Komand’r On Deck

Chapter 7

A/N: The point of view of other characters beside Komand'r will be switched to 3rd pov from now on.


Chapter 7

I was in open space with the sun bathing me in its light; and I drank in its radiation like a sun starved plant. I had removed my armor and bared my skin for maximum absorption. My wounds caused by Gungnir closed slowly. I didn’t care that I was completely naked and that some astronomers on planet Asgard could see me. I needed to be strong, my fights with the Destroyer and Loki had shown me how my lack of control and training in my abilities were weaknesses that I should address.

I knew that the Holodeck on the Hyperdimension could help me, but my ship didn’t reach us quite yet. Energy swelled within me and I almost climaxed at the sensation, I know this was somewhat perverted, but I don’t care. I flew closer to the star's corona and decided to stay for another five hours to absorb more UV; meanwhile, I was full of introspection about what might happen in my audience with the All-Father in two days. What was I going to say or do? They were already feasting about our accomplishments and even wanted to reward me.

I've been preparing Earth for the inevitable invasion two years from now. I gave Tony access to some advanced scientific research and gave Fury technology that was obsolete by the standards of the galactic community but would set them on the path of advancement. We needed preparation and people willing to fight that asshole titan.

For that I needed a team and I knew exactly who I wanted in it. As I finished scheming, and that I felt that I was 100% of my ability, I looked at the astrometrics my implants displayed before me and searched for planet Asgard, I found it on my right and moved at superluminal speed toward it. This was exhilarating! To move at such speed, I was like a purple missile of energy flying toward Thor’s home.

It took me two minutes to reach the planet's orbit as I decelerated, my morpher's nanomachines clad me in my purple and silver armor as I entered the atmosphere and flew toward the golden city in the northern hemisphere. My flight speed created multiple sonic booms in the air as I broke the sound barrier fourteen times. Hmm, I was definitely faster than the last time, absorbing stellar energy was the way to go. 

I reached the golden city, circled it two times before slowing down my speed. I could see the sundered Bifrost Bridge, workers were busy fixing it, and the observatory that had fallen on the planet's surface was in the process of being towed back by three ships. I floated down gently in the courtyard of the palace apartment that had been lent to me, it had access to the royal garden. I felt energized by my little dip in the star's corona, and decided that I wanted to burn some excess energy.

Standing up, I floated away from the courtyard and entered the apartments, then exited them at great speed to enter the palace proper. It was time to see if I could have access to the library, I always wanted to know magic. However, before I could go further in the palace, I was intercepted by Frigga who was waiting for me before the library entrance.

Why was she so attractive? I didn’t know I had a MILF fetish? Or was it her godhood acting? Her blonde hair styled in a gorgeous updo shone like white gold and her golden dress still let an observer see her curves, her gaudy jewelry didn’t deter from her beauty at all.

Frigga’s  blue eyes gazed into mine and she gave me a soft smile. "Princess Komand'r, good afternoon, I see that you have come back from your little trip." She really sounded happy to see me and it made me happy as well, my empathy told me that she was being genuine.

I waved at her while floating toward her. "Hello All-Mother, you caught me. Strange, how did you know that I would be there?" 

Landing before her, Frigga looked at the golden door behind her, carved with scribbs who  were consulting books. Asgard’s signalization was really simple and artistical. “Oh dear, that's a secret, I am afraid that you can’t be privy of it.” She made a conspiratorial expression followed by the same sweet smile from earlier.

Yeah right, wasn't Frigga the goddess associated with marriage, prophecy, clairvoyance and motherhood? I let it slide.

Nodding, I put my fists on my waist as I looked at her. “Fair enough, your Majesty.”

“So, I imagine that you want to consult our library. What interests you?" The Goddess of marriage asked me.

Instead of bullshit my way out of this, I decided to be honest. "I always wanted to learn magic and since I am here on a planet with a magitek society..."

The All-Mother tilted her head and seemed to deliberate internally for an instant, then she looked at me and held her hand before her. "I see, very well. Do you give me the permission to evaluate you? Physical contact is necessary for the spell I will be using on you."

I trusted her, I don't know why but I did. I took her hand and said with a giggle, "Here, you have it, All-Mother."

