Komand’r On Deck

Chapter 6


Chapter 6


Inner Plane

Travelling into the bifrost is a heady feeling, you could see the stars, nebulae and planets pass by, the colors were pretty but it’s fast, too fast to properly experience if I don’t speed up my mind. We emerged in the Himinbjorg only to find Heimdall slumped over the platform; his sword, Hofund, was stabbed in the platform as a key to switch on the Bifrost.

I looked at Thor, he looked pissed; he turned to his friends and commanded, Get Heimdall to the healing room! Leave my brother to Komand’r and I.”

Oh nice, I was included in the asswooping action! Thor pulled me by the arm, and we bolted out the door of the Himinbjorg. What I saw outside was completely unexpected… I thought Asgard was a flat continent floating in space with the seas bordering it overflowing in the void like in the movies. But no, this was a floating city! And under us the Bifrost was a planet, an intact one, I could see mountains, oceans and forests, a lot of rivers… it looked basically like Earth. I understood that I should simply avoid relying on my meta-knowledge if there were such obvious differences! In fact I should have understood that this reality isn’t the one I knew. The Tamaraneans and the Citadel existed, why not some other DC elements? And this isn’t a pure MCU setting as well, mutants must exist as well! I hope they aren't as OP.

The bodies of ice giants were strewn across the bridge, all having been dealt with by an obvious edged weapon. If Thor was pissed before, finding the blatant presence of his people’s ancient enemies on Asgard made him furious. Something was clearly afoot.

“Komand’r, follow me!” Thor said as he let go of me, using his hammer to fly by riding the winds. I followed him by flying at his side toward the tall golden palace.

It didn't take much time to reach the tall golden edifice at the speed we flew at. We bypassed the entrance and the throne room as I followed Thor through the twists and turns of the palace. We reached the personal chambers of the members of the family, I wasn’t stopped by the guards because Thor held me by the arm. We stopped before a tall ornate golden door with engraved crows, it was already opened; we could see a mature looking and beautiful woman I’d totally love to fuck repeatedly hugging another man with a green outfit, an old man on his bed surrounded by a golden field of energy.

“Loki!” Thor shouted. The two turned toward us, the woman’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Thor!” The woman moved toward my friend and hug-tackled him. He held onto her, but his eyes were fixed on the total hunk in light green armor with black hair and green eyes. This must be Loki. The Trickster God looked at Mjolnir in his brother’s hand.

“Your toy found its way back to you, did it? And what have we here... you brought back your woman?” Loki mocked as his eyes fell on me. His grip tightened on the golden spear in his right hand.

I glared at him, purple light surrounding me. 

Thor shook his head, stared at his brother with a look of disappointment. “That’s all you’ve to say, brother? And please don’t besmirch my friend’s honor.”

The tall beautiful blonde woman’s eyes fell on me with a speculative look. Then it clicked who this was. Frigga, it was Frigga. She didn’t look like the MCU’s actress, she looked younger and a million times more beautiful. She looked between her sons, feeling the thick tension building in the room. “Boys, what’s the matter?”

Thor laughed, but his eyes were cold and stormy at the same time. He waved at his mother. “Why don't you tell her? How you sent the Destroyer to kill our friends? To kill me?” The God of Thunder let go of Frigga and the two asgardian moved with wariness around each other, they put old man Odin between each other.

“I was just enforcing Father’s last command.” Loki said, he didn’t even look guilty when he said this.

Thor laughed sarcastically. “You're a talented liar, brother. Always have been.”

Loki put a smile on his face. “It's good to have you back.”

Wow, this looks like he was genuinely happy that he was back, but my empathy told me that he wasn’t. And… was it what it felt to feel insanity, jealousy and bloodlust? It all came from him. Loki’s face then became deadly serious, he made me want to step back, this was the first time that I was confronted with such a thing.

“Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to destroy Jotunheim.” Loki raised Gungnir and shot it at Thor. I was ready for it and blocked the beam with a stellar shield.

