Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

10. Goodbyes, Training Arc Results

(1 Year Later)

(Large Field, Elder De's Residence)

(Third Person POV)

On a large, empty field like area a voice could be heard screaming and hurling insults at a young boy as he was running around the field.

Although there is nothing inherently wrong with this scene. If you looked closely you could see that as the boy took each step, deeply imprinted footprints remained...


"If you can't do these last ten laps in one minute then you'll be doing your whole routine all over again!"

"My ancestors in the grave can run faster, so what does that make you?"

"A dead dog?"

After hearing these insults.

The boy who looked to be completely exhausted, seemed to be stimulated by these words.

He suddenly went into a spirint which looked like he flashed around the field, even the air around him blew slightly distortedly due to such speed.

After finishing the lap, he completely collapsed in exhaustion and passed out.

This boy is, as you would expect, Bu Cai.

After seeing that his son was able to complete such a 'hellish' training session, Bu De had a wide grin on his face and seemed very proud...

But that was soon stifled due to the fact that he remembered his wife may not talk to him for a while due to this.

He quickly picked up his son and flashed away from the field back to his home.

However instead of putting Bu Cai in his bed, Bu De placed him into a bathtub full of glowing green liquid and left him to soak in there.

The liquid was rapidly absorbed by Bu Cai, and Bu De then put him into his bed so that he could rest.

Just when he planned to sneakily leave, Lu li appeared and looked at him with a menacing smile.

And at that point, Bu De knew he had fucked up...


(Bu Cai POV)

I woke up feeling incredibly refreshed and more comfortable than ever.

This was a huge surprise to me as I am used to feeling horrific pain in every part of my body after father's suicidal training.

After getting up I felt much lighter and yet also felt much stronger. Even though this happened, I wasn't very bothered as I just carried along with my morning routine as I knew I would find out what had happened to me at breakfast.

BTW my daily routine goes something like this:

-Have a nice warm bath by myself (No Maids).

-Check out my handsome face and perfect physique that is akin to Adonis in the reflection.

-Brush my already pure white teeth with some cultivator toothpaste(Self Made).

- Tie up my long hair that is abyssal black and has a nice luster to it.

-Get myself into a sleek white robe.

-Then head to the hall where breakfast is ready for me to have with my parents.

After doing the first 5 steps of my routine, I hurriedly make my way to the dining hall as I am curious on what my father gave me.

As I step in, I see my father pleading my mother to forgive him while she is giving him the cold shoulder.

It is quite funny seeing his desperate face sometimes but after experiencing the consequences of laughing in his face...

Lets just say, I learnt my lesson.

Once my mother saw me, she immediately gets up and gives me a big hug.

After a while she asks worriedly,

"Is everything alright, honey?"

"Does it hurt anywhere?"

"I saw how harshly that stupid father of yours treated you, and have decided to cut contact with him."

Seeing the painful look on his face and his eyes stared at me intensely after my mother said that. I knew if I didn't help him resolve this, my next training session would breach the level of feasible.

So I said,

"Everything is fine mother, In fact I feel better than ever!"

"I was going to ask what father did to make me this much stronger?"

Hearing my words prompted his response immediately, and he said to to my mother,


"Li'er you have to believe me when I say that, I hate to see my son in pain as much as you do (Didn't want to refute that or my life may be in danger)."

"However to ensure his safety for his trip to the Royal capital tomorrow, I gave him an incredibly valuable foundation building elixir so that he would be safe."

"But to do this, I had to train him to his limit!"

"You have to believe me Li'er! It's just tough love!""

After hearing that, she felt it was reasonable and started to ease her anger towards him.

We then sat down and had breakfast.

Both my mother and father had a Cultivator's breakfast (English breakfast but Xianxia edition).

Whereas I had a bowl of Cultivation Crispies (Rice Crispies but Xianxia) with a a glass of a Century Dragon Grapefruit Juice.

As I dug into my food I suddenly recalled father saying I was leaving tomorrow. Instantly my mood soured and I started to feel a bit depressed.

Noticing the change in my attitude, my mother instantly asked what was wrong and I replied honestly by saying,

"I realised that I will be leaving tomorrow, and am quite saddened that I won't be able to see you both for a while..."

Instead of my mother answering.

My father cut in and shouted out,

"Don't you dare start getting emotional with me you unfilial son!"

"If this father of yours hears news that you wasted all the precious time and resources I invested into you and didn't get in or faltered due to the fact that you will miss us."

"I, On my name, promise the moment you come back; You will be swinging that sword for three months straight!"

