before I waited for gravity to drop her down my shaft again before thrusting up again.

The bed started shaking as I continued to fuck her into the air while fingering Raven on the side. "Ooo, this is how I look when I get fucked?" Raven asked as her demon's tits bounced up and down. At one point, I grabbed Raven by the cheeks and turned her to me to give her a wet kiss, sucking on her tongue before exploring and dominating her mouth.

She just let it happen, helplessly allowing me access to her mouth without resistance. Her thighs on the other hand closed around my hand, holding it into place as her legs started shaking. Her inside vibrated with excitement as well and I could feel the aftermath around my dick as well. "Fuuuuck, RAven taKe a hoooold of y-yourself." Demon Raven was already drawling her words as I continued to fuck her.

"Fuse with her," I whispered to Raven, and without hesitation she did. Their hair started to grow long and her red skin receded again.

Her face flushed red as she was suddenly penetrated, making her moan out. "S-she is unhappy." Raven breathlessly told me.

"Then give her the control of your lower half." She nodded mindlessly and the red skin returned from her upper thighs up to her belly button. Her face was still flushed red, but the stimulus seemed to have lessened by a lot. It was only when she glanced down at her legs, seeing her red pussy getting fucked did the flush return with full force.

Her hand drifted to her tits ruthlessly massaging them while another hand reached down to her demon clit pinching it. The legs shudder and a lewd smile appeared on Raven's face. She started attacking her clit and lower lips as I continued driving in and out.

With her legs still in control, she started to accelerate the penetration. She started riding me like it was the last thing she would do. Demon Raven's pussy was quivering like mad, clearly being overloaded with sensation, but Raven didn't give her any time to rest.

"W-what, wait!" Raven suddenly exclaimed. I looked down and saw her normal pink pussy wrapped around my dick before it turned back to her demon one. They started switching and I continued to ram myself into whoever it switched to. The sensation was wild as her demon pussy was pulsating like it was trying to milk me, while her human pussy was almost painfully tight like a vice grip.

"Fuck-" I groaned as I hilted myself inside her. With my hands on her hips, I forced her to stay like that as I emptied myself inside her and her demon side. "Separate again." They did as they were told. They both collapsed on the bed and both of them had my semen leak out of their pounded pussies. I stood up on the bed. Demon Raven was about to say something but I already grabbed her by the hair before shoving my dick down her throat. I pulled Raven to my balls which she immediately started to suck on.

The demon started to glare at me, causing me to grow even more excited. Her cheeks bulged as I came into her mouth. Some leaked out of her nose and her eyes started to tear up as I continued to hold her in place. When I let her go, she sluggishly fell on the bed, taking some strenuous breaths.

"And I thought I was the demon. You sure you aren't an Incubus?" Raven asked as she looked at her demon side's messy expression. I answered her by ripping the leotard off her body before putting her into a full nelson.

"N-Nathan?" I started to fuck her with so much force that the entire house was rattling. "Pwease, spware em. Im... Im cuuuuuuming."

The moment demon Raven woke up and looked up at us, I came inside Raven, causing her to squirt all over her other side. The demon just looked at us with a stunned expression as she was sprayed at by her other side. I then pulled out and just watched the glob of cum dripping onto her demon's tits before I pushed Raven's pussy onto her demon's mouth, she tried to resist but was already exhausted from before.

I made her drink her own juices mixed with my cum. The demon glared at me until I started railing her again. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head again. "Hold onto this." Raven was already completely out of it, so when I handed over her demon's ankles, she just grabbed them mindlessly, while continuing to grind her pussy on her demon's face.

I continued rearranging her demon's insides. I could even feel the outline of my dick as I pushed into her pubic mound. It was like she was running on hentai logic, perhaps something about demon physiology? I couldn't care less and just hammered inside her like I wanted to break her in two.

"Maaahmmhaa~" The demon uttered something but couldn't say anything with her mouth getting filled with cum. With a last thrust that pushed against her most inner wall, causing her to vibrate and tremble like she had a seizure, I painted her insides white.

"Thi' feel' soooo gggooood" Raven uttered as she squeezed her thighs around her demon's face. Despite them climaxing, I wasn't going to give them even a second. I forced them into a position where their wet pussy lips were grinding against each other, so I could push my dick between them.

"I always wanted to do this," I muttered as my dick was lubricated by both of their pussies and started thrusting away. However, it wasn't as tight as their insides, especially since they were getting tired and were unable to assist. I reached down and grabbed their asses before pushing them against each other before I started thrusting again.

Their cute little buds were being teased by my cock as I fucked in between and at this point, they were only able to breathe, not having the energy to resist me at all. With my perception pushed to its limits, I started to thrust into each of their holes one at a time. So, fast they weren't able to tell that I had exited their insides.

"Stick your tongues out." After an unknown amount of time, I came in Raven before I pulled them both into a sloppy and wet group kiss. They were barely conscious, but they listened well to my words.

After that, I dropped them back into the bed. Their eyes were barely open or rolled back into their skull. Even when I pushed my dick in between their faces, making them clean my cock, they weren't aware of what they were doing. They fell asleep shortly afterward. I was about to get something to clean everything up when suddenly life forces popped up just outside of the room.

"So, how far away are we now?" Shayera's voice questioned.

"Well, he should be inside here-" Maxima answered as she pushed open the door to the bedroom. They froze as they saw me and I noticed the bracelets on their arms.

"Yo!" I waved though they continued to stare at my dick and the Ravens that were covered in semen without shame. "My eyes are up here," I said though it had little effect.

"I have decided," Maxima said, continuing to stare at my still-hard dick while licking her lips, while Shayera nodded. They were getting bold, weren't they?

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