Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

62. Midnight Market Hits Different; Tournament Time Once Again

(Bu Cai POV)

(Free Market)

Walking through the streets of the market area, I am stumped at the fact that the atmosphere at night is the complete opposite to the day.

Right now there are tons of people, just like day time, but all of them are acting like civilised and respectful gentlemen!

It's an absolute contrast from the fuckers during the afternoon who push and shove every fucker in their sight for the sake of getting somewhere slightly faster.

That's not even mentioning how much some people scream over negotiations at the stalls, it's as if their first born child's life is dependent on that sack of spiritual feces.

It feel as if I have been exposed to a whole new realm of wonders.

And let me tell you.

This realm seems to be the motherland!

I smoothly get to the place were herbs are usual at and I shit you not...


Everywhere I look there are piles of musty and crusty aged goodness.

It's akin to a paradise for me and my all seeing eye (Analyse).

As I look through the variety, I feel slightly disappointed.

It's not to say that there wasn't anything good... It just that it isn't suitable for my level.


Being a cultivator is tough these days.

Unlike the good old days were there was a pile of foundation building materials waiting for me to buy them at an ungodly price of 99 copper. I now only have to rely on my monthly herbs from the Clan.

Making my way back to the mansion halfheartedly, I yearned for something entertaining to show up on the way.

Although a mansion may seem cool and all, It's actually just a fancy expensive place with nothing remotely entertaining. Therefore if I make it back, I'll probably have to do some calligraphy or circulate again.


A half an hour later... Something catches my attention.

A group of familiar looking bastards.

It consists of five individuals, and they all don the same colour scheme of blue and white alongside a symbol which is imprinted on their robes.

There are three shorter balls of fat walking alongside 2 hunchbacked wrinkly old men. They all have extremely prideful expressions on their ugly mugs.

Yep...It's definitely those fuckers.

Y'know...The Sky Sword Sect envoys that gave my sect a 'nice' visit (Chapter 24).


Ask and you shall receive!

Seems like my boredom won't be an issue for now...

I instantly make a 180-Degree turn and head after them.

I first checked their status before doing anything just in case they were actually a bunch of OP bastards...

But I worried for nothing.

They were all garbage of the highest degree (How can you not reach Gold Core after reaching 120?).

I then shout out,



They seemed to pick up on my words and turned around to look for the culprit with an angry expression. Shame for them, I had already hidden under a table.

They gave up on finding me and walked away after harrumphing and saying some comforting words to eachother (Pathetic bastards).

These silly fuckers actually think it's over?


I repeat the process of bullying them over and over again...

A list of what I terrorised them with:

-Verbal insults- 'chunky chumps', 'the body refiners who cried food' and 'golden core-less grandpas'.

-Physical Torment- Made then trip multiple times, soaked them in fish juice and pinched the fat disciples repeatedly.

Sadly, all good things come to an end.

After hours of fruitless searching, they decided to go home after buying a forty pack of dumplings.

Watching them enter the Sky Sword Sect's estate was a horrible feeling, as I knew I no longer had a source of amusement.

Anyways, I'll remember all their name for next time...




(Arena, Viewing Area)

Sitting Chen Fei, I reassured him that I won't fuck this up.

All he could talk about was how serious this was for all of us.

And I get it!

It's not like I'm planning on sending myself to slavery for shits and giggles!

Due to this being a competition only involving the younger generations of major forces, It won't be as long as the competition eight years ago.

It consists of a three day long competition of elimination.

Each Clan and Sect can only send one participant, and the person sent must be below 18 years old (This is all checked by a bone age test).

Of course, In this huge Empire there is definitely thousands, if not tens of thousands, of Clans and Sects. However only Sixty-Four truly count as Major Forces (Including the Wu Clan).

Anyways, The whole competition is the same copy and paste format.

-Open to the public therefore a lot of spectators.

-Mainly to flaunt power and get a better reputation for their respective forces.

-A tempting reward of cultivation materials and gold, alongside an extra special prize for the winner.

...Yep. Just shows how creative Xianxia worlds are.

And would you know it?

It's actually the same announcer guy as eight years ago!

And the screen made of Qi is the exact fucking same as well!

This is all bringing me nostalgia...

Everything is the exact same. The people, the Stage, the crowd... except for one thing.

Long Tian isn't anywhere to be seen...

And I have no issue with it!


But it's definitely uneasing to me, that the cockroach bastard who is obsessed with attention still hasn't appeared...

Is this going to be one of those 'Best For Last' moments?!

...Fucking MC bastard.


Author's notes:

Should I give the 5 Sky Sword Sect people names?

If so, any suggestions or should I just choose from the name generator?

Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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