Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch170- Nakama POWER!!!!


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The duo arrived at the scene to find a sight that was as unexpected as it was unsettling. There was Ino, perched on a tree branch with a calm nonchalance that belied the dangerous situation unfolding before her eyes. Below her, Koushin stood with a playful smile on his face, looking as if he were having the time of his life.

His opponent was Kisame, the former member of the Akatsuki, and now a merged entity with his infamous weapon, Samehada. His shark-like features were even more prominent now, his skin a deep, sea-blue, his teeth gleaming like daggers in the dimming light. Yet, what was truly alarming was that Kisame was missing an arm, the raw edge of the wound indicating that it was a recent loss.

Tsunade and Kakashi joined Ino on the branch, their eyes trained on the spectacle below. "What happened here?" Tsunade asked, her voice taut with urgency.

Ino, however, merely shrugged in response. "Koushin told me he'd handle Kisame. He asked me to just watch and appreciate his awesomeness," she relayed, her words laced with an ironic lilt that was eerily similar to Koushin's usual tone.

Down below, Koushin was in full form. His eyes gleamed with a bright, enthusiastic energy that Kisame seemed to find both puzzling and annoying. "You've lost an arm, Kisame," Koushin observed, his voice cheerful despite the grave situation. "Are you sure you still want to do this?"

Kisame snarled, the edges of the wound where his arm used to be sparking with chakra as he prepared to retaliate. "You talk too much," he growled, his voice a low, threatening rumble.

Koushin simply shrugged, a wry smile on his face. "Just trying to help. If you don't want my assistance, that's fine. It's your arm after all." The words were a blunt jab, yet they were spoken with such breezy nonchalance that it felt like a casual conversation rather than a battle.

From her perch, Tsunade watched, her eyes narrow. She had to admit, Koushin had a flair for irritating his opponents. His knack for pushing their buttons while maintaining an air of joviality was almost uncanny.

The battle that ensued was both predictable and unremarkable, with Koushin deftly sidestepping Kisame's attacks and countering with his own. It was a dance as old as time, the rhythm of combat that all shinobi knew by heart. And in this dance, Koushin was the master. He moved with an effortless grace that belied the lethal strikes he was delivering. Within a few minutes, Kisame's head was separated from his body.

As the last of Kisame's life force seeped out, his form returned to its normal state, and the sentient weapon Samehada became a separate entity. Koushin studied the sword for a moment before turning his attention to Tsunade, Kakashi, and Ino, who were watching from their perch high up in the tree.

"Do you see this sword?" he began, a note of seriousness entering his otherwise jovial tone. "It's special. Not only is it sentient, but it also has special abilities, like absorbing Chakra and sharing it with its user."

He paused, glancing down at the lifeless body of Kisame. "But its most significant ability is that it can hide its master within itself." As if on cue, Samehada twitched, as though attempting to move. Koushin calmly placed a foot on the sword. "Stay still, Kisame," he said, grinning up at his astounded companions.

The shock was evident on their faces as they glanced between the dead body and Koushin. "What do you mean by Kisame?" Tsunade asked, her voice echoing the confusion they all felt.

"That," Koushin gestured to the corpse, "is just a clone. A special one created by White Zetsu that looks exactly like the person they're copying. They'll be using such tactics in the war."

He looked up at his friends again, his eyes serious. "They'll take the form of our allies to attack us. Look closely. You won't see any difference between that dead body and the real Kisame. That's how perfect they are."

Kakashi's face hardened, the playful glint in his eyes replaced by a somber darkness. "What can we do then?" he asked, the gravity of the situation weighing heavy on his words.

In response, Koushin rolled up his sleeve, revealing an X mark. The mark they'd all been given during their mission to confront Orochimaru on Tenchi Bridge. Koushin's lips curved into a smug smirk, a hint of his usual irreverent self resurfacing as he declared, "Nakama Power!"

"What are you suggesting, Koushin?" Tsunade asked, her brows furrowing as she tried to make sense of his words.

"I've developed a special seal," Koushin began, his voice steady and focused. His usually playful demeanor was replaced with the intensity of a seasoned ninja. "It's based on the concept of sensory abilities that certain shinobi possess."

