Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

14. 2 Months (Part 3)

(Bu Cai Pov)





...Please stop.




This stupid horse won't leave me be!

For the past, what feels like, hour this fucking demonic three legged horse won't let me sleep!

At first I ignored it and thought it would end soon...


It seemed adamant on ensuring that I get no more sleep.

I reluctantly get up from my hay bale, have a nice stretch, then head over to the annoying horse's pen.

I take out the hay from the sack nearby and fling it in.

I repeat that for each of the three pens, as there are three horses.

The other two are quite calm and therefore didn't kick up a fuss unlike the three-legged weirdo.

After everything is done and dusted, I open the large brown gate of the stable and get outside.

What you could see outside was a small grass field, which on the other side had a shabby old house.

The house is facing away from the stable and onto the cobble street/path which you can follow to travel through the town.

I walk across the grass field and make my way round to the front, as I felt it'd make more sense to knock there than at the back.

As I got in front of the old wooden door, I knocked normally however...


The door fell back and slammed on the flooring inside, revealing the inside of the home.

I froze.

Not expecting at all to have this happen.

A shout also came from inside saying,

"What idiot knocked on ma front door!

"Don't everybody here know it ain't workin?!"

Soon, creaking sounds could be heard as the old man was presumably taking steps towards the front.

As he got to see the perpetrator, he shook his head and sighed,

"Haaaa, a knew I'd forgotten somethin yesterday."

He walked back to the room he came from and shouted,

"One secon boy!

"Am gettin the copper ye needin!"

Shortly he came back with a small sack that was clinking from the coins in it.

He gave it to me and said,

"A'll feed the horses in the afternoon if ye help me here and put the door back in place."

I looked at him with surprise as it was my fault that this happened, and I was thinking I'd still not done much for fifteen copper coins worth.

He looked at my expression and said,

"Kids like you need ta enjoy yerself while ye can.

"A don't know abou yer circumstances, but ye should go enjoy yerself a bit.

"...Now hurry up an put the damned door back!"

I felt a bit better after knowing that I won't have to be back until night time, so I done as he was told without question then thanked him and said goodbye. 

I then ran off to the streets and looked for something to eat first of all, as I was quite desperate for some sustenance.

Something that was both cheap and nutritious.

I first checked out the restaurants in this place, and although they were affordable... I wasn't keen on spending that much.

By much, I mean something like-


Bean Noodle Soup.

Seven Coppers.

Ingredients: ...


Now, although seven coppers isn't much in all fairness.

I hated the idea of cutting 50% of my net worth on soup.

So I continued to search for my optimal meal.

Eventually I bought a decent amount of food for what my intended budget was.

The list plus prices included:

A Heated Potato- One copper and five iron.

A Soy Bean Bun- Two Coppers

A Bowl of Rice- One Copper


After buying all that and putting it in one bag, I looked down at my hand and felt quite sad.

Regressing back to my days of poverty was a very harsh feeling. Especially in this place, where flavourful pot noodles that could be prepared easily with hot water wasn't a thing.

I soon found a shabby wooden bench, and sat down there to have food.

I savored every single bite of the damn thing, especially that Soy Bean Bun- It was a purchase I'd never regret.

But sadly, even after eating everything I purchased, I still felt hungry.

It was like my body demanded more.

This was a dilemma. A big dilemma.

I didn't want to spend anymore as I was going to save it for my money making plan, but my stomach desired food.

I fought with myself over it for a while, and eventually gave in to the hunger.

I walked around in search for more and...

...I found the holy grail!

A certain baker had left out burned bread and there was a sign saying, 'Anyone who wants it, can have it'.

I leapt for it. Literally.

The basket that had the charcoaled loaf of bread in it was empty in a moment's notice.

As I walked along the streets whilst eating the bread, I pondered over just what I could possibly do to get my hands on more money.

I thought for quite a while, and eventually came up with a two:

-One idea was doing something that involved making use of my strength, such as arm wrestles.

-The other idea was doing a job that involved helping others in exchange for some pocket change, such as cleaning.

