Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

15. Two Months (Part 4)



[Name: Liu Tu ]

[Age: 9]

[Cultivation: Mortal ]

[Skills: (Martial Arts-Intermediate), (Bullying- Beginner), (Insulting- Beginner) ...]

[Background Story]

Liu Tu was born in Bright Moon Town as the youngest son of the Liu Clan leader. 

He is a conceited boy who had always believed he could do whatever he wanted, therefore he usually done pranks and bullied other kids to flaunt his superiority.

He respects his elder brother a lot, and always listens to his advice.

He aims to be the strongest person.

He eventually dies in the mix after the Liu Clan is exterminated.

The Liu Clan was killed off as they tried to scheme against the Xie Clan, but Long Tian intervened and saved the Xie Clan.

[Importance in Plot: Negligible]



[Name: Xie Xinyi]

[Age: 9]

[Cultivation: Mortal ]

[Skills: (Sword Skills-Proficient), (Poetry-Advanced), (Calligraphy-Advanced), (Guqin-Advanced), (Etiquette-Advanced), (Dancing-Intermediate)...]

[Inherent Quality: Ice Cold Beauty(S)]

[Background Story]

Xie Xinyi was born into a side branch of the Xie Clan, which was located in a backwater town called Bright Moon Town.

Naturally, being born in a place like that would usually leave the person without many future prospects- However Xie Xinyi was different.

Soon after her birth, it was discovered that she was a genius at almost anything she had done. For example when she was trained on noble etiquette, she was able to pick up on it at an absurd pace and absorb all the teachings which led her to already be a perfect noble women at the age of seven. 

However not only was her comprehension great, her aptitude for the sword was something on a whole new level- it was absurd. Her talent had even caught the attention of the main clan.

Her only close relatives come from her father's side, as her mother had disappeared not long after her birth.

Once she understood that her mother had disappeared, her life goal had become finding her again.

Due to growing up with an incomplete family, which only consisted of a father, she naturally grew up different from other children as usually it was the mother's job to take after the children and raise them.

Due her obsession with finding her mother alongside being different from her peers due to her outstanding talent, she had grown a cold personality.

However the main reason she has grown detached and cold is because of her unusual talent- The 'Reflective Heart Of Emotion'.

The 'Reflective Heart Of Emotion', is an incredibly rare talent which boosts the owner's comprehension, aptitude for cultivation, and also allows the owner to peer into the thoughts and emotions of the enemy.

Due to her being able to peer into an individual's true thoughts, she had noticed how many people around her are fake and therefore doesn't like to get involved with many people.

[Importance in Plot: SS (She ends up being Long Tian's favourite Wife.]




Is this for real?!

Just what are the chances that the backwater village I am currently in, just so happened to be the one with a young female lead?

It has to be lower than the lottery!

Although I also gave Liu Tu's stats a quick glance it was honestly just pitiful so I moved over it, and began to think of what I could do in order to escape from this disastrous young girl.

However my thinking was interrupted when the Liu Tu, the young master who offered a two gold coins, walked up past the crowd and said to me with a smirk on his face,

"Hmph, give that drawing to me now you dumbhead commoner!

"Otherwise I'll show you the difference between a strong martial artist like me, and a weak artist like you!"

He then threw two gold coins at my feet, and then looked at me with an even wider smirk.

I didn't get annoyed at this in the slightest.

Rather, I was touched by his direct rudeness as it gave me an excuse to get the fuck out of here. 

So without further ado, I bent over and quickly picked up the two coins then brought over my calligraphy piece.

I then respectfully held it out to him whilst slightly bowing and saying with a warm smile,

"Thank you young master for your purchase, and I wish you a thousand years of good luck!"

I then turned around and started to leave.

Everyone, including Xie Xinyi and Liu Tu, had shocked and confused expressions.

How come Bu Cai could just accept such despicable and disrespectful words?


Liu Tu was very confused right now.

How come this kid wasn't frowning or reacting to his taunts at all?

Liu Tu had always enjoyed seeing the hopeless expressions on his peers faces, once they are humiliated or hurt- It brought him a sense of power and control.

That's why he constantly bullied others, as every time he could easily get a good laugh after stepping on their pride or ruining their happiness as they always made an aggrieved or resentful expression 

He had expected the exact same thing to happen here.

But it didn't.

Instead, his fun had been ruined as this person in front of him seemed to be completely unreceptive of any of his insults.

He frowned as he watched him leave, and could only hold his annoyance back as he had something more important to do currently.

He walked over to the young girl, who was the reason he even came over here to begin with, and held out the calligraphy piece and said,

"Here you go Yiyi, I got the painting you looked like you wanted!

