Just Saiyan [DBZ/DC]

Chapter 120: The Left Hand

Once regal mountains that stood the test of time for thousands of years collapsed in a single moment. Waterfalls that flowed the same path for years, were now completely gone with just a dripping left. Entire lakes and oceans dissipated after being exposed to the hot core of the planet. The sky was already darkened by billowing clouds of ash and dust, while the ground spewed out magma in the distance.

The ground continuously quivered as seismic tremors echoed through the desolate landscape, the very planet itself convulsing in its death throes. For this planet, it truly was a crisis, a catastrophe that rang the beginning of the end.

A figure moved underneath a mountain of rubble and tons of earth, wriggling out of the dirt prison. A grayish hand pierced the ground before dragging the rest of the body out of the hole. 

Darkseid pulled his body out and crawled for a moment before collapsing next to the puddle of dirtied water. He lay amid the burned ruins of a once majestic forest. His body was covered in scars and bruises, a testament to the unfathomable force that had brought him to this pitiful state.

His mind, usually an epitome of unyielding will, was now a tempest of agony and disbelief. Shocked by the sudden attack and its ability to wound him this easily. Something he hadn't experienced for years. A single attack, he thought as anger bubbled under the surface. He wanted to curse but found no strength to do so.

He heaved for air, smelling the burnt ozone and acrid stench of destruction that did not originate from him. He glanced at his stomach where he had been hit. His once granite-like skin, representing an impenetrable defense, was torn open by the attack, revealing the organs of his alien physique.

With his powerful body, these wounds weren't fatal and he would only need some rest to heal again, the energy of that attack still lingered on his body and ate away his powers like a disease or flame that didn't want to die out.

However, if he had some time, he could easily resolve such a thing. Unfortunately, there was no time for the wicked. A glance at the sky revealed a figure hovering in the air with the sun of this star system illuminating his back.

It was just the sight of the Saiyan looking down at him as he hovered in the air, gazing at his injured body with no fluctuation in his expression. A stone cold indifferent face. Seeing that he wouldn't be given any time, he decisively stood up to glare at the Saiyan who assaulted him. 

"The end is near." He began with wounded pride. However, even tyrants compromised when the other choice was death. He had compromised once with the Highfather and now he could do it again, though unlike now the sides weren't as equal.

There shouldn't be a big grudge between the two. Honestly, it was Darkseid who should hold a grudge against the other since his avatars were killed for sport by the Saiyan. Of course, he had ambushed the other, but in the face of what he could reveal such a grudge was trivial.

"But I can show you what you aren't seeing, all of you. The Great Darkness isn't-"

"Where are they?" The Saiyan cut him off with a cold voice. The tyrant looked at the man and instantly realized something as he looked into these cold eyes. Perhaps, he truly wasn't here to save this reality like the heroes who had fought him before.

Darkseid could feel the planet beneath his feet dying and looking at the man who gazed at him like he was a dead man, he realized that he didn't care about the planet's life or even this universe's if it meant getting what he wanted. 

"Who are you talking-" Before he could finish his question, the Saiyan had already arrived in front of him. Red-pinkish fur covered his arms only leaving his chest and abs bare. There was an intimidating aura covering his body, which made Darkseid realize how powerful the other one was.

If it wasn't due to his own power being enhanced by the Great Darkness' blessing, he would have already died from the previous attack. He didn't have any chance to beat the other when he teamed up with Trigon, the Anti-Monitor, and Nekron much less now. 

Although the domain of the Great Darkness was already encroaching on this reality, he didn't believe he could reach it with this Saiyan's speed pursuing him. Despite his life under threat, he still stood tall looking at the slightly shorter Saiyan, unwilling to bend his knee or beg for mercy. 

If he couldn't negotiate, he would rather die. Besides he could feel it. The bearer of the Great Darkness' mark was so very close. The Saiyan put his palm on his shoulder and with a squeeze, a loud crack sounded out as he pressed Darkseid down to look him in the eyes. "Do you really want to do it the hard way?" He asked with a chilling tone. This person was a killer, he could feel it in the bones.

Darkseid's eyes narrowed at the threat, the power of the Omega Effect glowing in them. Before he could react Shallot slammed his forehead into his face. His nose instantly cracked and dizzied him. However, his attack still fired, though he didn't know the effect it had.