Both sounded like good ways to start off, however after thinking it through I realised it was very flawed.

Firstly, things like arm wrestles may breach the rules and count as some form of violence, and would also be ineffective after people catch onto the fact that I'm not some weak kid. Hence I abandoned that idea quickly.

For the other idea, I doubted anyone in this place would actually want someone 'inexperienced' like me to do any work for them, so that idea was discarded as well.  

And like that, I was back to square one.

I felt like I was fucked for the next month.

However just then, I saw something that caught my that sparked an idea.

A middle aged man with a beard, was sitting on an old stool busking.

He was playing an old wooden flute looking instrument.

He blew intensely into it while his fingers moved from covering and uncovering holes on the flute rapidly. 

A few people were around him listening, cheering, and appreciating it.

Although I was no master musician or anything, I myself could still tell that it wasn't a very good performance.

But even though it wasn't the best, it still sounded nice and the liveliness in his playing kind of drew you in.

And like that he was able to make a few copper coins from people passing by, or people enjoying it.

Like that, it hit me.

Why don't I show off some of my skills?

Sure, I may not be able to play a musical instrument for the life of me...

...But I sure as hell can swing around a sword coolly!

And in a Xianxia world like this, what would people be more interested in? 

Some guy playing an instrument, or me doing epic sword arts?


So like that, I set out to find an ideal spot for me to perform, and the place where most viewers will be attracted.

...And after checking out multiple places such as:

-The street where the inn and shoe shop was.

-The street of the old man who hired me.

-The alleyways.


I finally found the perfect location.

One where there was:

-Enough space for me to use my sword.

-Enough people walking through.

-Enough space for them to gather around.


...And what place was this you may ask?

Just outside the front gate!

It had people coming in and out at all times.

It had enough free space for both viewers and I.

It was also free to set up here!

So I walked back past the baker and grabbed the empty free bread box, then ran outside and set up.

Even whilst I was setting up somewhere groups of people, both young and old, were entering and exiting for all sorts of reasons.

Some glanced over with a strange expression, but soon continued on with what they were doing.

However soon, one group of people, consisting of three men and two women, walked approached me.

One of the men, who looked in his early thirties and brown hair with a clean shaven face, stepped forward and asked angrily,

"Hey kid!

"What do you think you are doing out here alone?!"

I looked over at him and responded calmly,

"Getting my stall set up for my performance!

"What's the issue?"

I was honestly quite confused over why he was getting mad, but he soon burst out laughing and said,

"What's the issue?!

"Bwhahaha, do you not understand the risky situation you are getting yourself into?

"Didn't your parents tell you that all sorts of dangers can appear when you least expect it?!"

I didn't understand what he was getting at so I said impatiently,

"Just what sort of dangers are there mister, that I should run off back into the town for?"

Of course I knew that there were dangers in the Xianxia world like, immortal demons, ferocious beasts, demonic cultivators, and the like...

..But what would be so dangerous in this trashy place, that would even threaten someone like me?

And this wasn't just overconfidence.

It was genuinely the truth.

I had been trained with high quality martial arts by a nascent soul realm, and used decent foundation building materials for a few years now therefore, in all honesty, there was nothing that could really threaten me here.

If any of these townspeople had any talent in cultivation then they wouldn't be staying here, therefore not many people could do anything to me.

If there were any dangerous spirit beasts, then they would be dealt with by the clans here promptly and I could still use some tricks of mine to escape from a powerful yet senseless enemy.

I even had a system to assist me in avoiding dangers!

So I couldn't think of any reason why I should be overly cautious, especially since I've just survived a month in a forest that was much more dangerous than this place.

Was there something I'm missing?

So I asked curiously,

"No mister. Could you tell me what is so dangerous here?"

He looked at me seriously and said in a grave tone,

"I'll only tell you once, you brat, so listen carefully."

"A long time ago it was said that this place was home to a demonic beast.

"One that ate anything and everyone.

"It massacred everything that approached it, and devoured not only their physical body but also the victims soul!

"It had a large body that spanned thousands of meters, it was covered in black fur and had huge sharp fangs which highlighted how sinister it was."

