Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch197- Shikamaru & Temari vs Gaara


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The harsh sandstorm whipped around them, a terrifying testament to Gaara's power. Temari's fan held firm against the onslaught, her green eyes focused on her younger brother standing across from her. Shikamaru stood by her side, the shadows around him dancing and twisting, a reflection of his readiness.

"Gaara," Temari called out, her voice barely audible over the howling wind, "You're stronger than this."

Gaara's response was a chilling laugh, his eyes glowing an unnatural green. "You have no idea how strong I am."

Aiming her fan, Temari unleashed a gust of wind, hoping to dispel the sandstorm, but Gaara merely smirked, his sand absorbing the impact. "It's futile, sister," he taunted.

Shikamaru remained silent, his fingers carefully unsealing the scroll in his possession. A cloud of smoke erupted, revealing the silhouette of a giant tiger, its eyes void of life. "Shadow Control: Necro Manipulation," he murmured, his voice a quiet but firm command.

The tiger's shadow stretched towards him, intertwining with his own. Gaara's smirk faltered as he watched the lifeless creature move with a deadly grace. Shikamaru's tactical brilliance was now armed with raw power.

"Temari, disengage," Shikamaru commanded, his eyes never leaving Gaara.

She nodded, stepping back, her fan at the ready. Shikamaru's shadow stretched forward, the tiger springing towards Gaara. The sand shield rose, attempting to intercept the tiger. A physical confrontation ensued, the tiger clawing through the sand, relentlessly pushing forward. Gaara, on the defensive, began to realize the sheer power his opponents held.

"Shadow Control: Necro Manipulation," Shikamaru repeated, the shadows of the surrounding dead trees now stretching to his command. They twisted around Gaara, shadows against sand, the battlefield a swirling vortex of their clash.

Gaara retaliated with a wave of sand, attempting to engulf the tiger and trees, but Shikamaru was faster. His shadows retreated, pulling the tiger back and effectively dodging Gaara's attack.

Shikamaru's tactical brilliance shone through his combat strategy. He wasn't directly attacking Gaara, but wearing him down, using his necro manipulations as distractions, pulling Gaara's attention and strength to different directions.

Gaara growled, his frustration evident. "Is this your strategy, Nara?" he spat, his sand morphing into the form of Shukaku, the One-Tail. "You cannot defeat me with shadows!"

"I'm not trying to defeat you with shadows," Shikamaru countered calmly, "I'm trying to save you from yourself."

With the Shukaku form, Gaara launched a powerful wind blast. Temari, her eyes hardening, countered it with her own wind attack. "Gaara, you're not alone in this," she shouted, her voice clear over the roaring winds, "Let us help you."

Her words didn't seem to reach Gaara, lost amidst the chaos of the battlefield. His next attack was a barrage of sand bullets, aimed at both Shikamaru and Temari.

Shikamaru reacted instantly, his shadows rising like a barrier, while the tiger lunged in front of him, taking the majority of the attack. Temari, using her fan, dispersed the remaining bullets. "We won't give up on you, Gaara," she declared, her determination unwavering.

A harsh laugh escaped Gaara, his sand swirling around him menacingly. "And who will save you?" he taunted.

Gaara's transformation into the perfect Tailed Beast Mode was akin to an earthquake. The ground shook beneath them, dust and debris swirling as Shukaku's massive form emerged. The One-Tail roared, its voice echoing ominously across the battlefield. Temari stumbled back, her heart clenching at the sight of her brother, fully consumed by the beast. His once green eyes were now a fiery yellow, a glaring reminder of his overwhelming power.

But even as the fear gripped her, Temari stood her ground, her fan firm in her grasp. "Gaara," she murmured, her voice barely audible over the roaring winds.

The transformed Gaara did not respond, his beastly form now surrounded by a magnetic field, the sand around him lifting and pulsating with raw power. Temari’s heart sank as she watched the sand particles morph into sharp shards, a testament to Gaara’s evolved Sand Release. The battlefield had turned into a minefield of Gaara’s making.