She looked attentively at my right hand, I felt nothing though, no glowy phenomenon or energy coursing through, just the normal stellar energy. We stood for one minute like this, until she lifted her head to look me in the eyes. "Magic is not impossible to learn for you, in fact you have some latent talent. Please follow me, I will at least give you a primer on Asgard magic." Frigga gave me good news.

I smiled back at her. "Thank you, All-Mother. I don't know if I can ever repay you."

The All-Mother laughed and opened the Library's doors. "You're welcome, Princess and don't worry about owing me. You'll certainly do more for us than you expect."

"Huh, okay…"

The place was big, maybe as big as three football fields and the walls were covered in tall shelves reaching the ceiling and the skylights. There were private booths strewn randomly amongst the shelves like clearing in a forest. The All-Mother didn't let go of my hand and pulled me toward what might be the magic section of the library.

There were a lot of books there, on the shelves I could see some elemental runes showing lightning, Earth, or water. Then more complex runes that I couldn't yet decipher. I really needed to learn the local language from someone. I was tempted to do so with the Queen but I wasn't going to, I might get thrown out by Odin.

Frigga opened her arms and with a smile asked me, "What type of magic would you like to learn?"

I thought hard about that, my Tamaranean physiology made it so that I was highly visible because of the energy I channeled and emitted. I needed subtle means to reach my goals, blasting things all the time might not always be the solution. “Support type magic mainly and as you might have noticed, I am quite too flamboyant when I use my natural abilities, I wish that I could be more stealthy.” 

Frigga raised an eyebrow and looked at me quite sadly. “Oh dear, that’s going to be quite difficult, you are practically a sun goddess yourself. And the sun can’t hide, it is obvious for all to see.”

I would succeed, my safety and those of my loved ones depended on it. “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty…”

I didn't like seeing Frigga sad, no wonder everyone loved her, she was so expressive. After a thoughtful expression showed on her delicate face, she said, “Wise saying. I feel that you should just learn sorcery to start with and then think about your specialization. What do you feel about that?”

Shit… “It’s going to be like being back to the academy…” The previous owner of this body had a bad time in Tamaran's premier college with the other noble kids, and it influenced my own feelings about schooling.

“Pretty much.” Frigga nodded.

It seemed that Frigga really liked me, for some obscure reason, she pulled me toward the part of the magic library that she used to teach her own kids. Then she made me meditate after giving me a worn looking book called 'magical awakening' and stayed with me until evening teaching me to open my senses as she called it. It was fun.


(Nick Fury)


Sol system
May 3rd, 2010
USA/Washington DC
The White House

"Sir I don't know what more I can tell you." Fury started to say as he stood before the POTUS who sat at the oval office with a pissed off expression.

Barack Obama looked at the super spy with an intensity that he'd never seen him employ before. Fury understood why, an alien princess from a distant empire and a prince from another were on Earth, sampled the goods and left after wrecking the place. The strike had the power of a nuke but was safely contained to the location of Puente Antiguo, fortunately, there was no fallout.

Just a two kilometers crater at the entrance of a little town. Fury now remembered what the Princess meant by the light of X’Hal, the primary Deity of her people. Coulson was still in Puente Antiguo, a town that had become alien-country overnight with Komand’r’s people still there protecting her friends and the equipment they had left there.

General Thaddeus E. "Thunderbolt" Ross, his pal General Samuel Lane and the president’s go to man, General Stanley McChrystal were behind Fury, with different expressions on their faces. Ross and Lane were angry about what happened and how the situation got handled. Fury didn’t care, Coulson had told him how nothing manmade could even dent that death machine that landed in New Mexico.

President Obama transferred the footage on the big screen on the wall behind the generals, it was a big crater blocking access to Puento Antiguo. "Director Fury, do you see this picture?"

From the report SHIELD had fielded, there were traces of exotic energy and high radiological emitting from the center of the crater, not enough to harm human life, but now his scientist told him that it was a powerful particle weapon that had fired on the Destroyer.

Fury nodded, with his lone eye watching the screen. "Yes, I do sir. And it fills me with dread." Fury knew that the ship that had fired on the Destroyer couldn’t be the same as the one the current aliens in Puente Antiguo were using. It meant that high up there, there was a carrier ship with stealth capabilities that even NORAD or NASA couldn’t detect. *It’s bad.*

“This could have been the Congress or God help us, the White House.” The President said gravely as he pointed a finger at the crater.

