Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

4.Long Tian, Starting Point

(Blank Space)

Bu Cai hears the mechanical voice transfer this absolutely diabolical plot to him, and he felt a part of himself die.

The transparent black screen with gold letters didn't help as it just rubbed it into his face how horribly disastrous his situation is...


[Plot- You have received a low-mid tier information package]

[Fortuned One- Long Tian (S-Rank)]


Long Tian is the the illegitimate son of a martial king realm cultivator, Long Chen, who is a marquis in the Divine Sword Empire.

Long Tian has had high comprehension in sword arts since young to the point of overshadowing the legitimate children, and in an Empire were talented swordsmen were worshipped, he was projected as the prospective successor instead of the legitimate children.

Due to his status, he was constantly showered in praises and had access to numerous expensive foundation building materials in order to prepare him for his official path of cultivation.

Everything was going great for him.

But at the age of ten, when everyone was checked for their spiritual roots. The test had shown that he was a cripple and had trash roots.

Henceforth, he was completely abandoned by his family and ridiculed by everyone who once looked up at him. A year later, his father sent him far away to a backwater village with his ill younger sister (not blood related) and his loyal maid, in order to rid himself of the stain on his family.

And there began his journey to the apex...

[Random points about his plot]

-Mother isn't dead and is protecting him from the shadows.

-Adopted younger sister adores him unconditionally and has the divine yin physique with an incredible comprehension.

-He gains an eccentric immortal master by deciding to buy wine for him, mean whilst the immortal was acting as a peasant.

[By the End]



Safe to say after seeing that atrocity, Bu Cai would have thrown up blood if he had the facilities to do so.

He couldn't help himself from asking the system about this absurdity.


It was already stated previously by the System that he was incapable of handling a C-ranked 'plot'. Let alone killing Long Tian here, an actual S-Rank Fortuned One.

He would even consider himself to be lucky if he was able to touch a single hair on Long Tian, without master Shifu blasting him back to his mother's womb to rethink life choices.

What made this even worse was that the System hadn't said a word of comfort to him...

He pleaded for justice, and to this the System simply responded,

[Go Next.]


Bu Cai didn't even wait for any explanation before he willed the Wheel Of RNG to start spinning for his Starting point.

The Starting point wheel had the same ranking system as the Plot wheel, but this time it went like the higher equals better.

Due to this universe being S-Rank, the limit for his identity was S-Rank therefore the wheel only went up to S-Rank.

He wondered who would have a similar depth of background in the world that could match up to the protagonist, and couldn't help but have a little hope rise in him...


[Starting Point]


{Randomly Generated Method of Transfer}



Son of a loving pair of Dao Companions.

Father-Bu De

Mother- Lu Li

Both Inner Sect Elders of the Spirit Sword Sect. The Spirit Sword Sect is a subsidiary to a major Sect in the Divine Sword Empire; The Sky Sword Sect. 

[Fate of the Original]

Right hand man, and bootlicker, of the arrogant son of the Spirit Sword Sect's Patriarch.

The young master of the Spirit Sword Sect orders you to piss of the Fortuned One due to Long Tian stealing the mysterious jade beauty he was lusting for.

You get face-slapped and then sliced in half by a casual blink by Long Tian and die a miserable death. This event kick starts a series of events which eventually leads to the extermination of both sky and spirit Sword Sect.

Overall Fate: Face-slapped cannon fodder and only reason for existence is to make Long Tian look extra spicy in front of the jade beauty.



Bu Cai felt as if though the System and wheel of RNG was treating him as a brainless animal!

Getting a very improbable plot which should not have happened, already made him on the brink of tears. yet now he is actual cannon fodder?

He couldn't help but think about whether his misfortune is really being ignored here?

System being unable to read the mood though, does what Bu Cai previously ordered and begins the countdown on sending him to the universe,

[Reincarnation beginning...10...6...2...0, good luck!]


(Divine Sword Empire, Spirit Sky Sect)

In the chambers of Inner Sect Elder Bu's residence. A baby's cry can be heard.

Accompanying the cry were sighs of relief from Elder Bu and the midwife responsible for helping with the delivery of the child.

After a short while, the midwife gives the baby to his mother and tells the parents that it they gave birth to a healthy boy.

She then bowed and left to make sure not to disturb the new parents.

(Bu Cai's POV)

I am currently in the hands of m-this body's mother, and although I'm very pissed about the situation regarding the Wheel Of 'RNG', however this strange feeling is helping me calm down a bit.

