Just Saiyan [DBZ/DC]

Chapter 119: Talent

I woke up early in the morning, stretching my body in my front yard as the sun slowly began to rise. "Up already?" Diana's voice carried over to me after she stepped out of the house and settled down on the porch.

"Yep," I answered as I rolled my shoulders. After taking a deep breath, I calmed my beating heart. I was anxious to take action, but I knew it was best to go together. Not only could I protect them when they needed it, but the others could support me as well. I continued to stretch, while she just watched me.

It didn't take half an hour until the other two stepped out of the house as well. Maxima and Shayera were behind her. I glanced over to them and found all already geared up. Obviously, I wasn't the only one that wanted to rush out and look for the others. I took another glance at their equipment. It was clear that they were going all out and brought their best.

This was especially so for Maxima and Shayera. Their gear consisted of full-on Nth metal. Their body was covered with it and I wondered where they got so much of this stuff. I heard that it was quite a rare material. It wasn't something anyone would give up easily if they knew of its properties. Perhaps, they had gone to the Thanagarians and lent some. From what Shayera had mentioned, their world seemed to have quite a lot of it.

I was far stronger than Shayera and Maxima, but I had no doubt that they were trying their best to level the field with all kinds of equipment and I knew, they could lend me a hand somehow. Their training wasn't purely power after all. Their Nth gear, the magic that was thrumming in their bodies, and the artifacts they carried made it clear that they prepared in all kinds of ways. Diana as well, her divine aura was almost flowing out in waves. She had gotten a lot stronger and was no one to ignore. 

"Here," Diana said before taking my hand in hers. She then pushed my arm through a bracelet until it was around my biceps before it adjusted in size, sitting snuggly on my skin. There were Greek runes covering the bracelet which emited strong divinity from different gods. I could tell that a lot of Greek gods had blessed this.

The gods had other battles to fight, so giving me this at our front was already more than I had expected from them. "Thanks," I said, accepting it easily as I sensed the minor improvement it had on my body. It just wasn't powerful enough to have any meaningful enhancements, but I would take what I could get.

Of course, the ones that I was going to mainly rely on were these Saiyans. I looked over toward the four that appeared in front of us. Their gi and clothes were in pristine condition, seemingly a gift from the gods that housed us for the last few months since I knew their clothes before I left were in disrepair, to put it mildly. They carried momentum with them and the seriousness in their face let everyone know that they meant business.

I wouldn't have it any other way. If they came here halfheartedly, I would have fucked them up before even stepping out of the barrier. They just nodded at me and I gave a long look at Cumber, who met the stare for a moment before rolling his eyes and nodded. There was no denying that Hearts, his leader, was on the other side.

From what Cumber revealed, even though Heart's goal was somewhat noble, I wouldn't let him come between me and saving my girls. I would also prevent him from getting the Dragon Balls, which was now on my priority list as well right after I saved Kara, Raven, and Felicia. I still didn't know which genius thought it was a good idea to involve me in their battle, but since they were already targetting my loved ones, I would make them pay hell for it.

The most likely suspect would be Darkseid, so he was going to be the first one I was going to seek. He was crucial for my next step, after all. I couldn't be distracted by anything else. Once we exited, we would head wherever he was and strike him down.

We teleported above Shazam's headquarters. I looked up at the barrier that was already deteriorating at visible speed. Here where it had cracked before, it was already weakened to some degree despite having been reinforced by Gogeta. I glanced over to Shazam, who looked to be stronger than he was beforehand, which surprised me since the closing of the crack should have drained his powers.

He was surrounded by some others that seemed to be other Shazams from different universes or timelines, perhaps they were his family? I couldn't bring myself to care too much as I focused back on Gogeta's little cover he put on the crack.

It was about to disappear. Perhaps only a few days were left, though we weren't going to wait until it did. We would burst through it beforehand before the acceleration of this region stopped functioning. 

I flew up before the group of countless other versions of the Justice League. Although they weren't solely here to find my girlfriends but rather to save their reality, I was still grateful that they were here. After all, there was strength in numbers; with them as a distraction, I would have more wriggle room in case something unexpected happened.

Among the group, there were some familiar auras belonging to the Justice Leagues that I had already met before. The ones from Giblet's universe, the ones I had met after escaping Trigon's realm with Raven, and even the Justice Lords or whatever their names were. Wasn't too sure if that was the right call, but I guessed when everything was on the line one wasn't picky with your allies.

And of course, my team was there as well with some reinforcement. That must be Amazo, I thought as I looked at the golden android standing among them. I nodded at them before I turned back to what covered the sky. I cracked my neck as I stopped right in front of the group.

The time to act had arrived! I was patient for too long, so much that my entire body was constantly anxious. No amount of fighting, training, fucking was able to alleviate this desire to move out of this barrier and destroy the ones that thought it was a good idea to mess with me.

