Justice in the One Piece World


Chapter 3


5 years have passed since then and now we were are 7 years old. I’ve got to say though…god do we look cute. We lost most of our baby fat but we still kept our large round eyes and slightly round cheeks. We grew much taller and our proportions getting closer to that of a child’s than a baby’s. We also got stronger than what we thought possible.


I mean, I was already much stronger than my past life. And I was a field police officer damn it!


We thought that with dad recently blinded, he might need some time to adjust to his new ‘sight’ but that was not needed at all. Although dad could no longer see us with his eyes, it seems that he could pretty much Observation Haki his way to do pretty much the same if not better.


He made us run so much that now we can run around the entire archipelago without collapsing. We lifted so many weights that I’m not sure how we still look so skinny and lithe. That doesn’t mean we’re not getting physically stronger though! I could lift up a full grown tree if I go full power.


What was worse, or I guess still beneficial, was his gravity training. Everything became two times harder in 2g, then more in 3g, but it only continued to get harder as whenever we got stronger, he raised the gravity as we trained.


We showed him that we both awakened haki which came as a surprise to him. He saw our purple/black hands as well as felt our observation haki. Maybe we shouldn’t have done that because with haki training our training field has 25g. This is definitely not something normal 7 year olds could survive.


After so much foundation training, haki training, he finally decided to let us pick up the sword. I must say, if anything, the anime downplayed his ability with the sword.


His strike speed and power was out of anything I’ve ever seen. From the very beginning, he taught us the grip, stroke, and style.


We proved to be quick learners and after we learned the basics, he picked up his training (wooden) sword and told us to fight him.


Dad: Faster! Your opponents won’t wait you for to return to your original posture!

Dad: That has too many stops in it! No hesitation in your strokes! Move in a straight line!

Dad: Look closely at here your opponent’s sword is headed. Use your haki to enhance your vision. A moment’s hesitation could lead to your death!


It was hell, but I loved him so.


We reached a mastery in both forms of basic haki as well as some of the 6 marine skills, which our father couldn’t help with as much, but we managed. I was starting to hit the borders of advanced haki for observation while my sister armament. We both could feel our conqueror’s haki within us rumbling, just waiting to be unleashed. We both agreed that it was for another time.


What was the time for now was our devil fruits. We knew dad would never let us eat one on purpose so we would just need to feign ignorance on what it was after we eat it. After all, he never mentioned the fruits themselves in his stories; just strange people with even weirder abilities.


At night when dad was taking his nightly bath, we both took out our fruits from our inventory. I think God made it so that both of our fruits each had 2 of the 4 fundamental forces. Mine had electromagnetism and gravity while my sister’s were the two nuclear forces.


We couldn’t have timed it better.


The moment our dad stepped out of the bathroom, still steaming in his bathrobe, we each took a large bite out of our fruit.


The next moment we were both dangling upside down with dad trying to make us choke out the food. We almost did with the gravity at at least 10g. Seriously, the floor cracked under his feet.




Me: *cough* *ooph* ooo… daddy?


Diana: This tastes really bad. We shouldn’t have ate them.


My sister feigned ignorance of what we just ate.


Dad: Hah… never did I expect that a devil fruit. Not one but TWO would appear in my home.


He sounded sad as he looked at us.


Dad: Your lives will now be harder. The abilities you gain from the fruits will come at a cost. The sea will hate you and will take away both your power and ability to swim should you ever come into contact with them.


He sounded sad as he explained the situation to us. Of course, we knew that even with the devil fruits we wouldn’t lose our ability nor power when in contact with either water or sea stone…but for now we feigned ignorance and listened with interest.


Dad: With all that, I think it is important to find out what powers you have. It should be instinctual what abilities you have. Awaken it and let us test it out.


He was right. I could feel a new power surging through my veins. I could feel that I grew physically stronger, but also as if there was a non-existent limb. Something I could use to manipulate the laws of the world itself!


By focusing my will, I sent a gravity field on my father. It took all my focus just to get it up to about 2g…and then I started panting from exhaustion.