"Aren't you glad that I'm such a frie-"

"You are not my friend.

"So stop following me about like a dog, Liu Tu."

The one who interrupted Liu Tu was Xie Xinyi.

She seemed to have a slight frown on her cute face, which made her look even colder.

Just as he was about to say something back, Xie Xinyi started to hurry towards the way the boy just left with her two guards in tow.


(Liu Tu POV)

How dare that stupid, dumb, boring girl do that to me!

If it weren't for my father asking me to befriend her for some reason, I would never even try to talk to this stone girl!

She has forced me to lose face in front of my older brother as I had to ask for help because of her unresponsiveness!

My elder brother told me that women liked it when a man was attentive and willing to be thrifty, so I've recently started to do that in hopes that I can get some of her attention.

But even after spending most of my pocket money on this paper trash that I can't even beat people with, she still ignored me!?

God dammit!

And that damned smartass idiot who thinks he is cool just because he can draw some stupid artwork, how dare he ruin my fun by not reacting like everyone else!

Damn it all!

"Servant 1 and 2, we are going after those two!"

I then headed towards the direction of where the boy and that girl left, furiously.


(Bu Cai POV)

Walking along a narrow street, I hurriedly turn onto one of the small alleyways and take a breath.

Phew, I think I've gotten away from the proximity of that nuclear bomb in the form of a nine year old girl.

After thinking that, I take a look at my hand and see two sparkly gold coins with a little dust on them, that came from them being on the floor. 

A large smile adorns my face after seeing the coins, and I quickly rub the dust away from it.

After looking at it again in it's shiny glory, I can't help but burst out in laughter,


"Just imagine all the things I could buy with these!

"I could become a landowner and become one of those devious rent owners who scam the living shit out of their tenants.

"I could also just stuff myself with whatever food I so desire!

"Hahaha, I can already see the good days ahead!"

I got more and more absorbed into my newfound wealthy status and opportunities, until I heard a little laugh around the corner.

I quickly snapped out of my daze and yelled panickedly,

"Who is the one laughing around the corner?!

"I'd watch it if I were you and think about your next actions carefully as I am the direct disciple of Venerable Three Brushes!

"He is someone who has deep connections with mighty figures and is respected throughout the due to his huge strength and deep pockets!"

Since I knew people could easily target me for my money, even wandering cultivators, I was wary and used the trusty 'make up mighty background' card and hoped the other party would think twice before robbing me.

Soon the person around the corner revealed themselves and it was...


(Xie Xinyi POV)

Today I had initially made my way over to the downtown area as I had heard rumours of some 'genius brat' who could do amazing things with a sword.

I was curious.

Just how amazing was he?

Could he really be somewhat like me?

I knew that it was very unlikely, and that it was probably just hearsay, but I couldn't help but hold some expectations.

Anyways, once I had arrived I realised I had been late as he had just finished...

...Making a calligraphy piece!

As soon as I had seen the piece, I couldn't help but feel respect.

I, myself, had some attainments in calligraphy and knew that this was something very impressive for someone around my age. Hence, even though I hadn't seen any of his sword skills for myself, I already felt like making some interaction with this person.

I had never felt like talking to others my age before, nor did I feel the need, as I deemed them to be annoying and boring. 

And I also couldn't get along with them.

They held neither a passion to constantly improve, nor did they have any will to better themselves. Rather they just played stupid games or mocked me as a stone face or motherless child.

I also didn't look to interact with people older than me, as I could clearly feel their impure or ulterior motives and wouldn't be worth keeping around.

However this person was different.

Although this boy didn't seem like someone of any major background he still met my criteria for interaction.

He had talent to make such a great piece, therefore wasn't a hopeless person in the slightest.

He had the perseverance to work hard and achieve that level of calligraphy.

He also had the sensibleness to not lose his cool over Liu Tu's insulting behavior before.

He was someone interesting.

But not only was he interesting. He was unique.

My ability to peer into his thoughts didn't work accurately. I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

So with all these factors, I decided to chase after him. Whether he'd want to talk to me or not, I wasn't sure.

But I felt that there was nothing to lose.

Hastily walking through the streets with my guards, I soon spotted him turn into an alleyway.

Without hesitation I followed him, however just as I got to the corner where I could turn onto the alley, I heard him say to himself,

"I could become a landowner and become one of those devious rent owners who scam the living shit out of their renters.

"I could also just stuff myself with whatever food I so desire!

"Hahaha, I can already see the good days ahead!"

