Justice in the One Piece World

Life on the Ship

Chapter 5


Diana: Alright, so let’s get everything clear. We should set up a basic set of command and responsibilities while we are on ship.

First, as agreed, I will be the top commanding officer of this ship. So the important decisions regarding our course and more will be done by me.


Me: While I am technically in the same rank as sis, I will stay one rank below informally for convenience’s sake. My role will be to keep the boat afloat and fly. Overall, I am in charge of this ship’s safety while my sister will lead the charge against the other ships.


Diana: Sarah, obviously you will be our navigator


Sarah: Yup


Me: And John, you will be our shipwright. I believe you have experience with Adam Tree?


John: I do, I can even produce it myself in small amounts.


Me: Wonderful. I’m sorry to inform you that you will probably be working a lot. Since we’re going to use the mini arena to train often. I don’t think even Adam Tree will hold for long.


John: Always glad to help. That’s no problem to me.


Me: That’s great. Tim, you are in charge of keeping our ship in working order as well as producing our weapons?


Tim: Yes. I would like to have a chance to use to forge later. I might be able to make something amazing.


Well, if he really did study under Vegapunk, then I really hope he can make something like those particle cannons and stuff. It’ll be nice to just blast thing out of the water without having to do anything.


Me: We’ll wait here. Don’t make anything yet but you should go and check if it’s in working order. See if there’s everything you want. Judging by your devil fruit power i don’t think we’ll have a problem though.


He chuckled, gave me a thumbs up and left.


Diana: Alright then. Doc, have you checked the sick bay? Is everything there?


Brown: I don’t think anything’s missing but with my age, you tend to forget things.


Me: Doc, my dad’s over 50 and he remembers everything. Even things we want him and should forget.


He just chuckled and leaned against the main mast.


I turned to my sis and whispered to her.


Me: Sis, I think it’s time to share our books on navigation and medicine. As long as they don’t spill the knowledge around everywhere, it’ll help our travel a lot.


Diana: Alright, you can give the instructions.


Of course, we already read both volumes (which was extremely long) and made sure to (very) carefully rip out the pages with information they shouldn’t have. For example, the location of the island Laugh Tale (or Raftel).


Me: Hey Sarah, Doc? I’ve got something to share that you are absolutely not allowed to share information on.


Diana: This information was given to our crew only since we need to response with haste no matter what the situation. The knowledge in these books will help us do that.


With that, I gave them the two books ‘Mastery of Navigation’ to Sarah and ‘Understanding Illnesses’ to Doc Brown.


Me: Please make sure that they don’t fall in the wrong hands. Also, feel free to read them in your free time!


Diana: Alright crew, I’m going to make some dinner so you all go back to your rooms and rest up!


I’m so glad sis’s cooking. Her cooking outshines pretty much every restaurant we’ve been to. Including the high end ones. Even our father likes the Soba noodles made from Sis the best. Well, I’m also not bad at it but it remains the fact that I learned from sis.


Me: hm?


Sis just picked me up in a princess carry and went back to our bedroom. Now, I know what you are thinking. No, we do not have a relationship like that! No Alabama relationship here! … It’s just like I like to be cuddled and she likes to cuddle me as well.


I don’t know when it started but we’ve actually never slept without the other. One of the only things even dad managed to train us in. Whether it was from the shock of losing each other in the past life, or just realizing how precious we are to each other. But,


Me: ahh…




Diana: Good night Kara


This is really comfortable though..



The Next Day


Me: First things first! We need to choose a name for this ship. I thought of a couple ideas but we want to hear a few of yours as well. Shoot them out.


Tim: How about Black Seagull?


Me: Not bad… but I don’t think it has the weight we want it to have.


John: Whiskey


Diana: Ok, what the fuck John, I thought you loved this ship more than that to name it something like “Whiskey”


John: What? It’s my favorite drink.


Me: Sarah? Any ideas?


