Justice in the One Piece World


Chapter 2


All I could see was darkness. Actually, I’m not sure if I could see at all! I could hear the rumbling and dull sound around me. I could also feel…is that my sister? I could feel my sister next to me. This means that we weren’t born yet.



Just as I said that I felt my sister being pushed away from me, into a bright space where I couldn’t see. It was suddenly so cold! I could feel the water around up leaving, flowing somewhere else.



At least with my sister being born first she would still keep her ‘Older Sister’ vibe on me instead of pouting for weeks on end about how she’s the younger one now.



Why? It was so comfortable here though…there was another push and I yielded…and I was stuck. It was so painful, I felt like my head was about to break. Is this what babies feel when they are being born? God, I shouldn’t make fun of them for looking so ugly when they are born right away.



Soon I felt myself caught in a firm pair of hands. I still couldn’t open my eyes but I could hear everything much clearer now.



Female: Let me…see our children a female voice sounded. I’m guessing that’s our mother



Male: We’ve got twin daughters. Thank you dear, you can rest now…



The man sounded like he was about to cry. I’m guessing he’s our father



Mother: They’re beautiful…



Is this normal? Mother’s voice sounded unnaturally weak. I strained my ears to hear more but somehow I heard the sound of wind and sea. Were we born on a ship?



Mother: Isso Fujitora. Please take our daughters to a safe place. I know you are a man of justice and your word. Please give me your word that you will protect them…and give them a happy life.



Holy shit! Really? Fujitora is our father? That God probably messed with the timeline a little to arrange this. No way for such a coincidence to occur naturally. At least he still has his eyes.



Fujitora: I will…



Fujitora…our father was sobbing as he said this. I think I understand what is going on now.



Mother: Take them away from Wano. This country will never give our daughters a chance to grow up. Protect them…my Diana and Kara.



With that, she fell silent. I could open my eyes slightly. Just in time to see a full grown Japanese man, who looked a lot of like a younger version of Fujitora, to close the eyes on the most beautiful asian women I have ever seen.



With one more hug, he took all three of us into his arms and we stayed there for a while…letting the situation sink in.


A few days passed in silence except for the few times my sister, now Diana, and me, now Kara, cried involuntarily. Seriously, the body of an infant is hard to control. Most of it is just impulse and natural.



We seemed to be on a broker ship that my father had somehow convinced them to take us away from Wano. I think I understand why our mother would have wanted a life away from Wano and our deal with God would explain that as well.



I was able to strangely communicate with my sister as well. Diana was looking very excited about this whole ordeal; we had freaking Fuijtora as our father! This opened up so many doors and possibilities for us. The amount and quality of training we would be able to get from him; but most importantly, his sense of justice and morals were what we both believed.



After our death, we both knew that we no longer wanted to turn a blind eye to false justice any longer.





I don’t know how long it has been. Weeks, maybe months… but my sister has been hugging me non-stop and our father rarely let go of us. Being on the Grand-line, and especially the New World, we knew it to be a dangerous place but seeing our father beat down pirates and massive waves the size of tsunamis alike with his devil fruit was simply…amazing!



During this time, we crossed the Red Line by paying millions of Berrys to go up to Marie Jois (The Holy Land) and then to the other side where we got another broker to take us to somewhere my father said was safe.



On the way, there was more killing and pirate raids which were all put down by either the captain of the brokers or my father.



God did warn us about no longer feeling sympathy for the dead but recognizing that feeling did feel strange at first; but as this was the New World, we got used to it quite quickly.



Captain: We are approaching Sabaody Archipelago. Get off



The captain of the brokers spoke in a rough voice. I mean he looks pretty mean but he’s a good man at heart. He’s been taking people who didn’t have money to leave on his boat to places where they want to go. Of course, that doesn’t make him a wimp either, he killed a few guys who tried to scam him while they were on board.



Father seemed to have come to terms and accepted that his wife has passed on. It’s a relief that he doesn’t blame us; contrast, I never knew Fujitora would be the doting father type as that’s never shown in the anime nor the manga.



Father: Alright Kara, Diana. It’s time to get off. We’ll be looking for a new life here. Away from injustice and Wano



With that, for the first time in this life, we stepped on land. To the island that is located at end of Paradise and perhaps the beginning of the New World.




I expect father to have sold something very valuable and expensive at the auction house (which there are plenty here) to suddenly get so rich. I mean, he got a Japanese mansion built at grove 65, right next to the Marine Base in Grove 66. It was a pretty impressive mansion with 3 floors, a garden, and a large wall around the entire property. The floor on the 1st floor was completely wood while all our rooms were made with tatami mats and paper (though hardened) and wooden doors. It gave off a very peaceful feeling over all.



It’ll be a while until my sister and I are even able to properly walk, run, and train.

There’s so much to do and I don’t want to wait too long!




-Timeskip (2 years)



Me: Daddy!