He gulped then continued,

"Thankfully though, a venerable expert had slain it before it could turn into a proper calamity. However even after death, the fiendish creature still haunts the forest over there!"

He then pointed over to the wooded area in the distance, his hand seemed to be shaking whilst pointing.

I was a bit shook, but realised that there is no way any orthodox sect would leave something like that's soul to wander so I said,

"Do you have proof sir, because there is no way I believe in stupid gho-"

He slapped his forehead and said,

"Obviously I didn't mean actually haunting it, you stupid brat!

"What I'm meaning is that it's demonic aura affects the beasts in the forest!

"These beasts attack indiscriminately and are immensely powerful.

"You won't be able to even react before they rip you to pieces and turn you into their snack!"

"Then you will rot away in it's stomach!

"Do you understand me now on why it's unsafe?!


His face was so grave you'd think his family had been massacred by that beast and that he'd had personal experience with the thing.

I was honestly a bit stumped by all this and actually considered the fact that demonic beasts maybe were a bit dangerous.

I probably would have ran away crying if I was a normal gullible eight year old.. But I wasn't.

Seeing how I was still unconvinced, the guy looked at me and sighed.

He then took off his backpack, and said,

"Watch this kid.

"And then you'll understand how horrid these demonic beasts are."

He opened the leather rucksack, then slowly pulled out...

...A head!

The blood on it had dried, however it was still a grizzly sight.

The head had dark fur all over it, alongside having piercing pure red eyes. It's mouth was hanging open and a large grotesque tongue was sticking out.

It had rows of razor sharp teeth lining the top and bottom of it's mouth.

But what really made it look demonic and nightmarish was that even though it was dead and it's mouth was wide open...

...The mouth was still curved upwards as if it was still smiling at you.

 Without doubt it was a hideous creature which could traumatize children for years.

And that's when I noticed that...








Yeah, he was bullshitting.

You see, although it may look like your worst nightmare. This was by no means a 'demonic creature'.

It was actually called a Devil-Faced Ape.

It was a normal creature that I had ran into a few times in the past during the last phase, and was a relatively peaceful animal. It was omnivorous, however they mainly eat vegetables, fruits and small insects and don't like to pick fights with humans or other animals.

So yeah... their ploy to get me back in the village failed.

I said to them,

"That's not even a demonic beast you liar, that's a Devil-Faced Ape!

"I appreciate you for looking out for me, but I'll be fine here!"

His faced quickly turned into one of surprise and turned a tinge red from embarrassment, whereas his friends who were behind him burst out laughing.

Soon another person stepped forward, this time it was one of the women.

She had long auburn hair, bright green eyes, and was quite beautiful.

She came over to me with a smile, knelt down a bit to get to my eye level and said,

"Although that uncle over there lied to you, he was doing it for your own good!

"Just listen to this big sister, and get back in the village where you'll have less chances of getting in danger.

Her eyes reflected sadness as she said,

"I've grown up in this town. I've seen a number of families who were devastated after their child had gone far out to play, only to never return.

"Although it's a lie that there are demonic beasts out there, it's not a lie that there are a variety of powerful beasts in that forest who have the ability to bring great danger to you. So don't throw your life away and get back home!"

...Why are they doing all this?

Are they trying to help me out of genuine kindness?

Isn't this a ruthless, dog eat dog, Xianxia world?

I honestly considered leaving after that, as I didn't want to seem disrespectful and ruin the mood but...

...I needed money!

I used [Analyse] on all of them and they were nothing special.

Ordinary backgrounds. Ordinary talents. Ordinary lives.

I eventually decided that I'd stop just saying things, and show them my power.

So I said,

"Let me show you all something, then we can decide whether I leave or not. 


They all looked at me strangely, then they all sighed and either nodded or said, "Fine."

I told them to move back and give me some space, then after they went a few meters away.

I pulled out my sword from the spatial sack I carried with me, it contained basically everything I had- Sadly I couldn't use a spatial ring yet as I couldn't control Qi.

It was a bog average steel sword.

