Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

23. End Of Elimination Rounds, Nice Herb

(After the 5 days)

(Bu Cai POV)

..."How Impressive, as expected of the no.1 genius of the empire!"

"Such great strength at the age of 8, how incredible, I can't wait for his next match"


Looking down at the arena to see Long Tian once again win with overwhelming ease, whilst the cheers of the audience echo throughout the stadium, really make me remember all tournament arcs in Xianxia...

The arrogant opponent that is sent in by 'insert Young master' and talks trash.

The negative response in the audience about how badly Long Tian will lose.

The 'Sudden' turn around were 'Protagonist' just casually one punches the opponent and the leaves calmly to flaunt his superiority and coolness and this was then repeated 5 times and every time the audience goes mental...

...What the fuck?

When I was fighting my rounds, barely anyone was around, and after i won the few people just gave a halfhearted clap then walked off without looking back meanwhilst everyone is cheering like there is no tomorrow over a boring One punch?

Putting Jokes aside, I haven't been able to gauge the limits of his powers due to all the opponents being useless and the fact that he hasn't even touched his sword.

And I've already anticipated that Long Tian will definitely do something malicious against me if i fight him, through the fact that he is temperamental, Simple minded, And dislikes any uncertainty.

Also if my suspicions are correct then the Universe will make it so Long Tian will want to try and kill me, even if it wasn't the universe that manipulated him to do so, his jade beauty surely did after giving me such a disgusted face.

This all combined with the fact that I know the bastard is stronger than me, has made me immensely uncomfortable for the upcoming rounds.

I then do my usual routine of scavenging the Free market to see if i can find anything that could help me for the upcoming matches against the truly powerful individuals,

Although Dai Huo was indeed a strong opponent, all the rest of my enemies were background mobs so the fights were won with relative ease.

However, now that we are moving into the actual tournament, The Top 100, it will surely consist of mostly talented individuals that have a solid sect or family backing them, hence it will no longer be as easy.

And if i run into monsters such as, Cockroach, Xie Xinyi, or Song Family's heiress, Song Ju; I'll have a very bad time to say the least, and normal heirs of mighty powers are also not people I can defeat with utmost confidence hence my main hope is some high quality foundation building materials that will help me gain more strength.

Whilst walking, I see the occasional ancient herbs that are quite cheap, however this time, I spot something that makes my eyes widen slightly,



[Material: Dried Fluorescent Sun dew]

[Rank: D]

[Extra Information: An incredibly low tier herb that has absorbed sunlight for 5000 years, It has been picked for quite some time hence it's effects have dwindled to D-Rank from C-Rank, however it is still an incredible useful material for Pill making, and Foundation building, Can also help Cultivators refine Qi more smoothly.]


A D-Rank!

Although this may not seem too impressive, A D-Rank herb is very rare and impressive, for foundation building herbs, A D-Rank identified by the system cost close to 150 gold coins!

And this charitable bastard was selling it to me for 99 copper!

I instantly order that shit but to not make it suspicious that i really desire it, I buy some useless herbs with it and also haggle the price.

The man eventually folded at 50 copper plus herbs (Poor Guy).

I then had a skim through the market again and found nothing that was worth the rice and was going to leave, before I came across another of Long Tian's exploits (Abusing YMs),

He was just slapping the guy in the face whilst he barking and saying sorry whilst everyone was laughing at the YM and of course his two girls also had hearts in their eyes...

Although it is amusing,

Why is it, that I see this Cockroach so often?

Is it because of the universe?

Is my suspicion Correct?

To affirm my guess I decide to bite the bullet and approach Long Tian once we are far away from the crowd.

I Alert Long Tian and the 2 girls of my presence by shouting out to them and saying, " Fairy Yue, Fairy Xue, Brother Long! Wait!"

They all turn around surprised and look for who it was, and they soon see me and their expression turns serious and slightly wary.


What the fuck are you looking at me like that for, am I really so annoying to you?