Shikamaru, standing beside her, steeled himself. “It’s time, Temari,” he said, his gaze locked on Gaara.

She looked at him, her anxiety replaced by determination. “What’s your plan?”

“Necro Mastermind,” Shikamaru stated, his voice unwavering.

At that moment, Shikamaru’s shadows stretched, a dark tide spreading across the battlefield, intertwining with the silhouettes of the fallen. He merged with them, his form dissipating, and became one with the shadows. His voice echoed from the darkness, a ghostly whisper amidst the chaos. “Stay back, Temari. I need to do this.”

Watching Shikamaru vanish into the shadows was eerie, but Temari knew she needed to trust him. With a nod, she took a defensive position, her fan at the ready.

From the shadows, Shikamaru emerged behind Gaara, a spear formed from solidified shadow in his hand. He lunged, the spear aiming for the Tailed Beast. The spear struck true, causing Gaara to reel back, a guttural roar escaping him.

But Shikamaru didn't relent. He moved swiftly, his form dissolving into shadows only to re-emerge elsewhere. He was everywhere and nowhere, his attacks coming from unexpected angles. Each hit was precise, aimed to throw Gaara off balance.

Despite this, Gaara fought back fiercely, his magnetized sand shards forming a formidable defense. Each shadow attack was met with a barrage of sand, the two forces clashing violently. The sand, now infused with Gaara's magnet release, latched onto Shikamaru's shadow constructs, effectively tearing them apart.

As Shikamaru and Gaara clashed, Temari watched, her heart pounding in her chest. In the heart of the shadows, Shikamaru was no longer just a shadow manipulator - he had become the mastermind, controlling the deceased shinobi who lay around the battlefield.

Ninety-eight, Ninety-nine… One hundred. Shikamaru had amassed a small army, each fallen shinobi under his control, their once lifeless bodies stirring, a testament to his impressive power.

"Let's do this," Shikamaru murmured, his voice echoing eerily from the shadows. One by one, the shinobi rose, their movements coordinated by his shadow control. Some drew weapons, others formed hand signs for jutsu. It was a chilling sight, the battlefield resurrected under his command.

With an army at his disposal, Shikamaru turned his attention to the one they were facing. Gaara, fully transformed, was no less formidable. The magnetic sand shield that surrounded him pulsed with raw power. Shikamaru knew he would have to be smart, strategic, and most importantly, quick.

“Shadow Echo: Tsunami Bombardment,” he commanded, gesturing to a group of water-natured shinobi among the deceased. A burst of chakra was followed by a series of massive water bombs, launched directly at Gaara. Gaara responded by morphing his sand into a towering shield, effectively blocking the water jutsu.

Simultaneously, Shikamaru used his shadow control to manipulate a group of Earth-natured shinobi. “Shadow Echo: Terra Assault,” he ordered. The ground beneath Gaara shook violently, splitting apart as massive stone pillars erupted, aiming to impale him from below. Caught off guard, Gaara was forced to divert his sand shield downwards to block the earthen attack.

Sensing an opening, Shikamaru commanded his Taijutsu specialists. “Go!” he barked, directing them towards Gaara. Like a well-oiled machine, the shinobi charged, their bodies moving with an unnatural speed and precision, their attacks relentless and coordinated.

Temari watched in awe as Shikamaru executed his strategy with surgical precision. However, her brother wasn’t going down without a fight. The sand around Gaara formed into giant hands, swiping and crushing the advancing Taijutsu specialists. His eyes, though wild, held a frightening focus.

"Gaara!" Temari called, her voice choked with fear and determination, "You can fight this! You don't have to be a monster!"

But Gaara didn't respond, his attention solely focused on the shadows and their puppet master. His frustration was palpable, his power volatile. "Nara, you will not break me," he roared, his voice filled with vehemence.