He couldn't even register his surroundings much less care about the effect of his attack. The only thing he felt was being pushed away. A mountain in the way exploded into thousands of rocks as he crashed through it.

His sight spun rapidly as he tumbled through the air. He willed himself to stop, giving him a moment to orientate himself. In his field of view was the upside-down image of the Saiyan with his fist at his waist. "Do you think-" Before his words were finished, the fist sailed through the air and hit him in the stomach.

Blood spurt out of his mouth as he was beamed into the ground. The impact was swift and even the metal core of the planet was easily pierced, only able to slow his momentum. He shot through the empty space without the ability to halt. His body slammed into a moon, splintering it into millions of pieces, but his momentum still continued.

It wasn't until he descended on another planet. He crashed into it like a meteor before he finally stopped. His body embedded itself in the stone of the ocean floor. He gazed to the sky seeing that the Saiyan had already arrived, while the ocean water flooded back into the crater that his landing created. Shallot slowly floated toward him. 

A barrier around him prevented the water from reaching his body until he arrived in front of him. He reached out and pointed a finger at Darkseid. A red-pinkish orb appeared at his fingertip. Darkseid didn't hesitate and unloaded the bubbling Omega energy, directly clashing with the other's attack.

However, instead of causing it to explode, the little orb seemed to absorb the Omega energy and grew in size. His eyes widened. Even enhanced by the Great Darkness, the Omega Beams were this easily resolved. Shallot didn't give him any time to adjust and directly blasted him out of the ocean.

His burned body parted the water like a skipping stone. A strange mixture of energy lingered on his body, continuing to burn him and attack his mind with the strange psychic power it held. 

This time a palm stopped his momentum by slapping him into the ground. "URgh-" Darkseid groaned. "Whoever you are looking for-" He was once again interrupted. The Saiyan stomped into his face, shutting him up.

Darkseid felt the loose teeth mixed with blood in his mouth. He glared at the Saiyan, who just snorted at him.

"Are you denying that you have anything to do with their disappearance?" He asked calmly though there was a chilling undertone. 

"Who are you talking about? You think I remember everyone that I kidnap or kill?" Darkseid asked with a snarl. As a gift for his words, he stomped onto his knee, snapping it in half. Darkseid's teeth clenched, making him glare at the cursed enemy.

"Relax, just as a reassurance that you don't escape later." His glare intensified at the lame excuse. They both could fly and wouldn't need their legs to escape. "Kara, Raven, Felicia. Does that ring a bell?" He asked as he crouched next to him. The intensity of his gaze was piercing and Darkseid knew to choose his words carefully if he didn't want to die.

"There are versions of them that I killed or brainwashed-" 

"Anyone powerful enough to destroy universes?" He interrupted him again and that truly pissed the tyrant god off. It was one thing to be beaten, but to be disregarded to the point of not being allowed to speak was infuriating.

"There is no one on that level." He admitted through gritted teeth, though it seemed that answer aggravated the man even more. Darkseid cursed that he met this stubborn lunatic. Unfortunately, no matter how much he didn't want it to be true, he was no match for the other as he was now.

The initial attack was still affecting him and robbed him of most of his enhanced strength, leaving him with just his natural power, but this was hardly enough to resist the other.

However, despite the bleak situation he had hoped to converse with the other more. As long as they talked, meant more time had passed with him being alive, which would give his allies more time to arrive. Most heroes would have let him talk, but this one didn't seem to play the same game.

Shallot instantly wrapped his hand around his throat the moment he heard an answer he didn't like and pulled him up. "Now, now. Do I have to jog your memory? Or do you want to tell me your bitch of a daughter is working on her own?"

"My daughter?" Darkseid croaked out before beginning to laugh, which was turned short by a squeeze around his neck. "You think I control her? "

"You bastard." The Saiyan spat out before firing a beam through his leg. Despite the beam and pain, he only groaned before starting to laugh.

"Don't worry. Since I didn't hear about them, they are probably dead already-" Darkseid felt it, his arrival was close. He would be there almost instantaneously, empowering him to mock the Saiyan, though the enraged expression strangely vanished from Shallot's face before showing a mocking smirk. Darkseid was tossed aside as he jumped away.

The ground where they stood a moment ago was instantly flattened. Darkseid uncontrollably bounced over sand before he looked up at the Empty Hand that had attacked just now. Although he wanted to feel relieved by the Empty Hand's arrival, he couldn't help but feel uneasy as he remembered the smile on Shallot's face.