Everyone stayed silent at the president’s comment. Until Fury decided to add, “I agree, sir… this looks dreadful, but from what I understand, the Princess was reluctant to bombard the town's surroundings…”

Fury would be damned if he allowed anyone to sour his relationship with the golden goose. Komand’r may be a loose cannon and terrifying, but she was generous and wanted to cooperate with them. Already scientists and engineers loyal to him (and only him) were going over the schematics of the technology that was handed to Fury.

The display screen changed to show a firefox navigator window and Obama going on Youtube, displayed first were different variations of the video of the fight in Puente Antiguo. “There’s this recording of the battle all over the internet and it tells me that you are right. She definitely hesitated to use the orbital strike… I hope you can take this video down soon, we need to control the rhetoric.”

Fury shook his head and turned to the President. “It’s too late, sir. It is too widespread right now; I think it's the aliens' doing. Though, we at least know how the video was spread. It originated from the Facebook profile of one Darcy Lewis and Princess Komand'r's YouTube account.”

“Then take the Princess’ account down.” Obama ordered with a frustrated sigh.

Fury coughed and embarrassingly revealed, "We cannot, sir. YouTube has refused to close the princess' account for economic reasons."

YouTube was raking in money at this point at how many people looked at these videos that had reached billions of views.

"Money grubbing asshats…" It was general Stanley McChrystal from the Armed Force who spoke. He was a 5”11 man with a crew cut, black eyes and a stern gaze. His dark green uniform gleamed with decorations.

The secretary of state, Mrs Hillary Clinton added, “Well, her documentary video and account are historical now, you can't close it, Mister President. She’s the first alien to ever make contact so openly with Earth. And it could become a political nightmare to do so as well, I strongly recommend that you don’t proceed.”

Fury subtly gave a thumbs up to the blonde woman who did the same. They couldn’t afford to offend the alien Princess with highly advanced weapons in orbit, nor the opportunity to advance that was given to them. Of course, it was going to be difficult because of warmongers and idiots like Ross and Lane who were present.

“I say we need to bring her to heel.” The tall blue eyed and grey haired General Lane raised a fist as he ranted. 

Fury could feel the testosterone from where he was when Lane began to speak. Obviously, General Ross didn’t want to be left behind and spoke as well. “Absolutely, we need to show her the might of the good Ole US military.”

*Man, these two are like an echoing chamber.* The spy thought.

Fury rolled his eyes. "Alright, cowboys it's best to just stop right there. Or pray tell, what can we do to the superpowered alien? Spank her?”

Lane and Ross looked at each other, then back to Fury. It was Ross who answered first with enough bravado to occupy Texas. “If we must. She ain't that much older than my own daughter!”

Lane gave Fury a cunning smile. "If we can't take her in a fight then I say we bring her up on charges from breaching America's air space."

Fury winces at the suggestion. "She kinda already filed paperwork with SHIELD and even asked for permits." He revealed.

Ross scowled, not liking how his plan was killed in the egg. "How did she get those?"

Fury shrugged. "NASA wanted a chunk of asteroid 2011 UW158 that they have had an eye on for a while, so it was an easy exchange."

Ross looked thoughtful for a moment and had another idea that made him grin in mischief. "Well, okay, then we must freeze her bank accounts."

Fury facepalmed, and looked at the men as if they were idiots. "She doesn't have any, Stark gave her a black card."

And wasn't this a nasty surprise how Stark seemed to be favored by the Princess? The man seemed to be too proactive, there was also the fact that Fury had no way to control the billionaire anymore. He was healed completely and he even looked younger than he was before he got kidnapped. Just that was going to push the rich  and powerful muckety mucks in Komand'r's corner if she had access to rejuvenation technology.  

"The girl moves fast, she already got herself a sugar daddy." General Lane said with condescension with a shake of his head.

It was really jarring how Lane and Ross kept anthropomorphizing the Tamaranean, judging her by Earth’s standards, they were making a mistake, but Fury was loath to point it out to them. The woman could go to any country, give them incentive about letting her stay and get anything she wanted, couldn’t they understand that?

