Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

22. Suspicions, To Kill Or Not To Kill?

(Back In the rented room in the inn)

(Third Person Pov)

Bu Cai Could be seen lying down in his soft bed looking up at the ceiling seemingly deep in thought, Soon a frown appeared on his handsome/cute face.

His hair was still a bit wet, due to having a bath, when he came back from another trip to the market on the way back.

He had loose and comfortably white robes on and decided to properly think back to his conversation with Long Tian.

...Being angry at beating his friend (Definitely not because i didn't hear turn around when he called for me).


...Asking me to be direct as he likes straightforward people.


...Asking about Info on me.


...Yue Mei looking at me coldly, cutting into the conversation, then going to handle previous matters (Which was obviously an excuse)

Not Understandable, reasonable, or normal in the slightest!


Although she could have been jealous that I was hogging cockroach's 'precious' time and attention; I refuse to believe it is that simple.

She had an erratic change of attitude for seemingly no reason.

Although I was indeed using flowery words and overly complimenting them, this shouldn't be enough of a cause to turn someone's attitude a full 180 degrees.

Although her stats through [Analyse], show a reason to why this may be, it still confuses and worries me immensely as it could lead to tragic implications if any of my suspicions are right...



[Name: Yue Mei]

[Age: 9 ]

[Cultivation: Mortal]

[Skills: (Etiquette-Proficient), (Tea Serving- Advanced), (Painting-Advanced), (Bathing-Intermediate), (Dish Washing-Intermediate), (Massage-Intermediate) ]

[Inherent Beauty: Enchanting Big Sister Type Beauty(A) ]

[Background Story]

Yue Mei has had no parents since young due to them being killed by powerful beings due to their potential, She was found by Long Tian's Mother who was surprised by her profound bloodline even she could not see through and raised her and trained her to be Long Tian's Maid, She also becomes his childhood friends and grows feelings for him over time.

She has the Bloodline of 2 Mighty Godkings in the Immortal realm who are descendants of an Ancient Immortal emperor hence huge cultivation talent and perception. [Locked]

She also has a rare bloodline mutation called Eyes of Fate, which allow her to see through fate and providence. [Partially Awakened (0.0001%)]

She also has a High tier Physique which she unlocked, called the 81 Pure Yin physique which makes her a very good dual cultivation partner. [Locked]

[Importance in Plot: SS (Helps Long Tian Immensely and is still Second to Cold Beauty who is slightly more beautiful)]


...Partially Awakened.

I'm sure that my presence has caused this to happen,

As well as the fact that this 'Partial Awakening' could have also been brought about by Long Tian's Plot Armour to warn him a bit about me, and although if this was the cause, then it would be quite annoying yet i would still not be so shaken as i am now...

As if this wasn't brought about by the Plot, then something much worse and sinister could have brought this about,

1. The Universe has realised my intentions of not attempting to fight him due to my family, and is controlling things slightly to make sure I stick to my original purpose; Killing the Fortuned One of the universe to restore prosperity.

2. The system was unable to completely restrict my bad luck and it has caused Yue Mei to awaken her 'Eyes Of Fate' to act against me.

Both options sound reasonable to me, however I am more inclined to believe that it 1 due to the fact that the system can precisely track the awakening and intricately look into the future, as well as many other features which are hard for me to even begin conceptualise.

This means I will actually have try my hardest to kill Long Tian or the Universe will want to spite my inactiveness by indirectly killing my family.

Although this may seem like a simple action to motivate me, it leads to even more frightening possibilities;

...Has it schemed against me by giving me a family, which i have always wanted, and therefore it will be able to passively control me into doing what t wants me too?

...Can this Universe Control me as technically my Body is of this world?

...To what level of intelligence does it have?

These questions are bringing me immense stress, as they are vital points of knowledge which i didn't even try to ask the system about when I had the chance, before i got here.

However, realistically, If I had to trust my very existence and the survival of the endless number of lifeforms, to someone who was completely unmotivated to do so, I would choose to take the same actions, as it is the obvious and right thing to do.

But this doesn't make the fact that;

The Universe can Scheme against me.

Any less scary.

And finally, this then lead to my final dilemma,

...To Kill, Or not to Kill?


(Long Tian POV)

I am lying in my Bed thinking of what, Yue Mei had told me abut regarding Bu Cai.

"Whilst you were talking to that Bu Cai, i suddenly had a very bad premonition about him, he made me feel repulsed and I'm not sure who he is or why it had happened but i'd suggest we stay away from him and keep contact to a minimum"

A Bad Premonition?

This is not the first time such a thing has happened, although not to this intensity.

Back when we were little, we were still being neglected and oppressed due to nobody being on our side, hence we used to steal or gamble to acquire enough to get by as my little sister needed expensive materials to alleviate some of the pain from her illness and the family didn't care about her so we were left to get it.

Whenever we were going to be caught or have a good bet, Yue Mei's premonitions would always kick in and ensure we capitalised On the opportunities or avoided dangers hence it was very reliable.

So now that she said she had such a pronounced response to Bu Cai, I assured to myself that i will not get involved with him too much however there was another thought also lingering in my mind.

Since he brought about such a bad premonition, and was obviously a threat;

Why Not Just Kill Him?

Accidents can happen during the matches, and if I get the chance to fight him in the tournament, I can just say I overestimated his strength, and kill him or fatally injury him.

Plus, what could the Spirit sword sect even do about it?

The only bad thing about this plan that i can think of is that my reputation will take a hit, however it can always be earned back?

So my in the end my Dilemma is,

...To Kill, Or Not to kill?


Author's Note:

Thanks for reading the chapter, I hope you enjoyed and if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism then feel free to comment.

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