Justice in the One Piece World

Set Sail!

Chapter 4


Sengoku: Here it is, your new ship. It took a while and who knows how much money. You’ve got to know that the technology we’ve used here is the best we have. We’ve invested in this just because it’s you.


The ship was massive. It was way bigger than the standard Marine Ship. But also lean, and looked quite aerodynamic. I found that our ship looked much different than the usual than the normal Marine ships in terms of color too. Instead of the usual White and Blue with the typical logo put everywhere, our ship was painted pitch black with dark blue patterns around the ship. On one side we had a modified Marine Logo which was the only white paint used on the ship. The only thing standard seemed to be the typical Marine sails.


Sengoku: We know you can decrease the drag and friction as well as manipulate gravity and produce electricity. That is what made this entire project possible. Doctor, would you care to explain?


Vegapunk: Of course. This is one of my proudest works! This ship will be the first Marine Warship capable of long distance flight! Of course, it will need help from your devil fruits.

The engines will be powered by electricity, which you can easily generate can easily be put directly into the engines. If not, then you will have to heat the water in the engines to produce steam. This will be much faster if your sister can superheat the water.


Diana: I can. So this means either of us can make this ship fly?


Vegapunk: Essentially, yes; however, this ship needs Kara’s gravity manipulation to stay in the air for extended periods of time. Otherwise, it can only go about a hundred kilometers in the air before the engine needs to rest.

In addition, this ship is the most technologically advanced ship in the world. Even if you compare it to the Germa crap, I am sure my masterpiece will win.

We’ve got auto cannons, ship defense systems, jet propulsion, and other things on board which make up for the lack of crew members. We’ve even got a full forge and workshop at the bottom of the ship. This ship’s got all my latest works on it.

It will need to take a lot of stress so we made the entire ship out of Adam Tree and Sea Stone. But that’s not really my area of expertise, so ask that to your shipwright.


Me: Thank you, but may I ask what is a Warlord of the Sea doing here?


It’s kind of hard to ignore a giant Kuma in the background. Wait, he’s not holding his Bible?


Vegapunk: Oh! That’s actually a cyborg of a project we’re working on. This unit is a Prototype; Pacifista PX 1.0 I managed to put some extra stuff on him as he’s one of a kind as of now. He’ll be your guard for the ship. Since he doesn’t sleep he can take night watch and all. He should be strong enough to wipe out most pirate crews in Paradise so no worries.


Pacifista huh? Well, I’m not one to refuse a powerhouse.


Vegapunk: Make sure to charge him once he signals you. He runs on electricity as well.


Sengoku: We’ve gathered the people you’ve requested as well. Here they are, let them introduce themselves to you.


Sarah: Report! Former Captain Sarah!

Trained in the 8th CP Unit before I was relocated to Marine Base in Enies Lobby

I am honored to be the navigator for the First Marine Response Unit.


I saw Sarah on paper but she seemed more impressive seeing her for myself. She could use all 6 of the Marine skill, though not all in Mastery. She has awakened her observation Haki and is a skilled sharpshooter (or sniper). Even then, it is said that her talents lie in navigation. I just hope that her time in CP didn’t erase her emotions or something. Such training decreases the bond we can make as fellow crew-members.


John: Report! Former Ensign John!

Trained in the Marine Base of Water 7

I am honored to be the shipwright for the First Marine Response Unit


John is very tall, easily over 2 meters but not sure how much more. He has a very tan skin, overall quite muscular and well shaped. He has a tattoo on his ankle of the Marine Symbol.


I’m not sure if it’s plot armor but the Universe is definitely helping me get the best people for my crew. While he’s wasn’t able to master all 6 Marine Skills, on paper he is able to perform Geppo, Soru, Tekkai, and Shigan which is impressive. What is more impressive is someone from Paradise unlocking armament Haki. Being born and raised in Water 7, it can be said he is a talented shipwright before being specially trained in the Marines to work with Adam Tree; however the best part about him is his devil fruit. He ate the Tree Tree Fruit (Paramecia) and he can produce and manipulate all sorts of wood. Just the ability we need for a shipwright. The only downside we have of him would be that he apparently drinks like a monster. Either it’s his tree fruit demanding water or his habit of chugging alcohol. Looks like we’ll need loads of booze on board.


