Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

9.Trying To Humble, Progress, Tournament

(2 Years Later)

(Bu Cai POV)

Lying in bed after another day of intense martial arts practice and refining my foundation.

I was reflecting on the immense stupidity and optimism I must have had back then for making the plan.

And by the plan, I mean fixing the attitude of possibly one of the most detestable and stuck up fuckers in the universe.

Chang Wu.

After the day out in the sect with him (One of the Worst days out I have had) we returned and I could barely hold myself back from giving that dog a tight slap on his face.

I actually saw him with that respectful and polite attitude again!

During the whole trip he was treating me like a pest and saying that as his LACKEY I should be honored to even be in his presence.

He also went on a rant saying if I tell my parents about him being mean he will make my life 'Horrible'.

He also told ME that I shouldn't even think about it (Prick).

After that he basically ignored me and went on to Mocking and shit talking to everyone he saw to their faces.

When he saw anyone who looked like they were having a bad day he purposely stopped them and started shit talking them to their face. After that he then left with a laugh.

He truly is a master of self-destruction...

One time he saw someone's young spirit pet running around (looked like a pug) he went out of his way to kick the pet really hard and sent it flying.

It was mildly funny, but was also really cruel. It turns out the dog was severely injured and would take a long time to recover.

One last situation was...

When we were having food in one of the restaurants that the servants took us to (Sect master Approved).

He was swearing and insulting the workers so poetically and fluently that felt I was watching Kitchen Nightmares (Xianxia edition).


I thought the food wasn't bad, but that is coming from someone who lived 20 years prior to luxury eating only pot noodles.

Eventually after screaming his lungs out, he started to leave and said to the servant that his mood was spoiled and that he now wants to head back to home (Prick).

Of course none of the victims of his abuse talked back or resisted, as they knew it was hopeless and could only feel resentful.

I agreed and after getting to a relatively quiet place, I gave him a piece of my mind.

I started roaring at him about how much of a incessant cunt he is and that told him to fix his attitude.

I preached to him about how 'arrogance breeds disaster' and shit.

But Instead of giving any reaction he kept ignoring me during this and only replied with,

"Bad dogs shouldn't be given attention".

Realising it went in one ear and out the other, I couldn't be bothered to deal with him anymore for that day and just walked back with a sour expression.

After getting back home, I realised that this would be a long term project and began to plan.


Since talking didn't work at all, I had to beat some sense into him.

However I currently couldn't do that as he had [Martial Arts-Advanced] whereas mine's was Intermediate.


Determined to save the sect and my parents I done the only thing I coul think of.

I begged my father to train me more.

And train, I did.

I also incorporated spending time with Chang Wu a bit more (Even though I despised him) and tried to passively influence him by constantly persuading him to act nicer.


He is still a disrespectful fucker.


After constantly being around him, he started to reply more and we seemed on track to be friends (Albeit the term 'friends' should be used loosely').

This surprised me and made me more resolute to carry out this plan.

The major changes with him happened due to the sparring.

Previously, due to him being arrogant and very talented he didn't put maximum effort on training and instead went and pissed off a lot of people for his amusement.

This changed once he felt the pressure from me catching up to him and being close to beating him although he started to train earlier than me.

The effects of this included us getting closer to each other, and him no longer bothering other people in the sect and acting tyrannical.

Throughout these years I have also majorly improved in all aspects.

Although I despise that bastard Chang Wu, after 2 years with him, I now consider him a half-friend.

And now...

Instead of sulking over my past like how I used to for the first few years here. I now look forward to a each day with a life I feel is complete together with my new family and 'friend'.

And of course. Without misfortune haunting me.

This improvement isn't only from a mental point of view as well...

I have also improved tremendously [Status] wise,



[Name: Bu Cai]

[Titles: Host Of THE System, No.1 Child Of Calamity]

[Age: 7 (28)]

[Power Level(Cultivation): Mortal]

[Alignment: Lawful Neutral]

[Skills: (Martial Arts-Advanced), (Running-Advanced), (Persuasion-Intermediate), (Calligraphy-Beginner)]

[Unique Quality: Misfortune(E-Rank) (Gold+ Rank)]

[Current Target: Long Tian(S-Rank)]


(Next Morning, Training Court)

(Third-Person POV)

Bu Cai was seen running around the training field early in the morning but he was not simply running.