I couldn't help be shocked but burst out in laughter, after hearing his thought process. Wouldn't a normal person think of something other than scamming?!

How come this kid my age is so... different?

Anyways, he had heard me laugh and his response to this was,

"Who is the one laughing around the corner?!

"I'd watch it if I were you and think about your next actions carefully as I am the direct disciple of Venerable Three Brushes!

"He is someone who has deep connections with mighty figures and is respected throughout the due to his huge strength and deep pockets!"

I once again burst out laughing, how could someone with 'deep pockets', have such a stingy and money-orientated disciple?

It was clearly fake but... It was hilarious!

This just made me even more enthusiastic about making friends with this boy, and therefore I walked out and revealed myself.

The expression on his face turned from hostility and wariness to...


He dropped his defensive attitude and done a fake cough, then said in an amiable tone,

"Ohhh, what a coincidence it is seeing the always respectable young lady Xie!

"It is this one's honor of a lifetime to meet you, however unfortunately,  I- erm need to -erm go and buy groceries for my... sick grandpa!

"So if you would excus-"

"Wait", I said.

"Have I made a bad impression on you at all, to the point where you don't want to interact with me?"

He replied hastily,

"O-Of course not!

"It's just that this humble needs to atte-"

I interrupt him and say, "Cut the nonsense formalities and explain to me why you are making up clear lies to not talk to me?"

I frowned and continued, "I-Is it because I'm motherless?"

His face stiffened and he sighed and said,

"Of course not miss Xie, it's just that, erm, how should I say, you attra-"



Hearing the sudden shout, I turn around and see Liu Tu with a red face roaring angrily.

I've been annoyed by this pest for a while now, and I was close to slapping him earlier for being that rude to someone I planned to talk to. But now this imbecile is back after me again?

Doesn't he usually scram after I tell him to?

I look back at the boy who I was interested in and saw that his expression turned into a complicated one.

*Sigh* I see what he means now.

I was just about to diffuse the situation when...


(Liu Tu POV)  

Is this person the reason I've been failing to befriend stone?

Is he the one getting in my way of meeting father's expectations?!




I clenched my teeth hard as I thought about all my efforts being ineffective just because this kid has been having a secret relationship with stone face!


All that pocket money I could have used to buy new toys or a cool sword!

All that time I could have used to beat others!

All the expectations from my father!




I felt all my rage build up and decided to charge at him.

I executed our Liu Clan's special cool footwork art that I learned, and quickly rushed towards him.

As I approached him, I got a glimpse of his bewildered expression and couldn't help but feel even more power build up in my fist as I got excited about seeing his pained expression!

Maybe then that dumb little girl would also realise my coolness!

I clenched my fist ultra hard and waited it to land right on his face...


Why do I not feel the usual face feeling?

Before I knew it I was flying midair into a wall, and all I felt was a stinging pain at the side of my face.

After feeling the impact of the wall and me colliding.

As I lost consciousness I thought,

My face hurts.


(Bu Cai POV)


I looked at the kid on the ground, and deeply regretted my actions.

Liu Tu was knocked out cold with a vivid red mark etched into the side of his face- which was courtesy of my palm.


I was fucked.

I didn't even put much strength behind the slap- which I gave after catching his fist.

But it seems even that was enough to send him flying.

Without warning one of the servants that came with Liu Tu appeared next to him and picked him up whilst the other was...


As I turned around I saw one Liu Tu's guards close by being held back by one of Xie Xinyi's guards.

It seemed that if the guard didn't stop him, then I would have been swatted to death, as he difference between a cultivator and non-cultivator was huge- even if these chumps looked like they were in the first stage.

Xie Xinyi's guard said to the one he stopped,

"Don't you feel shame in trying to kill a young mortal kid as a cultivator?

"Plus my young miss wants to speak to him, so even if we put past the fact that this is disgraceful behavior and that young master Liu started it, So I will not let you do this!"

The guard that tried to attack me backed off and said,

"I will report this."

He then left with the other guard who carried the unconscious Liu Tu.

Soon all that was left was Xie Xinyi, the two of her guards, and me.

I looked over at the guard that saved me and bowed then said,

"I sincerely thank you sir for saving me!

"I am not one who forgets help, therefore if there is anything I could do to repay you then please do tell!"

The guard looked at me with slight surprise and said,

"Haha, I was only doing this because my lady here wanted to talk to you. However if you do want to repay this favour then I hope you can comply with my young lady's requ-"


Xie Xinyi, who still had a neutral expression interrupted and said,

"I do not wish to talk to you on account of a favour, so since you are unwilling to them I will leave it to fate.