Ross took a cigar from his breast pocket but didn't light it. It would be disrespectful after all. "Well what hasn't she got? And Fury, stop defending her, we need a way to bring that alien to heel." He put the cigar in his mouth.

President Obama, who wasn't an idiot, reacted to the comment about NASA. "Wait, backup, what do you mean? Did she pay her way with space materials?"

"Well, yes sir, at the time she said and I quote: I am on vacation and don't want the Johnny Sheriff to lock me up."

Hillary exploded into laughter, she held onto her side as if it was painful. The generals looked completely out of their element.

Fury coughed to clear his voice and continued to speak, "That, her, Princess Komand'r, was too young and pretty to be taking over a Terran jail when she can enjoy the buffet outside since it's so much sunnier, sweeter and cleaner since dropping the soap is only a game she and hers can play."

Obama's eyes opened wide in surprise. "Fury, your girl is watching Earth TV now?"

Director Fury cringes at that. Komand'r sounded like a vapid valley girl most of the time and everyone fell for her act when she's as dangerous as Carol Danvers was when he had met her. Without Earth common sense, she inadvertently redrew countries borders, political landscape and stopped fighting all over the world now that people knew how dangerous it was outside of the little blue and green marble. 

All South-American countries that weren't Argentina or Colombia were now talking about forming their own United States or Europe to pool their resources and protect themselves. Russia was even in talks to join the European Union, goddamnit.

"Ha! I know! We get her for hacking." Ross had another good idea.

Hillary and the President looked at him as if he was tedious to interact with. Fury tilts a hand back and forth, "No go, her tech is so powerful that she didn't even notice our firewalls."

Ross looked startled at that, he frowned and went to sit on the sofa near him and let out a frustrated sigh. 

"Okay, fine! But we can get her for littering!" General Lane shouts with a satellite image in his hand. The image showed Puente Antiguo's outskirts, it was full of broken bits around the attack zone.

Fury laughed at the ridiculous man. "She sent down her handmaidens to clean up before she left wherever she went, that image is five hours too late."

President Obama leaned into his chair, arms resting on his armchairs as he took in all the people present in the oval office. "So, we can do nothing but wait for her to come back, huh?"

Everyone looked at each other, Fury put his hands in his coat's pocket.  "Unfortunately, yes, sir."


(Thor Odinson)


Inner realm
Asgard/Golden City
One day later

It was in the middle of morning when Thor decided to go exercise at the Palace’s training ground. When he reached the field, he put his hammer on the ground and stretched. His somber mood began to be lifted by the exertion of his body. Thor tightened his light armor made of sea serpent hide covering his grey tunic and then began to run around at a fast pace.

Running took his mind off thinking about Loki. His brother, who he lost two days ago. If it weren't for his Tamaranean friend who reassured him by telling him about her vision quest showing Loki alive but under the thrall of the Mad Titan and that they needed to free him, Thor would be even sadder.

He continued to run for another hour and in the meanwhile the training ground filled with soldiers and guards wanting to exercise. The Warrior Three and Lady Sif followed behind him after seeing that he was jogging. Then he suddenly stopped running and summoned his hammer to him and left toward the well to refresh himself.

He took the ladle from the bucket and filled it with water, he drank as much as he could. Finally, he was not thirsty anymore and stayed silent near the well and observed everyone who was sparring. The clash of shields and swords soothed him. War was quickly becoming an outlet to what his current life had become. *How I wish that Jane was there, despite her youth she is so wise.*

Putting the ladle back into the bucket of water, Thor turned to the closest door to enter the palace, but a big meaty hand slapped on his left shoulder pauldron. He turned to see a familiar redheaded man.

"Thor, what's gotten into you my friend?" Volstagg asked his friend. He wasn’t too tired from running but he had decided to put in the work to be able to survive bigger fights, the one with the Destroyer had shown him that he had let himself go too much. 

Princess Komand’r had told them about her vision quest to protect this universe and that every good warrior would be needed to stop the Mad Titan in his quest to end it all. Despite the thoughts about the next biggest fights coming for their people, Volstagg wasn’t blind enough to forget to care for his best friend's mental well being.