I took a deep breath before exhaling again with a deep growl. No one said anything as I flew up to the barrier alone. My speed accelerated as I felt the might in my chest boil. The power that I had accumulated for the past months erupted unbridled.

"Attack!" I shouted as my fist slammed into the barrier, shattering it into a million pieces. The law of the rest of the reality swept back into this part of the region. I felt the restrictions of time come back to occupy this place again, but these things were trivial at my power level.

The moment the barrier shattered, the rest of the reality was laid bare for us. My senses spread out immediately. The space and time tried their best to restrict my movements, but these laws and limitations were merely suggestions. 

I ignored these 'limits and restrictions' and directly arrived in front of the battlefield and so did the group behind me. Countless lights and bodies of different versions of villains and heroes alike crash into each other. 

A battlefield that covered several universes wide erupted with countless powers and abilities. It was pure chaos. The sight might have been awe-inspiring or terrifying, but I couldn't care less about these little things and tried to focus on what was important.

A second after we arrived a violent explosion obliterated a universe close to us, making some of the ones that had followed us gasp in horror. We Saiyans only glanced at it before searching for our targets. A universe exploding was just a small event on this kind of battlefield.

Even if several multiverses collapsed, it wouldn't be a big deal, at least in terms of scale. There were obviously some that did their best to reduce the casualties to its minimum. However, most were occupied with staying alive.

Hordes of demons and villains on one side covered the sky and ground while heroes, vigilantes, and some villains as well fought on the other side. Their bodies intermingled in the chaos. Fists struck together causing explosions and waves of energy to disperse to the surroundings.

Magic interwove through space and time, trying to get an advantage among these beings of immense power. Only a small part consisted of fighters from the dragon ball reality, though each of them was noticeable even among the mass of bodies and powers.

There were even some I recognized from the Marvel reality, which didn't surprise me since Felicia was from there as well. There were even fewer of them than the Dragon Ball reality. My eyes scanned the field, while my senses reached out and tried to find who I was looking for. 

I only momentarily stopped on Beerus and Sandman fighting against a lady who seemed to be wearing a universe as a dress. She seemed to be infested with something. It looked like ink was running through her veins and her aura was shockingly high. Perpetua, the name appeared in my mind as I focused on her for a moment. For some reason, I felt like she shouldn't be here, but I ignored that for something even more grand.

In the distance, behind all the ones that were opposing us, a Great Darkness was encroaching on this reality. It was slowly destroying everything in its path without pity and without hesitation, slowly seeping into the universe and only leaving behind absolute darkness.

It felt like with more destruction and death, the easier this darkness could invade and wreak havoc in this reality. The only god of destruction we had on our side was Beerus as well. At least, we didn't lack in fighters. Many universes were taking part. I saw Jiren, Caulifa, Hit, those dogs, the love idiots, and that giant mech, though we were lacking in the top dogs since I wasn't quite confident in taking on that Darkness that was invading this place.

I couldn't help but wonder where the hell the Presence was to deal with this mess or even Zeno. The Grand Priest or some other angel were also missing from this battlefield.

I couldn't help but snarl. "Fucking unreliable." I spat out before I continued to look through the mass, ignoring the variants and demons until I finally found my group's targets. The other version of Kakarot and Vegeta fighting the Empty Hand while protecting Chronoa and some other kai that felt similar to her.

There was a planet-sized Dragon Ball behind them, clearly the last one that they needed to make their wish, though it was obvious that they couldn't get enough room to breathe to make their wish. The others noticed them too and we were about to head there, but my attention was stolen by someone else.

The moment his figure appeared in my view, there was only one thing on my mind. The thing I had been working on for the past months boiled inside my body as it shot to my hand, gathering around my forearm, causing it to tremble violently as I suppressed it and slowing down the disintegration of my arm.

Invincible. Destructive. Berserk. Infallible.

"Darkseid!" I hollered as I locked onto the true form of Darkseid battling a golden Superman into submission. I raised my hand which was covered in dark-purple-reddish and struck out. The tyrant had barely the time to look over toward me before my attack landed on his body.


It was something Vegeta, Cumber, Giblet, or Goku wouldn't have thought about doing, not to mention that they wouldn't be able to replicate it. Shallot for all his opinion of his 'lack of ki control' was probably the only one that had the required skill to do this.

It was something the other Saiyans had noticed during their talks with him about techniques or transformations. He thought about them differently. If one of the four described some new insights or technique, it would be more about the feeling or flow of ki or whether their bodies could take the strain or not, but he always dissected it until there was no guesswork left.

The nature of ki and how it influenced their cells and mind. How it might affect their psychic powers or how the origin of the ki's would conflict with others. It was something they were somewhat aware of, but ki for them was a personal, an ethereal thing, a feeling. Goku had heard it was because Saiyans perceived ki differently than humans. Muten Roshi said it was because they were natural geniuses, though it seemed like they missed out on some things due to their 'talent'.

