Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

63. Sun Ting; The Clouds That Can’t Live Under The Same Sky

(Bu Cai POV)


Chen Clan's Chen Cai VS Sun Clan's Sun Ting


Oh shit.

No way.

I actually got Sun Ting!


Sun Ting is one of the first people I made turn to the dark side.

He was your typical hedonistic YM with his arrogance and shit. However after talking with him for a while, It turned out it was all just an act as he was desperate for some familial attention.

You See... Although Sun Ting is one of the chillest MFs in Xianxia world.

It doesn't make up for the fact that he's fucking weak.

He was born with a physique that gave him better comprehension of artistic Daos, whereas he is severely nerfed in the fighting department (I only knew about his physique due to the system).

Due to this, his family had basically given him the cold shoulder as they saw no hope in someone like him.

Plus, Sun Ting already had a big sister who was four years older and already renowned for her terrifying spear talent.

Not only that.

She was, to put it simply...

Hot. As. Fuck.

So of course she would get all the affection and attention from the parents whilst Sun Ting, The pretty boy with a weak physique, was ignored like left over salad from last week.

...Poor bastard.

But all this still doesn't change the fact that I'm going to beat his ass.

Although I have comradeship in me, It's not enough to make me fuck up this tournament.

So In advance, I'm sorry Sun Ting.


After looking through the other matches, a few familiar individuals actually were participating!

This was surprising as most the people I know are YMs of their respective clan.

And people like them are actually participating in this?!

I wasn't expecting this at all.

The matches are done in eight sets of four in this tournament, and I mine is in the last batch. Due to this I had some time and decided to have a look at the options of the first match.


Myriad Dao Palace's Dai Huo VS Shi Clan's Shi Wulong


Peng Clan's Peng Han VS Xu Family's Xu Dan


Cloud Refining Sect's Yu Fan VS Cloud Treading Sect's Fan Lei


Chi Family's Chi Shen VS Bai Clan's Bai Ru


Looking through them I knew which one I had to attend no matter what instantly...

The Cloud Sects battle.

I'm sure I'll regret it for the rest of my life if I don't check it out!

For clarification, these two sects used to be one single huge sect a few thousand years ago.

The Cloud Sect it was called.

But the prosperous sect had split due to the a rather simple reason...

One of the Sect Master candidates cucked the other Sect Master candidate.

As you would expect, the one that got cucked felt an immense blow to his ego and refused to live under the same sky as the cucker.

Skipping past all the bullshit, they both had already learned the whole legacy from the Sect Leader.

So once they got into a huge internal fight (Neither could kill each other for some reason), it ended in the separation of the two along with a multi-generational grudge.

And it just so happens that the two sects holding such a grudge are fighting.

And If that doesn't stink of entertainment...

I don't know what does.


(Thirty Minutes Later)

Currently, I am looking around the stage were both Yu Fan and Fan Lei are.


That's the only word I can use to describe it.

A fuck ton of people are crowded around the stage at both sides, and are screaming every insult known to man at each other.

One side is full of people with light blue robes, they are the disciples of the Cloud Treading Sect.

The other is packed with individuals with dark blue robes, they are the Cloud Refining Sect disciples.

The dark blue robes disciples held up a large banner saying,

'Thieving Bastards That Can Only Get Second-Hand Goods!'

Whereas the light blue robed disciples had a banner saying,

'Ass Refining Sect Can't Sit Down Comfortably!' 

...Total carnage.

Not a speck of decency can be seen anywhere.

The other stages don't have many people as they are vastly overshadowed by the showdown of the century right now.

Both competitors on stage are looking at each other as if they had each slaughtered each other's family. They both had their hands clenching on the handle of their swords, ready to slice each other down at a moments notice...

The tension in the air.

The enthusiasm from all the spectators.

It all made me...


I felt swept up in this atmosphere and I loved it!

My heart was thumping vigorously from my anticipation.

Which will take the victory and bring home immense honour and glory?

The cucks or the cucked?



(Dai Huo POV)

Standing in front of my opponent, I see fear in his eyes.



Know your place infront of this future godking and tremble in fear!

His short stature allows me to look down on him which only makes me feel more dominant.

The puny referee gives us the signal that we can start and I instantly rush at him.

He is startled from my move and tries to run away from me.

Ha, Rookie mistake.

I grab onto his neck before he runs and smash his head of the solid stone floor without mercy.

And he is knocked out cold.

The referee calls the match saying,

"Winner! Dai Huo!"


The end.

It was that simple for me.

No weapons needed. No techniques needed. No nothing!


A wide smile forms on my face as I envision that stain on my reputation grovelling at my feet in hopes of mercy.

And then crushing that measly hope by crumpling his spine and breaking all his bones.


I walk off stage with swagger to show everyone watching what a godking looks like...

But... Wait!

Where is everyone?!





I frantically look around, only to see two shocking things at once.

A large crowd of people around another stage that is not mine...



What is he doing...?

Why is he wearing a light blue robe, over his white robe?


I approach him to hear what he is saying, as i couldn't due to the all the clamouring from the crowd.

As I hear his voice that brings back my trauma, I know it is him.






Is this really my sworn enemy, who was always calm and level-headed no matter the situation?



Author's note:

Just adding a bit more depth to the world and actually trying to make it seem like a real world rather than one limited to main characters.

Plus... why not add some interesting lore randomly?

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

Any suggestions or feedback is appreciated.

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