Sarah: I don’t really have an idea. I’ll just give my opinion on whether I like the name or not.


Brown: How about Requiem? I like to think that this ship would be the last thing they hear before they die.


Me & Diana: Hohh~!


Me: Gets my vote


John: Not as good as Whiskey but I’m fine with that.


Tim: Sounds alright, I’ll go with Requiem as well.


Sarah: I like the name.


Diana: Alright then, it’s decided! Our ship will be called Requiem.


Diana: Listen up all of you. You were chosen to be on this crew because you, in your respective talents, are the best the Marines had to offer; however, this isn’t just any Marine Unit. This is the Rapid Response Unit! This means that we expect not only your area of expertise to be the best, but also your ability to fight.


Me: As your superiors, we will train you. From strength, stamina, to spars. You are going to have to get stronger.


Diana: We won’t just function on the Grandline or east blue. This entire world will be our ground. That means we have to prepare to fight anyone!


Me: It’s not going to be easy. Tim do you know how to awaken Haki? You must at least know what it is.


Tim: I know what haki is, but I’ve never found out how to unlock it. My superiors just said it comes naturally.


Diana: Your superior isn’t wrong, but we need you to awaken your haki as soon as possible. Do you know how you do that?


Tim: Why am I getting the chills?


He shuddered


Me: Fights, a lot of life or death fights against strong opponents. Since we can’t have that, we’ll do the next closest thing.


Diana: We’re going to beat to shit out of you, then Doc will heal you. We’ll repeat that process until you awaken haki.


Tim: Fuck…




After sending Tim and Doc to the sickbay, we started our weight training with John and Sarah.


Me: Alright, now brace yourselves


With that, I increased the mini arena’s gravity to 5g. Something most people wouldn’t be able to even lift their heads up. But this was One Piece, people don’t really follow the logic here.


Sarah: *grunt* This is harder than I thought


John: Is this how you usually train? *grunt*


Diana: I wish, but we’ve gone way beyond that now. When we train, you’re not allowed to be next to us. There’s a high chance you won’t survive.


Sarah: *huff* That much?


Me: Yes, now drop down and give me 100.


Sarah & John: *groan*



Sarah: We’ve made it past the calm belt, we are now entering East Blue! Setting course for Lougetown!


Me: I wonder if we’ll be able to meet Smoker. It’d be better if we’re on good terms before the Straw Hats enter the Grand Line


Diana: Come sit here sis


She signaled me to sit on her lap. Seriously, she’s still making me act like a child but…

*pet* *pet*

This is really comfortable though. I’m just going to take a little nap…


Me: Uoo..I’m going to take a short nap ok?


*pet* *pet*

Sis just closed my eyes and continued petting me.



*PeT* *pET*


Me: ??!


Something felt very off. My sister wouldn’t pet me this way.


Me: ehhh?!


I opened my eyes to see literally all of the crew petting me with a blissful expression.


Sarah: Oops, sorry guys. Looks like she’s awake.


Diana: It’s alright, we can host another petting session when she’s asleep.


Me: What?? What’s going on?


I don’t know how long I’ve slept for but they definitely weren’t this close before I took my nap. Did Diana share some of my dark secrets or something?


Sarah: hehehe. Make sure you call us when she's napping okay?


Me: What did I do?


I hurriedly asked my sister


Diana: I don’t think I’ve ever told you that you talk in your sleep did I? It’s so KAWAII!


Me: Muuuh! *pout*


Sis suddenly hugged me to her chest


Diana: See? She’s so cute!


Brown: She really does look like a doll though. I wonder if this is what having a granddaughter will feel like.


Me: I don’t think you’re that old though. Dad’s just a few years older than you


Brown: Thanks dear


He really gave off the feeling of a caring elderly man. He’s younger than my dad but it feels like I’m dealing with elders when he’s talking to me.


Sarah: All right, all of that aside, we are approaching Lougetown.


Me: Really? That was quick. Let’s see what they have for us.

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