Perhaps this is meant to be the power of maternal love?

Although I really want to see what my parents look like, my head is feeling stupidly heavy and I feel I'll die for a second time if I force it. So I'll just let it be.

Soon, I feel myself being lifted up by another pair of hands.

This one feels the complete opposite to the mother's, which is smooth and soft, as this one is rough and dry. However, peculiarly, it doesn't feel bad, rather a sense of safety arises in me.

How do babies even feel this stuff... do they have some sixth sense?

Seems like isekai didn't lie to me!


But all my thoughts of this current situation is cut short as... I fell asleep.


(Three years later, Courtyard Of Elder Bu's Living Quarters)

(Bu Cai POV)

Laying down on this soft grass whilst warm rays of light from the sun shine down on me, I can't help but feel great.

In fact, these past three years have been great in general!

If I skip past the pains of not being able to control my body for a year -especially whether I soil myself or not- everything has felt like a dream. Even the baby period passed by quickly as children in this world seem to grow quite a bit faster than my previous world's standards, e.g. I may be three years old currently, but I look more like a five/six year old. 

The best part about this place is the fact that I get to grow up with parents that care about me and give me their undivided attention.

Throughout the years they fed me personally, they cleaned me personally, and they also always seemed to play with me (though I wasn't very entertained as I am not an actual child).

And due to all this affection that I've received, I feel they are more than just some people who raised me. They're special to me.

And having people like this in life, is really quite...magical.

One thing that I was relieved about when getting to it was that I was easily able to pick up the language, as it seems a baby's brain is built different.

Soon I was able to say my first words in the language of this place which were 'Dada' and 'Mama', I said this so that I didn't come across as some strange baby or, god forbid, make them think I was some old monster who took over this body.

However after that, I was soon taught about the language formally, and I could now speak, read, and write just fine- I was quite impressed by how quickly I picked it up.

My parents were also very happy about the fact that I picked up on all this so well, and the day I was able to fluently read was the day when we had a nice feast to celebrate.


But as always, there are some bad sides to everything.

And currently that bad side is this nagging feeling of helplessness.

I just can't think of a way to deal with Long Tian! 

I thought about it frequently during these past few years, and the more I do think about it, the more I feel hopeless.

From what I understood about plot, it is something that it allows Long Tian to be unphased by most obstacle in life and the counter to this is my misfortune.

But due to the System explicitly stating that my limit is a D-rank plot, it makes me believe that his plot is a lot stronger than whatever my misfortune is. Meaning that it will probably be incredible hard to get rid of him.

Another  big thing which irritates me about all this, is the fact that I know he also has at least two lifelines to fall back on:

-His mother that is constantly protecting him.

-An immortal master that will appear for him shortly after he gets kicked out his family.

Just these two absurd things make me unable to do something straight forward like ordering an assassin to kill him (and even with that I doubt it will end him). 

Add on the fact that the time difference between when Long Tian is vulnerable (after exile because of trash spirit roots) and the time where he latches onto the huge thighs of his immortal master... is way too short.

As for stealing the opportunities around him?


Did you really think that if I do the exact same as Long Tian, and offer the eccentric immortal some wine, he'll willingly take me in as a disciple and pass down his legacy?

Unlikely. Incredibly unlikely.

My fate of being a cannon fodder is definitely a huge deterrent already.

Add on the fact that I have no locked potential or hidden physique, I'd be lucky if he even glances at me!

I'm also ninety-nine percent sure that half the reason that immortal even taught Long Tian, was due to the machination of 'Plot'.

The other half being that Long Tian was no slouch in qualifications.

He has a profound background- I'm almost certain of this, as his mother cannot be simple if she was able to fake death from a martial king realm cultivator, and Xianxia protagonists usually always have a connection to higher realms in some way.

He has 'fate' with the master, which the immortal probably calculated with a divination art (Using fingers).

He will have also made a good impression on him-by giving him some alcohol. 

As well as Long Tian having heaven rending talent in sword arts.

...Just thinking about all the things the lucky cockroach has, makes me cringe.

Why is life so unfair!

...Oh dearest System of mine, where art thou when I needth thee!

Although I've complained many a times about you over the last three years... I still want you to know if you are hearing this, that from the very bottom of my heart, I miss you.

And I need you in my life soon, or my only remaining choice here will be to blindly rush at him with the hopes that it achieves something...



*Throb* *Throb*

Why is my head throbbing?!

W-What is happe-




Then I fainted in agony.


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