
Kigal-Note/Traits: Undead-type Traits (Post-Nightmare Festival)

General Description:

The Undead species are pretty common anywhere that is dark and gloomy. And have lots of deaths nearby.

As the undead species can mirror practically any living being on Terra Sol, one can also count on there being a ridiculous amount of traits for the different undead kinds. This chapter will go through the undead species' three "ranking" traits and 3 + 1 of the most common undead-type traits.

Do note that there exist other traits geared for more specific types of the undead, such as vampires or liches, to name a few examples.

Trait: Low Undead


  • Undead attribute enhancements: [Small]
  • Remnant-type attribute enhancements: [Small]
  • Decreased Undead-type damage taken: [Small]
  • Decreased Remnant-type damage taken: [Small]
  • Increased Purification-type damage taken: [High]
  • Increased Glow-type damage taken: [Medium]
  • Increased Sacred-type damage taken: [High]
  • Increased stats in dark areas: [Small]
  • Passive damage in sunlight areas: [High]
  • Increased self-recovery skill effects: [Small]
  • Inverts healing/damage from moves using positive/negative life force.
  • Negates most physical status ailments
  • Negates the need for food and sleep.
  • Nightvision.
  • Negates loss of SP, except for using skills or other System-based moves. 


The lowest of the dead monsters are the "Low Undead". They take incredibly high damage from Purification skills and other Sacred-type skills in addition to that (Purification is also a Sacred-type skill, so the damage increase stacks). Among all the undead, the Low Undead has the worst resistance to these attributes.

This even applies to the Glow-type attributes, which only visually resemble Sacred-type attributes! In addition to that, Low Undead also takes passive damage just from being in the sun, making it almost impossible for them to appear when the sun is up.

But enough about their weaknesses. Low Undead are granted enhancements to Undead attribute skills and other Remnant-type skills (again, Undead is part of the Remnant category, so the enhancements stacks), they gain more out of self-recovery effects, their stats increase in areas without light sources, and they can also see perfectly fine even in pitch-black darkness.

Other than that, the Low Undead takes damage from positive life energies while it recovers from negative life energies. A strict inversion of the result compared to how a living being would be affected by these energies.

Finally, as they are walking corpses, the Low Undead uses no SP unless they need them for activating skills, nor can most physical status ailments affect the undead. And of course, they do not need food, drink, or even sleep.

Trait: Undead


  • Undead attribute enhancements: [Medium]
  • Remnant-type attribute enhancements: [Small]
  • Decreased Undead-type damage taken: [Medium]
  • Decreased Remnant-type damage taken: [Small]
  • Increased Purification-type damage taken: [Medium]
  • Increased Glow-type damage taken: [Small]
  • Increased Sacred-type damage taken: [Medium]
  • Passive damage in sunlight areas: [Medium]
  • Increased self-recovery skill effects: [Medium]
  • Inverts healing/damage from moves using positive/negative life force.
  • Negates most physical status ailments
  • Negates the need for food and sleep.
  • Nightvision.
  • Soulvision.
  • Negates loss of SP, except for using skills or other System-based moves. 


The average level of the undead species uses the trait...[Undead].

The various enhancements and weaknesses have been tuned up to this higher tier of the undead, but other than that, there are not many changes compared to the [Low Undead]. One change is that this tier of the trait grants the undead the ability to "see" souls, which makes them even greater at detecting living beings. Mostly so that they can attack them.

Trait: High Undead


  • Undead attribute enhancements: [High]
  • Remnant-type attribute enhancements: [Medium]
  • Decreased Undead-type damage taken: [High]
  • Decreased Remnant-type damage taken: [Medium]
  • Increased Purification-type damage taken: [Medium]
  • Increased Sacred-type damage taken: [Small]
  • Increased stats when exposed to moonlight: [Small]
  • Increased self-recovery skill effects: [Medium]
  • Inverts healing/damage from moves using positive/negative life force.
  • Negates most physical status ailments
  • Negates the need for food and sleep.
  • Nightvision.
  • Soulvision.
  • Negates loss of SP, except for using skills or other System-based moves. 


The [High Undead] is the trait granted only to the worst of the worst when it comes to the undead. The attribute enhancers have been cranked up to the next level while the damage modifiers have been recalculated yet again.

An important change is that [High Undead] no longer takes damage from sunlight, nor extra damage from Glow-type attributes. In exchange, they now gain a positive correction to their stats whenever they are exposed to moonlight, which makes them still wish to fight in the middle of the night even now. 