I waddled my way over to my dad, who turned out to be a complete doting father by the way.

Dad: Kara! Come sit on my lap.



I raised my arm and pulled on his clothes while doing the puppy eyes, a technique that so far never failed against both Diana and daddy.



He smiled as if in a trance and picked me up and placed me next to Diana, who then continued to hug me.



Me: Sis, I can’t move my arm. Could you let go?



Diana: No, you’re too cute



Me: You look the same as I do



Dad: Awww…



Everyday my dad is breaking the calm and collected image of Fujitora that I saw in the anime…not that I’m complaining!



Our 2 years here was initially a mix of panic as he was a newbie dad as well as a life filled with love and affection. Diana and I were both underweight and smaller than we should be because we didn’t get the breast milk we should have, and instead had to rely on other milk sources instead. Even then, I didn’t drink much of that so Diana is a little taller than I am. She likes to remind me of that everyday and pets me.



Other than that, I’ve got to say we look super cute. We’ve got cute little baby cheeks, black hair, and large round eyes with heterochromatic eyes, each one. Our right eyes were a mix of blue, black and yellow while our left eyes had red, black, and green.



(Author Note: If someone ever draws this, please sent them to me. I suck at drawing and I would really appreciate a cover page!)



Unlike our father who was at least 2 times as tall and 3 times as wide as a normal human, it seemed like our proportions as a human were normal.



We’ve been enjoying the best 2 years of our lives with him. To finally have a life where we have a loving father and are economically secure…but not even for one moment did we forget why we are here.



During the 2 years we successfully managed to awaken Haki without dad finding out. My observation haki was better than Diana’s but her Armament haki was stronger than mine. While I could only put a purple haki around my arm, Diana’s was almost black already. Seriously, thank you God for this broken DNA.



While daddy was away on some business that he said was “Daddy’s going to go an beat some bad guys okay?”,which we concluded as bounty hunting, we would try and train as best we can while dad was not here.



In our inventory, we found the promised objects and more. Our Devil fruits, some Sea Stone, Adam Tree? hmm… we might need those.



Oh wow! He put a Japanese sword into each of ours with a note.



Hey Girls


Hope you are enjoying your new life.


I put in a Katana for each of you.


I know that this is too early but soon you will grow stronger than almost everyone. Then, there will be no blade that can match your strength.


So here’s a blade that can. It kind of dwarfs their 12 Supreme grade Sword. Name them whatever you wish.


Good Luck and have some fun





Huh, I really didn’t think about that. I though we would be able to just take a Supreme Grade sword from someone else and just go with that. But I guess this is better.



Mine was a completely white Katana, the blade almost a meter long. I don’t know about it’s capabilities yet so I’m going to put it back.



Sis’s katana was a pitch black one. Almost an exact copy of mine but it seemed a little longer than mine. Hmmm



But back on the topic of looking through our inventory, he left a surprising number of books on topics to master.






Diana: Look! He put in books about the 6 Marine Skills and Fishman Karate!



These will definitely come in handy.



Me: Sis, we need to make daddy start teaching us how to fight



Diana: I know, but how?



Me: How about eating a devil fruit? He’ll know what it is and he’ll be forced to teach us.



Diana: No… that’ll break his heart. Let’s just wait a little more. I’m sure the right time will come. We should let him play the doting father for a bit longer. I don’t want to break his idea of that.



Thankfully, daddy decided to homeschool us instead of sending us to school. Which was a great save for us since that meant we can save so much time. We tried to pretend we were just fast learners but thinking on how many times we slipped up and got the right answers on stuff we shouldn’t know, I’m not sure if he believes us.


It seems it doesn’t matter because daddy’s been bragging to literally every neighbor and marine guard he’s seen about his ‘genius twin daughters who are the cutest in the world’ and such.



Perhaps in the first time since we were born, dad decided to ask us if we wanted to go out with him to see the island.



Me & Diana: Yayyy!



We’ve been stuck in this house for way too long! Even if we are weak and children right now, that is way too long.



He helped us change into something other than pajamas for the first time and in his arms, we were out of the house.



Dad: Do you see that? Those are the other groves. That one specializes in hotels. The one next to it have amazing shopping malls! I’ll bring you girls there sometime and we can pick out something for you.



He went on and on about the stuff but honestly, we were just happy to be outside for once.



We reached Grove 30 where dad told me this is where he usually catches bad guys and that is his ‘work’. Just to make him feel better we looked at him with sparkly eyes.



Dad: hehehe. You girls don’t need to be impressed. It’s my Justice after all! Hahahaha!



He then proceeded to kiss us which we resisted since his beard made it kind of painful.



It was then we saw either the most stupidest pirate group or a group cosplayer walking in the smack middle of the street. I mean, the guy in the front had the loudest shirt composed of all the colors on the rainbow, had a pirate captain hat on, and walking while brandishing his sword on people. His demeanor was literally screaming “I am a Pirate! Come Get ME!”



