Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch192- Don’t Disappoint Me, Old Corpse


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"Has Tobirama taken control of the Edo Tensei?" Madara questioned, his gaze scanning the battleground for any sign of the second Hokage. His voice cut through the cacophony of the battlefield, clear and authoritative.

Obito, standing a few steps away, responded, "Yes," his tone lacking its usual gusto. He turned his head to look at Itachi, the Sharingan in his eyes spinning in anticipation.

Madara chuckled, a dark and humorless sound. "How truly poetic," he mused, his lips curling into a sardonic grin. "The man who despised the Uchiha clan more than anyone in the world is now serving them."

Obito nodded in agreement, his gaze unwavering from Itachi. "Itachi-sama's control is absolute," he stated, his voice holding a note of admiration. "Except you, Madara-sama, no one was able to resist his Kotoamatsukami."

Upon hearing this, Itachi's stoic demeanor faltered, his eyes flickering with a hint of amusement. But as quickly as it appeared, it vanished, replaced by the unyielding mask of the Akatsuki leader.

"And Koushin," he added, his voice barely above a whisper. The simple addition of the name hung in the air, heavy with unsaid words and unresolved emotions. Koushin, the shinobi known to possess an exceptional level of resistance to genjutsu, was perhaps the only one besides Madara who could withstand the power of Kotoamatsukami.

Madara's eyes narrowed, the name unfamiliar. His dismissive arrogance remained unchallenged, confident in the notion that no one alive could resist him. But the hint of curiosity was undeniable, a silent promise to investigate this Koushin later. With the battlefield spread out before him, a wicked grin split his face, his eyes gleaming with a sadistic delight.

"I think I will challenge the 5 Kage," he said, his voice filled with a malevolent glee, "It is time to remind the world of the true terror."

A gust of wind swept past them, tousling his raven hair. Itachi remained silent, his eyes locked onto the vast expanse of the war-torn field. The grim expression on his face reflecting the somber reality of the situation - the world was once again on the brink of destruction, at the hands of one of its own.

As Madara reveled in the moment, a voice rang out from behind, breaking his sinister reverie. "Hmm, I need you to do that."

Madara's eyes widened in surprise, his grin faltering slightly. Until that moment, he hadn't even sensed the presence behind him. Swiftly, he turned, his Sharingan whirling to confront the intruder. His gaze fell on a blonde teen, not older than eighteen, sporting an annoyingly confident smirk.

The teen's violet eyes sparkled with a teasing mirth, his blonde hair messily framing his youthful face. The brightness of his gaze was in sharp contrast to the devastating scene that surrounded them, his light-hearted demeanor clashing with the grim ambiance. His eyes were locked onto Madara's, seemingly amused by the surprise in the elder Uchiha's face.

"Yo. Old Corpse," he greeted, a small, teasing grin playing on his lips.

"Koushin," Itachi muttered, his gaze falling on the newcomer. There was a hint of caution in his voice, a subtle acknowledgment of the challenge that the young shinobi posed.

Madara's gaze darted between the two, his initial shock swiftly replaced by a dark, cold glint. "Who are you?" he asked, his tone dripping with venom. The audacity of this youngster to address him in such a manner! His question echoed through the silence that had fallen over them, hanging heavily in the air.

The teen, Koushin, shrugged, his grin widening, "Just a friendly passerby, here to witness the show."

"Don't disappoint me, Old Corpse. Or I will be bored." With that, Koushin disappeared.

Madara looked at the space where he had been, his gaze unwavering. The audacity of the youngster was infuriating, yet there was an unsettling spark of intrigue that flickered in the back of his mind. Clenching his hand around his gunbai, he let out a low grunt. "Let's go."

The three Akatsuki members moved in sync, a spectral dance that melded seamlessly with the chaotic landscape around them. Within seconds, they appeared on a hill overlooking the battleground, the grandeur of their location only matched by the intensity of their presence.

Below, the Five Kage stood; Tsunade of Konoha, A of Kumogakure, Rasa - of Sunagakure, Mei Terumi of Kirigakure, and Oonoki of Iwagakure. Their eyes were all fixed on the imposing figures that had just materialized before them. Each Kage's face bore a distinct expression, reflecting their own understanding and fears of the situation.

Oonoki, the oldest and smallest among the Kage, took a sharp breath. His frail body seemed to shrink even further under the weight of his realization. "So it was true," he muttered, his voice barely a whisper against the howling wind, "You really came back to life."

A and Rasa stood shoulder to shoulder, their eyes hardened with determination, while Mei and Tsunade, standing a bit farther apart, wore expressions of grim anticipation.

Madara's gaze slid over the Kage, his lips curling into a cold, confident smirk. He reveled in the power dynamic, the fear in their eyes feeding his ego. He turned his gaze towards Itachi and Obito, a silent command hanging in the air between them.

Madara, energized by the prospect of battle, relished the opportunity to demonstrate his dominance over the five Kage and thousands of Shinobi assembled on the battlefield below. However, Itachi remained indifferent. His seated figure a stark contrast to Madara's stance, bristling with anticipation. He spoke, his tone even, "Do what you want."

Obito looked torn between wanting to urge Itachi into the fray as their leader and holding his tongue due to the older Uchiha's disinterest. His loyalties held him firmly at Itachi's side, taking up position behind him.

Madara took in the sight of the battlefield - five Kage and a sea of Shinobi waiting for his move. A cruel smirk painted his face as he uttered the words, "Let's Dance!" The Shinobi below echoed a unified shout, their voices filled with resolve, "Protect the Kage!"

Fear, bravado, apprehension, and determination danced across the faces of the Shinobi. Some held their weapons with white-knuckled grips, others had hands pressed against the earth, ready to use their jutsu at a moment's notice. All had their eyes on the impending threat, the revived legend of Madara Uchiha, whose every move could potentially bring about their demise.

Madara's smirk widened, his eyes alight with sadistic pleasure. His gaze swept over the Kage and the battlefield, feeding off their determination, their fear, their defiance. He reveled in it, absorbing the tension in the air, the anticipation for the battle to begin.

Itachi, despite his aloof stance, observed the scene with a keen eye. He remained silent, his unreadable onyx eyes watching the unfolding drama, a lone, calm figure amidst the storm.

Meanwhile, Obito's eyes darted between Itachi and the battlefield. His posture remained submissive, respectful. The urge to interject, to urge Itachi into the action, was evident on his face. However, he swallowed his words, respecting the older Uchiha's decision.

With a dramatic sweep of his arm, Madara ignited the battlefield into chaos. His voice resonated with a power that sent shivers down the spine of every shinobi present, "Let's see how long you last against the power of a god!"

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