Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch216- Itachi vs All


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Naruto didn't waste a moment. With Kurama's chakra intensifying every motion, the Golden Susanoo lunged. Sword clashed against sword—Golden Sword of Purity against Totsuka Blade. The world around them seemed to shake, a blinding burst of light emanating from the impact, as if two stars had collided.

Recoiling from the impact, Itachi acted quickly. His fingers weaved through signs, culminating in the dreaded Amaterasu. Black fire erupted toward Naruto, a blaze that would consume anything.

With a sweeping motion, Naruto summoned the Golden Wind from his Susanoo. The whirling, golden-tinged tornado met the dark flames. The sight was one of ethereal beauty—a dance between destruction and purification. The wind swallowed the black fire, leaving no remnants. Itachi's eyes widened, his disbelief a rare crack in his otherwise unflappable demeanor.

The fight wasn't over.

With Itachi momentarily off-balance, Naruto's Golden Susanoo swept its sword in a wide arc, sending out a devastating wave of chakra-infused energy. The air howled in agony as the energy blade zoomed toward Itachi. With deft skill, the Uchiha managed to divert it with his Totsuka Blade, but the force caused his Susanoo to skitter back, unsteady.

Naruto pressed the advantage. A second wave of Golden Wind spiraled from his Susanoo, this one aimed at Hashirama's wood constructs that threatened Tsunade and Mei. The wind cut through, disintegrating the wooden dragon into splinters and sawdust. With this one move, the battlefield had changed significantly. Hashirama frowned, the potency of Naruto's attack not lost on him.

Switching his focus back to Itachi, Naruto's Golden Susanoo lunged again. This time, the Golden Sword of Purity was aiming for nothing less than to disarm. It crashed against the Totsuka Blade, a violent ballet that set the night ablaze with streaks of gold and crimson energy. Itachi struggled to hold his ground, his Susanoo's arm visibly shaking from the colossal force.

This was the opening Naruto had been waiting for. Mustering every ounce of his chakra, he prepared to deal the decisive blow. His Golden Susanoo's Sword of Purity was already vibrating with ferocious energy, aimed straight for the heart of Itachi's Susanoo. Just as he was about to unleash his attack, a flicker of light disrupted the battlefield—Tobirama activated his Space-Time Jutsu. Itachi and Hashirama vanished, reappearing in a distant location, well out of Naruto's reach.

For a moment, the battlefield was shrouded in a silent awe. Hinata's eyes, tinted in icy hues from her Snow Fox Sage Mode, widened. "No way... even with Naruto's power..." she murmured, trailing off as six fox-like tails swayed behind her.

Charging onto the battlefield alongside Hinata came Shino, Sai, Yuyu, Kakashi, Shin, Choji, and Shikamaru. Shino's body was a terrifying mesh of insect attributes—mantis arms, butterfly wings, and a multi-legged torso covered in beetle armor. Sai's brush danced in the air, activating his Artistic Realm: Reality Canvas, where physics bent to his will.

Yuyu vanished for a nanosecond, her Quantum Vibration allowing her to reappear beside Hinata. "Ready?" she grinned, her every movement causing ripples in the air.

"Always," Hinata responded, launching herself into the fray, her Byakugan picking up the slightest fluctuations of chakra. Her palms met air, pushed it, shaped it, and launched it in bursts of icy chakra, rendering any attempts at escape futile.

Kakashi, wielding a chakra-infused calligraphy brush alongside Shin, sketched Fuinjutsu seals in the air with lightning serving as ink. "Raijin's Calligraphy: Divine Seal," they announced in unison, sending a wave of disruptive chakra to where Itachi and Hashirama had teleported.

Shino's bio-sonar buzzed, coordinating an army of chakra-infused insects that swarmed the area, ready to devour any hostile chakra they encountered. Choji, his body fluctuating in size due to his Yang Release: Titan's Touch, stomped the ground, creating chakra shockwaves that destabilized the enemy's footing.

In a blinding eruption of colors and shapes, Naruto's allies unleashed a symphony of calculated chaos upon the battlefield. Their eyes met for a split second—a tacit understanding that no words could express—and then, all hell broke loose.

Shikamaru was the linchpin, a puppeteer of darkness commanding a colossal beast corpse with tendrils of shadow. The behemoth roared and lurched forward, its vast form casting a dark pall over the battlefield, causing even Hashirama's Wood Release monstrosities to pause.

With her six fox tails streaming behind her, Hinata moved almost too fast for the eye to follow. Her body was a blur of icy hues as she pirouetted through the air, her palms meeting invisible barriers, compressing the air, and hurling it toward Hashirama and Itachi's Susanoo with an explosive force that shattered the sound barrier.

To her side, Yuyu popped in and out of existence, creating ripples in the air every time she reappeared. It was as though she was phasing through the very fabric of reality. Her fists met the barriers surrounding their enemies, shockwaves of kinetic energy reverberating through their defenses.

Sai levitated above the fray, his brush painting arcs of vibrant colors that came to life as mythical beasts and raging elements. His creations lunged in coordinated attacks, their forms bending and stretching as though in defiance of the natural laws, twisting in and around the lashing wooden tendrils and spectral warriors summoned by Hashirama and Itachi.

Hovering above, Shino's multi-winged form resembled a grotesque chimera from nightmares. A horde of chakra-infused insects, buzzing in harmonic frequencies, swept over the enemy lines, targeting their chakra points with deadly accuracy. A storm of deadly bugs enveloped the massive wooden constructs Hashirama had produced, gnawing away at their essence.

Choji, morphing his size at will, stomped onto the ground, and waves of chakra coursed through the earth. Hashirama's wooden titans wobbled, their massive roots dislodging from the ground, making them easier targets for the rest of the team.

The air itself seemed to crackle with energy as Kakashi and Shin drew their calligraphy in the sky. Thunderbolts shaped like ancient seals spiraled down, merging with Shino's swarm and Yuyu's vibrations, creating a disorienting net of chakra disruption around Itachi and Hashirama.

With pinpoint accuracy, the various attacks began to intersect and overlap. The beasts from Sai's Reality Canvas clawed at the barriers just as Hinata's icy blasts arrived, weakening them. Yuyu's shockwaves hit next, causing micro-fractures. Then, like the crescendo of a dark symphony, Shikamaru's shadow-infused leviathan smashed through, shattering the weakened barriers.

For a nanosecond, the world seemed to hold its breath. Then, from the epicenter of the chaos, a burst of chakra exploded outwards, clearing the battlefield of all the smoke and debris.

Staggered but not defeated, Hashirama and Itachi reassembled their defenses. Tobirama appeared beside them, visibly exhausted but ready for another round.

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