Dad: Hoh? Is this truly the same ability as mine? No… there is no 2 of the same devil fruit. But truly interesting what you can do is the same as I. But with this, I can train you easily.


Then my sister literally created water out of thin air… or rather it was an accident. By using the weak nuclear force, my sister turned nitrogen (7 protons) into oxygen (8 protons) by charging the neutron of the nitrogens and converting it to oxygen. Then by using her strong nuclear force, she forcefully separated the hydrogen atoms from each other (not much force is needed here) where it met oxygen and created H2O, or water.


My sister’s problem was how to explain this to our dad when this world had no concept of elements whatsoever.


Diana: ummm….




Thus began our science lesson, or rather our dad’s trial and error in the realm of nuclear chemistry.




Time skip (7 years)


I don’t know why I say this at every time skip but by now, it’s almost a law. At the age of 14, we were absolutely gorgeous; and cute. I can’t forget cute. Like, seriously. We lost most of our baby features except our big eyes. I still stood at a short 138cm while my sister, who ate more grew to 148cm. A solid 10 cm taller than me! Humph




I always pout when she reminds me of that but she just puts my head on her lap and continues to pet me.


Other than that, we looked almost alike. Small but tall nose, pale skin, and pitch black hair reaching our waist. I chose to leave them in long pigtails. One behind each shoulder while my sister kept her hair in a simple ponytail.


I honestly don’t understand how a human can ever get this strong. During the 7 years, my sister and I became true monsters. Our dad, who is more or less has the strength to match a Marine Admiral, cannot fight both of us at the same time.


Since we became too strong, we had to often book ‘business trips’ to islands that were barely occupied and trash the ecosystem there. I learned everything my father could do with gravity. With impossible amounts of training, I made a gravitational force stronger than what my father could do, and that’s not even adding my electromagnetism side of my devil fruit. While I was stronger, faster, diverse powers, surpasses him in observational haki by a mile studied more in the 6 marine skills and even bits of Fishman Karate, my father had the superior armament and decades of more experience. In the end, while I came close numerous times, I never managed to win against him in a 1 on 1 fight.


My observational haki went crazy after I ate my devil fruit. With the electromagnetic side of my fruit, I could sense the small amount of electromagnetic waves in the air from…the whole of the archipelago and beyond. My observation haki went far enough to see a solid dozen seconds against any regular soldier and only a fraction of a second against my father. It became harder to see into the future the stronger the opponent was.


My armament haki hit the end of it’s basic form and was reaching into it’s more advanced form. Having a father who regularly coats his sword in advanced armament really forces you to learn it, or get shattered.


My sister was the opposite as with her devil fruit, she enhanced the strength things stuck together and held. She could even in a moment of contact, change the element and combination of the opponent’s weapons or even the skin themselves as long as it was not covered in advance haki. Her armament reached beyond her skin and sword into the air, able to create something like an aura. Reminds me of Susano’o from Naruto series; references aside, she is seriously powerful in that mode. She can overpower dad no matter what gravitational force is pushing down on her. It is only that her stamina consumption is too great in this form that she can’t keep it up enough to beat dad.


Other than that, we managed to master 6 and even the 7th Marine Skill. We wouldn’t have been able to master it without the book that God put in. Of course, there were still things we were better at in the skills. Such as Geppo (running on air), Soru (sudden speed). I was more focused on evasion based Kami-e (flexibility) while my sister was better at Tekkai (clenching your muscles to inhuman strength to harden it) than myself. We still both tried to dodge whatever came though.


At our age of 14, we knew that we had reached in level of strength in which very few manage to do so. I think it is time to ask dad to let us explore the world, to spread justice.


Me: Dad… I think you knew this time was coming. But we must still tell you.


Diana: We wish to join the Marines. While they may be corrupt, there is no better way to spread justice.


Me: We won’t succumb to the temptations of others like so many have fallen. We will only point our blades to the guilty to deliver justice.


Diana: And behind us will be those that need our justice.


Me: We also wish to explore the world. From your stories, I know there to be more than just this island, the ones we trashed, and Wano. I wis to explore the seas and the Grand Line.