Anyways, Long Tian Replies inquisitively, "Brother Bu, Such a coincidence, what are you doing around here?

I reply, "I was just looking around the free market, And was about to head back to the Inn i am staying at. Truly peculiar how we have run into each other again, and since we have, I will congratulate you on your incredible performance in the final round of the elimination round, you have truly made me excited for your future fights!"

He then said with an ambiguous smile, "Thank you for your kind words Brother, It was merely a small opponent, I will say though that I look forward to seeing you future fights and possibly being able to go against you myself."

Sensing the ill intentions even though he tried hard to hide them made me slightly frown and decide to end this conversation, "Although I also hope to be able to have a nice match with you, I hope you have mercy as i am nowhere near capable enough to fight you at full power.

I must leave now Due to having prior arrangements however it was truly nice meeting a brother and 2 fairies, Have a nice day."

I then cup my fists then run off without waiting for any reply.


(Late Evening, Bu Cai's Bedroom)

A young boy can be seen sitting in a lotus position on the floor with sweat all over him.

This is Bu Cai currently absorbing the effects of the D-Rank herb.

He soon relaxes after the effects wear off and lies down on the floor with a happ smile on his face.

(Bu Cai POV)

*Exhausted Sigh* Finally!

The herb has been absorbed and although it was quite painful and difficult during the absorption, I now feel great!

Although Tired, I feel that my muscles and bones are a lot more compact and dense than before and feel a lot stronger than before!

These huge effects, are mostly due to the herb being an old herb, as herbs these days, that are new have a lesser effect, due to similar herbs being taken before, that are common, and hence reduce the effects of them, due to the body building a slight tolerance to their effects because of these other herbs.

If this was not the case then the super rich clans children would be far more powerful than me as they could just constantly take high quality herbs over and over and become too OP.

After resting for a while, I do some light exercise and try out all my moves and sword techniques with my new strength so that i can get accustomed to it.

After a while I get used to it and realise it is late so i have a bath then go to sleep so that I am prepared to face the challenges of tomorrow...


(Next day, Arena)

In an Arena with only 5 stages now, there are tens of thousands of viewers present at the spectator areas in the arena.

There are also places higher up, that have esteemed individuals and multiple forces' representatives looking down onto the stages where 5 fights will take place at the same time.

In the arena, 100 young boys and girls are awaiting for the draws on who the opponents are going to be.

(Bu Cai POV)

Currently all 100 contestants are present in the arena, We are sitting at the sides waiting for the draws.

Many family and sect representatives actually showed up, so that they can now actually see who to try and draw over to their faction, as well as, wanting to see the power levels of other forces' younger generation, however the royal family did not, as they are said to be above all the families, only the finals will be spectated officially by someone of the royal family so that they can maintain their face and give a show to the public on their superiority.

Soon an middle aged man in yellow robes appears and says whilst injecting Qi into his voice so that everyone can hear it,

"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen, to the 100 year competition that will allow talented youths to compete for fortune and reputation so that they can soar to the heavens and establish themselves among each others of their age group."

"The rules of this segment of the tournament involve, No pills, No talismans, No spirit weapons and no Killing."

"These are to ascertain fairness and allow a good fight on the basis of talent and personal strength, any rules violated will result in a disqualification in the tournament."

"Now that the rules are out of the way,I will present to you the Matches today"

After he was done speaking, A huge projection made of Qi appeared and on it was all the match ups in order, I soon found the main ones I was looking for,


Spirit Sword Sect's, Bu Cai VS Sky Sword Sect's Tai Ping


Long Family's, Long Tian VS Buddhist Sect's, Monk Zumu


One of those stuck up bastards from the main sect,



Author's Notes:

This chapter was more just some progression and to show that something suspicious is happening.

This chapter could be considered one of the more boring chapters however I felt that it was needed so that I could move along with the competition.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you have any suggestions or anything that you can think of that needs to be improved then feel free to leave a comment.

Thanks For Reading.

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