King of Industry

Chapter 46

Chapter 46 – The Problem Of Quenching Spots

Chapter 46 The problem of quenching spots

You must know that the problem of product quenching spots has troubled Xiangyang Machinery Factory for a long time.

After Ning Xiaohong became the chief of the technical department, he also organized everyone to brainstorm and think of many ways to overcome this problem, but with little success.

It can be said that this problem has become a heart disease for both Liao Jingsheng and Ning Xiaohong. How could they not be surprised to hear that Zhao Guoyang was able to explain it clearly and come up with a solution.

However, Ning Xiaohong, who has a little pepper temper, is not someone who is easy to submit to.

She thought for a while, then raised her neck and said to Zhao Guoyang: “Comrade Zhao Guoyang, has the method you just mentioned been proven in practice? You can guarantee 100% that this problem can be solved without using pure water as a quenching liquid.” ?”

Zhao Guoyang pointed at the stove with his hand and said: “It’s not easy to prove, isn’t there still a part waiting to be quenched, you can try it now.”

“Of course, I also have a small suggestion, that is, if you use tap water, you have to leave it for at least one day, otherwise, the alkaline ions in the water will easily neutralize some useful elements in the workpiece.”

Hearing this, Ning Xiaohong blushed. In fact, she is clear about this problem and has explained it to the workers below.

Just now she went to talk to those two workers, just to ask why they use tap water directly.

The workers gave Ning Xiaohong an answer that they were not well prepared yesterday, and all the tap water left overnight had been used up.

Ning Xiaohong thought that the problem was not serious, so she didn’t arrange for them to continue adding water.

Who would have thought that this small detail was also noticed by Zhao Guoyang, and he brought it up at this time. This time, I can’t hold back my face as the chief of the technical section.

However, from Zhao Guoyang’s words, Ning Xiaohong also heard that this guy is really not bragging, he is really proficient in the process of quenching, otherwise it would be impossible to make so many suggestions.

Next, Ning Xiaohong’s only doubt is whether Zhao Guoyang’s method can solve the problem of quenching spots.

Seeing that Ning Xiaohong remained silent, Liao Jingsheng thought she was a little embarrassed, so he personally ordered the two workers to stop quenching the next workpiece.

“Comrade Zhao, I don’t know what the additive you are talking about? Can we find it now?” Sensing Zhao Guoyang’s extraordinary, Liao Jingsheng became more polite when he spoke to him.

“Don’t worry, your workshop has it now!” Zhao Guoyang pointed to a container in the distance, and said unhurriedly.

“Director Liao, if I’m not mistaken, the container is filled with industrial salt, right? Just add some to the quenching liquid. Well, the proportion is about 10%, not too much.”

“In fact, adding salt to water can double the cooling rate, and there will be no quenching cracks and uneven quenching.”

After finishing speaking, Zhao Guoyang paused and added: “Industrial salt can be said to be the most ideal coolant for hardening, of course, if the workpiece produced by your factory does not need to be too strong, then you can use it.

Zhao Guoyang’s words made Liao Jingsheng and Ning Xiaohong look at each other in blank dismay.

At this time, the two of them have long since lost their previous contempt for Zhao Guoyang, and they believe that he is a master who is very proficient in quenching.

Because of the theoretical knowledge he mentioned, there are many, which Liao Jingsheng and Ning Xiaohong, the two former and current technical section chiefs, don’t quite understand.

“Why are you two still standing in a daze? Why don’t you follow Mr. Zhao’s advice and quickly prepare 10% industrial salt water to replace the tap water as a quenching fluid!” Liao Jingsheng looked at the two workers standing there stupidly and waved his hands. road.

In Xiangyang Machinery Factory, what Liao Jingsheng said was nothing less than an imperial decree. After the two skilled workers got the order, they hurried to the side to prepare industrial salt water.

Taking advantage of this gap, Zhao Guoyang turned his attention to Ning Xiaohong, and kindly reminded him: “Section Chief Ning, since the quenching liquid you are preparing now is tap water that has not been placed, there are somewhat alkaline substances in it.”

“I suggest that you wash the workpiece that has just been quenched after the industrial salt water is prepared. First, this can lighten the quenching spots on the workpiece; second, it can also play a role in neutralizing and the action of alkaline molecules in water.”

“Uh… okay, okay, I see, Comrade Zhao…” Ning Xiaohong was completely overwhelmed by Zhao Guoyang’s professionalism and erudition, and no longer dared to shout at him.

Zhao Guoyang was not surprised by Ning Xiaohong’s change of attitude.

In his opinion, if Ning Xiaohong is really stubborn all the time for the sake of her own face, it means that she is totally useless.

As for now, it seems that this girl still knows how to advance and retreat, and is a competent technical section chief.

Two workers quickly prepared the 10% salt water and carried it over.

Ning Xiaohong signaled them to put the workpiece that had just been quenched into it, and wash it while cooling it, then secretly observed Zhao Guoyang from the side.

About ten minutes later, Zhao Guoyang nodded lightly to Ning Xiaohong and said, “Well, it’s almost there. You can take out this workpiece and prepare for quenching.”

“Okay, I’ll let them prepare now!” Ning Xiaohong nodded vigorously.

“Oh, wait a minute.” Zhao Guoyang said suddenly shaking his hand again.

Under Ning Xiaohong’s suspicious eyes, Zhao Guoyang smiled and said: “That’s right, this is the first time you have adopted this quenching method. I am worried that the two masters are not very precise in their grasp of time.”

“I’ll do the surgery myself this time. If you don’t mind, please ask Section Chief Ning to help me.”

“I don’t mind, no problem!” Ning Xiaohong was thinking of learning two tricks from Zhao Guoyang, so she naturally agreed.

Zhao Guoyang borrowed work clothes from one of the workers, changed them temporarily, and then put on thick industrial gloves.

Another worker also handed over the workpiece to be quenched to him in good time.

“Section Chief Ning, from the appearance, your workpiece should have a certain hardness requirement?”

“Yes, yes, this workpiece is a chisel we made for a small farm tool factory, and the hardness is required.” Ning Xiaohong nodded repeatedly.

“Well, if this is the case, then the brittleness of this workpiece must be reduced a little. Well, I will help others to the end and add a ‘tempering’ process for you.”

After finishing speaking, Zhao Guoyang didn’t ask Ning Xiaohong to do it. He skillfully turned on the electric furnace on the side and adjusted the temperature to a suitable number.

Not long after the workpiece was placed on the stove, it gradually turned into a deep fiery red. Zhao Guoyang watched the color change of the workpiece intently, and kept turning the workpiece with the fixture.

Looking at his skillful operation, the two workers on the side looked at each other in blank dismay.

One of them couldn’t help muttering: “It’s really evil. This Mr. Zhao doesn’t look as old as my son. How can he be so skilled? I think he’s a bit better than Section Chief Ning.”

“Who says it’s not!” Another worker replied.

“You can see that when he flipped, he was fast and steady, without shaking at all, just like a machine. It’s amazing, it’s amazing!”

(end of this chapter)

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