Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch196- Sai & Yuyu vs Han


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The battlefield was a tapestry of chaos and power, clashes of jutsus echoing across the plane. A particular scene unfolded on the fringes, where Sai and Yuyu confronted Han, the Jinchuriki of the Five-Tails. The air was thick with tension, their gazes never wavering from their formidable adversary.

Yuyu stood tall, her eyes radiating a cold, sadistic delight. This was the Yuyu only revealed in battle, a contrast to her usually warm and kind nature. Sai, ever the silent artist, swirled his ink brush delicately, eyes narrowed with focused determination.

Han broke the tense silence, his voice ringing out, gruff and challenging. "You two...are not a threat."

Sai's answer was simple, his voice holding an unyielding conviction. "We shall see." Meanwhile, Yuyu's lips curled into a wicked smile, her demeanor playful yet menacing. "Threat or not, you won't be leaving this field."

Sai and Yuyu moved as one, launching themselves towards Han. Yuyu led the charge, her body shimmering as she activated her unique technique, Pulse Mastery: Vibrational Combat. The air around her vibrated with her movements, creating a kinetic force field. Her body felt lighter, stronger, her movements more fluid.

Han stood his ground, his calm demeanor betraying no fear. He watched as Yuyu and Sai closed in, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. As Yuyu neared, her fist raised for an assault, Han erupted into action.

His hands moved in a blur, unleashing a barrage of Taijutsu moves. However, Yuyu was quick to retaliate. Every punch Han threw, she parried with her own, the vibrations from her body forcing Han back with each successful strike. The ground beneath them trembled from the sheer force of their exchange, their movements creating ripples in the earth like a pebble dropped in a pond.

Meanwhile, Sai had circled around to Han's back, his brush at the ready. With swift, precise strokes, he created a series of ink birds that flew directly at Han, ready to explode upon contact. Han, occupied with Yuyu, had no time to react. The ink birds hit him squarely in the back, sending him sprawling onto the ground.

Unfazed by the setback, Han quickly bounced back, his body radiating with the chakra of the Five-Tails. He summoned the Steam Armour, a defensive mechanism unique to him, steam hissing violently from his body, creating a near impenetrable barrier. Yuyu's fists collided with the Steam Armour, the intense heat causing her to withdraw, momentarily stunned.

Capitalizing on this brief lapse, Han spun around and released a massive wave of scorching steam. Sai, quick on his feet, summoned a giant ink bird and hopped on, pulling Yuyu along with him. They barely escaped the wave, the searing heat singeing the ends of Yuyu's hair.

With a smirk, Yuyu spoke, her voice brimming with anticipation. "Seems like we need to use those."

Sai nodded, a gleam in his eye as he surveyed Han, who was readying himself for another assault. "Well, we will owe Koushin-san once again."

Together, they activated their advanced techniques. Yuyu's body shimmered as she channeled her Pulse Mastery: Harmonic Resonance, her chakra synchronizing with her internal vibrations. The resonating energy flowed through her, creating a beautiful, deadly symphony of power.

Meanwhile, Sai's brush swished through the air, intricate seals and symbols materializing before him. With a final stroke, he unleashed his Artistic Realm: Reality Canvas. A ripple in the air, like a tear in reality, signaled the creation of his pocket dimension.

Back in the real world, Han rushed forward, attempting to capitalize on what he presumed was a momentary lapse in their defense. But the moment his fist made contact with Yuyu, her Harmonic Resonance flared to life. The collision sent waves of disruptive vibrations into Han, disrupting his chakra flow and pushing him backward.

Yuyu pressed her advantage, her fists flying in a barrage of attacks, each one punctuated by a resonant shockwave. Han tried to counter, but the disrupted chakra made it difficult for him to anticipate her movements or accurately land a hit.

Simultaneously, Sai started manipulating his pocket dimension. With a swift wave of his brush, he created a facsimile of Han inside the realm. The ink clone moved unpredictably, mirroring the real Han's actions while remaining a step ahead, adding to Han's difficulty in dealing with Yuyu.

Seeing Han's struggle, Sai smirked, "You're stuck between reality and art."

Han gritted his teeth, trying to regain his footing amidst Yuyu's relentless assault and the deceptive ink clone. But Yuyu didn't let up. As she attacked, she began to channel her vibrational energy into the ground, creating localized seismic shocks that further disoriented Han.

Just as Han attempted to activate his Steam Armour once again, Sai's brush danced in the air, and an ink serpent manifested in the pocket dimension, slithering swiftly toward the ink-Han. The moment it bit the clone, Han felt a sudden, intense pressure around his body in the real world, as if an invisible force was restricting his movement.

Struggling against the unseen bonds, Han managed to growl, "What... is this?"

Sai, observing the scene, replied casually, "That's my world. Where art becomes reality."

Unable to move, Han could do nothing as Yuyu advanced on him, her Harmonic Resonance vibrating with pent-up energy. "This is the end, Han."

The battlefield trembled as Han, the Jinchuriki of the Five-Tails, unleashed his perfect Tailed Beast Mode. His body grew in size and became enveloped in a fiery, blue chakra. His transformation was a sight of sheer terror and awe; a testimony of raw power.

Han's bellow echoed through the battlefield, creating an eerie silence as all attention turned towards the epicenter of the imminent clash. Yuyu, her Pulse Mastery: Harmonic Resonance in full effect, faced the intimidating sight with a sinister smile. Sai, however, was quiet as ever, his brush gliding with focused precision in the air.

