Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 137: Shaping The Wind

It was time to start spirit training. Not everyone had a spirit, so that would be the first task, but I wanted to go and check to see how Gloria and Mei were doing.

"Do you think the two of them are getting it on? Maybe we should just leave them be?" Healia asked as I walked with her and Lishtani.

"The girls won't be messing around. Even if Mei and be a little off sometimes, you know that Gloria keeps her on the straight and narrow. Gloria told me that they were coming out to the far northeast corner of the island.

"Yes, Gloria will not be messing around; they do enough messing around when they are in the bedroom with their giggles," Lishtani said with a smile.

Lishtani and Healia decided to join me after Drania asked if she could work with Lesha and Alana. Drania was helping the two girls train with their spirits, and she had also offered the same to the mean, but they all slowly collected their own spirits.

At first, I was against it and told them that they should be getting help from Drania so they wouldn't get stuck with a wild spirit that might end up being overly troublesome. The problem with spirits wasn't that they could bother others.

Once a spirit was bonded with you, they weren't able to go within a certain distance from you, but they also can't affect anything but us unless we merge with them. To merge with them, we have to accept the spirit to gain partial control of your body.

For most, the process will be shaken and a lengthy trial, and for some, if the connection is good, they will sync well. If the partner is not in sync with the bonded spirit, it can end up making everything a lot harder than it needed to be. 

"Yes, I don't think that the two would be wasting time right now, but I want them to come in so we can start showing everyone at once and finish placing the rest of the spirits," I said as we rounded the beach.

"Does that mean that you will finally take some time out of your busy day to find me one?" Healia asked, rubbing into me, and I could feel the flame that was her magic burning deep inside of her.

Healia had changed, but only slightly, and now she was more attached to me. Lesha didn't seem to mind, but the way Healia looked at me left me feeling… weird.

"Yes, after we are done talking with the girls, L will take the girls back, and you and I will go into the waterfall area," I said to Healia, and she smiled warmly at me, but I also saw Lishtani roll her eyes at me.

"You two better not be too long. If I have to get everyone into one group and go down to get the Soul Gems all by myself, there will be hell to pay," Lishtani said in a flat voice, but that made me laugh.

"Oh? You are going to be the ones to go down and get the Soul Gem? Are you able to carry the eight crates that we have up all my lonesome?" I teased Lishtani.

She would have someone else, or more specifically, she would get some of the men to do it. The woman had no interest in men, and they still all treated her like a god, but I guess that was a gift with her having a good status.

I was really hoping that she would have had magic that I could have taken, but she and Drania had not been around when the Mana Wave hit from the entrance of the gods. Healia still had her healing magic, but I wasn't about to take that away anytime soon.

Even though that would cause Healia's spiritual growth to be stunted until she had it completely removed by me. I had talked to her about it, and after explaining myself, she more than agreed.

When I had told her with Lesha, Healia had crept over to sit across Lesha's and my lap as we had talked. I had difficulty getting her to stop, though, because it didn't bother Lesha; I think she might even like it.

I would have been a lot more worried about Healia and the way she acted if it was only with me, but she had been acting the same with Lesha as she had with me. This was interesting, but I wasn't really sure what to do about it.

Lesha and I have had lesbian friends in the real world that were quite free with their relationships, but I had never wanted something like that for us. Yet, I really enjoyed watching Lesha and her act cute around each other, and I never asked her to stop when she was horsing around.

I wasn't sure what I meant, but we would just let Healia stay close with us for now. Unlike before, Healia no longer tried to make sexual advances on me or any of the girls, but it was funny to see Healia apologize to Lesha for back in the guildhall when She had been making advances on me.

We could see the girls now, and I could also see the glowing spirits with them. Mei and Gloria both got mischievous little wind spirits that neither Drania nor I approved, but like most men, these two girls had thick heads.

If the two girls got it in their heads that this was the spirit that they wanted, then that spirit had better comply. I think that the spirits were a good match for them, but there was also the chance that they could be harder to control.

"K! Mei called out, waving to the three of us.

They had been working with the wind blade technique that I had shown them, and they had a couple stakes stuck in the ground as targets. Every spirit had a primary element, and they could be used as that element in a fundamental way like the Wind Blade or Step.

Other elements like fire could create small balls of fire and coat themselves in burn armor that causes damage to the attackers. There were many other basic ways that spirits could be used, and it was another way to train your body and build up the bond you have with the spirit.

"How are you girls doing today? I saw some good cuts as we were coming up," I said as I gave Mei a hang as she ran over to me.

Even as a full-grown woman, I still always picture Mei as a child in my mind, but there was no denying how much she had matured and grown in the last week. Gloria came over, and we kissed cheeks and then parted with a smile as Mei went over to slip under Gloria's arm.

"You guys have a nice quiet and secluded space out here," I said to the grinning couple.

"Yes, and we are slowly making some progress, but these spirits don't always want to train. It's almost like they get bored with the idea, and then they become nearly impossible to," Gloria had started to say, but I reached out and ripped the Dancing spirit off her shoulder, cutting her off.

"This is why Drania and I had told you two to wait; no, you and the rest of the men will fight with them instead of having a good easy-going partner," I scolded the two of them.

I had expected the men to be hard-headed about this, but I guess that I shouldn't be surprised by them acting like this. In fact, the only ones that I expected to act somewhat normal were Listani and Drania. Still, it would have been nice for these two to listen,

I had the struggling spirit in my hand, and I started to mold it against its will. The thing was more than challenging, but I had my own spirit that was much stronger. 

I pulled a hand back and let it reform, but as it did, I let Firburg stick his head out of my palm. Seeing my fire dragon, the other spirit covered in fear.

All spirits in this world lived below the next in terms of power, and they feared and respected the ones that we're stronger than them. Firburg could become a massive dragon, but he was different than the spirits that the rest had.

I pulled Firburg back, and the Wind sprite melted into my hand, and then I poured the puddle back onto Gloria's shoulder where it stayed, calmly. The spirit would be good now, but it would be up to the girls to get control of them.

"You two decided that you wanted to have these ones even after we had told you that it was a bad idea. Now you will have to sleep in the beds that you made, but I want you to go back with Listani and help her get set up. Healia and I are going to the Waterfall to find her spirit, the proper way," I said while glaring at the two girls, but they just rolled their eyes at me.

"Yes, Mama K, just try not to get lost or distracted while you two are playing. I don't want to sit around all day and wait for you two. I want to get back to training," Gloria told me with a giant smile that made me roll my eyes as the three left.

"Ready to go, Mama K? Or can I call you Mommy?" Healia joked as we headed into the jungle. 

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