Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 138: Pirate Monkeys

I watched as Lesha and the girls walked down the beach and until they were out of sight. Hopefully, everyone would be gathered around by the time we got back, and then we could take care of showing everyone how to start training their partners.

"Ready to go, my fearless leader?" Healia asked, coming over to me and giving me a warm smile.

"Yes, but did you bring a weapon, or do you need one? Do you still have access to Meatheads Gates?" I asked her as I turned back to join Healia.

The gates were Hyde's quirk, just like the Blood Queen Gene my body always started with. No matter how many times I would be reborn, I would always come out with being fully Vampire underneath, but a particular edited version of one.

I was not weak at anything, and I could eat normally, and I could absorb blood instead of drinking it. All of these things would make me an unstoppable monster, and they paired my powers, but there were the girls and the people I was responsible for here.

"I can only break the first Gate, but that strength should be good. Plus, you taught me how to fight with my hand in Second Life before we even came to Reborn," Healia said as I joined her, and we started to walk.

I burned some blood and created a pair of black and red Blood Steal knuckles for her to slip her fingers into. After giving them to Healia and seeing them fit her hand comfortably, I burned more blood.

I let my skin go black and let the Blood Queen out, and blood started to leak from my skin as we walked. The blood coagulates in the air in front of my skin to start creating my Blood Steel Armor plating and a War Door style medium tower shield.

After the tall rectangular shield grew out from my hand and slightly curved back to me on the sides. The last thing was to summon a weapon, but I used sharpened and reinforced the tips of my gauntlets.

"I will walk in front, but you need to cover me when they start coming," I said just before my helmet grew over my head.

"Yes, I know, I will stay," Healia tried to say but had to cut off to punch an armored monkey in the face. "Oh no, not these again!"

The island was built similar to a dungeon, but not entirely the same, over really close, just similar. We learned that if you traveled into the jungle in an evenly leveled pack of people, the monsters would stay the same level, but traveling with me was different.

I forced the Basophils to stop from burning automatically to slow time; there was no need. I could see the Pirate Monkeys perfectly well, so I burned almost all the blood in my tank into the red.

"Stayed shielded and cast walls to divert the flow of them!" I shouted through my helmet, but Healia was already erecting her barriers and layers of Holy Shields.

Pirate monkeys were a strange race on this island, and by themselves, we were just thieves to start out with. We had learned the hard way, and now all of the Pirate Monkeys were wearing out armor and using our weapons.

I slowed to a stop and got myself planted and ready with my shield up, then I let the rage out. 

A wave of pure malice rolled off me, but it wasn't to scare them away. Since there were so many of the beasts, I couldn't control more than five right now, and that wasn't nearly enough.

White walls of light started t0o appear around me, almost making a maze, but it would guild the Pirate Monkey into me, but now from only two locations, and I could force five to hold that side, but the was only suitable for thirty seconds, and then I needed to have enough blood to talk on every one of them.

"COME AND GET ME!" I screamed, activating my battle cry that was now at level five, and every Pirate Monkey converged on me. 

I stepped into a line of seven, and then activated my shield Bash, and shot into the group like a rocket, causing blood to spray into the air. I pulled the blood into me as three heavy arrows bounced off my back.

I turned and dropped my empty right hand and let all my magic create a swirling massive two-meter-long sledge. Right then, an arrow bounced off my head, and all the monkeys stopped to look at me and my massive hammer that was not going to be good for their health.

"Oh, DON'T STOP NOW!" I screamed as I activated one of my newest skills, Call To War.

This was like a super version of the Battle cry, but a lot more dangerous to use. This affected all monsters within fifty meters, and that was a large area, so using this could bring a lot of people down on you, and it lasted for an entire minute.

I swung my massive hammer in an arc at three monkeys and then brought it up into the air and smashed it down on another pair. The entire time, I was absorbing more blood and getting almost back to a full tank.

I blocked three attacks with my shield and then choked up on my hammer as I spun. The head of my hammer smashed and ripped into them at a disgusting speed, tearing their bodies apart.

None of it mattered, and I let my hand slide down the handle as I turned to face the next four, but I could see three more coming up behind me.

"K, Behind you!" Healia called, and I dropped my shield, letting it disappear, and grabbed the end of my massive hammer, and started to spin.

I killed the seven in a drain of blood and entrails, but the bodies were no more than dried husks, but they think that they hit the ground. I turned to take on the next group, but then I noticed something.

Shield Walls started to break, and there must have been over a hundred of the little devils to start out with. Instead of trying to get them to hold one side, I decided that I made ones that were in the middle of groups to start attacking.

"Are you ready now?" I called out to Healia.

"Suck me dry, Mama K!" Healia called to me as she came running over, making me roll my eyes, even in the heat of battle.

I let the hammer go, and all my armor fell off as I did, and I drained my entire tank, which also took a large amount of blood from Healia. She gasped out in pleasure as I did, but I was too dialed in to get hot from it.

My body was ice cold, and the ultra-black of my skin started to pull the light in around me. Healia muscles and body were rippling from the Frenzy, but the world around us had calmed and slowed down to a near stop.

[Blood Queen] Activated!

Healia let the walls of light shatter like shards of glass, and then both began killing in earnest. I needed to collect a full tank in order to get a full thirty seconds of time slowed to a near stop, and that would pass by in their second for them.

The two of us tore through the Pirate monkeys like they were paper dolls, neither of us giving any quarter. Within twenty seconds, all one of them was dead, and I let the time snap back and then wholly refilled my blood storage.

Healia came over to me panting, and with a little bit of blood on her, so I burned some red, and then I absorbed what was on her. She looked tired, but using the Basophils for even twenty seconds would be extremely tanking on her body, even with the single Gate open.

"Thank you for cleaning me up, I still don't get how you can do that all the time, and it has almost no effect on you," Healia said as I let my skin go back to its standard color.

"It is my power; you are just borrowing it, just like the Gate. It will always be harder for you to use someone else's power, and that is why you and I are going to the waterfall," I said as we started to walk ahead to our destination, which was still another ten-minute walk.

Now that we had faced our daily challenge, there would be no monsters for either of us to fight, and joining another group would just make it, so no one got monsters. It was almost like the island was telling us that, hey, look, this is all we have, so stop trying to farm me.

"Do you really think that there is one there for me? Why are we even going here anyway? I thought you told everyone to stay here?" Healia asked as we walked.

"Yes, I did, but I am not everyone else; I am the one that told everyone to stay here. You will see when we get there by what I mean. The spirits there are extremely powerful and dangerous, and they don't like outsiders, so you need to stay close and keep that wandering tongue of yours in your head, okay," I said to Healia in a no-nonsense tone.

"Yes, Mama K, I will keep my lips sealed," Healia said with a smile.

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