His eyes flicked to each of their faces, ensuring that they were following his explanation. The air was still, the eerie silence only punctuated by the faint rustle of leaves in the wind. Koushin continued, his voice gaining a hint of excitement.

"The seal creates a unique sensory link between those who bear it. Much like how sensors can perceive chakra, you'll be able to feel the presence of the others who carry this mark. It's a constant, almost subconscious awareness, as if part of your senses always knows where they are."

"So," Koushin continued, drawing their attention back to his raised arm and the X mark etched on it. "If you encounter a comrade, but don't feel the presence of this seal on them, you'll know they're an imposter."

A murmur of understanding swept across the group. The enormity of Koushin's creation and its potential implications for the upcoming war was not lost on them.

Koushin wasn't finished though. "Furthermore," he added, "this seal also allows communication among its bearers. It's like having a built-in radio, except without the need for actual speech. Think of it as telepathy. I got this ability from my Pumpkin's clan technique," Koushin said, his tone filled with pride. His eyes drifted to Ino, who smiled back at him, her gaze sparkling with affection.

He allowed a smirk to grace his features as he concluded, "There are other functionalities as well, but I'll save those for another time."

His revelation was met with a moment of stunned silence. Tsunade was the first to react, her stern visage melting into a smile. "Koushin," she said, her tone filled with appreciation. "That's... That's amazing."

Kakashi cast a wary glance around their surroundings. "Is it safe to discuss all this out in the open? Kisame is here too, after all," he pointed out, his eyebrows furrowing in concern.

In response, Koushin chuckled, a light, amused sound that seemed strangely out of place given their circumstances. "I isolated the area with Raijin's Calligraphy long before you arrived," he informed them. A confident smile stretched across his face as he added, "As for Kisame, let's just say he's not going anywhere."

Kakashi glanced down at the eerily still Samehada beneath Koushin's foot. He couldn't help but marvel at Koushin's foresight. The man had truly thought of everything.

A brief silence ensued, only to be broken by Tsunade. "That's a smart move, Koushin," she praised, a hint of admiration sneaking into her voice. She knew well the immense pressure that came with coordinating such a complex operation, yet Koushin made it look so effortless.

Kakashi nodded in agreement. "I have to admit, your strategies are something else, Koushin," he said, a begrudging smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Koushin beamed at their praise, a cheeky glint flashing in his eyes. "Well, I try my best," he said, his voice a gentle tease.

Turning his attention to Ino, Koushin gave her a wink. "Aren't you proud of your hubby, Pumpkin?" he asked, his tone playful yet filled with genuine curiosity.

Ino couldn't help but roll her eyes at Koushin's antics. Nevertheless, a soft smile spread across her face. "Always," she responded, her voice brimming with warmth and affection. She knew Koushin's worth more than anyone else, and she couldn't be prouder.

With a light-hearted chuckle, Koushin shifted his gaze to the stars overhead. "Well then," he began, his voice filled with a strange mix of excitement and calm. "We have a long road ahead of us. Let's make sure we're ready."

"But before that," Koushin began, his tone teasingly suspenseful, "Kuchiyose."

With a deft hand-slap onto the ground, a swell of dust clouded the area momentarily, giving way to the intimidating figure of a Daedra. The entity towered over them, its formidable presence radiating a formidable, raw power that left the entire group in silent awe. Even Ino was taken aback; she'd been accustomed to Koushin's usual summons, but this... this was even weirder.

"Ogrim," Koushin addressed the colossal figure, his voice casual as if he were speaking to an old friend. "Take this unlovely blade and go back. When a sharky emerges from it, don't kill it. You can, however, have a bit of fun with him."

Under his feet, Samehada quivered in apparent trepidation; the sword knew its fate. The hulking Daedra, Ogrim, responded with a satisfied, guttural groan, reaching out to take the weapon. The air shimmered around them for a brief moment, and then, like a ripple in a pond, Ogrim was gone, vanished along with Samehada.

Koushin turned back to the group, his eyes sparkling with a warm mischief that lightened the tension in the air. His playful demeanor, juxtaposed against the backdrop of their impending trials, had a calming effect, instilling a sense of confidence and reassurance amongst his friends.

"Well," Koushin started, stretching his arms behind his head and shooting his comrades a charming grin, "Let's get a move on, shall we? We have a war on the horizon."

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