After that, I lifted my sword up and held it in front of me, then looked over at the group one last time.

They had expressions of surprise, confusion, and greed.

Then I began.


(Zhao Lei POV)


That was the only word I could think of when viewing these series of sword movements.

Each slash was as steady as a mountain and agile as a sparrow.

The flurry of swings created disturbances in the wind, which causes it to whistle a calming tune.

Throughout the sword dance, there were four shifts in stances and four shifts in the winds whistling.

Each seemed to have a distinct difference between them...

The first stance was gentle and calming, like the slow streaming of a river.

The second stance was heavy and empowering, like the burning of a flame.

The third stance was lively and energetic, like an intense typhoon.

And finally, the fourth stance.

This was a basic and simplistic one as compared to the others, yet it still seemed to bring the essence of it all together... like how roots of a tree all bring nutrients to one central place.

I couldn't believe that I had just experienced something as intense from a mere kid, my mouth was wide open in awe!

I looked around at my friends, and they all had their jaws wide open as well!

I initially came over here with my group, to make the boy go back to the village. As many of us have lost younger relatives to beasts before, and couldn't bear standing by and allowing another kid to lose their life.

At the beginning I wanted to scare him with a story, but that strangely didn't work.

Usually kids would go running away, scared out their wits, back to their parents.

But this one didn't.

I then resorted to getting out the head of a Devil-Faced Ape, as I was sure it would scare him away and make sure he doesn't put himself in danger like this but...

...He didn't even flinch!

In all honesty, the only thing childish about this kid was his looks as even his eyes portrayed some sort of maturity that lacked the innocence that normal kids would have.

He then easily pointed out my lies, and then told us to watch him do this sword art after even one of my friends couldn't get him away!

And now, after all that...

...He is demanding money from us.


(Bu Cai POV)


That was relatively tiring. 


After I finished, each of the five people had eyes as widened in surprise and amazement. Seeing that I successfully impressed then, I felt quite happy with myself.

So after getting into a happy mood, I requested some payment for my show.

I thought they'd give me at least a few coppers but instead they actually gave me...

...Sixty copper!

I felt like a man who had just hit the jackpot! 

Although it wasn't a huge amount, it at least gave me enough to live comfortably for a couple of days!

They then complimented me quite a bit by saying things like,

"What sort of milk have you been drinking?!"

"Very impressive young sir."


After a bit, they told me to still remain cautious and then left to go back into the town- Clearly they weren't going to question my abilities anymore.

And so the day continued by me resting for a while, then performing my sword art, then resting again.

And as the cycle repeated more and more, so did the number of coins in the basket.

Some people gave irons, others coppers, and one generous guy even threw in a silver!

By the end of the day, I had made one silver coin, one hundred and fifty copper coins, and three hundred iron coins. I couldn't help but break into little dance after counting my gains, and couldn't wait to make more tomorrow.

I headed back into town, ran to the stable to get the horse feeding done, then booked myself in at the closest inn.

Of course, the inn I chose was the one with the old woman.

I wanted to rub it into her face that I was able to make money.

As I was booking it for myself and paying, so looked at me with a surprised expression which brought me great joy.

I then headed upstairs, had a nice warm shower, then lunged into bed and fell asleep.


Ten days passed with me repeating the same schedule of waking up, setting up at the front gates of the town, performing my sword arts to get money as well as to train myself, then getting back to the inn.

My sword performances seemed to rake in more money each time, as I'm pretty sure other people talk about it and therefore recommend checking it out.

I also had meals in between which varied from soy bean buns, to pork skewers, to even pheasant!

And I had also kept tending to the horses for the old man, as I felt grateful to him for helping me out at the beginning when no one else did and he was also a relatively nice person to talk to when you got to know him.

Eventually though, after pondering over it for a while I decided to go for a risky investment.

One that would either lose me a lot, or make me a rich man.   

On the morning of the twelfth day of phase two, I didn't directly head off to the front gates of the town after feeding the horses.

