Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch198- Choji vs Utakata


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Utakata stood across from Choji, his hands holding the large bubble blower with an almost casual ease. His eyes were cold and distant, filled with a malicious mirth as they settled on Choji. The six-tailed slug within him pulsed, bolstering his power and feeding into the malevolent aura that surrounded him.

Facing him, Choji squared his shoulders, his large hands balling into fists. He bore a determined look on his face, his gaze unwavering as he met Utakata's icy stare. His heart was steadfast, his will ironclad. There was no room for failure, not now.

"Sweets won't help you here," Utakata taunted, a smirk playing on his lips. With a swift move, he blew into the bubble blower, sending an enormous bubble rushing towards Choji.

Choji sidestepped the oncoming bubble, his eyes never leaving Utakata. His voice echoed across the battlefield as the bubble exploded behind him. "I'm not here for sweets. You're just a chopstick."

Utakata's smirk faltered. In response, he launched himself at Choji, chakra coalescing into a violent whip that lashed out. The whip cut through the air, its intent lethal. But Choji was ready, his feet firmly planted and body radiating a powerful surge of Yang chakra.

"Yang Release: Muscle and Bone Enhancement," Choji intoned. His voice was barely a whisper, but the power behind it sent a chill down Utakata's spine. Choji's body glowed with a soft golden light, his muscles bulking, but without the drastic size increase Akimichi had been known for.

Utakata attacked with a flurry of bubbles, each one filled with explosive chakra. The bubbles sped towards Choji, bursting on impact and sending shockwaves that churned the earth beneath them. But Choji stood his ground, his enhanced physique absorbing the blows and dispersing the energy throughout his body.

His speed was now more than a match for Utakata's. He moved with an agility that belied his size, every motion precise and calculated. His fists slammed into Utakata, the impacts resonating through the latter's body and drawing forth grunts of pain.

Choji's eyes glowed with determination, his attacks a dance of power and control. He avoided Utakata's bubbles and struck with a force that shook the battlefield. His enhanced speed allowed him to weave around Utakata's attacks, his muscles contracting and expanding to deliver devastating blows.

Utakata tried to retreat, to put some distance between them, but Choji was relentless. The Yang chakra coursed through his veins, bolstering his strength, speed, and resilience. His form moved with an elegant brutality, each punch and kick carrying the weight of his resolve.

Feeling cornered, Utakata played his hand. "Water Release: Bubble Dome," he declared, a massive bubble enveloping him. The dome was a fortress, impervious to Choji's physical onslaught.

But Choji was not deterred. He focused, his mind a tranquil sea amidst the battlefield's storm. He concentrated his chakra, his fists radiating a golden light. "Yang Release: Calamity Punch," he roared, his voice shaking the battlefield.

Utakata’s defensive dome was on the verge of crumbling under Choji's relentless onslaught. Sensing the impending breach, Utakata made a swift decision, transforming into his tailed beast form. The ground rumbled beneath him as his body expanded, a thick steam swirling around him before revealing the monstrous six-tailed slug.

Choji watched as Utakata towered over him, the once-man now a beast of terrifying power. His eyes narrowed, his heartbeat thundering in his chest. He muttered under his breath, "Damned Koushin, forcing me to say such an embarrassing thing."

He steeled himself, focusing his chakra. The golden aura of his Yang Release intensified as he shouted out loud, "Gear Fourth!" A surge of energy coursed through him, his body growing larger but not distorted like his traditional expansion technique. Instead, he was now a titan, his form radiating with a golden light.

Utakata attacked, a flurry of chakra-infused bubbles aiming to detonate on impact. Choji leaped, evading the first few explosions and redirecting others with powerful, chakra-infused punches. His movements were swift, precise, his enlarged size not hindering his agility but enhancing it.

"Yang Release: Titan's Touch," he declared, his fists radiating with a brilliant glow. With the enhanced power, he punched towards Utakata, who retaliated by releasing a corrosive slime. Choji was momentarily halted, but his accelerated healing worked wonders, his skin regenerating even as it sizzled under the corrosive material.

Charging forward, Choji hit the beast's hide with a series of powerful punches. The shockwaves from his strikes rippled through Utakata's massive form, sending the beast skidding back. Choji was relentless, his attacks relentless, each strike a potent blend of speed and raw strength.

Utakata retaliated with a deafening roar, a wave of corrosive slime spewing from his mouth. Choji responded by solidifying his Yang chakra around his body, forming a shield of energy that protected him from the corrosive onslaught.

The golden aura of his Titan's Guard shimmered in the face of Utakata's attack, its glow pulsating in sync with Choji's heartbeat. As the slime receded, Choji launched himself at Utakata again, a vicious right hook aimed at the beast's face.

Utakata staggered back, the ground shuddering beneath him. Choji didn't let up, landing another blow that sent the beast crashing to the ground. But the victory was short-lived as Utakata rapidly transformed back into his human form, panting heavily but already preparing a counterattack.

