Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 120: Trusting Secrets

I turned to look at Lesha, but she just smiled and grinned at me.

"He said that the military life wasn't for him and that he just wanted to retire in the kitchen, and we needed a cook. He is just a bit rough around the edges, but he makes good food," Lesha said while dragging me over to the table.

Gloria and Mei went to the kitchen and brought back some eggs and fruits.

As I watched them set it all down, I wondered where they could have gotten eggs and what kind they were? Still, I was starving, but I noticed that my hands were a bit cold, I would have to go out and find something to kill after this, or so I thought.

"Guild Leader! You're awake! Good, I got what you probably need right now!" I heard the loud booming voice of Braum coming down the stairs.

I looked up, and I saw that He was coming down holding a jar, and I immediately started to stand up out of my chair and go to meet him. I only had to take five steps, and because the top was open, I could pull it to me.

The blood rushed from the jar and splashed into my chest, not leaving a mark or wasting a single drop of blood.

"Thank you, I had just noticed that my hands were getting cold. Now I can enjoy my meal without the other hunger crawling up my back," I told Braum as he walked down.

"Ha, don't thank me, thank the boys when they come down! They are the ones that sat inline with the sharpened reeds sticking out of their arms. They sound be coming down any second now with Gunnery Sergeant Highway," Braum said while smiling and turning to the sound of synchronized marching.

A stream of men and red and black military camo uniforms thundered down in pairs with one man leading them. When they got to the bottom, the men continued on and out the door, each giving me a respectful nod or "good morning Guild Leader" as they passed.

"Now that is strange looking. Where are those men going to be hiding? In puddled of half cooled lava?" I asked with a smile, but Braum just grinned back, and then I notice a pile of sand sitting on his shoulder, and I reach to brush it off but stopped.

The pile of sand rose up into the shape of a man and then waved at me. It was so damn cute, and I wanted it.

"Hehe, I see you have met my little friend, Mr. Totaso! Cute little bugger and he is pretty tough, for a cookie man," Braum jested.

Mr. Totaso went through a range of emotions as Braum talked, and the two looked thick as thieves already. This must be a sand spirit, and it looked like it had already bonded with him.

[As I said before, the Soul Crusher breaks the Soul Gems apart to release the energy. Then the energy inside is used to feed the spirits that are bonded to you. In the other case, they will only have one, but you will have more like Firburg, but they will have to fuse with your flames like the others have. Typically, your people have been using Soul Gems to create special imbued weapons and armor, but they take over one hundred stones to make a single sharpening enchantment.]

Listen, woman, a lot is going on, and I can't just always ignore everyone just to talk to you! Still, thank you for pointing that out.

I have heard about this before. My father had told me of a man that made swords that never dulled and armor that would not wear down. Still, even armor like that had its limits, and if it took that many stones just for a sword, then I guess there would not be a pile of them just sitting around.

[Finish eating and head to the center of the island, I will guild you. There is a temple there, and it will finally get the ball moving, but you need to get there first.]

I went over and kissed Lesha as I sat down and then pointed to my head. She smiled at me, and the other two continued to eat in silence, giving me peace.

What is so important about this temple? Is there a sleeping god there, or something like that?

[Something like that, but I would ask that you let me keep this one secret. I know that Drania has sent you for a loop with tricks, but I promise you that this surprise will be worth the wait if you allow it.]

I ate my food and thought about it. True, Drania had lied, but Lishtani said it wasn't her fault, and I did believe her.

More than once, I have given her complete control of my body, and she has not done anything but try to help me. I think that it would be fair to let her have one secret if it was not going to affect me negatively in any way.

[Thank you, my dear. Once you are done eating, there will be a path straight ahead when you walk out the door. Follow the path, and when you reach the temple, I will guide you to the shrine inside of it.]

This was exciting; I loved to explore new places. I hoped that if we found a god at the temple, there might be a way to summon a Dungeon Core or something.

Once we had a dungeon, we could stay for a while, which I needed to do.

I was strong and getting stronger every day, but the rest of the people around me were not getting the chance to, which was dangerous. If I got too strong and tried to challenge a god, and my people weren't ready, it wouldn't matter if I win my fight with the god.

In the end, I could lose my friends and family in the process, and that wasn't something that I was okay with. That just meant that I would have to train and help these people grow; I was their leader, after all.

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