Instead, I headed up towards an area closer to the Xie Clan territory, which was a richer area than the downtown, and headed into a store called,

'The Calligraphy Centre"

The building was two storied, and had a wooden/brick exterior in such a design which made it look very refined.

I went inside the classy looking establishment, and was greeted by a dainty lady with black hair that was scrunched up.

She wore a neutral smile on her face that didn't shift even after seeing a kid walk in, and said softly whilst giving a slight bow,

"Welcome customer to The Calligraphy Centre, where you can purchase anything needed for calligraphy. Is there anything customer would like specifically?"

I was quite surprised that she wasn't looking down on me for being a kid, so I said in a happy tone,

"Yes miss, I would like to see the your canvases, inkstones, and brushes."

She nodded then took me around the place to show me where each of the items are.

I chose the best quality for price I could find for each of the items on my list using the system, then paid and left.

It was simple and easy.

Then with no time to waste I made my way to the front gate, which took around half an hour, then went through the already gathered crowd to my usual flat spot.

As people saw me arrive, they cheered and said jokingly,

"Did mommy not wake you up on time this morning, what's with you arriving so late!"

"Hurry up brat, and do your magic!"

"I'm getting bored waiting!"

I soon pulled out my calligraphy materials, and started to set things up. The crowd of around fifty people got confused and started to talk between each other.

People were shouting out and arguing by saying,

"The kid's doing calligraphy!" "Nonsense, what would a brat know about Calligraphy!"

"Don't underestimate him or you'll be sliced in half!" "I might just leave if this kid is doing anything other than sword dancing."

"I'll stay and watch the show, maybe he could bring us a surprise!" "Yeah, I'm staying"

People kept talking and arguing amongst themselves, until I shouted out and said,

"Please calm down!"

Soon the noise died down and everyone was staring at me. I'd long been used to being the centre of attention for the past few days, so I wasn't affected and continued,

"As you all may know, I am the kid, brat or whatever you want to call me, that performs using my sword!

"Although I understand that it is what you all want to see, I implore you to stay and watch what I will be doing this time instead!

"Today, I will be doing a calligraphy piece which I have though hard about for the past week and a half!

"I will be doing it in front of you all, in hopes that you become just as mesmerized from this fine art as you did from my sword dance!

"Trust in me, as this will certainly be worth your time!"

The audience was silent, yet no one left.

I knew I had successfully persuaded them to stay. Plus, it's not like they were going to leave after waiting on me for so long.

So without further ado, I sat began making my piece of art.


The crowd watched in trepidation as the boy, who was the centre of all their attention, put his elegant brush covered with ink onto the pure white page.

As it made contact, the boys hands rapidly moved.

As if a dragon was coiling on the page, the ink brush made smooth yet fast movements on the canvas.

It was fascinating.

It was entrancing.

Each time the brush moved precisely downwards or upwards, the trail of ink left behind seeped into the canvas.

The sounds of the brush moving along brought a faint sense of tranquility with it, that drew the audience and passersby into it's rhythm.

And each time the brush left the canvas, the audience could briefly view the piece in it's entirety.

Eventually though, it stopped.

Whilst the audience was in some sort of trance. The young boy, Bu Cai, wiped the sweat off his brow then bowed to the crowd.

As people started to snap out of it, they clapped.

Soon the claps turned into cheers, until the now eighty to ninety people crowd where all clapping and singing praises to Bu Cai.    

Soon Bu Cai shouted,

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls!

"This here is my own work of art which has been created by encompassing the characters, 'livelihood' and 'society' in one piece."

"Feel free to give it a look yourselves, if you so desire!"

Soon many lined up to have a look, and each gave a heartfelt compliment on the piece.

And they weren't wrong to do so, as although this may not be a world shaking piece of art, it was still very decent.

Some more experienced scholars would also find it quite difficult to consistently make something like this, so it was definitely praiseworthy.  

However as the line progressed, Bu Cai was getting more and more nervous.

This was because he hoped to sell this piece for a large sum of money. However, he also knew that no one here would do something as disrespectful as asking for a price on it right after it was made.