Diana: We wish to be part of history and remembered as those who delivered Justice.


Dad: hehe… I knew this day was coming. The day when my baby girls would grow up and try and see the world.


He took in a deep breath while we held our breath for his answer.


Dad: Very well. I will allow you. I was planning on joining myself in the near future. Those damn guards have been trying to get me enlisted for the last 10 years! This lifestyle, while peaceful, is too quiet for someone like me. I’ve had my entire life in war. Now I strangely feel empty without any violence at all.  Though… I am really going to miss you two’s cooking. I’ve never had soba noodles better than what you two make.


He said this with a smile.


Me: Thanks Dad! We promise to send you lots of gifts and call you on the Den Den Mushi. We’ll always carry at least a baby one around!


My sister didn’t say anything but rather give him a huge hug. I wanted to give him a hug too so I tried. Being the huge man he is, it our arms didn’t even manage to wrap around him, so I had to climb up onto his lap to give him a hug around his neck.


Our dad simply smiled and patted our heads.


Dad: Now go, and make sure to return when you get your holiday. Also, send me some of that paycheck will ya? I need to boast to my drinking friends that my daughters are earning money now. Hahahaha


The following day, after sleeping one last time in our father’s bed for old time’s sake, we left for Grove 66, to the Marine Base. For a new adventure.




We walked up to the Marine Base. We’ve actually been here multiple times as we’ve had quite the name hunting the big shots in the pirate world. With our dad, almost every notorious pirate that was spotted by us on this island was instantly captured and brought here.


Me: Hi Dan, how are you?


Dan was the Marine who was in charge of cashing in the bounties. He, as usual, was at the front desk of the Marine base, just waiting.


Dan: Hey Kara, Hey Diana. What brings you here today? I don’t see a pirate with you.


Me: We actually came to enlist as Marines. I think it’s time we go and explore the world and spread some justice.


I smiled as I said that. Most marines joined to protect their peace and spread justice. It was either their passion for it, or that their training brainwashed them but they were hell bent on their “Absolute Justice!”


Dan: Really? That’s great! Here, I’ll get the papers right away. With you two’s strengths, you’ll be up with the officers in no time! We all know how strong you are here.


They really didn’t. We kept it to a minimum on the island in fear of wrecking it. I mean, I can crush it to a pulp with a meteor or my sister can literally set off an Atomic Bomb.


Diana: So we were wondering about that. Could we perhaps take a promotional exam? We would like to be promoted as not to be dragged around on useless missions. We would like some degree of independence.


Dan: You’ll have to see. While paperwork and experience comes into play, in the end, the ranks are based on strength. If you have enough of it, they’ll give you the promotion quickly.


Me: Thanks Dan


Dan: I’ll suggest signing up for now and I’ll call the Headquarters for an official test. They will be able to evaluate both of you there. There’s a ship today so I suggest you take that.


Diana: Thanks Dan! Alright, let’s get this over with and leave.


We quickly got our documents, signed the legal forms after CAREFULLY checking for any missing or fraud stuff, which there wasn’t. We then got our first Marine Uniform! We probably won’t use it for long but we put in on anyway.


The White uniform with a cap and scarf. It least they let us use our own weapons; I hope that we can promote to at least Captain or Commodore when we get tested. Then we’ll get our Justice Jackets and we’re allowed to wear anything underneath it. It’s not that the Marine Uniforms suck but I’d rather have my Tank-tops than this stuffy uniform.


Since we had everything already packed inside of our Inventory, which we secretly stashed away years’ worth of food, water, money and equipment for the both of us; we just put on a backpack for show and left for the Marine Warship that would take us to the Marine Headquarters.


It was quite boring on the ship. First there were the captains who taught us the basic rules of the ship and Marines. It was mostly common sense on ‘Listen to your superiors’ and ‘Kill the Pirates’ as well as other brainwashing material for their so called ‘Justice’.


Of course during our week long trip there were some fools that wanted to bully us. The moment our superiors were out of the scene, we taught them a lesson they would never forget. We didn’t even hit them really! I just increased the gravity on their location so much that their heads met the floor and their bones started to crack. We decided to stop there. It wouldn’t be good kill people before we even arrive.