Thor stood silently before sighing and telling what weighed on his heart. "Volstagg, my brother is lost for now and it weighs on my mind. Could there be something we could have done better? We always belittled Loki for using magic even when it was his abilities in the art that had pulled our bottoms from the fire. I feel so guilty; that I might be the one who created this situation."

Volstagg looked down, then after a moment of remembrance lifted his head and the expression of self-loathing on his face said it all. “I… you are right, we belittled or denigrated Loki at times. Odin, we have been such ungrateful wretches.”

Fandral, the least responsible of the four of them commented, "Ah, but my friends, didn't the Tamaranean Princess say-"

Thor cut off Fandral, "That Loki will come back, yes. But in what state? She had also said that he will be in the thrall of the Mad Titan.... I am sad that this event has occurred at all, we could have avoided this happening."

Even if Loki came back, that didn’t absolve them from their past deeds; when his brother returned, Thor was going to be in a locked room with him and let Loki expunge any frustration he had with him.

Sif put a hand on Thor’s arm and told him in a reassuring tone, "Don't worry, Thor, we will help you get him back."

The Asgardian prince put a hand on Sif’s cheek and looked into her eyes. "I am lucky to have you, my friends."

Despite herself, Sif blushed and she about to say, "Thor, I-"

"DYNAMIC ENTRY!!!!" Thor didn’t hear what Sif had to say as he was tackled to the ground at super speed by a purple and black missile.

It was Komand’r and she was straddling him, her hands were on his chest as she nuzzled his face with her nose in affection. This has become routine at this point, him being taken by surprise by his Tamaranean friend. Thor knew she didn’t harbor any romantic feelings for him but from what he read from her culture, Tamaraneans are a peaceful yet militant race, as their society is driven more by emotion than reason they didn’t bother with what was appropriate to show their affection to those they liked.

Thor was happy that his friend liked him, but she was like a cat, mischievous and did whatever she wanted. Her new games were all about tackling him or hugging him by surprise, the prince felt hunted. "Friend Komand’r... can't you stop tackling me when you see me?"

She smiled tauntingly at him. "Is it a request? Friend Thor."

Thor seriously answered with a “Yes.” His body hurt a lot, Komand’r’s periodic dips into the sun were gradually making her stronger. If she had been this strong when Loki was still there, they might have apprehended him swiftly. He couldn’t blame her for that though, as she had revealed to him yesterday at supper that she had been stricken with a childhood illness that left her unable to harness ultraviolet light to fly as most Tamaraneans did. Her having been cured by her benefactor was a great boon to her. She was gradually becoming stronger than before.

"Then I refuse." Komand’r said with a smile tugging her lips.

Thor rolled his eyes and saw that Sif was glaring at the princess and the rest of his friends were laughing at him. A cough coming from behind Fandral announced the presence of someone else. Thor was quickly on his feet with Komand’r in his arms as he observed that it was his mother. "Oh mother, you're here as well."

The Queen being present silenced everything going on in the training ground. Some people had gone on their knees or sheathed their weapons immediately. Queen Frigga smiled at her son and looked from him to Komand'r and said, "It always pleases me to see you, children, playing."

Komand'r wanted to go to Thor’s mother but the prince kept her at his side with an arm around her waist. He really needed to 'hammer' Asgardian noble etiquette into his friend. He glared at the Tamaranean princess, making her smile at him, she didn't care if he was upset.

Thor then returned to address his mother. "What are you doing here, Mother, is there anything that I can do to help you?"

Frigga hid her smile behind her right hand. After composing herself she then said, "Oh no, I am just enjoying some free time with Princess Komand'r. She's an apt student of mine now."

"Student?" It was Lady Sif who piped up at the Queen's revelation. 

Everyone turned to the Tamaranean Princess as she smiled brightly, her knee length hair glowing a bright lilac color. "Check this out." Komand'r cupped her hands, they glowed in a pink shine and a bird appeared in them.

She let it go and the bird flew into the sky, and was circling the training ground. Komand'r then mumbled an incantation and rainbow light rained down on everyone, reinvigorating them and soothing small aches. In two days, Komand’r managed to learn magic, this surprised Thor. "You learned magic?"

Komand'r's purple lips arced into a smug smile. "Of course, learning magic had always been one of my dreams and your mother, Queen Frigga, was generous in putting me on that path." Her smile disappeared as her expression became truly sad. She looked meaningfully into Thor’s eyes. "You're lucky to have her, I wish my own mother had been as supportive as her."

