Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch191- Scary


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Ino leaned down, her cerulean eyes gleaming with mischief under the moonlit sky. She didn't say a word, her actions speaking louder than any words could. She began to playfully bite him, her teeth grazing his jawline, neck, and shoulder. It was gentle, the pressure of her teeth barely breaking his skin, more ticklish than painful. Each nibble was followed by a soft peal of her laughter, the sound of it musical in the silence of the night.

Koushin couldn't help the laughter that bubbled up within him. His body shook with amusement, his hands coming up to cradle her head, fingers tangling in her hair. "You're quite the savage, aren't you?" he teased, his voice a low rumble that vibrated under her.

"I told you I have a bite to match my bark," she retorted, a smirk pulling at her lips. There was no malice in her actions, just the innocent playfulness of two beings who knew each other too well.

"You definitely do, my dear Pumpkin," he chuckled, his eyes twinkling under the moonlit sky. He captured her lips with his own, their playful tussle morphing into a sweet and gentle kiss. His fingers continued to weave through her hair, pulling her closer.

When they broke apart, Ino looked down at him, her cerulean eyes glinting with delight. "I hope you learned your lesson, Prince Muffin."

"I did, indeed," Koushin replied, his eyes still soft with residual amusement. "No more surprise lessons."

Ino raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "I'll believe it when I see it," she said, rolling her eyes in mock exasperation.

Koushin grinned, his hands coming up to trace the contour of her face. "You have my word, wifey. No more surprise lessons... at least for tonight."

Ino let out a laugh, shaking her head at his incorrigibility. But her gaze softened as she looked at him, her eyes full of fondness. "You're impossible," she murmured, but the smile on her face told a different story.

"And yet, you wouldn't have me any other way," Koushin replied, a note of certainty in his voice. His hands continued to play with her hair, his fingers gently teasing out the tangles.

"No, I wouldn't," Ino agreed, her voice soft as she leaned in to give him another kiss, their playful banter fading into the quiet serenity of the night.

Beneath the lustrous glow of the night sky, the Alliance camp stood firm and steadfast against the imminent threat of war. Fires flickered in the distance, their warm glows casting long shadows over the encampment. As Koushin and Ino playfully tussled atop their airborne dragon companion, a more sinister play was in motion at ground level.

The White Zetsus, their forms seamlessly transformed into those of Alliance Shinobis, quietly infiltrated their ranks. They moved with an uncanny stealth, blending in perfectly amongst the throng of unsuspecting warriors. Their objective was straightforward - to lay low and wait for the Shinobi's alertness to drop before springing their trap.

However, Yuyu, a woman of considerable talent and intuition, noticed something amiss. Standing next to Sai, her eyes flitted towards the gates, her gaze honing onto one particular 'Shinobi' entering the camp. As a sense of dread washed over her, she wasted no time second-guessing her instincts.

With an almost ethereal grace, her hand vibrated, shifting at a frequency barely discernible to the naked eye. As if guided by an unseen force, she struck with lethal precision, her hand phasing through the body of the man she aimed at. It emerged clutching a grotesque white heart, the pulsating organ shrinking away in her grip.

From the warm, congenial woman, she had been a moment ago, her demeanor changed dramatically. Her features hardened, her eyes, usually serene, now mirrored an unsettling coldness. Her smile faded, replaced by a sadistic grin. "A wolf in sheep's clothing," she murmured, casting a dispassionate glance at the man whose life she'd just taken.

A cry ripped through the silence, shattering the previously tranquil atmosphere. "What are you doing? That man was my husband!" A woman from Suna shouted, her face twisted with grief and rage. Her teary-eyed gaze darted between the lifeless body of her husband and the woman who had claimed his life.

Yuyu turned towards the woman, her expression as cold as ice. "Was your husband fucking your brains out during the briefing that you failed to comprehend a simple instruction?" She tossed the white heart aside, letting it roll to a stop near the grieving widow's feet. "We were all marked by Koushin's Nakama Seal on our left arms. If you can't sense the seal on the person, it means they are impostors."

As the words left Yuyu's lips, the man's body began to morph and twist grotesquely. Flesh dissolved into a pale white mass, revealing the true form of the White Zetsu. Gasps echoed throughout the crowd, the sheer horror of the scene silencing any remaining doubt.

"You... you killed him," The Suna woman whispered, her voice choked with sorrow. The realization of her husband's true identity struck her with an overwhelming force, her body sagging under the weight of her grief.

"Yes, and I'd do it again," Yuyu retorted coolly, wiping her hand on her cloak. "He wasn't your husband. He was an enemy spy, plotting our demise. This is war, and survival is a privilege, not a right."

Soon everyone turned to look at each other, a fear gripped their hearts. Were their friends, spouses, children, seniors impostors? Were they to kill them? Seeing that it was about to get out of hand, Sai waved his hand and ink tendrils left his hand, covering the area, stopping everyone in their track. Not by choice, as they literally couldn't move a muscle.

"Calm down!" Sai said, his voice resonating through the panicking crowd. His cold, almost expressionless eyes surveyed the frozen shinobi.

Yuyu took a higher ground, her gaze as steady as ever despite the chaos around. Her hand still dripped with the remnants of the White Zetsu she had killed, a stark reminder of their impending doom.

"Just feel," she started, her voice surprisingly soothing amidst the pandemonium, "If you can feel the seal than the other person is real, if not, kill without hesitation. Got it?"

At her words, the frozen expressions on the faces of the Shinobis began to morph. First, there was confusion, then realization, and finally determination. It was a simple enough strategy; if they couldn't sense the Nakama Seal, then the person in question was a White Zetsu.

A series of screams echoed all around the Alliance camp. The shinobi sprung into action, their movements precise and coordinated. The instructions from Sai and Yuyu had crystallized their previously scattered thoughts. They moved as one, each trusting their own senses and those of their comrades.

In a whirlwind of blades, fire, water, and wind, hundreds of Zetsu, who were about to infiltrate their base, were effectively dispatched. Like ants under a magnifying glass, the enemy fell swiftly and brutally, their deceptive forms exposed and destroyed.

Soon, the camp was filled with the overwhelming stench of burnt flesh and spilled blood. The once bustling encampment had turned into a battlefield, a grim reminder of the war they were engaged in. But, amidst all the chaos and death, the shinobi stood tall, their morale unbroken.

After all, when you knew the enemy's plan, it was easy to counter it. They had been caught off guard, yes, but they had reacted swiftly and efficiently. The White Zetsus' plan to infiltrate and destroy from within had been thwarted, and the shinobi had emerged victorious.

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