Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch190- Diabolical Genius


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In response, Koushin gently bit her shoulder, the playful nip sending her into a fit of giggles. "My wife is a genius," he murmured into her skin, his words vibrating against her. The phrase, 'my wife', wasn't new but filled with so much affection it made Ino's heart sing.

She swatted his arm playfully, unable to control her laughter, "Your scheming is rubbing off on me, that's all. My husband is a diabolical genius."

Koushin's laughter rang out, a deep, beautiful sound that danced with the night's breeze. He held Ino tighter, his love for her flowing through their shared warmth.

"That I am," Koushin admitted, the mirth in his voice barely concealed. He buried his face into her hair, inhaling the scent of her shampoo mixed with a hint of smoke and sweat from the battlefield. It was strangely comforting, a blend that spoke of Ino's strength and tenacity.

"So, what's next?" Ino asked, her voice reverberating gently in the calm night, the soft echo reminding Koushin of the whispering wind through the autumn trees.

Koushin, immersed in the scent of Ino, his face nestled against her nape, allowed himself a moment to relish in her presence.  "Next is," he murmured against her skin, his voice tinged with a playful determination, "I'll tackle the enemy that even the five Kage can't defeat. And then, we'll see."

Ino let out a soft snort at his audacious claim, the vibrations tickling Koushin's cheek. "You certainly don't lack confidence, do you?" she teased, a playful note coloring her tone.

"Confidence is the key to success," Koushin responded, his voice radiating a contagious mix of amusement and assurance, "Well, confidence and a really good lightning jutsu."

A soft chuckle escaped Ino, her laughter a sweet symphony to his ears. "I suppose you're right," she conceded, her hand reaching up to gently ruffle his hair, "but it's not all about the jutsu, is it?"

Koushin hummed in agreement, the sensation of her fingers in his hair eliciting a content sigh. "No, it's not just about the jutsu. It's about the man behind the jutsu, the incredibly charming, dashingly handsome, exceptionally clever man."

Ino let out a light laugh, her body shaking against his with mirth. "Oh really? And where might we find such a man?" she quipped, her tone drenched in playful sarcasm.

Koushin allowed a cheeky grin to grace his lips, his voice dripping with feigned shock as he replied, "Why, right here, of course! I must say, I'm deeply hurt that you failed to recognize me, love."

Laughter rang out between them again, their shared humor dissipating the tension of the looming battle, if only for a little while. Their banter was a balm to the chaos, a fleeting solace they both sought amidst the turmoil.

Ino leaned back into him, a soft sigh escaping her lips. "You're a ridiculous man, Koushin."

"And you're madly in love with this ridiculous man," he responded promptly, a self-satisfied smirk tugging at his lips.

A pause stretched between them, filled with nothing but the gentle rustling of the wind and the faint echo of their shared heartbeats. Then, Ino's voice broke through, soft and sincere. "I am," she admitted, a wealth of emotion woven into those two simple words. It was an admission, a confession, and a promise rolled into one.

Koushin held Ino closer, his arms tightening around her. A sigh, almost imperceptible, escaped him. His voice, when it came, was barely a whisper, a raw confession cloaked in the darkness. "I am too, Ino."

"You are too what?" Ino asked playfully, her eyebrow arched as she turned to face Koushin. Her cerulean eyes glinted with mischief under the silvery moonlight. "In love with this ridiculous man?" she teased, her voice an enchanting melody in the otherwise silent night. "Who doesn't know that by now, Prince Muffin. You adore yourself."

Koushin's laughter rang out against the stillness of the night, a deep, heartwarming sound that echoed into the silent sky. His chest vibrated against her back, the pleasant sensation spreading warmth throughout Ino's body. "I turned you into a meanie, haven't I?" Koushin said, his words punctuated by intermittent chuckles. "You used to be such a sweet girl, now you jab me with such a perfect joke. Well, it's undoubtedly due to my awesome teaching skills, but still good job, Pumpkin."

Ino swatted his arm lightly, a grin spreading across her face at his ridiculous banter. "Your awesome teaching skills, huh?" she retorted, the playful challenge in her voice mirrored in her eyes. "I could argue that I've been a bad influence on you too, Thunderfire. Look at you, acting all mushy and romantic. Who would've thought?"

He nudged her gently, his eyes glinting with mirth under the moonlit sky. "Oh, I've always been a hopeless romantic, Ino. You just didn't notice it because you were too busy admiring my ruggedly handsome face," Koushin teased, the smirk on his face showcasing his unmasked delight at their playful banter.