"Water Release: Syrup Capture Field," Utakata summoned, an expansive pool of sticky syrup spread beneath Choji's feet, immobilizing him. Utakata then prepared a massive, chakra-infused bubble, intent on trapping Choji.

But Choji was ready. He channeled his Yang chakra into his feet, momentarily increasing their size and weight. Using the enhanced strength, he tore free from the sticky syrup, leaping high into the air. He focused his chakra into his fists, his voice a roar that echoed through the battlefield, "Titan's Fist!"

The punch descended like a comet, the impact sending a shockwave rippling through the field. The chakra-infused bubble exploded, the force of the blast propelling Utakata backwards. The six-tails host lay stunned, his form shifting back into his tailed beast state in a desperate attempt to withstand the onslaught.

On his feet once again, Utakata glared at Choji, his chest heaving. His malicious smirk had faded, replaced by a tight frown. "You're stronger than I thought," he admitted, grudgingly. His eyes narrowed, a cold fire burning within them. "But don't think that this will be enough."

"Your opinion of me doesn't matter," Choji replied, his voice filled with unwavering determination. "I won't let you harm anyone else."

Utakata's eyes flickered, a hint of amusement breaking through his stoic exterior. "You speak as if you've already won."

Without warning, he weaved several hand signs, his chakra pulsing. "Genjutsu: Illusionary Mist," he intoned. An ethereal fog instantly filled the battlefield, enveloping them both. His form became a hazy silhouette, an eerie echo in the mist.

Choji stilled, his senses alert. He knew he had to be careful; in a genjutsu, any mistake could be fatal. He closed his eyes, focusing on his own chakra, feeling its steady flow. He breathed in deeply, his voice barely a whisper. "Release," he murmured, a surge of chakra breaking the illusion.

When he opened his eyes, Utakata was charging towards him, the bubble blower ready in his hands. "Water Release: Bubble Stream," he shouted. A torrent of bubbles erupted from the blower, rushing towards Choji in a deadly wave.

But Choji was prepared. He swiftly formed the signs for the Earth Release: Earth Wall, a barrier of solid earth rose from the ground, shielding him from Utakata's attack. The bubbles hit the wall, their explosions shaking the ground beneath them but failing to penetrate the barrier.

As the smoke cleared, Choji didn't waste a moment. "Fire Release: Flaming Twin Balls!" he bellowed. He shot two giant balls of flame towards Utakata. But Utakata was faster; he easily dodged the balls, the flames illuminating his smirking face.

Utakata blew into his bubble blower again, producing several large bubbles. "Bubble Release: Sticky Bubble Trap," he called out. The bubbles sped towards Choji, quickly engulfing him. Choji could feel the chakra within the bubbles starting to solidify, making movement more difficult.

"I won't be trapped so easily!" Choji roared. He focused his Yang chakra into his hands, which began to glow with a golden light. With a loud grunt, he smashed his fists into the bubbles, his Yang Release: Titan's Touch causing them to explode.

Utakata staggered back, shocked by the unexpected counter. His eyes widened as he saw Choji standing in the midst of the bubble remnants, his form radiating with chakra.

Choji didn't give him a chance to recover. He rushed towards Utakata, his fists still glowing. "Yang Release: Titan's Fist!" he yelled. He landed a powerful punch on Utakata, sending him flying backwards.

Utakata crashed into the ground, his body skidding across the rough terrain. He groaned in pain, his body aching from the impact. But he forced himself to his feet, his determination not faltered.

Choji, on the other hand, was panting heavily, his chakra visibly fluctuating. He knew that he couldn't keep this up for much longer. He needed to end this, and quickly.

Utakata, sensing his opponent's fatigue, smirked. "Let's see how you handle this," he declared, forming hand signs once again. "Bubble Release: Bubble Clone Jutsu!"

Multiple clones of Utakata formed around Choji, each one as real and threatening as the original. Choji was momentarily taken aback, but he quickly regained his composure. He steeled his resolve, readying himself for the upcoming onslaught.

Utakata and his clones charged, each one sending a barrage of bubbles towards Choji. Choji countered, his Titan's Touch deflecting and bursting the bubbles, his movements precise and swift despite his fatigue.

He focused on the original Utakata amidst the chaos, his gaze unwavering. He channeled his remaining chakra into his fist, preparing for one final strike. "Yang Release: Final Titan's Touch!" he roared, his voice echoing throughout the battlefield.

Choji charged through the clones, his golden aura blazing. With a loud battle cry, he landed his punch on the real Utakata, the force of the blow sending him crashing into the ground.

The battlefield fell silent, the clones disappearing in a burst of bubbles. Choji stood alone, panting heavily, his form gradually shrinking back to normal. Across from him, Utakata lay unconscious, the battle finally over. Choji let out a sigh of relief, his body sagging with exhaustion.

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