King of Industry

Chapter 47

Chapter 47 – Real People Don’T Show Their Faces

Chapter 47 The Real Man Doesn’t Show His Face

Although the conversation between the two workers was not loud, Liao Jingsheng, Li Heshan, and Hu Ping were standing nearby, so naturally they all heard them.

Looking at Li Heshan next to him with his mouth open, Liao Jingsheng couldn’t help sighing: “Company Commander, I’ve convinced you. I can find such a good college student to teach us. Tsk tsk, it seems that today This drink, I can’t help it if I don’t want to!”

Although Li Heshan was full of doubts, but when he heard that there was a drink, he couldn’t refuse, he laughed and said: “Old Liao, you just know how powerful you are! I…”

Before Li Heshan finished his sentence, there has been a change in the quenching process, so he swallowed everything he wanted to say.

I saw Zhao Guoyang carefully put the hot workpiece into the quenching liquid with a clamp, then turned his head and said to Ning Xiaohong: “Section Chief Ning, please adjust the temperature of the electric furnace. Well, adjust it to 625°C That’s it, wait a while and use it!”

“Okay!” Ning Xiaohong now obeyed Zhao Guoyang’s instructions. Seeing that the workpiece had begun to cool, she hurried over and readjusted the temperature of the electric furnace.

Everyone who knows the industry knows that the specific heat capacity of steel is very small, and it is only about one-twelfth of that of water at room temperature (25°C).

That is to say, steel and water of the same quality, when the unit temperature is changed, the ratio of heat absorbed or released is about 1:12, and the speed of temperature change is naturally much faster.

Now there is the addition of quenching liquid, the workpiece in Zhao Guoyang’s hand has only been left for about a minute, and the quenching has been completed.

Zhao Guoyang carefully observed the changes on the surface of the workpiece. After seeing that it was almost done, he immediately clamped the workpiece out of the quenching liquid with a clamp, and immediately handed it over to Ning Xiaohong who was also waiting with the clamp.

“Section Chief Ning, the next process is tempering. This may take a long time, so let’s take turns.” Zhao Guoyang said with a slight smile.

“No, I can do it alone!” Although Ning Xiaohong didn’t know what Zhao Guoyang meant by “tempering”, he didn’t know how long it would take to turn the workpiece between his arms.

But at this moment, with so many people watching, how could she admit to being cowardly?

Seeing this girl’s stubborn look, Zhao Guoyang couldn’t help smiling.

In fact, “tempering” is not as good as quenching, it takes half an hour.

Although this workpiece is not considered heavy, it still weighs more than ten kilograms. It is quite difficult to hold it with both hands hanging in the air for such a long time.

However, Zhao Guoyang has almost understood the temperament of Section Chief Ning, so it is naturally impossible to refute her immediately, so he can only let it go.

After waiting for about ten minutes, just when Ning Xiaohong’s arm was so numb that she was about to lose it, a pair of strong hands supported her arm.

“Section Chief Ning, please help me prepare a clean table and a high-power fan. The secondary quenching will need air cooling.” Zhao Guoyang said methodically.

Ning Xiaohong knew that it was Zhao Guoyang who found a step for herself, her pretty face flushed slightly, she nodded slightly and moved aside.

After half an hour passed, the “tempering” process was finally done.

Zhao Guoyang held the workpiece firmly, put it on the clean table Ning Xiaohong had prepared, and then signaled her to turn on the fan.

Air cooling is slower than water cooling, but it is more trouble-free.

After finishing the work, Zhao Guoyang looked at the workpiece, nodded, and greeted Liao Jingsheng: “Okay, Director Liao, the work is finished!”.

“Gong Zhao, you are really amazing, so amazing!” Liao Jingsheng stepped forward with some excitement, and held his hand tightly with both hands.

“Factory Director Liao, you are too much, these are just some basic quenching methods.” Zhao Guoyang said very modestly.

“To be honest, I practiced for a long time in a large machinery factory in the neighboring province during my university vacation, so I still know a lot about this aspect.”

“As expected of a college student, he has theory and practice, he is a talent!” Liao Jingsheng held Zhao Guoyang’s hand, and said to Ning Xiaohong next to him.

“Xiaohong, how are you doing, are you convinced today?”

Although Ning Xiaohong has long been convinced in her heart, she doesn’t want to admit defeat so quickly.

She lowered her head and gave a soft “hmm” and said: “Comrade Zhao… is very powerful, but it still depends on the actual effect of the workpiece. If it is better than the original products of our factory, it will… count.” !”

“You, you still have that unyielding temperament.” Liao Jingsheng pointed Ning Xiaohong with his finger and said with a smile.

Actually, the reason why he likes this student the most is also because of her character of not admitting defeat and willing to study hard.

Otherwise, Xiangyang Machinery Factory does not have old high school students with higher education, so why bother to train such a yellow-haired girl who graduated from a technical secondary school?

Here, when Liao Jingsheng was “teaching” his beloved disciple, Hu Ping and Li Heshan also stepped forward and dragged Zhao Guoyang to complain for a while.

“Xiao Zhao, you are not being kind. You are a college student, but you have kept it secret. Why, are you afraid of scaring the old brother?” Hu Ping said with a smile on his face.

“Yes, Xiao Zhao, you are a real person and don’t show your face. We all lost our eyes and almost made Lao Liao laugh at you! Hurry up and tell all your secrets!” Li Heshan said carelessly.

“Yes, yes, yes, don’t hide it!” Hu Ping also chimed in.

“Hi, I’m just an ordinary college student, there are no other secrets!”

Zhao Guoyang waved his hand and said, but he murmured in his heart: Brothers, I am doing this for your own good. If I really tell all my secrets, you two might be too scared to speak.

At this moment, the two worker masters chatting with the fan over there called out.

“Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao, it’s all right, the temperature has completely dropped!”

“Okay, I’ll come right away!” Hearing this, Zhao Guoyang quickly got rid of Hu Ping and Li Heshan’s entanglement, and hurried over.

“Well, I’ll go and have a look too!” Seeing this, Ning Xiaohong, who was talking with Liao Jingsheng, also left her factory manager and followed.

Put on the gloves, pick up the jig to clamp the first workpiece he made after his rebirth, Zhao Guoyang couldn’t help shaking his head secretly.

Although the quenching, tempering, and secondary quenching of this workpiece went smoothly, due to limited technology, it is still not perfect.

With Zhao Guoyang’s high standards and strict requirements, this workpiece can only be regarded as barely qualified.

But in front of the two experienced workers next to it, this workpiece can be said to be flawless.

A worker looked at the workpiece with a smooth and silky surface without any spots and exclaimed, “It’s amazing, it’s really amazing, there are no spots at all!”

“Who says it’s not! Not only is there no spot, but the glossiness of the surface of this workpiece is obviously much brighter than that of our factory’s products. It can leave the factory almost without polishing or spraying plastic!” Another worker nodded in agreement.

(end of this chapter)

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