Han lunged forward, his chakra-infused claws tearing through the earth towards Yuyu and Sai. Yuyu nimbly jumped, her body radiating a harmonious resonance as she deflected the claw with a powerful punch, the vibrations from her strike forcing Han's arm to recoil.

"Time for a change in tactics, Sai," Yuyu shouted, the thrill of battle evident in her voice.

Sai nodded in agreement, his brush already moving. "Reality Canvas," he murmured, as a ripple in space-time appeared before him. He entered his pocket dimension, momentarily disappearing from the battlefield.

In the real world, Yuyu was alone against the colossal beast. She danced around Han, her movements a blur, her attacks resonating with power. Each time Han retaliated, she deflected his strikes, her Harmonic Resonance sending waves of disruptive vibrations into him.

Suddenly, Han roared, his chakra spiking as he used Tailed Beast Bomb, a massive sphere of destructive energy forming in his mouth. Yuyu’s eyes widened as she braced herself.

Just as Han was about to unleash his Tailed Beast Bomb, Sai appeared out of his pocket dimension, now in his Senjutsu form, standing firm with an air of calm serenity. The characteristic toad-like features accentuated his stern expression. His entire being was radiating with natural energy, eyes mirroring the wisdom and strength of a Toad Sage.

"We're not done yet, Han!" Sai shouted. His voice reverberated with resolve as his brushwork materialized into a massive ink dragon. It lunged forward, its jaws snapping shut around the Tailed Beast Bomb. In a moment of brilliant spectacle, the ink dragon and the destructive sphere exploded in a shower of chakra and ink, neutralizing each other.

"Took you long enough," Yuyu said, her lips curving into a wide grin as she glanced at the transformed Sai. "Show him the Toad Sage's power."

"Let's use V2." Yuyu's grin widened, deciding to use the enhanced versions of their techniques Koushin created for them.

Sai nodded in agreement, his artistic gaze never leaving the five-tails Jinchuriki. "I'm ready, Yuyu."

With that, they simultaneously activated their upgraded techniques. Yuyu's body pulsated, her chakra sizzling as she launched her Pulse Mastery: Quantum Vibration. Her aura vibrated with such intensity that it distorted the air around her. It was a sight of unrivaled power, and Han couldn't help but feel a shiver of apprehension.

Simultaneously, Sai's eyes glowed with a mystical intensity, his form shifting subtly as he activated Artistic Realm: Reality Canvas - Masterstroke. His brush began to dance in the air, intricate seals and symbols appearing before him as the reality around him started to ripple and distort.

With a low growl, Han lunged at Yuyu, but she was already a step ahead. Using Quantum Speed, she appeared behind Han in an instant. The surprise on Han's face was palpable, but before he could react, Yuyu's fist slammed into his back, a Quantum Shockwave propelling him forward.

Han tried to regain his balance, but Sai was already making his move. His brush moved with mesmerizing fluidity, summoning a monstrous ink serpent that slithered toward Han with uncanny speed. In a heartbeat, the serpent had ensnared Han, the ink transforming into a potent seal that glowed with energy. Han roared, struggling against the binding force but to no avail.

"Your strength is admirable," Yuyu mocked, her eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. "But in our world, you're just a trapped beast."

Taking advantage of Han's immobilization, Sai unleashed the full potential of his Reality Canvas - Masterstroke. The battlefield around them shifted and twisted, the fabric of reality folding upon itself. Buildings rose and fell, the terrain morphed, all under Sai's command.

Han's gaze darted around, his heart hammering in his chest as he tried to comprehend the rapidly changing reality around him. "What is this sorcery?!" He demanded, his voice echoing with disbelief and fury.

Sai merely smirked, his brush twirling in his fingers. "Welcome to my masterpiece, Han."

The battlefield continued to morph, Sai's artistic mind shaping it into an elaborate labyrinth. Han was now not only battling against Sai and Yuyu but also against the reality itself, the constantly shifting environment disorienting him.

Just as Han attempted to regain control, Yuyu unleashed another wave of Quantum Shockwaves. The impact rattled Han, his chakra flow disrupted, making it increasingly difficult for him to maintain his Tailed Beast Mode.

Sai, sensing an opportunity, quickly drew a series of explosive seals. With a swift motion of his brush, he sent them flying toward Han. They hit him, causing a massive explosion that sent Han sprawling back.

Han tried to get up, his form wavering as his chakra flickered. He was barely holding onto his Tailed Beast Mode, his energy rapidly depleting. But he was far from giving up. He roared defiantly, gathering his remaining chakra for one final attack.

But Yuyu was already there, using her Vibrational Phasing to bypass Han's last-ditch defense. Her fist slammed into Han's chest, the Quantum Shockwave tearing through him. Han gasped, his chakra shield shattering as he collapsed, his form reverting back to normal.

With Han finally weakened, Sai made his move. His brush danced in the air, summoning an intricate sealing array. He gestured sharply, the array moving to engulf Han, his form slowly disappearing within it.

"No!" Han protested, but his voice was feeble, his struggle futile against the reality created by Sai.

Yuyu watched with cold satisfaction, her sadistic pleasure evident on her face. "Any last words, Han?"

But before Han could utter a word, he was completely swallowed by Sai's sealing array, disappearing within the twisted reality of Sai's masterpiece. The battlefield was finally quiet, the once raging storm now silent.

Yuyu turned to Sai, her sinister smile fading into a warm one. "Impressive work, Sai."

Sai returned the smile, his brush finally still in his hand. "We make a good team."

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