Captain: Listen up rookies! We’ve arrived at Marineford Base. The Headquarters of the Marines and at the Center of the World! You Lot! Go to your respective classes and report!


Marines: Yes Sir!


Captain: Kara and Diana. You come with me.


Me & Diana: Yes sir!


We got off our ship and walked towards the massive walls. Seriously, the anime wasn’t able to portray the massive size of this entire thing. Seriously, how were they even able to build this?


Me: Sis, we’re here. We’re at Marineford


Diana: I know. It’s crazy!


Perhaps the biggest arc in probably the entire One Piece series will take place here. God, I hope I’ll be a part of it when it comes. My sister and I’ve already planned out our futures to match it with the canon as much as possible. We don’t want to just sit around and do some random Marine work! We want to see the action next to Luffy! I know I’m not too late since I haven’t seen any newspaper about Luffy’s Strawhat Pirates entering the Grandline and not too early since my own dad is Fujitora.


Captain: Vice Admiral Tsuru!


He suddenly put his feet together and saluted the slightly younger looking elderly woman. 


Me & Diana: Vice Admiral Tsuru


At lost for what to do, we simply repeated what our captain was doing.


Tsuru: How nice of you to come see me. I’ve heard that these twins were the super rookies from Sabaody, hmmm? Looks more like siblings than twins to me though.


Me: Uuu…


That unexpectedly hit me in the feels. I know I’m short ok?


Tsuru: I don’t think a normal gym will be able to hold you two. Let’s go to the main training center to test you out.


With that she started walking, leaving the captain behind. We signed a ‘thank you’ to the captain and followed Tsuru to the main gym.


Garp: Wahahahha! So these are the new Rookies eh?


Holy shit! Is that Garp?


Garp: Youngsters these days are too soft! Look at them! They don’t even have an ounce of muscle! We’ll feed you nice and well here at the Marines! Wahahhaaha!


I’m not sure if that’s an insult, compliment or a boast. What I do know is that Garp’s an absolute idiot. Luffy had to get his idiot DNA from somewhere.


Sengoku: Alright, I’m here, let’s get this over with.


Me & Diana: …


Me: Vice Admiral Tsuru, may I ask why Fleet Admiral Sengoku is here?


Tsuru: Don’t mind those idiots, they’re just here to watch. Probably just excused someone else to be here and push the paperwork to someone else.


Sengoku: Come on Tsuru. We both know that paperwork is the true enemy here.


I almost laughed when I saw all three of them nod their heads; agreeing that the true enemy is paperwork. Got to say though, if Sengoku really does have as much paperwork as the anime portrays, then I’m not sure how he even still has black hair.


Garp: I can sense that you two aren’t like those weak rookies, although you do look physically weak, I’ll score you on how well you fight against me. Hahahaha!


Garp took off his jacket and jogged to the other side of the gym. He faced us and raised his fists.


Nobody really signaled us but Diana took that as a start and rushed towards Garp with her sword drawn.


Garp: Come at me!


I used Soru to get close to Garp before I activated my devil fruit. I lightened the pressure on sis and myself while bring the pressure on Garp to 20g.


Garp: Heh, gravity huh?


Sis made a thrust with her sword to Garp’s legs.


Garp: Humph!


His legs was suddenly clad in pitch black haki as parts of his pants ripped. When I slashed at his other leg, Garp jumped and kicked both of our swords.


He followed up with a series of punches at Sis before kicking her away, then using Soru at me.


He threw an armament haki clad arm straight at my face. I managed to dodge it but he didn’t give me time to do much else. I mean, he was physically slower than me, but how the hell is he this strong? How broken is this character?


He then tried to kick me off before turning to face my sister with some crazy footwork but just before he did I removed the normal force from his shoe and floor. (Which means no friction)


Garp started to slip and we, who were ready for this, slashed at both his arms.


Garp: Tekkai!


He blocked it with the 6 Marine skills and pitch black haki.


Me: Sis, this isn’t going to work. We’ve gotta for phase 2.


