Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

13. 2 Months (Part 2)

(Bu Cai POV)

"...Just what is it that makes you so willful?"

I couldn't help but be stumped by the seemingly straight forward question...

'What makes you so willful.'

But although it may be sound simple, it's actually so vague that I have a variety of answers for it.

Such as... I'd like to say that my will derives from wanting to save the people around me.

Yet... does it really?

Doesn't it come from, objectively speaking, my desire to defeat Long Tian?

Or could my purpose more selfish such as...

...Self-preservation above anything else?

These were the answers that came to mind.

Alongside having to think of this question, I also had a sneaking suspicion that...

...I may have been found out.

Could you really say that I am your normal, everyday, young kid?

I train harder than anyone else my age should be willing to.

I refused to become meet and interact with others my age, due to me actually not being a kid.

And perhaps most strangely, I did most of my daily tasks such as bathing and clothing all by myself without qualms- Which kid would honestly, willingly, do chores?

The list doesn't even stop there...

I don't eat many delicacies, unlike my peers, as I've wanted to stick to a good diet in order for my body to grow as well as possible.

Lastly, I even do weird tasks like brushing my teeth!

Haaaaaa, I've just noticed I've done a very sloppy job of pretending to be a normal kid.

What a huge blunder!

If I am reincarnated again like this in the future, I have to make sure I act according to norms- Lest I am treated as a demon child and killed not long after spawning!

What's really bugging me right now is whether my parents were the ones who had suspicions, or if Hou is just testing the waters!

Or am I just taking this the wrong way, and he doesn't actually kn-


I couldn't hold on anymore, the pressure was now completely crushing me.

I felt like death was a hairs breadth away if I didn't do something quickly, so I shouted out with resolution the first answer that came to mind...

"I want to be happy!"


The tremendous weight on my back instantly dissapated, and I laid in the ground weakly.

Yes. In the ground.

The pressure was that massive it pushed me into the stone ground!

If I was your run of the mill eight year old, then I would be mush right now! 

Hou's roaring laughter echoed throughout the cave, as he then started to speak again,


"I can't believe it!

"I actually can't believe this!

"Like father like son!"

He paused for a bit and said,

"To think the answer was this brat's answer was the same!"

"Damn, now I have to d-"

 I could only hear that, before I passed out for a second time.

...Fuck Xianxia.


Regaining my consciousness, I sit up and observe my foreign surrounding.

Just where... am I?  

I noticed that I was currently on a single bed, made of some straw.

It was a lot more comfortable than compared to what I had been used to for the past month, however the comfort didn't stop me from hastily getting up on my feet.

I was well aware that I was in an unknown place, and although I was most likely all safe since Hou wasn't assigned as my guard for nothing- it didn't mean that I couldn't be cautious.

As I caught sight of the bedside desk, something on it caught my attention,


A folded piece of paper?

Since Hou was nowhere to be found, I expected this was note from him.

But I still checked around the rest of the room, before touching that piece of paper.

After a bit of searching and nothing else coming up, I did the only logical action left to do and...

...Opened the note.

As I read the paper I couldn't help but curse at Hou in my head...


Congratulations, Young Master!

You've successfully made it through the first phase of the training-  You're half way through! 

Now that you've gone through the wilderness survival phase, you'll now have to make it through the social survival phase.

This second phase follows the following format and rules:


-This phase lasts half a month, and requires you to survive in this small town through communicating with other people and working.

-Throughout this half month, no hunting or violence is permitted- Unless it is a life threatening situation.

-Selling anything you previously own such as clothes or your sword is not allowed.

-At the end, your performance will be chalked up by how much money you've made, or how well your living conditions are, after half a month of being by yourself.


I know this might sound like a ridiculous task for a young kid such as yourself, however some rich merchant households and such do this to bring out their child's creativity and business acumen.

So in regards to this, master is replicating the training for you- please bear with it.


P.S- Apologies for the unexpected pressure test, master told me to do it and therefore I had no choice.

Please don't slash the messenger!




This was a horrid situation for me.

The first phase was already far out my comfort zone, but I had already trained in martial arts and had the system passively assisting me with it- E.g. My photographic memory.

Sadly, dealing with people in this world was a whole nother level of difficult as compared to forest survival.