Did he expect the Empty Hand? The god's mind churned with ideas and found it to be a likely possibility that he was used as a lure. Perhaps, he had never been Shallot's target, just a bait for the Empty Hand. Regardless of the matter, with his current injuries he couldn't do anything but watch as Shallot punched toward the Empty Hand.

"It's time to repay you for making me escape like a dog the last time," Shallot said with a neutral voice, coupled with the cold smile on his face once again reminded Darkseid that this Saiyan was a ruthless fellow, not caring about the overall situation at all. No, it was clear he was there for revenge!

As the thought entered his mind, an idea appeared as well, but he didn't dwell on it and started to retreat. Although he was sure that their battle would cause destruction unimaginable, even a little distance might decide life or death, giving him time to heal and regain his strength.

"Shallot. You aren't that different from us. We are cut from the same cloth. I can open your eyes to-" The Empty Hand couldn't finish his words when Shallot already struck out. The moment he did, the Empty Hand retaliated with a burst of purple light. 

Their energies clashed, silencing the entire star system before it exploded outward in an overwhelming fashion. Darkseid had already exited the planet but was still thrown back by the immense power of the explosion. He was flung into the empty space again and struggled to right himself.

Several explosions sounded out just after the other and waves of clashes were born in a matter of a second. When Darkseid had finally managed to stabilize himself and looked back in the direction of the two, he found planets broken open and scattered in pieces around the star system.

Another clash completely obliterated a moon, but that wasn't what conveyed the true terror that these two unleashed. Darkseid watched as part of the reality was torn open, giving the opportunity for more darkness to invade the place. Darkseid was instantly rejuvenated and despite the opportunity to leave, he stayed behind.

He knew very well what position he held after being branded by the Great Darkness' mark. Although it gifted him extraordinary strength beyond his multiversal power, it also shackled him to the will of a primordial force of nature. 

There was no room to exert his dominance with such a power weighing his head down, especially with the loyal Empty Hand holding his leash. He was a slave and that couldn't remain, though the influence he could muster with his power was minimal. 

However, there was a way out and the key was the Saiyan fighting the Empty Hand to a standstill. It was an opportunity he could only gamble his life on. It was now or never, so even though the clash between these two monsters somewhat exceeded his powers, he approached the battlefield, close to one of the rifts that caused the darkness to seep into reality.

The closer he got the stronger he felt. He knew once emerged in it, that even if Shallot followed him there, he would not be able to beat him. Of course, he wouldn't fly into it as he wasn't sure if he could return on his own. The last time he was drenched in this power, he had almost lost himself. His mind had almost caved at that time. He couldn't risk a mishap.

At the same time, the clash of these two monstrous beings continued. Flashes of explosions and a heavy aura spewed out between the two. Darkness spread through the destruction and the Empty Hand's influence.

The once mighty celestial bodies, the stars that had shimmered in the vast expanse of the universe for millions of years, began vanishing one by one, leaving an eerie, pitch-black void in their wake. Galaxies collapsed in on themselves, their cosmic dances now a chaotic ballet of destruction. The fabric of space itself tore apart as if the very essence of existence was unraveling.

The upheaval caused by the cataclysm sent shockwaves through dimensions, tearing at the very seams of reality. Planets were ripped from their orbits, hurtling into oblivion or crashing into each other in catastrophic collisions that lit the darkness of space with violent, searing bursts of energy.

Despite the grand sight, Darkseid was aware that they compressed their strength to an already unbelievable degree. A single explosion that was now only wiping out galaxies, could have eradicated multiverses that held infinite universes and timelines. 

If it were under normal circumstances Darkseid would hardly reach a level where he could touch that realm of strength. Amidst the chaos, Darkseid, a titan amongst beings, once an imposing and invincible force, was now a mere bystander unable to participate in this grand battle.

However, he wasn't an old god for nothing. While being enhanced by the darkness gave him a serious boost, it wasn't enough to dominate. He held up his hand, holding dark purple energy clearly from another reality.

It was energy coming from these outsider's reality, Dark Energy. A special ki from the demons of their reality. A lifeforce modified by Demigra, an old demon god that elevated this Dark Energy to increase the user's strength to an unbelievable degree. Of course, it wasn't something he just took without investigating. He had studied and modified it to fit his needs.