Tim: Report! Former Lieutenant Tim!

Assistant to Doctor Vegapunk and was part of his project on building this ship!

I am honored to be the ship Mechanic and blacksmith for the First Marine Response Unit.


Appearance wise, Tim isn’t impressive. Approaching the age of 40, he has slick blue hair with some white hair growing out. He also has a messy blue beard that looks like it hasn’t been shaved for a few weeks. Still, his clothes are well kept and I feel the nerd vibe from him.


Tim was easily the weakest of our crew. He didn’t awaken any haki of any kind nor did he really train much. He was able to learn the basics of Geppo and Soru but that’s it; however, that’s not why we chose him to be part of our crew. He is literally a well of knowledge. Under the tutelage of Dr. Vegapunk, Tim learned all sorts of mechanics and information. After all, all files and documents eventually flows to him, so I’m guessing Tim has learned a lot. Not only that, he has the Metal Metal Devil Fruit which allows him to do the same with John, just with Metal this time. He might not be strong but he has a crazy amount of potential.


Brown: Reporting, I’m Doctor Brown

I was actually never in the Marines but I’ve worked with them a couple of times.

umm… I’m honored too, to, um… work for this ship.


I think I like his personality the best. We’ll have to make sure everyone’s personality turns chill once we set sail. I don’t want to have to deal with super strict people everyday. I think in that regard, some pirates have it easy.


Other than that, Brown is the oldest member in our crew. Approaching his 50s but still somehow looks like he’s in his 30s if you ignore his white hair. He was called a genius in the art of healing, surgery, illness, and medicine. So legendary in fact that when a World Noble fell sick, they called him up to Marie Jois to cure him. I think that speaks volumes of his capabilities. While he doesn’t have a devil fruit, he used to be a freelancer doctor around the first half of the Grand Line. That enough shows his strength.


That’s our 6 man crew + 1 Pacifista Cyborg.


Sengoku: Now that you’re all done introducing yourselves, I would have you spend some time to get to know each other before you go…but I don’t believe in that. You learn about each other the best when you’re all stuck in some sticky situations.

Your first mission is get to east Blue. We’ll tell you when something comes up. You all have your responsibilities and rank equal to that of Commanders. Except Kara and Diana. You two will be co-Captains of this ship and Rear Admirals. Read your duties carefully.

You may be set sail freely until we call you for duty.


That was the beginning of our journey to East Blue.


Diana: It’s finally starting… after these long 14 years. We can finally fuck up the Storyline!


Me: Sis, I don’t think we’ll be messing it up. Rather, more like changing it so we come out as the winners instead. Don’t you agree?


Diana: Of course, but hey! No looking down on them okay? Even if the opponents are from East Blue, who knows. Even Shanks, Garp, and Mihawk sometimes visit that Sea.


Me: Got it.


Then I turned to my crew who was looking at me expectantly


Me: All right all of you! I’m not much of a speaker so I’ll make this short!

We’re the Rapid Response Team and possibly the strongest Independent Marine Unit ever created! We’re going to be the first thrown into danger and last to leave. Joining this crew is something that might very well get you killed. But, we are doing this for Justice! Justice for this world and Justice for us all! Are you with me?


Crew: Yahhh!!!


Hmm… I’m relieved that they cheered; would’ve been awkward if they didn’t.


We walked onto the ship, which was much bigger than what I first thought it to be.

Me: Set sail to East Blues! To LougeTown


Sarah: Yes Rear Admiral!


Diana: Just call us by our names. Official titles will get in the way when we are fighting. Besides, I want our crew to be something like a family than a company.


Sarah looked wryly at us before saying


Sarah: Alright then Diana, let me teach you how true navigators work the ship!


With that, we set sail.

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