There were a couple of reasons why.

Firstly, I had been a loner since childhood in this world- if you disregard the ever arrogant Chang Wu and my parents.

The System will not actually help much here, as so what if I know a persons entire background history?

It's not like I can just talk about their past or anything as I'll definitely come across as a creepy brat!

My previous life won't help much here either, I mean... I was a complete social outcast.

The most exciting conversations I had with anyone were formalities and Job interv....


...Job interviews?

I quickly pull up my [Status]...



[Name: Bu Cai]

[Titles: Host of THE System, No.1 Child Of Calamity]

[Age: 8 (29)]

[Power Level (Cultivation): Mortal]

[Alignment: Lawful Neutral ]

[Skills: (Martial Arts-Advanced), (Wilderness Survival-Intermediate), (Sword Arts-Intermediate)... ,(Acquiring a part-time job-Proficient), (Persuasion-Advanced)... ]

[Unique Quality: Misfortune(E) (Gold+ Rank)]

[Current Target- Long Tian(S-Rank)]


Although the newer skills were much cooler... my eyes were glued on one section of the screen.

More specifically, the two skills 'Finding a Part-Time Job' and 'Persuasion' were glowing to me.

This was because it gave an opportunity for myself to execute and create a master plan!


I can't believe I was actually worried there for a second!

How could I ever forget about my repertoire of experiences in the job hunting field?

With my experience with jobs that numbered above sixty under my belt, alongside my ability to persuade just about any damn store owner on why they should hire me...

I refuse to believe I won't find a place to work at!

Looking back at all this, I may as well be called the Part-Time God! 

[New self created title has been made, Part-Time God]


Hahaha, even the System agrees!

There is no was anything could possibly go wrong... 



With this new found confidence, I strode out of the room and went down a flight of wooden stairs that lead to the main lobby.

Getting downstairs, I saw the lobby and it was... empty.

Well... Almost empty.

One old woman could be seen standing behind the counter.

I decided to go up to her and check out, since there was no way I was affording another day at this inn.

After walking up to the counter, she looked at me whilst sitting down and said,

"I am aware that you were booked in for the one night, and I have already dealt with the check out hence you can leave without worry.

"Would you like to book for any longer?"

I shook my head negatively in response as I was currently penniless, and the signs behind her already told me that I couldn't afford staying another day.

She then said plainly,

"Thank you for your patronage, and I hope you choose this inn next time as well."

Before leaving, I decided to ask her about any places she knows of that would offer a job and she looked at me with surprise and said,

"A child like you wants a job?

"Do you even know what a job entails?

"Hmph, young people are so cheeky and ignorant these days!

"Just go play with the other brats and stop acting like a grown up!"

I was surprised by this change in attitude as she was completely friendly just a moment ago but now just fully dissed me!

I knew I had to restrain my annoyance so I ignored the comments and said,

"Grandma, you can't leave me hanging like this!

"I know what a job is, and sincerely want one. So could you please tell me any places hiring!"

Looking at me and shaking her head she said,

"Tch, I heard the old man down the street is looking for someone.

"Now scram, and don't blame me if you get laughed at!"

After hearing an answer, I turned around and yelled,

"Thanks grandma!

"I'll definitely come to this in next time I have a chance!"

As I opened the old an creak wooden door to exit I heard a scoff behind me and the mutterings of the old lady which said,

"Tch, kids these days don't know their limits."

After shutting the door I thought to myself,

Why is that old lady acting as if I touched her inverse scale just because I asked for a job?

What a weird old woman.

I then stopped thinking about it walked up the street which the inn was at one end of.

If you continued going up past the inn, then it would lead you to a small open gate that lead to the outside of the village, which was just grass and trees.

The street-that was more like a wide path- had a cobble ground.

As you walked along it, you could see multiple wooden buildings on both sides. Some buildings having signs with the shop's name on it, other's having their doors open to let the fresh morning breeze into their homes.

A few people could be seen walking past, both men and women. They all had simple clothes on and some even had ragged clothes on, some men were carrying large sacks of potatoes, mean whilst most ladies were carrying bags of their morning shopping.


It was just like I had expected from a street of a back water village.


