Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

5.The Return Of The System, No Hope

(In Elder Bu's Mansion, Bu Cai's Room)

(Bu Cai POV)

Upon regaining consciousness, I am greeted with the scene of my mother and father looking at me with concerned expressions covering their faces.

My mother has reddened eyes obviously indicating that she has cried.

My father is looking anxious whilst the doctor takes my pulse...

The doctor here, is an old man with a grey beard and a face resembling a combination of 'your friendly neighborhood grandpa' and a 'wise grandpa'.

This old man is in fact the elder of the medicine hall in the sect, and is well-versed in both medicine and poison.

He says in a serene voice,

"Everything is normal with his pulse, and their is nothing wrong with him that this old man can infer by checking his internal organs."

"It may have been a simple headache or a sudden shock as there is no signs of an attack either."

"There is nothing to worry about anymore Elder Bu and Elder Lu."

After hearing conformation that I am safe, they both stepped forward and said to the old man,

"Thank you Elder Lao for checking on our son it is very appreciated"

Elder Lao then gave a small smile back and said,

"It's only a small thing for this old man, no need to make it out as a big deal."

"I have to take my leave now due to having prior obligations."

He then cupped his fists and disappeared.

My father then approached me and said with a relieved smile on his face,"Thank the heavens you are fine Cai'er!"

"You've been unconscious for the past five hours, and have really worried your mother and I."

My mother had already went to give me a hug as if to affirm my father's words.

Bu Cai responded in my squeaky voice,"I'm sorry for worrying you both, I'm completely fine right now. I don't even know what happened back there!"

"It was just out of nowhere when my head suddenly began hurting!"

"But it's probably fine now."

After a few more minutes of talking, and reassuring them that I was fine, they left as they had responsibilities as sect elders.

Watching them as they left, I couldn't help but feel warm. I've never had anyone be this concerned about me before, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't like this feeling.

Just as I was about to close my eyes to rest a bit longer, I suddenly heard a sound in my head that woke me right away.



{System connection established with Host}

[Hello Host]




[Yes Host, it is I.]

After getting confirmation, I shot up from my resting position and felt the urge to scream in excitement.

But I held it in, since I didn't want to alert the servants.

I quickly replied in my head,

"Oh dear System, it is not only great to see you... but in fact absolutely magnificent!"

"You can't even begin to comprehend the nervousness I've felt from being unable to have contact with you!"

"Where have you been?"

The System replied,

[Responding to Host, the System has been waiting for you to be able to reach the age to were you can withstand the pain of the incorporation of the System. As if I integrated when you were just a new born, you would have become brain dead in this body- which is not optimal.]

"I see. So would this have to happen all the time?"

The System replied to me with the answer,

[Yes Host, without reaching a certain age the Host will be unable to use the System and it's functions in the universe chosen.]

[This process of pain will repeat each time you reach the conditions to unlock the System.]

 I grimaced slightly over the fact that this pain will happen again, however I shifted the topic to most important question in my mind,

"What can you do?"

I asked this with anticipation, as I really needed it be something game-changing.

If it was, then it would allow me to neutralise Pest Tian or at least quell my nervousness a bit.

I've been immensely nervous over the past three years as no matter how much I've thought about it... I just can't find a way to send Long Tian on his way to the cycle of Reincarnation.

In the past year, I've been praying to the system for help- as would a devout priest pray to their God. 

And although I have been very unresigned to this fate and did not want to give up, I knew this goal of killing someone like Long Tian was essentially impossible.

The System replied,

[Responding to Host, the System is auxillary support (WARNING: Host should not rely too much on the system as it is YOUR job to kill the Fortuned Ones and you must be the one to adapt and refine yourself to be able to stand against them. The System is only for support).]

[The System's Functions are-]


This allows the Host to identify ANY object or material in existence and get a description of them.

The depth of the description and whether you can or cannot see what material it is, is linked to your power level (in this universe's terms would be cultivation level) in the universe and the rank of the object (E.g. A Pheonix feather would be an S-Rank and will require a higher cultivation to identify whereas a plain rock would be F-Rank or unranked due to it being insignificant hence easy to Identify).


This is the living being counterpart to [Identify] as it will allow the Host to see the background or ANYTHING about the person which Host would like to know as long as there is a large enough power level difference (In this universe it would be difference in cultivation). If the person is very unique*, then you would be unable to use identify.


This simply lets host see his condition and cultivation level as well as, passively gives the Host photographic memory and allows Host to not have skills deteriorate over time**.

Hearing about these three abilities, I feel that they are incredibly versatile and useful skills but can't help but also be a bit dissatisfied. Although they are incredibly good, I won't lie, it still won't allow me to best Long Tian.

Perhaps you could say I'm being greedy, but this desire for an opportunity comes from the fact that I wants to stay with my current parents and not die*** before reaching adulthood (In ancient Chinese culture, twenty years old is adulthood for males and 15 years old is adulthood for females).


At least it is better than nothing!

I'll try my best with what I have, and I am sure I will somehow be able to find a weakness in Long Tian!

With these thoughts in mind, I then proceed to will the system to open my [Status]...




(*These People will appear later on and will be, or be connected to, incredibly 'Profound' Individuals)

(**To Clear this up, it basically means that if he reaches a certain level of experience in a skill he will remain as skilled as he was in his peak regardless of how long ago it was that he had last done it, For Example-

-Let's say, Bu Cai used to be able to play Basketball to an NBA Top-Tier Professional's level (call it [Basketball lvl 100]) in his old world and then focuses on cultivation and shit for 400,000 years and doesn't touch Basketball, if he suddenly decides to play it again he will still be playing at a [Basketball lvl 100] standard without issues.

The main downfall to this is that if his body cannot keep up with the requirements of the skill he will not be able to perform it to It's maximum potential.

Hopefully this cleared things up for people who didn't understand what I meant)

(***One of the criteria of failing a 'Mission' or 'Plot' is to be unable to kill him due to the desparity or die along the way and hence he has understood that he will fail if he allows Long Tian to gain an Immortal Master in the village as it will then be truly impossible to defeat him.)

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