Trait: Bone Body


  • Increases the values of SPD stat: *1.5
  • Decreases the values of HP & VIT stats: *0.7
  • Increased Blunt-type damage taken: [High]
  • Decreased Pierce-type damage taken: [High]
  • Enhances physical status ailment resistance through traits to "Immunity". 


[Bone Body] is the racial trait of the Skeleton undead. As they are made completely out of bones, they are extremely brittle to blunt-type attacks, but their defense against piercing attacks is just as extreme.

Due to their lightweight bodies, Skeletons obtain a boost to their SPD, and not to be redundant, but their defenses are frail. So much that their HP and VIT are lower than what their status values show. 

One good thing about their bony bodies is that physical status ailments are completely useless against them. There is no flesh or blood to spread the ailment through!

Trait: Corpse Body


  • Increases the values of HP, VIT, & RES stats: *1.4
  • Decreases the values of SPD & DEX stats: *0.8
  • Increased Fire-type damage taken: [High]
  • Enhanced body odor. 
  • Reduced functionality of one's five senses.


Zombies possess the [Corpse Body] trait, which gives them higher physical durability, but in exchange...there are a lot of demerits. 

First, there is a high increase in damage taken from Fire-type attacks. Luckily, it does not extend to other attributes such as Smelt and Sun, which also uses "burning"-type skills. 

Other than that, a Zombie is quite clumsy. They are slow and can't handle delicate movements. Not to forget about their weakened senses, leaving them half-blind, half-deaf, half..., you get the idea. 

And finally, they smell. Like, extremely bad. The funny thing about this effect is that the few rare Zombies who have evolved so they almost have turned humanlike use this to their advantage, as the effect does not specify "bad smell" only. Usually, it is female Zombies of this kind that uses this strategy.

Trait: Spectral Body


  • Increases the values of MP & MAG stats: *1.5
  • Decreases the values of HP & VIT stats: *0.7
  • Decreases physical-type damage taken: [Max]
  • Increases magical-type damage taken: [High]
  • Increases Glow-type damage taken: [Medium]
  • Positive correction to using Ghost-based skills: [High]


[Spectral Body] is the ghost-based trait. It represents how the ghosts are intangible to physical means, making magic the only way to go if one ever encounters a hostile ghost. 

Other than that, Ghosts are even weaker against Glow-type skills than other undead species. This extends even to sunlight, which makes the High Undead Ghosts so much more dangerous due to them having overcome said weakness.

It is worth mentioning that this trait is only given to the typical "ghosty"-types of ghosts. The kind that looks like flowing bedsheets or a bundle of dust particles gathered together. For other types of ghosts, the kind that likes to possess old items and use them as their bodies, look below.

Trait: Spectral Possessor (XXX)


  • Increases the values of ??? stat: *?
  • Decreases the values of ??? stats: *?
  • Increases Rust/Acid-type damage taken: [???]
  • Increases ???-type damage taken: [???]
  • Decreases ???-type damage taken: [???]
  • Positive correction to using Ghost-based skills: [Medium]
  • Repair-type skills and effects can be used to recover HP.
  • [XXX]-related skills can be used without needing to equip such an item.


[Spectral Possessor (XXX)] is a trait given to a ghost who uses a specific item (represented as XXX in this document) that decides whatever ability the trait gives the Ghost.

The Ghost's stats will alter depending on what item they possess. A sword-possessing ghost may gain more STR, but lower MAG.

The possessed item may also increase Rust-type and/or Acid-type damage the ghost takes. Whatever is "deadly" for the item they use as their body is deadly for the ghost themselves. Other types of damage, such as Blunt-type or Slash-type, may also be altered depending on what object XXX is.

Like the other Ghosts, Spectral Possessors also have an affinity for pure Ghost-based skills. 

Other than this, Spectral Possessors can recover their HP through repair-type skills, as their bodies can still be classified as an item. However, it may be difficult for them to equip themselves with other items depending on what their "body" is, but that does not stop them from using skills that would require an XXX-type item equipped. They are one, after all.

Noire's comment: Ugh, I hate ghosts now more than ever. Except for Iron. He is a gentleman's armor.

(Self-proclaimed) anonymous busty beauty dragon's comment: ...I am so confused right now. Why is some metal a gentleman? This angel must not have met a real gentleman in her whole life...*sniff*. 

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