Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

61. Status; Cultivating In These Desperate Times

(Bu Cai POV)



[Name: Bu Cai]

[Titles: Host Of THE System, No.1 Child Of Calamity, Part-Time God]

[Age: 16 (37) ]

[Cultivation: Qi Condensation (1st Stage) ]

[Dao: Sword Dao]

[Alignment: Lawful Neutral]

[Skills: (Sword Arts-Expert), (Persuasion- Proficient), (Battle Sense-Proficient), (Circulating Qi-Advanced), (Footwork-Advanced), (Martial Arts-Advanced)...(Business Management-Intermediate)... (Scheming-Beginner)...]

[Unique Quality: Misfortune(E) (Potential: Gold+) ]

[Current Target- Long Tian(S-Rank)]



A feeling of pride fills me as I see my sword arts.

For proficiency, each rank is exponentially harder to cross than the previous one.

As such, I was only able to cross the threshold of proficient into expert a few months ago.

This in itself required me to be very talented and hard-working.

I had to neglect training other skills, such as martial arts, so that I could achieve expert in sword arts. And this is considering that I am always at my best condition skill-wise.

By this I mean that, most people have days were they feel they aren't performing as well as they could and therefore they don't make as much progress from training.

This doesn't happen to me.

Due to the System, my way of getting more skillful in different areas is akin to an experience bar.

The more I repeat an action, the more it fills up.

However for ordinary people, the experience bar fluctuates due to forgetting certain moves or off-days, and therefore they will have a harder time at improving.

Of course for skills like art that require inspiration and creativity, the System cannot help me with. For example, if I drew a straight line for ten thousand years, I still won't become a master in arts (Though my straight lines would be quite inspirational in itself).

Another thing to mention is that the circulating Qi skill is OP as fuck.

When you cultivate using a cultivation technique (Mines is a very high tier one from the Chen Clan), you sit in a lotus position and focus on channeling the Qi through spirit roots and into the Dantian.

And due to me being able to improve skills easier, my circulating Qi skill naturally increased whilst cultivating.

It's value is derived by how much it helps with cultivation speed.

Someone like Chen Fei has the same grade of spirit roots as me, and is older, yet has lower cultivation than me!

It truly is amazing.

However this also brings a great concern with it...

Our reborn Godking is definitely not slacking in the circulating Qi department.

Therefore I'm guessing he is on cloud nine, if we consider that he has somehow gotten spirit roots (Which he must have; Otherwise how is gonna become Lord Of Primordial Chaos?).

I can only hope his skills have gotten rusty, or that he has a shitty spirit root...

Anyways, I say goodbye to Chen Fei beside me and head up to my room.

After hearing about the whole shitfest I'm getting into, I've decided to do the only thing which will allow me to get stronger...


Although it's as boring as watching paint dry, It is realistically the only thing that can possibly make me stronger right now.

Plus I've successfully scammed the fuck out of Dai Huo for a good herb. So why not make full use out of it?

I enter my room and look the door, then proceed to sit down on a soft cushion in lotus position.

Ahhhhh, thank god for cushions otherwise cultivation would be 100x harder.

I take out a common looking wooden box from my storage ring and open the wooden box. Only to find another wooden box inside it.

I then open that new wooden box only to find a useless herb that looks as if it was precious (Painted that shit golden).


My three step verification method is definitely foul-proof.

Not only would someone have to steal the correct storage ring (out of three), they would also have to open a common looking wooden box twice. And even if they do all that, they would still only find a shitty herb that has no uses.

And what sane person in Xianxia would even think to check further?

Opening the bottom of the first box there is a compartment which contains a thin jade box. I take it out and open the lid to see the my precious grass.

I instantly snatch it and shove it down my throat without hesitation, and then focus on absorption.

And I feel it.

A sense of unprecedented cleanliness fills me, it was like I was a person who hadn't bathed in years and suddenly got the chance to do so.

Although it felt good, I quickly snapped out the pleasure and focused on absorbing the Qi from the environment.

It felt... different.

Previously when I have cultivated, I couldn't avoid taking in impurities. Therefore due to these impurities, the feeling of the Qi channeling through my roots was much less satisfying and smooth as compared to when I cultivate with this herb.

If I were to make a comparison, then absorbing Qi with impurities was like oil. Whereas taking in Qi with the herb was like water.

And due to this feeling of satisfaction, I was fully immersed in circulating the Qi like there was no tomorrow.


By the time I regained consciousness, the moon had already risen up to the night sky.

I checked my dantian to see the results.


The dantian is located three finger widths below and two finger widths behind the navel. It used to look royal blue for me due to it having naturally taken in some impurities, however it now looks more azure blue!

This shows that the purity of my dantian has actually increased.

This is a big thing as it means that I will be able to control my Qi better therefore allowing me to execute Mystical Techniques faster. This is also great as it means that I will be able to use more Qi than before!

Though this isn't the only part that shocked me...

Before consuming the herb and having a nice cultivation session, I had only barely made progress in the first stage of Qi condensation.

But now I've accumulated so much that I can almost directly break through to the second stage.

Although one minor stage may not seem like much but In Qi condensation, breaking through becomes a lot harder due to requiring a lot more Qi.

Even for someone like me, with king grade spirit roots. It would have taken me around three months of bitter Qi circulation to break through (Assuming I don't use any herbs).

After getting over my joy, I stand up and stretch my arms and legs.

Unsurprisingly, All my muscles and joints felt easier to co-ordinate and move and they even felt stronger than before!

What a great herb!

No wonder that Emperor Of Purity liked it a lot.

Not only is it addictive as fuck, it also makes you stronger.

That Emperor guy was either a massive stoner, or an environmentalist to the core...

I really hope it's the later....

As knowing that someone actually smoked one of the ingredients to the elixir of immortality may make me unable to lift my head high again.

Fuck... wait a minute.

If he took all that time to grow the genesis grass, wouldn't he just be a committed weed farmer rather than an emperor?


Nevermind... let's not continue defaming an ancient mighty figure anymore.


As I was saying before,

This is really good shit!

And due to my increase in power, I feel even more confident for the upcoming tournament!

With this rush of positive energy, I made my way enthusiastically to the Free Market in hopes of finding more wee- emerald grass.



Author's Notes:

Thanks for reading the chapter and hope you enjoyed.

Any suggestions or feedback is appreciated- Especially on Bu Cai's current status.

Is Bu Cai too OP or nah?

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