Dad: ‘Penny the Dealer’ bounty of 60 million and his crew is famous for pillaging and raping innocent civilians… You girls stay right here. I will be right back okay?



He dropped us off on a nearby chair and started following the group until he was out of our sight. I’m pretty sure he didn’t want us to see gruesome stuff now that we are at the age where we can remember stuff.



Moments later, we were snatched by a few thugs.



‘Shit’ That was going through my heads as my sister and I were suddenly gagged and then some spray which made me so sleepy….



Me: Sis….



Diana: Kara!…Dad?!



I had tears in my eyes when they started shutting.



Thug 1: Never saw such cute kids in my life. They’ll sell well at the auction



Thug 2: No kidding; perhaps a World Noble will buy them. I’ve betting they’ll fetch at least 200 million each with looks like these.







Ow… my head hurts. I’m pretty sure that’s dad’s voice



Typical Thug voice: Where do you think you are! This is the headquarters of the Flying Fish Riders! You can’t just barge in an..






Dad: I will repeat. WHERE ARE MY DAUGHTERS?






Suddenly the entire place got extremely quiet. I couldn’t see anything though. There was a cover on my head. At least I can still feel my sister next to me. I think she’s still asleep though.



Me: Daddy!!!



I yelled. Strangely enough, I started crying. Crying because I didn’t know I was in danger. Crying because I was relieved and crying because my father came to save me.



Me: Dad!!! Uwwaaaa!!!! *Sob*



That was when my sister woke up and started crying as well.

Dad: Shhh… I’m here. I’m here. You don’t need to worry. Nothing bad happened to both of you… it’s all right. You’re both safe now, let’s get you home.



He then uncovered our heads and smiled at both of us…then put the cover back on as he realized that we started looking at the absolute carnage around us.



Me: *sniffle* … *sob*



He held onto us tightly was he picked up both of us in one arm and made way for the exit.



All the way back home, I continued to sob. Maybe it was the fear of losing my family again, or losing my freedom but feeling it the 2nd time is so much worse than the uncertainty I faced the first time. My sister on the other hand seemed to be fine after a while and then promptly held my head against her and patted me until I fell asleep again.



I woke up in my bed in what I guess to be the next day. Seriously, I don’t know what this bed is made out of but I’ve been getting some super amazing quality sleep. When I stirred, I felt my sister next to me, now awake. I also felt someone else next to me as well.



Me: dad?



He looked like he was experiencing some very complicating emotions. As if contemplating some major choices.



Dad: Kara dear, please follow me to the garden please. You too Diana dear

We both hobbled down the bed using the stepping box he placed for us and followed him outside the house.



This was my favorite place inside the property. There was a mini foundation on one side of the wall. It spewed water from the top and through the cracks and crevices in the walls, it elegantly flowed down to the middle where it was once again collected. The water was than spread evenly all over the garden drop by drop through a complex network of tiny passageways and leaves from the trees.


Despite this, I felt something was going horribly wrong. The atmosphere around my dad was no longer the bright doting father. He had a solemn expression as he looked at us. He gave us a small smile and stared…as if it was the last time he would see us.



Without warning, dad grabbed his Tachi (a short Japanese sword commonly used by Samurai) and slashed at his face diagonally 2 times. Each stroke sliced his eyes and all I could see was his blood drenched face.



Dad: Listen carefully my daughters; you are my reason to live, you are the reason for my existence today. You, who are most precious to me, were almost ripped from me by injustice.



Me: Dad…*sob*



Dad: I will no longer tolerate injustice in this world. I have held back during my time in Wano. I have turned the other cheek once, I will NEVER do so again! For you, I have blinded myself as to never show bias, to never let Injustice take place, and never let false Justice reign supreme.



Diana: Daddy… your eyes…



I was in a state of shock. I knew this would happen, as he was already blind by the time the manga introduced him; but I never expected him to do that now and in front of me.



Me: Doesn’t this mean you can’t see us anymore?



Dad: This is merely a symbol. Even without my eyes, I can see better through my heart. I will my heart to see far beyond and better than my eyes ever could have. I can see you just the same. Now, come back in Diana, Kara. It’s time for your bath and lunch



The following morning, after discussing with my sister, we decided to risk it.



Me: Dad! Teach us!



Diana: Teach us how to become strong!



He looked, or rather observed, how we were…then simply chuckled.



Dad: It seems I am already regretting blinding myself. Now I can’t see my daughter’s puppy eye technique…even though I always lost. Very well. You need at least some knowledge on how to defend yourselves.



Sis and I looked at each other and smiled. Finally! This was the beginning of our journey.



Dad: But be warned. The training will be harsh. I won’t go easy on you just because you are my daughters. In fact, I will push you harder to make you stronger!



So began our training hell.

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