Loki used this distraction to disappear in a mist like haze and became invisible, the fucker was a viking ninja! My implant that was able to see through that kind of cloaking device normally didn’t register anything, so I focused on the movement of air in the room.

“Thor, go after him! He is gonna use the Bifrost as a weapon to destroy Jotunheim!” I didn’t go myself, I didn’t trust myself to be a match to Loki, the Destroyer had been difficult to handle. I planned to take the Trickster god by surprise.

Thor nodded, “On it!” The God swung his hammer and took flight out of the room.

It was only me, Frigga and Odin. The golden energy dome around the bed started to flicker. *Is he waking up?*

I felt a hand on my arm, I looked at Frigga gauging me; when she smiled I felt a sense of… approval? “So… you and my son?”

I shook my head vehemently with a bit of a blush on my cheeks. Damn she was in my strike zone. “Huh, no, we are just friends.”

It seems she misinterpreted my reaction and gave me a knowing gaze. “Yes, friends.” She then turned to Odin’s bed, the field suddenly shut off, and the old man opened his lone one eye. Things were going to get interesting.



(Thor Odinson)


The Bifrost
5 minutes later

Arriving at the spherical structure of the Himinbjorg to the sounds of the Bifrost activating, I looked at the energy being fired from the massive spinning turrets. Was I too late to stop my Brother’s folly? From the current alignment of the Bifrost, I saw that it was aimed at Jotunheim. Landing before the Himinbjorg’s doorway, I had to shield my eyes from the brilliant light of the Bifrost energy blasting in the direction of Jotunheim.

The platform with the controls of the device was covered by a thick sheet of ice in the form of a tree; Loki stood atop it.

“All these years, and no one’s ever dared to use it as a weapon.” Loki said as if he thought that everyone beside him who figured it out was particularly slow witted.

Hurrying to the big ice sculpture with the frozen control under it, I raised my hammer to smash through, but before I could break the ice; a blast of yellow energy struck me across the room. As I sat back up, I saw Loki step down from the ice. I stood back up with some difficulties. Loki looked rather smug as he approached me. 

“You can't stop it. The Bifrost energy will build up until it rips Jotunheim apart.” He said simply.

Standing up straight with my hammer in my hand I confronted my brother, “Why have you done this, Loki?”

Loki tilted his and looked at me as if I was an idiot. “To do what Father never could of course. To destroy those filthy giants forever. When Father awakens, he’ll see the wisdom of what I’ve done.”

“He won’t, brother! You can’t kill an entire race!” I shouted at Loki.

My brother raised his chin and pompously asked, “Where is this newfound love for the frost giants coming from? Three days ago you would have killed them all with your bare hands.”

Looking down for a moment, I found that my brother was right. I would have done, but not anymore; everyone who respected some boundaries deserved life. Komand’r and Jane had taught me that. Looking up I found my brother looking at me quizzically. “I’ve changed brother, I saw how wrong I was, how much I’ve wronged you.”

Loki stood frozen, his mien of indifference and ridicule disappeared for a moment; but he closed his eyes and shook his head. “Too late, Brother. I’ve changed as well.”

“Fight me.” Loki said as he swung Gungnir at me again. I caught it in my hand, and swung back my hammer as if to return the blow, but instead I took to the air and flew past Loki, aiming at the frozen platform. Loki spun around and aimed the spear at me, but I dodged just in time.

I floated in the air and addressed Loki. “Is the throne really worth what you’re doing right now, brother? Don’t you see that if you cause a genocide you won’t ever be the same?!” I tried to make him see sense.

Loki’s face slackened, showing me a neutral expression; but his eyes were full of sadness as he said, “Thor, I never wanted the throne. I only wanted to be your equal, to be recognized.”

“I’ve wronged you more than I thought.” I realized that this situation was born from my treatment of my brother. I swore to make it up to him.