Sis: I’ll go first. Support me.


I activated my future sight against Garp; I expected it to be short but just like against my dad, I could barely see a fraction of a second ahead, and even that was blurry.


I disabled it and decided to utilize my devil fruit instead.  Just before my sister slashed at Garp, I changed the pressure on him from 20g to 100g. I could only do this momentarily, but that was enough.


Garp’s guard dropped and using that moment, sis activated her aura projection and clad her sword in advanced haki. It cut through his torso and left a scar.


Garp: bleh!


That was when I appeared right in front of him with Soru and punched him straight in the nose, crackling with electricity.


My sister, not losing this opportunity, she superheated her haki clad sword and stabbed Garp…at least she tried to.


Holding the end of her sword was Sengoku and with a blade at my neck was Tsuru. Of course I felt them coming towards me but they didn’t have any ill intent so I didn’t bother.


Sengoku: I think we know your capabilities now.


Garp: *cough* *cough* Bahahahah! That was brilliant.


Garp had a bloody nose and an open wound on his chest, but that didn’t seem to bother him at all.


Garp: Ha! I didn’t knew you girls would be this strong. If I knew, I wouldn’t have gone started easy at all! Bahaha!


Tsuru: I say each of them surpasses a Vice admiral but is slightly lower than an admiral; however, what they lack most is experience.


Sengoku: I would like to give you the rank of Vice Admiral but that would be too early for you. Vice Admiralty comes not only with strength, but knowledge, leadership, and experience. So, how about Rear Admiral?


Diana: Thank you Fleet Admiral. We gladly accept


Me: Fleet Admiral, may I suggest an idea?


Sengoku: Go ahead. And Garp, get your old nose out of here. Put some bandages on or something! You broke the floor! *sigh* that’s gonna mean more paperwork for me.


Sis: We would like to be the Rapid Response Unit of the Marines. With small numbers but with superior strength, we can be deployed anywhere, fast.


Sengoku: That would mean a whole new branch just for you two. I would have disagreed but with how the two of you together can overpower Garp, I will see it done.


Tsuru: Anything else you would like to tell us? I know you both held back during the fight. It was as if you wanted to do something but the location held you back.


Me: Yes. In truth, we are both more specialized in area of attack fights. My ability can not just be applied to one person but to an area, which can mean anywhere to thousands of people at once.


Sis: Well, I can kind of make these really big bombs that you can’t see.


Great job sis. Way to explain nuclear fusion and fission to people who don’t know anything. Proud of you.


Sengoku: I think we can make this unit happen. Do you want anyone else on your unit?


Well, we’re both fighters, and can cook. we both know the basics of navigation but if we try to navigate in the New World on our own then we’re screwed. We should probably also ask for a Doc in case of illnesses as well as a Shipwright. We don’t know shit about engineering.


Me: We’d like some basic crew members. We’d like them to be the best in their area, and we can train them ourselves on how to fight.

Diana: That would mean a navigator who has experience in the New World and a Ship Wright. Hopefully someone who can work with Adam Tree as well. If we’re going to train, that would mean that our ship needs to be sturdy.


Sengoku: You really aren’t holding back, huh? Creating your crew of 4 people would cost several hundred million berries, if not a billion.


Diana: We know, but we’re worth it right? It’s not everyday you find new Marines who can match Garp the Hero.


Sengoku: Your attitude makes me want to disagree but you’re right. You two will stay here for a few months while we make your ship and gather the crew. If we’re going to make a rapid response team, we’re gonna need some technology only Dr. Vegapunk has access to.


Man, these are some big names out there. By the way, I wonder where Luffy is now?





Meanwhile somewhere in East Blue around the same time (Give or take a few weeks)


Someone who is probably Luffy: I’m going to be the Pirate King!


Said our main protagonist for the Canon One Piece world without knowing the capabilities, nor responsibilities, nor what it takes to become the Pirate King





A Month flew by quickly. It was filled with mostly waiting and looking through documents with Sengoku and Tsuru looking for the right people. When we had the time, Sengoku took us to the middle of the calm belt (with a sea stone lined ship, don’t worry) and asked us to perform our strongest AOE attacks.