"Oh, Princess come here." Frigga came over to Komand'r, snatched her from Thor’s hands and hugged her.

The bird construct made of magic began to sing a beautiful song, everyone looked up at it and in a single moment it was struck by a golden beam of energy, it's song silenced forever. Everyone looked down and saw a tall, curvaceous, and gorgeous blonde woman in green attire walking toward the royal party. She wore a bustier, long green gloves, dark green leggings with yellow circles pattern and green boots.

"Hel, this is the Enchantress."

"What is she doing here?"

"She heard about the Prince's new lover of course."

"’Tis obvious that it would happen."

The soldiers and guards around Thor and his party began to gossip. The prince looked at Komand'r who seemed lost as she heard that she was to be into a supposed relationship with him. "Eh, Thor, have you heard that? Since when are we a couple?"

Thor was upset, this wasn't the first time that people assumed that he brought another woman on Asgard. It's a resurgence of his previous self that he simply didn't care for; oh how he wanted to be back on Earth already.  The prince calmed after taking a breath and said, "I love my people, Princess, but they are prone to gossip like old women."

Frigga laughed coquettishly before adding, "’Tis the downside of longevity like ours, my son."

The Enchantress walked unimpeded to Thor’s party and planted herself before the Queen and said in an imperious tone, "I am Amora and I wish to challenge Princess Komand'r of Tamaran!"

Frigga crossed her arms on her ample cleavage and stared unimpressed at the sorceress. "Truly? What for, Enchantress?"

The beautiful blonde raised her chin. "For the hand of Thor of course!... My Queen." She barely gave Thor’s mother any respect. This is what had always displeased the God of thunder with her, Amora didn't know her place. She barely gave lip service to the crown and his father, always busy furthering her agenda.

Komand'r chuckled, leaning against Thor and whispering, "Huh since when are we to be wed?"

Thor shrugged and whispered in answer, "Hmm, I am also unawares."

"She's really beautiful, have you ever…?" Komand'r asked as she admired the beauty of the Enchantress, her eyes didn't leave the woman for an instant.

It pained him to remember this part of his life, but Thor chose to answer truthfully. "Yes, long ago we were together, but she is a selfish lover, I had to cut short our courtship."

Komand'r nodded, then her green eyes shone with a lilac glow, it seemed that she made a decision. "She's my type, I want her."

Thor turned his head and looked at Komand'r as if she was crazy. He then looked back at Amora who looked amorously at him… he shuddered. "You are free to romance her of course. But I would advise against it."

Komand'r harrumphed. "That’s because none of the men or women here know how to handle a supernova like her, let me show you."

Floating slowly toward Amora, Komand’r took her time to analyze the movements of the Enchantress and left her onboard limited AI to anticipate any of her actions. The predictive program was running at full power.

Landing before Amora, Komand’r intoned, "I am Princess Komand'r of Tamaran."

Thor was aware of her other title, information that his father had uncovered yesterday thanks to Munnin and Huginn. The Butcher of the Citadel, a title that she earned by killing off all the armies of her people’s enemies. Her only reward for it was her exile at the hand of the first house of Tamaran, her own family. She was hailed as a prodigy and a good tactician with a shrewd and calculating acumen in the art of war by her people. Thor didn’t know what the royal family of Tamaran was thinking when they exiled her.

Amora strode up before Komand’r and stopped face to face with her. "You hussy, how dare you put your hands on my prince?"

Thor was aware that Komand’r must have found the situation amusing, he still didn’t know what she was seeing in Amora, but then again… what did she see in him when they met the first time? Could Enchantress be made to be more responsible as well?

Eyes glowing, Komand'r stared at the sorceress and said "Excuse me, I think that there was a miscommunication somewhere. Thor is only my friend."

Everyone looked at Thor for confirmation. The God of thunder crossed his arms, hammer in hand and nodded.

Amora pointed her finger at Komand'r and shouted, "Liar!"

*All-Father, that's going to raise her ire.* Thor thought as Amora accused the other royal.

The Tamaranean scowled, purple and pink energy coursing through her long mane of hair, a clear sign of irritation that Thor learned to notice. "I'm not lying."