Temari's heart hammered in her chest as she watched the battlefield. The once tranquil forest now a ghostly graveyard, resurrected under Shikamaru's command. As each shinobi moved with deadly precision, her eyes couldn't help but return to Gaara.

His transformation into Shukaku was terrifying, yet she couldn't ignore the underlying sadness that pooled in her heart. They were supposed to be family, not foes. A lump formed in her throat, but she pushed it down. Now was not the time for sentimentality. Now was the time for action.

Shikamaru's voice echoed from the shadows, snapping her back to reality. "Temari, I need your wind." His command was firm, his tone serious.

Temari didn't hesitate. Raising her fan, she unleashed a powerful gust of wind, a swirl of leaves and dust enveloping the battlefield. She felt the familiar rush of adrenaline, her heart pounding in sync with the howling wind. This was what she was good at, what she was trained for.

Shikamaru's shadow stretched and twisted, the gust of wind assisting his control. "Shadow Echo: Elemental Blitz," he commanded, his voice a haunting whisper in the tempest.

From the shadows, the fire-natured shinobi moved first. Flames danced across their palms, the heat warping the air around them. They launched a barrage of fireballs, each one roaring towards Gaara. The sand shield rose to counter, the flames meeting sand in a heated clash. Yet, the onslaught didn't stop there.

Next, the earth-natured shinobi stepped forward, their hands slamming into the ground. The earth shook, stone pillars erupting towards Gaara. He maneuvered the sand to counter, but the relentless attacks kept coming.

The water-natured shinobi followed, sending a massive wave crashing towards Gaara. The sand shield was forced to split, countering multiple attacks simultaneously. Yet even as Gaara defended, Shikamaru was planning his next move.

The wind-natured shinobi, under Temari's command, amplified the gust of wind, transforming it into a devastating tornado. The lightning-natured shinobi were last, their hands sparking with electricity. With a swift movement, they launched a barrage of lightning bolts, which fused with the tornado, creating an electrified storm.

Gaara's sand shield faltered under the five-element onslaught. His transformation wavered, the overwhelming power forcing him to revert back to his human form. Yet, even as he stood amidst the chaos, his determination was unwavering.

"Shikamaru, it's time," Temari called out, her voice clear over the storm. She knew what needed to be done.

A shadow snaked towards Gaara, swift and silent. "Shadow Possession Jutsu," Shikamaru murmured, his control precise. Yet, Gaara was ready. His sand shot up, aiming to block the shadow, but Shikamaru was faster.

His shadow slithered, avoiding the sand, and latched onto Gaara. His body stiffened, his movements mirroring Shikamaru's. The Nara clan member stood firm, his control over Gaara evident. Yet, the battle was far from over.

"Temari, now!" Shikamaru shouted, his gaze locked onto Gaara.

Swallowing down her fear, Temari nodded. Raising her fan, she sent another gust of wind towards Gaara. This time, however, she mixed in a Genjutsu. A silent prayer slipped past her lips, hoping it would reach her brother.

"Wind Scythe: Phantom Lullaby," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the wind. As the gust of wind hit Gaara, his eyes widened. The battlefield around him blurred, replaced by a serene desert landscape. His home. His sanctuary.

As Gaara stood in the illusion, disoriented, Shikamaru moved. His shadow snaked forward, quickly wrapping around Gaara, holding him in place. But Gaara fought back, his sand rising to counter.

"No Gaara," Temari shouted, her voice filled with desperation, "This isn't you! You're not a monster!"

In the heart of the illusion, Gaara paused. His sand halted, his gaze finding Temari's. There was confusion in his eyes, but also recognition. A moment of clarity amidst the chaos.

Shikamaru seized the moment. "Shadow Strangle Jutsu," he commanded, his voice firm. His shadow constricted around Gaara, cutting off his chakra flow and forcing him to his knees.

A silence fell over the battlefield. Gaara, defeated, slumped forward, his body finally succumbing to exhaustion.

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