Do you understand!!"

Silence prevailed after that.

My mother then started to scold him angrily about everything he just said.

Hearing the bickering between them as usual and my stingy fathers usual talk, I couldn't help but laugh.

Soon we all started laughing happily.

I wish it could've stay like this forever...


After I finish talking with my family.

I decide to give my good old 'Brother Wu' a last visit as he also won't be leaving as he says it is 'beneath him'.

I am not sure whether this is because of the plot forcing him to stay or if he really is doing this because of that reason, it didn't change the fact that I couldn't change his mind.

Although we still weren't great friends, which could be considered strange as we had known each other for 3 years, I still wanted to say goodbye to him and maybe have a last spar to test my new strength.

As I arrived at the entrance of the Chang residence by flying Nero, I was already welcomed in by the servants and taken to the arena.

The arena had a circular platform made of stone and I could see an handsome young boy the same age as me approach me from the side.

The boy is Chang Wu.

He gave me a smirk with his arrogant face which after 3 years of growth would be able to immensely piss me off if I wasn't used to it (Still does a small bit), and said to me in his signature arrogant tone, 

"I was expecting you dog Cai."

"I recon you came hear to either say your unneeded farewells or Spar with this young master and get your dog self beaten before you leave for your pathetic competition."

I mutter under my breath "...Prick"

Hearing that I said something but not hearing what he said,

"Bark louder you dog! This YM can't hear you from up here (I'm slightly shorter than him due to him being slightly older)".

I reply this time in a normal voice level and say,

"I'm surprised someone with his vocabulary consisting of "This young master" and "Dog", can think this far ahead!"

"Call me impressed!"

"Since you don't need my goodbye then all that's left is to fight. So get on to the platform so I can beat some sense into you."

We both get on the platform and get ready to fight.

We decided no swords as it is only a spar and it isn't worth the risk since we will be going full force.

We will only stop when one person says 'I Give Up'.

(Third Person Pov)

Bu Cai takes the initiative and charges at Chang Wu.

After appearing next to him in almost an instant, he lets out a terrifying punch which causes the wind to chaotically blow and churn around his arm and fist.

Unphased by this, Wu Chang shifts his lean body and dodges just in time.

He then retaliates by letting out a series of punches at Bu Cai, this forces Bu Cai to rapidly go from an offensive position to a defensive one.

As the series of punches keep raining down on Bu Cai, he slowly gets pushed to the edge where there is no more escape.

Bu Cai's loss seems to be inevitable.

But just in the nick of time. He suddenly finds an opening at Chang Wu's abdomen!

He lets out a powerful kick instantly to capitalise on this chance.

This kick blasts him back by 10 meters, showing the terrifying force of the kick.

However except from a little blood trickling from Chang Wu's mouth, which he promptly wipes off, he is unaffected.

Bu Cai doesn't pause for long as he instantaneously goes for the a punch in the face!

But this is a mistake, as it doesn't account for a sudden punch from Chang Wu and Bu Cai is punched right back by to where he came from!

As this continues both of them begin to wear down and eventually they are covered in blood, sweat and dirt.

They can both barely move, however their eyes only show determination to not give up!

Unfortunately, just when Chang Wu was trying to look for a chance to attack.

Bu Cai's speed reached tremendous levels!

He burst out with the most terrifying kick yet, which left behind a mini tornado and directly connected with Chang Wu in the chest.

He was blasted 25 meters away and smashed into the wall head first!

Chang Wu was next seen on the ground knocked out cold and in a pool of his own blood from his mouth!

Bu Cai couldn't help but feel proud that he had finally given the bastard a taste of defeat...

But it didn't last long as he then shortly after also flopped to the ground and lost consciousness.

Afterwards, 2 handsome middle aged men appeared.

One had a large grin on his face while the other seemed quite angry. These two were Chang Xu and Bu De.

They were not happy or angry due to that fact that Chang Wu was on the ground in a pool of his own blood or that Bu Cai had finally won after repeated losses to Chang Wu.

Rather it was because Bu De had won the bet over the fight.

The winnings were 2 vats of rare wine...


Author Note:

(First time I have written a fighting scene, hope it wasn't too bad. It would be great if you could leave a comment or some suggestions on how to improve it if you think it was bad.)

(Bu Cai will leave the sect next chapter so if you are getting bored of this part then you won't have to worry, will try to incorporate some more wold building into next chapter and explain the layout of the Divine Sword Empire a bit more and more characters will be introduced, Including our first cockroach, Long Tian.)

Thank you for reading the chapter

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