"You were seen hugging him and tackling him all the time!" Amora said aloud.

Some soldiers and guards agreed with her, they had seen it. Komand’r looked like a maiden in love when they were seen together, but Thor had seen her with Darcy, so he knew what she really was like when she had love in her eyes. Those were just the actions of a really affectionate Tamaranean. His people were judging the Princess with their standard.

With a nod, Komand’r defended herself with, "Of course, I have to train him to always be prepared, so far he has been pants at situational awareness." 

*So that’s why!* His friend was training him. Thor couldn’t deny that he was easily distracted and needed to focus on what he was doing.

The explanation fell on deaf ears as Amora relentlessly accused the Princess. "Your excuse sounds as hollow as the central bell of the All-Mother temple, wench! You have been witnessed by many feeding his Highness meat and serving him mead like a wife would!"

Komand’r froze, then looked between Sif and Amora. "Only wives do that? But… I've been mimicking Sif."

Sif was red in the face, and Komand’r winked at her. “Oh my, Sif. That's why you’ve been angry at me? I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.” The princess called out to Lady Sif.

Thor needed to make a clean break with his previous paramour. He couldn’t be with Sif when he had Jane in his heart right now. Being Asgardian and longevity wasn’t a problem, he had no idea of the magic involved but his father could make Jane an Asgardian if he asked, unless he truly insisted on wanting an alliance with a noble house from Vanir or Asgard.

Sif shouted, “You better not!” The warrior Lady then took on a sheepish expression as she noticed the gaze on her and hearing the chuckles from the Warrior Three.

“I mean, I hope not your Highness.” Sif corrected herself with a prim and proper tone.

Amora interrupted the levity of the situation by shouting, “I am talking to you, Princess!”

Komand’r looked up and down at Amora, the sorceress must have had no idea that she was being sized up like packaged meat, mainly due to the anger etched on her face. “So, Amora, is it? Are you sure that you want to challenge me?”

“Are you refusing?” Amora grinned in triumph, she hoped that the Tamaranean proved to be a coward, Thor knew that not to be the case. Komand’r might be quirky, but was no coward. 

Tilting her head, the Tamaranean princess closed up to Amora, and as they were face to face, in a conversational tone tried to explain, “No, no, I just want to say that I’m not Thor's lover or future bride to be. I mean, I am an exiled royalty, I don’t think Queen Frigga or the All-Father would agree to such an union.”

There was silence as Komand’r opinion was aired; Thor didn’t understand her at this moment, was this what she truly thought? She was beautiful and a warrior, her reputation was as high as Lady Sif since she helped beat Loki and protect the Jotun; she even helped the then exiled prince, him, Thor, to find his way back to Asgard a changed man.

Frigga was as confused as Thor. “Who said that, Princess? We would surely agree to it. You’re worthy.”

Turning to the Queen, Komand’r looked frustrated here as she threw her hands up. “Queen Frigga, that’s not the point here!”

Amora chuckled darkly, looking at Komand’r as if she was her mortal enemy. “See, the All-Mother approves of you. Now, fight me.”

Komand’r sighed, tired by the stubbornness of his ex-lover. “Very well, but before we fight, I wish to ask something to the Queen.”

“I shall allow it.” Amora turned up her nose.

Straining his sense of hearing, Thor heard his friend whisper to his mother, “Your Majesty, is the tradition of taking Slave Wives still used?”

With wide eyes, Thor looked at Komand’r in awe. This was an excellent way to eliminate a bothersome enemy and take her pleasure at the same time. Frigga laughed and whispered in turn, “I see, that’s your plan. Yes, Komand’r, we still do. I will even officiate.”

The Tamaranean nodded and walked up in front of the Enchantress and said with gravitas for all to hear, “I accept the challenge, at the condition that Enchantress Amora becomes subordinate to me in mind and body if I win.”

Amora’s body was surrounded with golden magical energy, her hair wild as if the wind wanted it to flow in the breeze. “You think that you can win against me? How preposterous!”

Komand’r rolled her eyes. “Do you accept, or are you afraid?” She was getting annoyed by the scene Amora was making.

Thor looked at the trainwreck that this confrontation was; he knew that Komand’r was getting stronger and faster, the energy from her blasts were also becoming more destructive. Her valor in combat when she sparred was witnessed by all as she could go toe to toe with even him.