Me: It’s going to take a minute. It takes a while to find something out there.


Sengoku: What is she doing?


Diana: She’s looking for these huge rocks in the sky. Just give her a minute. If you said just a strong attack, she would have done it right away but you asked for the strongest one; it’s going to take some time to prepare.


Just as she said that, I felt what I needed and started to pull to towards my location. In the case of space, it’s quite easy to manipulate things in my direction. I would have expected their orbit to be a problem bringing down meteors but there’s a surprising amount of debris justing hanging out here; unlike Earth.


Me: Meteor Shower!


One of my few named attacks. I just felt like I had to name this one.


A few seconds later, dozens of meteors, the size of skyscrapers fell from the sky. Red and burning from the air resistance as they came down. I pulled them down so hard that by the time they reached the water, they’ve already broken the sound barrier.


Diana: Alright, get ready for the blast.


We both set up our defenses as we set up an air barrier with our devil fruits. Mine just redirects all energy waves from reaching us while my sister’s which is layers behind mine just turns the elements to something less harmful.


I tried to put the meteors as far away from us as possible (but still in sight range) but the blast was still massive. Somehow the Anime logic saved us from causing another mass extinction from meteorites but the damage done was no joke. The ocean around it stated boiling and soon a tsunami was created.


Me: Alright, let’s put this baby down.


With my devil fruit, I forcefully pushed down all the waves and soon it was peaceful again.


Behind me, I saw Sengoku in his Golden Bhudda form.


Me: What? You don’t trust me?


Sengoku: I think that was way worse than a buster call. If there was an island there, that attack would have erased the land from it entirely!


Me: Probably not, there’d probably be a new island from my rocks. But close enough!


*pet* *pet*

Diana suddenly started petting my head


Diana: You little monster  (*@*) you


Me: hehe


I don’t know exactly how but sis’s petting feels so nice.


Diana: Do you want to see my attack as well? The problem with mine is that I wouldn’t be able to block it as well since my attack isn’t really just throwing something massive. We might require your Bhudda form to defend ourselves.


Sengoku nodded as my sister put her hands together to create probably the biggest explosion we’ve been allowed to make.


Diana: Here is comes! Block your eyes!


I obliged and closed my eyes. I set up a shield to redirect as much sound waves away from us as possible. Obviously, I couldn’t control sound waves so it was something more like a buffer zone with my power of electromagnetic waves, but it did the trick.


In almost absolute silence through my closed eyes, I saw a blinding light and then a loud rumbling. By the time I opened my eyes, I saw a massive mushroom cloud and a massive wave and cloud coming towards us.


Thankfully, there would be no radiation. All of that could be removed by my sister’s devil fruit and be converted into something less harmful; however, that didn’t mean the blast would be any less explosive.


The sky was turning dark from the cloud produced and from the water starting to steam, I could tell that the sea was about to boil.


Diana: Fleet Admiral! Kara!


Me: I’m on it!


Sengoku: Humph!


I can tell how he got his position. The Golden Bhudda really was impressive. Maybe not in look but definitely in ability.


He put out his palm and suddenly all was silent and peaceful around our ship.


Me: Hold on fleet admiral. This is going to be over in maybe 10 minutes.


Sengoku: 10 MINUTES? How large is this explosion?


Well, the only thing I can do was push down the waves and spread the blast over as much area as I can. This after blast would be the watered down version at most. I think we brought too much understanding of modern science into this world. I guess they did say that imagination is the only limit to Devil Fruits so I don’t see a problem with that.


By the end of our test explosion, there were sea king corpses everywhere and they were being cooked by the ocean.  Sengoku just looked at us with opened mouths as we just ignored him. As if we didn’t do anything that could overpower a buster call.


Tsuru: I think a re-evaluation is needed…


Sengoku: I agree. What’s wrong with this generation?


Hold up boomers, you guys fought against the Rocks, Roger, and Whitebeard Pirates. Your generation of has no right to say that! Naming the new pirates stuff like ‘The Worst Generation’ and all.

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