 Before Shallot talked with Goku about it, he had never heard about S-cells, though hearing his explanation even Vegeta couldn't disregard it as a fact. This type of thinking carried over in different things. Every technique was about his ki control and skill, the makeup of the technique, and how to actualize it. It was like he was seeing ki as a tool to form and realize something that wasn't him even if it was something his body produced and ran on, something that was inherently Him. 

Even things like the Hakai and Ultra Instinct in his eyes were just characteristics of ki or different types of ki, evolutions, or variants, something the others disagreed with, but to their surprise in the end he could replicate these peculiar powers with it. 

It was also at that moment that they always listened to his ramblings and insights about the application of ki. It was obvious that his training and his viewpoint were useful, though they quickly realized that they were missing a component. Goku and Vegeta had tried to replicate his regeneration and strengthening of the cells, but in the end, it wasn't something they could replicate.

From what they had gathered it was mostly because of their lack of ki control. Not that Shallot would agree to that. He had attributed their failure to the tameness of their ki for some reason, which somehow made his training method harder to execute in his eyes, but that wasn't why they failed. They just weren't good enough.

Once a cell ruptured or was injured, it increased the difficulties in controlling the surrounding ki, which in turn increased the likelihood of more injuries. A chain reaction was a likely possibility and the only countermeasure was to be able to control their ki regardless of injuries or the chaotic nature of the ki.

They had asked him about it, but he didn't seem to be aware that the control grew chaotic once your cells ruptured. They concluded that Shallot could suppress the chaos caused by his ki by sheer will because it was an everyday occurrence to him.

It was something that he did almost 24 hours a day. Even when he slept, his body was bridling with legendary ki that ripped his body apart and put it back together. An impossibility for those who didn't have such high control over their ki.

It might be true that he had difficulties replicating their technique with the same ease as they did, but that was mostly because he was using chaotic legendary ki that fought him every step of the way. Even when he used his 'normal' ki, it was usually with an extremely tight grip. It allowed him to be extremely precise, but it caused his ki to lack flexibility in some areas, which in turn made it difficult for him to grasp certain techniques.

Instantly mastering their techniques to the degree that they were comparable to theirs was just normal for him. Goku knew it was easy to replicate techniques, at least the basics, but when it came to ease of use, efficiency, and fine-tuning it wasn't normal to replicate it instantly.

But it wasn't just his ki control that made it difficult to walk the same path he did, it was how his body reacted. Because his cells were being constantly attacked and rebuilt, his power should have skyrocketed and even though it does, similar to that of a legendary Super Saiyan, given the intensity and frequency, his power should have risen even faster.

The problem was that his body wasn't made for it. Although all Saiyans could grow unbelievably strong in a short timeframe, it wasn't something they could experience every single second of their existence. Even legendary Super Saiyans capped out somewhere or rather gave up when the next step was too high and too long. Their bodies needed rest otherwise it would end up just being torture and detrimental.

However, Shallot ignored this, and forcefully healed his body, giving his body no choice but to relax. Even when he wasn't training his ki was still seething underneath the surface, something he clearly didn't realize. His power grew constantly, but more importantly, his cells became more durable and adaptable, which was the key reason why he could combine all these kis and form this new type. His body could take it and if it couldn't, it would soon.

They had noticed this more clearly with every time they sparred against each other. His body was fighting for its survival every second since Shallot kept pushing himself to new heights. Since it was a constant affair and not a powerful enemy, his cells didn't increase his power and instead focused on increasing his durability and adaptability to endure the constant abuse.

Goku shook his head slightly, lamenting the fact that he was already thinking similarly to how Shallot would see and explain things. However, he couldn't deny it had its merits. After all, this thinking gave Shallot this incredible advantage. The durability to adapt to new forms of ki. It was for this that he could change the nature of ki or combine different types despite having chaotic legendary ki as his foundation. 

And it worked for him, he now could integrate the power of destruction or evil aura as a characteristic of ki instead of the ethereal and separate power that they truly were. He didn't see Ultra Instinct as a technique of the angels but as partly a new state for his ki. The bloodline of the Saiyan God wasn't just that, but the origin of godly ki, a source of power to generate a ki that could calm, suppress, and guide his other kis.

It was a strange way of thinking. He didn't take these techniques and forms as they were but tried to translate everything to ki. It was a wonder that he didn't do the same with his psychic powers.

They all agreed to not question him about where this train of thought came from as it might shake his perception of things. It was because of this dissection of his that he could come up with this in the first place. 

It was for this reason, he could create this ki. They had heard about it. They had felt it. And now they were able to witness its first appearance. It was mesmerizing, an unstoppable might.