I didn't have to deviate from this one path- and consequently this area- of the village, as my destination was very close by.

Soon I saw what the old witch back at the inn was talking about as outside one of the wooden buildings, there were two signs.

One sign was hanging from the top, it looked a bit dirty and had obviously been up for a long time, it had the words 'Old Du's Shoe Store'.

The other sign was clean and shiny, obviously was new, and it said ' NEED A CASHIER"


A job like a cashier isn't too demanding in skill meaning I won't be turned away instantly, yet will still require basic maths therefore the pay will also not be too horrible.

I opened the door and walked in without any more hesitation, then directly headed to the counter were a young women was sitting.

As she noticed me, she gave me a smile and asked,

"What's the matter little kid, have you lost your mummy and daddy?"

I was slightly irritated by her kiddy way of talking to me, so I told her in the most mature way possible,

"No big sister, I am looking for some work and saw the sign!"

"Could you please allow me to meet with the owner, so that we could discuss conditions."

Quite surprised by my mature way of speaking and question, she looked down and said,

"Although big sister is not looking down on you, I hope you know that being a cashier at least requires basic levels of numerals and money management."

"I am the previous cashier and it's not as easy as it sounds, some customers are rude yet you still have to treat them with respect."

"Do you really think you can take over such responsibility?"

I nodded confidently and replied,

"Of course I can!"

"I assure you on that, now can you now guide me to the Shop owner?"

She sighed and shouted,

"Old Du!

"Someone's here for the job!"

After a few seconds an old man with a bald head and a grey beard walked out from the back room.

He came over and looked around.

As soon as he saw me being the only one standing here, the expression on his face became one of annoyance.

He pointed and me and asked the young woman with a croaky and weary voice,

"Si Xin, is this the 'Someone' you were referring to?"

The woman replied with slight embarrassment,


Without giving me another glance, he started to walk away back to where he was.

His head shook slightly whilst he muttered under his breath,

"I'm too old for these jokes.

"Kids these days need to stop annoying old un's like me."

I knew that I would lose my chance at this job if he walked away now so I decided to be bold and shouted,

"Hey, old man!

"You'll be missing out on the single best worker of the god damn century, if you leave right now!"

This caught his attention alright, shocked by my sudden boldness, the young woman's face changed drastically.

Old man Du turned around once again and walked up to me.

Once he got close enough, he looked down at the me and simply asked the question,

"And what makes you think you are qualified at all for this job, you brat?"


Ladies and Gentlemen, we gottem.


After the question I was fishing for appeared, I went on a huge tangent.

A huge tangent.

The speech was about all my good qualities, skills, strong work ethic, and even possible ideas which could be implemented to make the store more popular (All of which came from my own experience and usual things in my previous life).

And after all that self promoting...

...The old man was firmly hooked.

Not only was the old man hooked, but the young lady from early also seemed unusually excited- with that I knew I hadn't lost my skills at all.

As the talk continued, the conversation soon shifted to salary.

And oh boy did I preach like my life was on the line. 

I finessed the poor old guy for such a size able wage, that any cashier in the area would keel over and die from jealousy if they heard about it!

And if you were wondering whether I felt any shame in this?

Of course not!

It's not like I'm doing anything particularly illegal. It's just a tinge immoral.

But in a cultivation world like this, where even is the line dividing an immoral action and a moral action?

Just as I was about to round this thing off smoothly with some polite words... The old man then threw a curve ball which I wasn't expecting.

"...Although you would indeed be great for the job and I think you do have potential.

"But that's only for the future!

"In the end you are still just some inexperienced brat who hasn't experienced many hardships!

"So scram, and come back a few years later!"


At that very moment, I felt my boat of employment which seemed to set sail just fine.

Crumble and sink.

I desperately tried to salvage the sudden turn of events by saying things like,

"Surely something as simple as age, couldn't stand in our way to success?!"

"If experience mattered so much, then why would there be renowned prodigies in this world?!" 

"Please old sir! You'll definitely regret it if you don't pick up a diamond in the rough like me!"

But it seemed like I was just talk to a fucking broken record, as the old man disregarded my pleas with a,

'You're too young and inexperienced'.

...Every time.

I reluctantly left after a while of trying, and I was pissed out of my mind.