"You also do not need to repay this favour, as this happened to you because of me, therefore rest assured."

She then turned around and left after saying,

"May we meet again..."


After they left, I couldn't help but think to myself.

What is the matter with her?

She was the most unchildlike child I've ever seen- other than myself, who isn't really a child!


I'm not sure whether this was a coincidence or if she had some sort of passive ability, but so many people interrupted me today that I felt like I hadn't been able to say full sentence these past few hours!

I've also made my first successful attempt at courting death, as I've just face-slapped a young master who will definitely have elder brothers, then fathers, then fathers of fathers, intervene in some sort of irritating cycle of hate.

But it's not like today was all bad. I've actually made huge gains today!

I've successfully made bank.

I've also gotten rid of that disastrous heroine.

And I am also one day closer to leaving this shithole!

Yes... Just three more days left.

After snapping out of my thoughts, I made my way round to the old man's and tended to the horses. I then got food and made my way around this place casually.

I didn't have to do anything else, therefore I wasted the day away then went home and slept.

Like this, three days past rather swiftly.

Nothing eventful happened. No angry young master, no sudden twists... nothing.

It made me feel a bit relieved that I didn't have to solo a whole Clan- not that even I could-  but it also humbled me. It reminded me that I wasn't the MC of this world.

So of course I wouldn't have exciting things happen all around me!

But one thing peculiar around me was the main heroine, Xie Xinyi.

That girl actually had the audacity to say 'I'll leave it to fate', yet came looking around this place for the past couple of days knowing full well that I was here.

It was a bit despicable, but I made sure to avoid her as soon as I spotted her- as I really didn't want to get involved with this girl.

Of course, the reason I was able to hide away without getting caught was because the two guards weren't actually very high level cultivators, therefore couldn't use spirit sensing- Otherwise, I would have been found very easily.

Anyways, on the morning of the day after the final day, Hou appeared in front of my room.

He already knew about what I had done throughout some of my time here, therefore wasn't overly surprised by my current wealth however still commented by saying,

"Tch, you're incredibly lucky to run into one of those arrogant brats from a Clan. They are literal moneybags if you give them what they want. However slapping your generous customer in the face wasn't the brightest idea.

"Lucky for you, this old man went over to the Liu Clan and had an 'extensive chat' about it!

"So be grateful you have this old man around as your protector, otherwise things could have gone terribly!"

Yes, it turns out that Hou intervened for me and helped me out.

Turns out I am not completely irrelevant after all! 

I got happy for all the wrong reasons- such as knowing that I can still piss off a Clan- however all that happiness as left as soon as I heard Hou say,

"It just so happens that this old man is in need of one gold, forty silvers, and twelve bronze!

"And I coincidentally heard from somewhere that you are a virtuous young man who always repays favours."

Like that I gritted my teeth, and reluctantly handed over exactly half of my hard earned cash- I felt like I lost half my soul during the exchange.

Finally, before we left to continue the journey to the capital, Hou asked one last question.

"Young master, why did you avoid that Xie Clan young lady!

"She's clearly a prodigy who will make waves in the empire, it would have been a perfect chance for you to establish some great connections!"

I replied to him,

"It was because...I-I was nervous!"

After hearing my reply, Hou smiled and said,

"Haaaaa, I guess that it is still difficult for you to deal with others your age. You are really quite strange young master."

I was relieved that he bought onto my excuse and said,

"Hmph, say what you want old man, what's lost is lost.

"It's not like I'll see that girl again anyways!"

Hou looked over at me, confused, and said,

"Have you also became a bit dimmer after this training, young master?

"It's obvious that she will be going to the youth tournament as well. So you will definitely have the chance to make a good impression on her and become friends!

"Think about it, you'll have another kid to talk to just like Chang Wu, just instead of fighting you can both discuss your mutual intrest calligraphy.

"Isn't that great!"


Like that, I booked out one last time with the old lady, then we both made our way to a spacious area where Nero was and got on.

As we flew into the clear blue sky on Nero's soft back, I looked back down Bright Moon Town, the place I stayed for a half a month, and couldn't help but feel a bit emotional.

I saw all the places I had been to over the time I'd been there.

The street full of all my failed job interviews.

The area where I ran into the old man and three-legged psycho horse -Sadly, I couldn't say goodbye to either.

I even saw the little bakery that left out the burned bread for me back when I was starving.

But then once we flew into the clouds, it was all gone from my sight... never to be seen again.



Author's notes:

Xie Xinyi is made to be somewhat similar to Xia Qingyue from ATG.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and any constructive criticism is welcome.


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