Loki nodded. “You did. Now fight me, I will make you realize where your place is.” With a gesture of Gungnir, Loki used some kind of telekinesis to fling me on the ground. 

I quickly rose back on my feet and glared at Loki. “I will not fight you, brother.”

He shook his head, looking almost sorry. “I’m not your brother. I never was.” There was a note of sadness in his voice.

I flinched, not believing him for a moment. “What? This is madness Loki, come back to your senses!”

Loki grinned. “Is it?”

He fired Gungnir at me again, and I dodged the blast by rolling on my feet and stood back up. We turned around one another until Loki spoke again. “What happened to you on earth that turned you so soft? Don’t tell me it was a woman.” He taunted.

I didn’t answer. Then Loki raised an eyebrow and laughed, realizing that he was right. “By the Norns, it was. Perhaps when we’re finished here I’ll pay her a little visit myself.”

I saw red when I heard this, but was robbed from the initiative when Komand’r appeared behind Loki and fired a weapon looking like one of the rifles she had lent me earlier. 


She hit Loki in the back with a coherent beam of purple light; my brother slammed into the ice tree that he had created. Komand’r walked toward me. “I’m here, Thor.” Komand’r suddenly appeared.

Loki stood up, the weapon must not have been powerful enough to do damage to him. He looked at Komand’r with hatred. “You again?! Why are you always getting in my way?”

“I owe you a kick in the face, Loki. Come get some.” Komand’r dismissed her weapon, her hands shone with purple light.

Loki looked between me and the Tamaranean princess and came to some kind of realization. “So it’s you, the woman who changed him, who turned him into a… puppy.”

The Princess laughed out loud and looked at me. “He is a cute puppy.”

Loki shook his head. “Typical.” And was about to fire gungnir at me. But Komand’r charged him and the two collided, exchanging blows. The two battled with abandon, but most worryingly I could see how frustrated my brother was as he unleashed pent-up rage on my friend. I jumped to the platform and hit it with my hammer.

“Thor watch out!”

I felt myself being hit and sent sliding across the floor; Mjolnir left my hand. The hammer flew into the Bifrost toward Jotunheim; but I quickly raised my hand to summon it back to me to avoid having it be sent to the ice giants’ realm. Loki stabbed me in the back and was about to send me into the Bifrost. 

“If you care so much for the Jotuns, then die with them, brother!”

He was clocked in the face by Komand’r and Loki was sent crashing through the Himinbjorg dome and landed hard, rolling across the rainbow bridge. I got to my feet while Komand’r flew toward where Loki landed. I followed her only to see Loki dangling off the bridge’s edge.

“Help me! Thor or you particularly comely Tamaranean!” Loki’s finger started to slip.

I was about to reach down to him when my friend stopped with a hand on my pauldron. “This isn’t the real one.”

Loki panicked. “What? Please I am…”

Komand’r used her energy vision and blasted Loki with it, it was really a trap when the purple beam struck nothing and passed through the illusion of my brother. Loki materialized behind Komand’r and stabbed her in the back with Gungnir.

“Argh!” She fell down toward the planet.

I looked at the woman who had been there for me and helped me become a better person as she fell to her death. “Loki! You dare?!” I whirled in anger toward him and swung my hammer at him. It passed through him.

I swung again but it was another illusion. Loki after Loki appeared, making me futilely swing at each one, never making contact. I fell back on my knee in exhaustion, Loki grinned in triumph and raised Gungnir at me while surrounding me. “I was always smarter than you.’

“Yet still not clever enough.” With that, I raised my hammer into the air, and summoned lightning. A massive bolt struck Mjolnir, then I channeled it outward and struck the bridge. Thanks to the impact, each Loki dissipated into nothingness, save one -the real Loki- who was sent flying dazed on his back across the bridge, Gungnir knocked out of his grasp.

I stood up and stepped toward my fallen brother; Loki opened his eyes  and winced in pain, then he saw me standing over him. He seemed to prepare for the worse when I passed him, completely ignoring him. Then he finally noticed why I didn’t do anything to him, my hammer was resting atop his chest. He struggled, but he couldn’t lift Mjolnir; he was pinned to the ground.