But not only was I pissed, I was also shocked.

Just how was it even possible for me to fail tricking the old man?

Thinking back, the old lady was the exact same as the old man... both hung up on age.

It definitely set off some alarm bells, but it's probably just them going senile... Surely.

So onwards I went to look around this place for any form of employment.

Food shops, clothes stores, farmers... All of gave me a resounding no!

Each time they would harp on about age and why they couldn't trust a brat like me no mater how mature I acted.

It was honestly a humbling experience.


Time passed quickly.

The morning breeze was long gone, and now the sun was starting to set again.

I stopped for a moment and looked up to the sky and thought,

A few hours till night time, huh.

After a short break, I continued walking about the place, hungry and dirty.

As I walked, I thought to myself,

Out of all the places in this world, why must it be this shitty village I end up in?

Every damn person here is heartless!

Throughout my day of job hunting, I got to know some more basic information about the place- other than the fact that everyone looked down on younger kids.

This vill-*Cough* town was actually called, Bright Moon Town.

I was quite shocked to find out that this place was a Town.

But apparently there are a few Clans in this area and all the territory in between includes this place, therefore it is allowed to be called a town!

The Clans here that actually somewhat had any power here were the:

-Liu Clan

-Min Clan

-Xie Clan

The Xie Clan was the only one that was relevant in any capacity, as it was actually a branch family of the decently powerful main Clan.

The other two only had roots here and in some of the close surroundings, so they weren't anything big.

This place has not much else interesting about it.

As I strolled along the umpteenth street today, I suddenly heard a shout,


"Horse on the loose!"

After hearing the screams, I thought,

What's going on?


I knew that I probably shouldn't get involved and mind my own business... But I felt curious.

Note that I had been bored out my mind for the whole day repeating the same basically the same nonsense only to get rejected and try again in another place.

So I decided to have a look as it was the only interesting thing that's popped up today!

I hastily made my way to were the shout came from and what I saw when I got their was...

...An old man trying to catch a skinny old three legged horse?

The old man was huffing and puffing, obviously because he was tired, and the horse kept running in circles like a mad man.

Seeing the scene of the poor old guy, I decided to intervene as I felt bad.

I leapt into a sprint and slide tackled the horse!

I accurately got the third leg of the unsuspecting horse, that was at the front, and...




I got back up, patted myself down. 

Then turned to the old man who I just helped and said,

"Hello old sir!

"What do you say about me being the stable boy for a bit?

"I'm sure I can do a good job."

The old man seemed to be in a daze, as he didn't reply and just stared at the horse on the ground with his mouth so wide open you could fit a ball in there.

I wanted to snap him out of it so I once again said,




The old man interrupted and shouted passionately. 

He then walked over to the fallen horse, stuck a chain round it's neck, then held it out to me and said,

"Take it boy!"

He then motioned with his eyes and said,

"The stable's just up there!"

I didn't say anything and just grabbed it, then as soon as I had a firm grip on it, the old man knelt down next to the horse and laughed whilst saying,

"HAHAHA, Whatcha think you're tryin old boy?

"Haven ye had enouh a all this messin abou?

"Just stay in the damned stable ye dumb crook!"

I looked at the guy weirdly as he was speaking to a old horse, but to my surprise the horse that I thought was KO'd, neighed in response as if it understood the old man!

I then saw the old man nod his head side to side, then turned to me and said,

"Yer a strong young'un, but be careful a taken that one back!

"The moment ye think yer fine, he'll get ya and run!

"Anywho, jus feed em with some of the feed in the mornin and ye'll get fifteen copper."

He was then turned around and started walking away.

However as he walked away with a slightly hunched back he said,

"Ye can also stay in the stable if ye wantin to!"


And like that... I had secured my first job!

Although it had payment wasn't very good, at least I was able to secure a place to sleep!

I thought I'd be out on the streets today!

I felt happy knowing I didn't have to anymore, and dragged the weak horse back to the stable.


After that, I made a stack hay from some laying around and laid down comfortably.

I didn't have anything else to do anyways, and I was tired...

...So I shut my eyes and went to sleep for the night, whilst hoping the best for tomorrow.


Thanks for reading the chapter. Hope you enjoyed.

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