Amora laughed. “Me? Afraid? I shall break you! I accept your conditions!”

Komand’r cracked her knuckles, and her neck; her armor changed to a black and purple bustier with leggings and boots plus some silver piece of armor such as pauldrons, greaves and gauntlet; she even had a crown looking like two horns that covered part of her head. Her belt turned into a jewelled sash  with a gem at its center that glowed with purple color.

The All-Mother placed herself between the two women. “I will act as judge for this duel, who shall act as witness?”

Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg moved as one. It was Volstagg who spoke aloud for all present to hear, “The Warrior Three will!”

Sif raised her fist into the air. “I, lady Sif, do as well.”

Thor raised his hammer in turn. “I, Prince Thor, shall be a witness as well!”

One of the warriors nearest to Komand’r approached her and gave her their equipment. “Here your highness, take a shield and sword.”

The princess took the sword in hand, it was beautifully decorated with a golden pommel with a blue gem at its center, the blade was made of mithril so it was considerably lightweight. Komand’r refused to take the shield with a shake of a head. “Don’t need any protection, I don’t need any shield.” She looked at Amora with hunger.

Thor already knew how this was going to end, so he leaned against the well and watched the show.

Amora glared at the princess. “Cocky. We will see if you still can mouth off like that after I’m done with you.”

Queen Frigga stepped back and asked, “Are the two combattants ready?”

“Let’s roll.” Komand’r twirled her borrowed sword at speed never seen before, it sliced the air and buffeted her air in the winds she generated.

“I am ready to turn you into a sheep, princess.” Amora’s hands glowed gold as she began to charge a spell and throw it at Komand’r.

“Begin!” Commanded Frigga.

Thor followed Komand’r with his eyes, Amora launched an eldritch blast at the princess and it passed through her. Thor then looked behind Amora as he found that his friend had moved so fast that she had left an after-image of herself. With the sword handle, the Tamaranean simply hit the back of Amora’s head with such a force that it created a mini shockwave and the Asgardian sorceress fell head first on the sandy ground of the training area.

Every warrior present looked on in awe at the Princess who twirled the sword anew, then threw it back at its owner who caught it by the handle.

“Like I said, I need no shield.” Komand’r quipped.

Fandral, Volstagg and Hogun laughed at that. Meanwhile, Queen Frigga held a hand before her and in it manifested a golden collar. She walked up to Komand’r and handed it to her. “Place this around Amora’s neck.”

Komand’r took the golden collar from Frigga’s hands. “An enchanted collar?” 

Thor knew those, it was a status symbol for nobles when they had a successful raid and were taking wives from the raided territory, it hadn’t been used since the war with Vanir. What bothered Thor was that his mother had the artifact at all.

“Yes, with this, any harmful magic from her won’t affect you.” Frigga explained.

Komand’r looked at the item in apprehension. “By Xh’al.” She was swearing by her chief deity. This must not have been in her plan for when she had asked about the slave wives tradition.

Queen Frigga then speared Komand’r with her gaze and said with the tone that Thor had learned brokered no misunderstanding, “Please treat her well. Even though I wanted her out of Asgard after she broke my son’s heart, she has her own circumstances.”

Komand’r kneeled next to Amora’s fallen body and turned her body face up, and as she put the collar on Amora she said, “I promise on my honor to treat Amora well, like a good mate would.”

“That’s all I can ask.” Frigga nodded.

“Now you can go and unwrap your enchantress, Komand’r!” Fandral shouted.

His friend looked almost jealous that Komand’r had taken one of the most beautiful women of Asgard after Brunhyld. The princess loaded Amora on her shoulder and flew back toward the palace with a smile that promised that some wicked things would happen to the sorceress. Thor looked at his friend flying at a sedate speed back to her quarters. No one bothered to pay attention to the princess as she cackled madly flying away with her conquest.

Thor turned to his friend and mother, he ignored the shiver that traveled down his back as he spoke to those gathered around. “So mother, my friends, I’m hungry! I believe it is about time we retire to the kitchens?!”

A/N: And this is chapter 7, do you like the new Waifu? If you don't know about her, here's a link:

The Enchantress

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