I looked at the bifrost that was still firing at Jotunheim, the energy gaining in strength; noticeable by the intensity of the energy moving through the bridge. I was at a loss about what to do.

“Look at you, the Mighty Thor. With all your strength, what good does it do you now? You don’t have your woman to help you as well.” My brother said smugly.

I knew that he was right, I was powerless to stop what was happening. I looked down at my feet in shame when an idea came to me. I realized what I must do, and what I must sacrifice. I extended my hand toward Loki, summoning my hammer; it flew readily into my hand. Loki looked confused.

Raising Mjolnir in the air. Clouds formed above me, thunder rumbled. Lightning arced off my hammer as I channeled the power of the storm into it, then I struck the rainbow bridge with it. The massive blow caused the bridge to rumble and shake the Himinbjorg. A crack appeared where the blow struck while Loki rose to his feet shocked by my action.

“Stop! What are you doing?!”

I struck the bridge again, bringing it down harder. BOOM! The crack grew bigger. The bifrost energy started to stream through it.

“You idiot! Don’t destroy the bridge!” Loki went to grab Gungnir, and when he did he raised it to pierce me. I didn’t care.

“Komand’r would have done it.” I said to my brother, I stood my ground and prepared for another fight.

“Don’t speak to me about that dead woman!” Loki shouted as the spear loaded with yellow energy.

“Who said I was dead?” The familiar voice of Komand’r rang behind me, I turned only to see her catch Loki by his foot and slam him on the bridge again and again, until cracks on the bridge appeared. Hope surged through me! If Komand’r is alive, I will be able to see Jane again! Not as quickly as I would want but enough time that it would take only a blink of an eye for me.

“Puny god.” Komand’r said with a laugh, as Loki looked up to her, unmoving.

I returned to my task. Summoning every bit of strength I had left, I raised my hammer one last time, drawing lightning to it from all sides, I brought Mjolnir down. KRAKABOOM! The bifrost shattered under this terrible blow and rainbow colored energy exploded out of it.




Back to Komand’r


Both Loki and Thor were hurled into the air by the force of the blast. Me as well, it sent me far under the bridge and plummeting toward the planet, but I held myself aloft and flew to where the two idiots were. A wave of destruction moved forward along the bridge towards the Himinbjorg, breaking it apart as it went. 

The Himinbjorg ripped itself apart.

As I flew overhead I saw Loki and Thor fall together, Thor grabbed hold of one end of Gungnir while his brother tightened his hands around the other. They both fell toward the massive wave of energy which flowed out from the broken bridge. I flew down and caught Thor’s leg as he was about to fall down because of the blast of destructive energy.

The energy formed a hole in reality, a wormhole of dark space with stars visible inside of it. Damn it, why was it completely different from what I’ve seen in the movies? The hole was sucking us inside it, it acted like a fucking black hole. I felt someone holding me by my waist, but I couldn’t turn to see who it was; Thor and Loki looked up, shocked by something.

“Hold on!” The old and wizened voice told me that it was Odin who was saving us.

The old man was finally up and at 100%, contrary to when he just woke up earlier. Loki seemed to stare into the eyes of his old man. What I felt was sadness, but whatever he sought in the expression of his father, he didn’t find it. 

As a consequence, Loki let go of Gungnir.

“No!!” Thor screamed as he saw his brother fall inside the wormhole that was closing. But it was too late.

Odin looked at the wormhole, tears streaming down on his face. He was hurting, and it messed with my empathy, he pulled us out and we sat down on the bridge, exhausted by our ordeal.

“It’s over.” The old man said.

I floated back up and stood before Odin and said, “No, All-Father, this is just the beginning.” 


A/N: So we are done with the Asgard fight, we are now going to break the entire MCU timeline in the next chapter guys, stay tuned.

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