On his chest was a metal chestpiece which fit him perfectly.

This plate may look simple but it is anything but; the current Bu Cai was someone who would be peerless in strength compared to almost anyone in his previous life.

This was due to factors such as continuous intense training; Qi which naturally makes people in this world stronger as they train; and most importantly, foundation building Spirit foods and plants.

These all allowed him to have the absurd strength of 300kg in a casual punch.

Combined with good martial arts skills it can easily reach the range of 600-700kg and even with this monstrous strength, he is only on par with great family and sect descendants.

He is even weaker than some incredibly impressive ones!

But even with this huge strength, the material he was wearing was actually as heavy as 500kg!

Hence running with this was incredibly difficult and he was sweating a lot. After just barely completing his planned laps, he took off the weighted chest piece and flopped to the ground and lay down whilst panting intensely.

Currently at the age of seven, Bu Cai had long ink black hair which perfectly contrasted with his fair and healthy skin. He had black eyes that had a hopeful light gleam in them and although he had incredible strength his body was lean and nicely proportioned.

His face had started showing traces of maturity and handsomeness, but he was still very cute and didn't look like he could harm anyone.

However ,in Xianxia, looks are almost always deceiving.

His father then approached him out of nowhere and Bu Cai's face lit up.

It had been a week since he saw his parents since they both left to sort out different sect issues.

He quickly got up and launched himself at his father and gave him a hug. His father also recuperated the hug.

They shortly separated and his father told him something that gave him quite a surprise.

"Cai'er, father has something very important to tell you."

"The upcoming empire wide pre-cultivation tournament for the younger generation will happen in a year at the royal capital."

"Father has signed you up..."

"I know how hard you have worked, and your mother and I want to see your talent bloom."

"We want give you the opportunity to reach greater heights than us, who are going to be stuck at peak nascent soul for the rest of our lives."

"Through this competition, assuming you do well, you will be able to gain a lot of prizes which can further enhance your foundation. On top of that, you can gain the attention of some truly big sects and mighty figures which can help you in your cultivation journey."

"However once you join a bigger sect or get a master, you will not be able to return until you reach a certain cultivation..."

"Therefore this will lead to us being separated for a long time."


"And so to ensure you can do well as well as to spend some more time with you, I will be training you in sword arts and martial arts until the competition!"


"I have said this all to you to ensure that you do not aim low and to make sure you do not falter due to feeling bad about leaving us."


After hearing this tears started to fall from Bu Cai's eyes.

In his previous life he had no one.

His own parents abandoned him, his friends abandoned him, and society abandoned him.

All he had to keep him from going insane was his small, cold apartment that he felt some connection to due to it being the first place he could call home.

The webnovels he used to read were just outlets so he could escape from his miserable and hopeless life.

He, who was always in perpetual loneliness and isolation...

Finally had gotten to experience what it means to be cared for.

He quickly recovered from his cringy emotional outburst and replied with enthusiasm,

"I will definitely succeed father! And will not disappoint you or mother."

"I promise!" 


Author's Gibberish/Notes:

(Since this is my first novel, I'm not good at writing good childhood arcs since I've not got much clue what else he could do as a child other than spending time, Training, Playing or making more friends (Which i don't think suits him that much as a mentally 28 Year old), and spending time with family. TBH i just want to get to the interesting parts i have envisioned for this first world so there will be a few time skips since i don't know what else to write about.)

(Not gonna make him get some bullshit useful item that is precious through luck, and using the system, since i don't think it suits the already talented, fated cannon fodder Bu Cai, so don't expect him to get some really OP item or Foundational building material just because, and therefore there will be no sudden powerups since i'd much rather him do it through hard work and gain things from his hard work.)

Thanks for reading the chapter and if you have any comments or suggestions then i am open to anything.

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