He absorbed the energy and could feel his very existence break through to new heights. The power was exhilarating to the point he was almost losing his mind. His killing intent and desire for violence grew incessantly, but as a tyrannical god, he had long grown accustomed to these desires. The mind-controlling effect of this energy wasn't even worth mentioning. 

Even if Demigra showed up, he wouldn't worry about losing control. Glancing at the ever-increasing battle finally urged him to approach the two even further. It was time to throw around his weight.

Despite the fight in front of him reaching its zenith, he was calm as he got closer. A single opportunity was all he needed. Even though the Saiyan's power was overwhelming and even now he wasn't entirely confident that he could beat him in a fair fight, there were more ways to victory than raw strength.

It was clear that Shallot's emotional state wasn't the best. Despite fighting for the side that wants to prevent the end of this reality, he was more concerned about the safety of his women. From his words and actions, it was clear that he was anxious. His emotions were unstable and that meant his mind was unstable.

Even if his psychic powers infused in his attacks had surprised him, there was more to the mind than mere latent energy or talent. The state of mind was even more important than most realized. It surpassed that of talent or raw strength. With a powerful mindset, even the stars were just stepping stones for one's ambitions.

He would know. Although his power was never the greatest, he still dominated his peers, his fellow new gods, and even surpassed the old gods. All those worthy opponents he bested, he had broken their will first.

His power grew as he entered their battlefield, a punctured reality with countless darkness flowing inside. He slapped away a meteor as he approached closer and closer. Shallot's attention was fully on the Empty Hand. He thrust both of his arms at the other, releasing an invisible might that ripped through space and time like it was nothing, landing on the Empty Hand's giant figure that towered over the Saiyan.

The size difference was enormous. A giant competing with an ant, made it seem like an obvious answer as to who would win. However, none would mistake that the Saiyan wouldn't be able to do anything to the demon.

After all, they were about evenly matched even if Shallot was at a disadvantage. As the devastation grew, so did the Great Darkness' influence, making those on its side stronger. It was only a matter of time until the Empty Hand grew too powerful.

This was also the reason he had to strike sooner than later while the Saiyan was still the Empty Hand's match. With more time, his chances of turning the situation shrank. If he had Shallot as his servant, he could use him to take the Empty Hand out of the picture.

In the blink of an eye, the two then closed in again and their fist met, causing the fundamental space of the reality to ripple. A wave of destruction followed the ripple. Darkseid knew no matter which dimension he was in, the energy would reach him. The barriers and layers of this multiverse were merely suggestions, spider-web-like obstructions they didn't even feel as they burst through them.

Darkseid felt the energy wash over him harmlessly, given his current enhancement something like this wouldn't injure him. He watched them intensely and waited, trying to be inconspicuous as he looked for a lapse of focus or a particularly straining exchange. The effects grew and in Darkseid's core, he had the foreboding that everything was going to end.

This was the feeling of a native being to this reality. Although an evil and tyrannical god, he could still instinctively recognize this reality's state. This existence was crying as more tears in the fabric of reality appeared and more territory was absorbed by the Great Darkness.

An instinctive sensation arose in him, his heart started to beat faster and his jaw tightened. He squinted at the two exchanging fists and beams, subconsciously clenching his fist until his granite skin broke and leaked blood. An unfamiliar yet nostalgic feeling welled up inside him. 

"Was this fear?" He muttered in a questioning tone before he squashed that feeling under his absolute control. There was no place for fear in a god. His eyes filled again with steel-like determination as he gazed at the two. His focus was razor sharp as a moment's notice could doom his existence with the dispersing energy washing outward from their collision.

Suddenly, the situation started changing. Shallot's sky-high aura started to retract, making Darkseid's pupils constrict. Was the Saiyan already running out of endurance? Despite the massive destruction, they hadn't even fought for an hour!

However, he quickly knew he was mistaken! Despite the retracting power, it looked like Shallot was gaining the upper hand. His aura was only covering his body in a thin layer, but it couldn't be underestimated.

The moment their fists clashed again, the Empty Hand's fist caved in, breaking at several places before the giant was throwing back through a tear in space. Darkseid instantly realized where it led to!

Shallot followed the void dweller to an alien planet of the 7th dimension, the last plane of existence that connects the multiverses of this reality together. It was only supposed to house the greatest existence of this reality, the Presence, but his presence had been nonexistent for a long time. No one knew where he was not even his angels.

