Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch169- Trouble?


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Orochimaru's snaky voice sliced through the tense silence, his words rolling with dark amusement. "But such a question would not yield any significant results when it comes to Danzo. He had too many enemies, but how many of them knew about the Uchiha Massacre? And how many had the ability to sneak into the Uchiha Compound under the surveillance of ROOT to kill your brother?"

His words echoed through the cold stone chamber, leaving a wake of silence. The air, thick with tension and uncertainty, stilled as all eyes turned to Itachi. The silhouette of the leader, usually steadfast and stoic, seemed to waver for a split second.

Itachi's gaze turned sharper, colder, his crimson eyes flaring in the dim light. "Who do you insinuate, Orochimaru?" His voice was a growl, the rage simmering beneath his calm exterior threatening to erupt. "Speak frankly."

A vile smirk curved Orochimaru's lips. He shifted his gaze, his yellowish eyes finding Obito's red ones. "Who else but a person who can go and come anywhere he wants?" His voice dripped with venomous insinuation, his gaze never leaving Obito, who was standing next to Itachi.

Obito's eyes widened in shock, his normally passive face turning ashen. He took a step back, a barely audible gasp escaping him as he came under the collective gaze of everyone in the room.

"Obito?" Itachi echoed, his tone betraying a mix of disbelief and anger. He turned to look at his comrade, his eyes no longer filled with rage but seeping disappointment. "Is this true?"

Obito's eyes darted around, the room suddenly feeling smaller, claustrophobic. He swallowed hard, a grimace playing at the corner of his lips. He raised his hands in front of him, as if trying to push away the barrage of accusations. "No, Itachi-sama, I..."

Itachi's cold, cutting interruption silenced Obito's protest. "Do not lie to me, Obito."

Obito's lips trembled, his eyes displaying an earnest plea. "I did not, Itachi-sama. You have to believe me. I had no reason to kill Sasuke."

"But you had the means," Orochimaru chimed in, his voice slicing through Obito's protest. His words were cold and calculated, designed to cause maximum damage. "Isn't that right, Obito?"

Obito glared at Orochimaru, his face a mask of fury and indignation. "That doesn't mean I did it."

Itachi was quiet, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. He trusted Obito, but the seeds of doubt had been planted, and they were taking root. His gaze flicked between Orochimaru and Obito, his eyes reflecting the inner turmoil.

The sun was setting, painting the sky with hues of orange and red as the group of four - Koushin, Tsunade, Ino, and the newly joined Kakashi - rushed back to Konoha. The world was streaked by in blurs, their speed almost supernatural, a testament to the sheer strength and skill they possessed. However, their journey was far from a silent one.

Tsunade, her stern visage softened with familiarity, was addressing Koushin, her tone a gentle reprimand. "Koushin," she started, "did you really have to create such a spectacle? I thought I reminded you that I'm the Hokage, not you."

The wind carried her words, causing strands of her blonde hair to dance playfully. She didn't sound genuinely upset, rather there was a hint of amusement laced within her words. Tsunade had seen many things in her life, but Koushin's antics were something that never ceased to amaze, or exasperate her.

Koushin, his hand comfortably enveloped within Ino's, glanced at her with a sheepish grin. His dark eyes twinkled, betraying the mirth he found in the situation. "Well, Lady Tsunade," he said, his voice a gentle tease, "that is precisely why I appointed you as the Supreme Commander of the Five-Nation Alliance. I mean, aren't I simply the best?"

Kakashi, silent until then, chuckled softly, his dark eyes glinting with amusement. He had seen Koushin's duality - the man who could jest even in the face of danger, and the tactician who held the power to change the course of battles.

Ino, her hand warm in Koushin's, giggled at his declaration. Despite the grave situations they often found themselves in, Koushin always found a way to lighten the mood. It was one of the things she admired about him, his strength to carry a smile even when the world was at its darkest.

Tsunade sighed theatrically, her stern facade cracking into a smirk. "And here I was, thinking you might have learned a little humility by now," she retorted, her eyes meeting Koushin's with an affectionate challenge.

Koushin's grin morphed into an expression of faux innocence. "Humility?" he echoed, feigning shock. "I am the embodiment of humility. Just look at me. Despite being so handsome, mighty, awesome and extremely smart, I never take the spotlight."

In response, Tsunade and Kakashi rolled their eyes, unimpressed with his display of so-called 'humility'. Ino, however, giggled at Koushin's words, a soft sound that was quickly whisked away by the wind. She pinched his palm, the one she was holding, causing Koushin to chuckle.

In a move as swift as lightning, Koushin scooped Ino up and threw her over his shoulder, a playful glint in his eyes. "Koushin, no!" Ino yelped, her laughter echoing into the rapidly darkening skies.

Without another word, Koushin wrapped himself in lightning and vanished into the horizon. His speed was so fast that the others could hardly follow his trajectory, a testament to his impressive abilities.

"Well, that is something," Kakashi commented, his voice laced with an underlying note of admiration.

Tsunade, who had been watching Koushin and Ino's playful interaction with a fond smile, turned to face Kakashi. "You think?" she responded, her words laced with equal parts amusement and exasperation.

With a light chuckle, Kakashi nodded. "Still though, being Supreme Commander is a good thing. We will have control over the armies." His eyes were on the horizon, where Koushin had disappeared.

Tsunade let out a sigh. "I know, but it also means I have the lives of all those people on my shoulder." Her gaze softened as she looked at the stars beginning to pepper the evening sky. It was a heavy responsibility, one she bore with the stoicism of a true leader.

Kakashi, understanding the gravity of her words, turned to face her. "We got this," he said, his voice firm and reassuring. "Not only do we have three sages…" he paused, pointing his thumb to himself. "But we also have me."

The gesture was a blatant imitation of Koushin's earlier act during the summit. When Tsunade had first told him about it, Kakashi couldn't help but laugh at Koushin's brazen audacity. Now, repeating the gesture, it felt more empowering than amusing.

Tsunade watched him, her lips curving into a bemused smile. "This is going to become a thing, right?"

Kakashi let out a chuckle, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Wait until Naruto hears it."

As they moved a little further, a sudden spike in Chakra caught their attention, pulsating like a heartbeat in the air around them. The raw power that permeated the atmosphere was startling, even for seasoned shinobi like Tsunade and Kakashi.

"Shit!" Tsunade muttered under her breath, a rare lapse in her usually poised demeanor. She shot forward, increasing her pace as she homed in on the chakra. Kakashi was right on her heels, a grim determination set on his face.

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