Goku watched in fascination as the dark purple-reddish light beam streaked through the battlefield, cutting through any obstacles as if they weren't there and dodging those that were on their side with uncanny flexibility. The light impacted Darkseid's colorful form, an illusionary sight that seemed to try and confuse those who couldn't see through it. Their eyes were clear and so was their perception of Darkseid.

The god was directly hit by the light beam Shallot had released. The colorful illusion shattered into pieces and the beam hit him in the stomach. The force was too great. With tremendous power, it carried him away. His figure shot through a universe obliterating planets and stars as if they were nothing. 

The beam was too powerful and Goku didn't doubt that it would have instantly killed Darkseid if it wasn't for the weird aura around him and the fact that Shallot obviously wanted to keep him alive. He was aware that Shallot didn't care too much about the Dragon Balls besides the fact that it would affect him once the others made their wish.

So, despite the impressive show, the four Saiyans realized he was holding back considerably. Goku wondered whether the fusion of his and Vegeta could stop that beam at full power, but he was bound to not know since they didn't know its full capability yet.

The streak of light slowly dissipated, leaving behind a path of destruction and death. Shallot certainly didn't play around. A single attack was enough to silence the battlefield that crossed across universes. Even those in the distance stopped in confusion as they looked at where the light was just now. The ones closer just stared at the floating bodies of titans, demons, and other creatures of tremendous power that were pulverized or ripped apart because they were in the way of him and Darkseid. 

Perhaps, it made it even more terrifying that it had zigzagged through the battlefield with uncanny precision to avoid his allies. It was one thing to display that might and one thing to be able to direct it so precisely.

His gaze lingered on the dark-purple-reddish ki that was surrounding Shallot's arm before it vanished again. The look was similar to that of a god of destruction though a lot more sinister and dark. Of course, the might of it seemed even more powerful than that. 

Unfortunately, it seemed like something he could only use for a singular attack. Shallot's face was pale, and he breathed a bit more heavily, clearly indicating its toll on his body.

It was a technique that couldn't be used in active combat since it would leave him vulnerable for a moment. It was good for a finishing move since its momentum was unstoppable, extremely destructive, and almost impossible to dodge. However, the moment the opponent could block or somehow evade it, it was a sure win for the other side.

Of course, Shallot knew this as well since he had already discussed parts of it with him and the others, so why did he start with this kind of move? He basically showed his trump card for all to see. Given his emotional state of wanting to save his loved ones, one might think he lost his rationale when seeing Darkseid, but Goku rejected that idea.

As a Saiyan, he knew what Shallot was thinking. He had done all he could until now to master this weird ki, but he wasn't able to, so the only thing left for him was to master it during combat. Only real life-threatening fights would pull the rest of his talent out and help him master this ki.

It didn't take long until he recovered. His body again bristling with ki shot through the battlefield as he went after Darkseid or what was left of him. No one blocked his way and just left him to pursue his target. Perhaps, he wanted to intimidate the others to not waste his time. If that was his goal he had succeeded. The sound of fights erupted only after the perpetrator flew past them.

Goku glanced at Vegeta, who only snorted before they flew toward a distant battle where a high concentration of that sinister aura was. He shot a last look at Shallot's flying form.

"You think he will master it?"

"Hmph. How would I know? He either will or he will die." Vegeta responded before shooting ahead to not let him see that he was a bit worried about the friend they had made. Goku shook his head with a smile before blasting after him. His mind lingered on that aura he had released just now.

Goku sensed the artificial legendary ki combined with the berserk energy of the Evil Aura and the characteristics of the power of destruction. The zigzagging dodging also carried with it aspects of the Ultra Instinct technique. He couldn't wait to see what it would be like once completed. 

Although many thoughts ran through Goku's mind as he thought about the peculiarities of the other Saiyan's source of power, it didn't even take a second. He arrived at his battlefield and unleashed his own might, revealing how much he had grown from the get-go. Super Saiyan 4 Full Power Limit Breaker or Primal Saiyan Limit Breaker as Shallot would call it. He punched a Kid Buu whose already vile ki was tainted by a sinister aura.

The blow blasted the upper body into bits the moment it landed, instantly disqualifying him from any future bouts despite his incredible regeneration. Infusing spirit and psychic energy was truly a killer combination. The wriggling of the bits and pieces was almost nonexistent.

Suddenly, a black Frieza appeared before he was able to give Buu the finishing blow. Goku barely caught the kick with his forearm before retaliating with a ki beam. To this day, he wondered why his other version thought it was a good idea to keep him around, especially since he knew of his monstrous personality and talent. Perhaps, he was just too naive to think he could change it or stop him once he was outgrown.

However, he wouldn't make the same mistake. He had already learned his lessons during his time patrol mission. He would make sure to kill his enemies.

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