The Empty Hand landed heavily in a canyon, though despite the force of multiverse-shattering momentum when it landed, it barely shattered a few boulders before stopping. Darkseid followed, only being able to enter because of the rift between the two's battle.

He forcefully calmed his excited heart as he thought about the fact that they were invading the most sacred place of this reality. The highest creator god, the only one able to negotiate with the Great Darkness, called this place his home. Even though Darkseid was a being native to this world, it didn't mean he was loyal to the Presence. 

Through his connection with the Great Darkness, he knew that he was guided and possibly molded by the Great Darkness for this moment. If they destroyed this place, even if they couldn't get the magical wishing orbs of the other reality, they could destroy this reality. 

As the two continued to clash and wreaked havoc in this canyon, he saw it. An opportunity presented itself. The two struck each other. The Empty Hand's chest was blown open, while Shallot was pierced by a flaming lightning. It was at that moment that he struck. The power in him was already seething underneath the surface. He didn't hesitate in this critical moment.

His eyes glowed and released it. Omega Sanction. An eternal prison, killing the subject over and over again with each death more degrading and torturous than the one before. Boosted with the power of Darkness and Dark Energy, it could even drag this Saiyan into his Omega Realm where he was an omnipotent god deciding his fate with just a thought.

Given the pressure of the Empty Hand and the exhaustion stacked on Shallot due to the fight, he barely had the time to turn his head to look at him. There were no surprises. The beams squarely hit Shallot's back, dooming the Saiyan to a living hell.

The instant it hit, the Omega Sanction dragged him into the Omega Realm. A realm that wasn't just a physical place. It was a source of power. A plane of existence that only those who could use the Omega Effect were able to make use of. There were many that used the Omega Effect, but Darkseid was its sole master.

He instantly felt the Saiyan trapped inside the realm with no escape. Even though he could feel the immense power inside Shallot, inside there he was powerless against the master of the realm. 

Time didn't flow the same as it did elsewhere. It was a realm of limitless possibility, conjured up by a mere thought. It was only a matter of thought and Shallot would experience death after death. In the blink of an eye, he could die a hundred times.

Given this Darkseid had only one goal in his mind, to enslave the Saiyan. To control his mind and body. With him as a weapon, he could go against the Empty Hand. The Great Darkness' minion looked at him with contempt, likely knowing what he was planning. However, even if the other wanted to stop him, he could not.

An instant was all it took for several decades to pass inside the Omega Realm. He didn't think he could break his mind instantly, but if a hundred deaths didn't suffice, a thousand would. If that still wasn't enough a million, a hundred million. All he had to do was keep him there, let him suffer, and undergo immeasurable suffering with the opportunity to let all of this pain go away if he submitted. No one could last this temptation forever.

"Darkseid, now you've done it! You're more trouble alive. You are no longer required!" The Empty Hand hollered with a laugh as he punched at the Dark God. They both knew that the ending was near. Whoever could destroy this place could become the center and the interface through which the Great Darkness could interact with reality. 

Not only would Darkseid be able to save this reality to be ruled by him, but he would be the sole master of this reality. Whoever killed the other would be the final victor! Darkseid snarled as he saw the contempt in the other's expression as if he had already won.

The disregard as a threat he had suffered from him and the Saiyan wasn't something he could tolerate any longer! His eyes ignited with the fury of the Omega power, shooting powerful beams that could obliterate anything it touched.

The beams shot forth, zigzagging through the rocky terrain. The Empty Hand blocked the attack with an energy attack accumulated in his horns. The destructive force was no less than the Omega Beams and even had a slight edge to it, forcing Darkseid to dodge.

The Empty Hand narrowed his eyes as he saw Darkseid having the ability to resist his might. After all, he thought he could just erase the other with a thought, but it seemed like he had underestimated him. 

"Dark Energy? Do you think this will be enough to bridge the gap between us? If you had truly been chosen as the Left Hand of the Great Darkness like I had expected then maybe you would have stood a chance." The Empty Hand straightened his back as he looked down at the tyrannical god that had spread fear across multiverses. "Unfortunately, it seemed like the Great Darkness had other plans." An ominous promotion made his heart sink.

As if it had been the queue, a rift out of pure darkness appeared. A figure in a long indigo cloak stepped out of it.

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