He initially made this live to an audience, as it would make them feel more attached to the art than if he made it before hand which would therefore increase the chances of someone wanting it.

But it seems even like this, he would be unable to sell it instantly.

But as if luck was on his side, one individual asked after seeing the Calligraphy up close,

"Would there be any chance to purchase this wondrous piece from you, young scholar?"

After that, everyone began to look at him as if he was a buffoon.

It was well known that putting a monetary price on something just made would be considered quite disrespectful as if it was a low number then the scholar may feel offended. Yet this guy just blatantly disrespected Bu Cai by disregarding this fact.

Bu Cai soon had a slight frown on his face, yet inside he secretly approved of the soldier who helped him get to this topic.

As how could he, the creator, beg for others to buy his work?

Almost immediately, Bu Cai responded,

"*Cough* Good sir, I must warn you that saying such a thing can be considered disrespectful to people in my profession."

The man who said it quickly done a bow and said,

"I deeply apologise young scholar for my careless words, I just wanted to acquire this godly piece!

"Please forgive me!"

Bu Cai responded with a satisfied smile and said,

"Not knowing is not a sin, therefore I will not pursue this matter."

He then faced everyone and continued,

"Although selling this piece is slightly heartbreaking to me.

"I would still be willing to give it up, if anyone desires to purchase it."

Everyone's faces instantly lit up and they began to make offers.

"Ten silvers!" "Twenty silvers and fifty coppers!" "Forty silvers!"

Many people started bidding frantically, yet all of it stopped once someone shouted,

"Two gold coins!"


Even Bu Cai himself was stunned at the offer.

Two gold coins?!

That was enough to allow a poor family of five to live comfortably for one year!

Everyone, including Bu Cai, turned around and looked at who this generous bidder was.

Unexpectedly, it was a boy around the same age as Bu Cai. 

He was short, and had he was garbed in silk clothes.

His face had arrogance and pride written all over it.

He had black hair and brown eyes. He looked like usual cute kid expect from the fact that he had a vivid aura around him which separated him from the rest of the crowd.

Bu Cai knew he had hooked a big fish, and he felt incredibly happy.

He had just made bank off this!

But one thing concerned him right now. This future young master wouldn't have splashed the cash needlessly, unless he was trying to save face or show off to anyone.

And who do young masters usually try to save face against?

The protagonist!

Obviously Long Tian wasn't here, so it could only be the other option.

Showing off.

And who would young masters usually show off to?

Jade beauties of course!

As if on cue, a doll-like young girl also started to approach me through the crowd. She had an even more exaggerated aura of nobility around her, and stuck out in the crowd like a sore thumb.

She had long black hair with ice blue eyes, she had a jade complexion, and she wore a red dress that fit her perfectly.

She looked cute now with her young features, but would definitely become a great beauty in the future. 

What made her look a bit strange though was that she had an ice cold expression plastered on her face.

As everyone was awed by both the young master and the young girls entrance, Bu Cai couldn't help but rub his eyes to make sure he was seeing things right.

He was very shocked at the fact that he had run into a jade beauty in the middle of nowhere, and felt that he had to get away from this obvious plot character.

Although Bu Cai felt quite comfortable with meeting and communicating with just about anyone and didn't discriminate against status.

Jade beauties and harem members were a BIG no.

Although Bu Cai would admit that she is very cute, and is indeed going to be a very eye catching beauty that will deserve three paragraphs of adjectives describing how perfect she is.

Bu Cai knew his limits, and understood the mass amounts of trouble a jade beauty could bring to someone.

Hence Bu Cai had made a rule for himself that he will avoid overly beautiful women as by hanging around them you would successfully unlock the shortcut to the cycle of reincarnation.

Bu Cai quickly decided to use his system to [Analyse] her and the young master for he knew that...

...shit had hit the fan.


Thanks for reading the chapter hope you enjoyed.

For reference the money system in the mortal world goes something like this,

10 Iron coins=A bronze Coin

100 bronze coins=A silver coin

1000 silver coins=A Gold Coin

*Note: A Bronze coin can buy a loaf or bread or something equivalent to that.

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