Ino let out a laugh, the sound a harmony to Koushin's ears. "Ruggedly handsome face? That's a new one. I thought it was your 'incredibly charming, dashingly handsome, exceptionally clever' self that had me smitten," she mocked, her voice filled with faux reverence.

Koushin’s laughter echoed once more through the night, his chest shaking with amusement. "That too, but I thought it's important to mention my face. It's a significant part of the package," he returned cheekily, a wink accompanying his words.

Ino snorted, her head shaking in disbelief. "Only you could say something like that and not sound completely conceited," she said, a trace of fondness seeping into her tone.

"Well, that's because I'm merely stating facts," Koushin retorted, a note of mock seriousness tingeing his voice. "I mean, how could you resist this handsome face of mine?"

"I do wonder about that sometimes," Ino replied, rolling her eyes at his words but unable to suppress the smile that tugged at the corners of her lips. "But then I remember you're also the man who once tripped on a flat surface. That humbles you quite a bit."

"Hush, Pumpkin," Koushin's words were a mock whisper, his tone feigning hurt, but the gleam in his eyes was unmistakably playful. "We agreed not to talk about that incident."

Ino laughed outright at his affronted tone, her body shaking with mirth. "Oh, did we? I must've forgotten," she teased, her voice resonating with unadulterated amusement.

"So, are we done comparing our teaching skills, or is there more I should be prepared for?" Ino asked, her eyes sparkling with mirth and anticipation.

Koushin hummed thoughtfully, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I don't know, Pumpkin," he mused aloud, his voice tinged with a playful note then he leaned into her ear and whispered, "I definitely teach you a few more things..."

At Koushin's audacious whisper, a fiery blush bloomed on Ino's cheeks, her cerulean eyes widening in surprise. The audacity of this man! She whirled around, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. Without a second thought, she bit down on his shoulder, her teeth pressing into his skin through the fabric of his shirt.

"Ow! Ow!" Koushin yelped, his laughter breaking off abruptly. He pulled back slightly, cradling his shoulder with a pained expression, though the twinkle in his eyes betrayed his amusement. "I was joking, wifey. No need to resort to cannibalism!"

Ino giggled at his exaggerated theatrics, her hand coming up to cover her mouth as her body shook with mirth. "That's what you get for teasing me, Thunderfire," she said, poking her tongue out at him.

Koushin sighed dramatically, rubbing his shoulder as though nursing a grave injury. "How cruel, my dear Pumpkin. One would think I've fallen for a wild cat, not a delicate flower."

"Well, maybe you should've thought of that before you fell," Ino retorted with a smirk, her eyes glinting with mischief. "You should know by now, Prince Muffin, that I have a bite to match my bark."

"And what a bite it is," Koushin said, shaking his head with a chuckle. "Such a vicious little thing, aren't you? Maybe I should start wearing armor around you."

"Oh, stop being such a baby," Ino said, rolling her eyes but unable to hide her smile. "I barely bit you."

"But it was a surprise attack, Pumpkin," Koushin said, his eyes wide in exaggerated shock. "How could I possibly prepare for such an assault?"

"Maybe next time you'll think twice before teasing me," Ino said, her arms crossing over her chest in a mock show of defiance.

"I'll remember that, my love," Koushin replied, raising his hands in surrender. "From now on, I shall tread carefully."

"I doubt that," Ino said, shaking her head in amusement. "You can't resist a good joke."

"True," Koushin admitted with a smirk. "But I promise, no more surprise lessons."

"Good," Ino said, grinning at him. "Now, are we done with this ridiculous banter, or do I need to bite you again?"

Leaning into her ear, Koushin whispered once again, a playful note in his voice, "How about..."

His words trailed off, his breath tickling her ear, causing a shiver to cascade down her spine. He hadn't even finished his sentence, but the meaning was clear in his eyes – a teasing challenge, an impish smile playing at the corners of his lips.

Ino whipped around, her face reddening considerably. She could practically see the amusement dancing in his eyes, the unspoken taunt that lingered in the air between them. "KOUSHIN!" She yelled, her voice a mixture of incredulity and mild indignation.

Before he could react, Ino bit his cheek lightly, her teeth scraping against his skin. The sudden move took Koushin by surprise, and he lost his balance on the dragon's back, his laughter cut short by a startled yelp.

With a swift motion, he fell backward onto the dragon's scaly hide. Ino went tumbling with him, landing on top of him in a heap, her hands braced on his chest.

"Ow!" Koushin exclaimed, his eyes wide with surprise as he cradled his cheek in his hand. "Welp, I deserved this one," he admitted, a touch of chagrin coloring his words. His free hand came up to stroke the dragon's scales in a silent apology.

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