Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 119: Soul Crusher

I awoke in my giant bed, and for a moment, I thought that I was back in Healia.

"Good morning, baby," Leasha said as she cuddled into me. "The Home you made us is amazing! It's like you took the Guild from back home and just dropped it down here!"

That was right, I had just finished building this place, and then I passed out, but how long was I out for? I sat up, and Lesha came up with me, and I kissed her as we got out of bed.

"How long was I out for?" I asked as I stretched out.

My body didn't feel overly stiff, so it couldn't have been that long. I turned to Lesha, and she was smiling at me.

"Only since yesterday, the girls helped carry you up, and everyone else has been out collecting food and supplies, but they also have discovered things while looking around the island," Lesha explained as I walked over to my dresser.

I expected it to be empty and only opened just to see if there was anything inside it. So, I was surprised to find that it was filled with clothes.

"Oh yeah," Lesha said as she walked over to my side. "All the drawers are filled with clothes and everything. Whatever you did created clothing for everyone and utensils and tools, but a lot of things don't work, and some doors won't even open."

"Yes, that is because we have no god as a patron yet. There must be something on this island, though, or Lishtani would not have brought us here, and she told me that I would need to find one," I explained as I pulled on shorts, wrapped my chest, and then put on a white halter top.

Lesha and I headed out of the room after getting dressed, but none of the other girls were in the next room.

When we got to the long single flight of stairs, I noticed a spiral set heading up. That would be to the Waystone, but without a god to activate it, the stone was nothing more than that, a stone.

The hall was empty as we walked down, but I noticed some things right away.

First was the Resurrection Tree and then the Mana Tesla, but a massive Lions head was mounted on the far left wall. I walked over to the large stone face, and Lishtani spoke up in my mind.

[I made some adjustments and additions while you slept now that you have a Guildhall. I really wish I could have spoken up before and forced Drania to make you Listen to Healia, but we can't dwell on the past. This is the Soul Crusher, I know, great name, but it is meant to release the essence of the Soul Gems that you have been collecting.]

You mean the crystals that we have been buying from our members? Are you trying to tell me that I have a massive Pile of those gems in my vault? How are we not bankrupt?

"Baby?" Lesha asked from beside me.

"Sorry, Lishtani was telling me about the Soul Crusher thing," I said, taking her hand and kissing her cheek.

She always looked so beautiful, and today was no exception. I put my hand on her cheek and turned her head to mine, and she gave me a warm smile before kissing me.

The simple kiss became more, and soon I was pulling her closer while running my hand through her beautiful soft blonde hair. It was easy to get lost with her like this, and I wished there was nothing else in the world that needed my attention, but that was never the case.

"Get a room!" I heard Candi call from behind us, but I didn't let go right away; the kiss was now, and they were after.

"Ooo, K, you seem all bright-eyed and bushy tailed! Just how long have you two been awake for? Only just coming down now?" Mei teased, and that made us break apart so I could scowl at her.

She was hanging off Gloria, but Candi was by herself.

"Where are Trinity and Alana? I asked.

"Chasing ghosts on the beach," Candi said while rolling her eyes.

Ghosts? She must mean spirits, but could Trinity see them as well?

"What do you mean?" I asked, not sure how else to phrase the question.

"I let Alana ride Trinity, and the two of them are chasing those annoying water pests and sandmen. They are just a bunch of children!" Candi said with a huff, but I could see that she was just putting on a show; she always did this.

"Then you should be out there making sure that they don't get into trouble. I will come out soon, but you need to go watch the girls until then," I told Candi, and her attitude changed.

"You right! I should go out there and make sure that they aren't getting into trouble!" Candi said as she turned and stocked out of the Guild.

"That's right, you go, girl! Make sure they are staying in line!" I hollered after her.

"OH, I WLL!" Candi yelled after she was already out the door.

"Very nice! You just played her like a fiddle, but that's kind of scary," Gloria said with a knowing grin, and I returned it but a bit more feral.

"Yes, G, I remember all your little quirks and tendencies. My mind isn't quite at one-hundred percent, but I have enough. Let's just say that Mama K is back," I said as I grinned evilly at Gloria and Mei, but both of them just smiled at me knowingly.

"Yes, Mama K, but we also have ours back as well, so we know things now too!" Mei said while hiding behind Gloria.

We all laughed, but then we were interrupted by a familiar call from the kitchen.

"Hey ya worthless swabs! Foods up!" Called the voice of Captain James Nobby from the Kitchen.

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