Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch217- Madara’s Mangekyo


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High above the battlefield, Koushin perched on the dragon Paarthurnax's head, flashing a mischievous grin at Ino who stood beside him. Below them, Madara hovered atop the Ten Tails, his eyes scanning his opponents with calculating intensity. For a moment, the air hung heavy with the static of impending catastrophe.

With a roll of his shoulders and a glint in his eyes, Koushin summoned ethereal blue chains from his palms. They snaked through the air, aimed at Madara. Before they could reach their target, they burst into dozens of tiny dragon-shaped spirits, each one flying erratically before converging towards Madara from all angles.

Madara's eyes narrowed. A wave of his hand produced a shimmering shield around him, deflecting the spirits which exploded into bursts of blue flame upon impact. But Koushin was already in motion.

Paarthurnax roared, swooping down like a falcon upon its prey. As they descended, Ino's eyes glowed, her consciousness branching out like a web of fine threads to envelop the Ten Tails. Its roars quieted to confused growls, its monstrous limbs halting in disorientation.

Koushin leaped from Paarthurnax, somersaulting in the air and landing gracefully on the Ten Tails' head right opposite Madara. His eyes twinkled, "Fancy meeting you here."

Madara slashed through the air with his fan, sending crescent waves of energy. Koushin sidestepped, his form blurring, almost as if he was dancing. The crescent waves sliced through the air where he had stood mere moments ago.

Seizing the opening, Ino triggered a series of explosive tags she had discreetly placed during her psychic disorientation of the beast. The Ten Tails roared as localized explosions mushroomed around it, sending tremors along its spine.

Koushin caught Madara's eye and winked. He then stomped his foot, sending out a pulse of chakra that resonated with the Ten Tails. The beast's roar changed tone, almost as if it was howling in tune with the chakra pulse. Its tails swayed, slapping Madara off balance for a fraction of a second.

Madara roared, "Enough!" With a sweeping gesture, his Susanoo materialized around him, a colossal warrior glowing in ethereal hues. Koushin's eyes gleamed; a moment later, he stood beside Ino, engulfed in Thunderfire God Armor.

"Didn't our last spar teach you it's useless to use Susanoo?" Koushin grinned, his face hidden behind the imposing mask of his armor, two luminescent blue slits revealing a smirk.

Madara's eyes twinkled menacingly. "Susanoo is not my only talent, nor my Mangekyo's only gift." His hand seals blurred into a flow of motion. Suddenly, Wood Style constructs erupted around him, gnarled roots and branches spiraling toward Koushin.

Koushin’s armor resonated, bolts of electricity scattering across its surface, charring the wooden tendrils as they approached. Each step he took left seismic ripples, destabilizing the wooden constructs further. Madara’s eyes widened ever so slightly—a minor acknowledgment that he was indeed facing an obstacle.

Shifting his gaze, Koushin caught Ino's eyes. Her focus was razor-sharp, her chakra a palpable force even amidst the chaotic energies that swarmed the battlefield. She nodded subtly, a cue that her own power was at his disposal.

Madara, sensing the silent exchange, took advantage of the distraction. His left eye flared. A temporal echo materialized, a five-second window where he replayed his earlier moves in a ghostly guise.

Koushin grinned, his eyes glowing from behind the slits in his armor. "How many times do I have to tell you, I'm immune to Genjutsu. Your Uchiha pride means nothing to me."

Madara snarled, his eyes shifting to Ino. "You may be, but is your little girl?" Before Koushin could react, Madara's right eye glowed, and ethereal chains spiraled out, connecting Ino to the Ten Tails.

Ino's eyes widened as she felt a surge of seething anger course through her. The beast, already aggravated by the earlier offenses, was a roiling sea of fury. Her fists clenched, her face flushed, a tempest threatening to consume her from the inside out.

Koushin chuckled, his voice tinged with an ironic edge. "Madara, this is what they call digging your own grave."

Pulling out a scroll, Ino summoned a colossal creature that looked like a hybrid between a dragon and a human. Draped in opalescent scales that shimmered under the moonlight, it stood towering on two powerful legs, rippling muscles beneath the skin visible even from a distance. Its wings, vast and menacing, stretched out like two massive curtains of darkness. Its arms ended in hands that bore elongated claws, glinting like polished daggers. Its eyes, initially vacant and lifeless, flickered open as Ino initiated her jutsu. The dragonic beast roared, filling the sky with a sound that blended fury and triumph.

Ino would normally hide her own body inside the beast's pouch, but she was too angry. Koushin quickly grabbed her and held her close to his body, his Thunderfire God Armor resonating with elemental energy, the core of blue flame at its heart casting an otherworldly light. The beast's body—now under Ino's control—roared and lunged forward.

Ino's fury channeled into the creature. Claws crackling with lightning reached out as if to tear the very air, while jets of fire erupted from its maw, painting streaks of orange and red across the battlefield. The colossal beast soared toward Madara on massive wings, each flap creating shockwaves that distorted the air around them.

Madara, no longer exuding his usual air of invincibility, seemed genuinely surprised. His eyes widened, and for a fleeting moment, his stoic mask cracked.

Koushin looked on from within his armor, the luminescent blue slits in his mask narrowing in focus. His armor buzzed with elemental energy, the electric purple veins that laced his arms shimmering with blue fire. "Now you see it, the full extent of our will," he murmured.

Madara gritted his teeth and channeled energy into his Rinnegan, the Deva Path activating. But the beast, charged with Ino's emotion and fury, tore through the attractive forces as if they were cobwebs, unrelenting in its advance.

Koushin's armor resonated again, a seismic step pulsing from his foot and racing across the battlefield. The earth trembled, disrupting Madara's focus and causing him to stagger. It was enough. Ino's beast was upon him.

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