Lady of Curses

Chapter 35-Mad beasts

Aella continued her journey through the forest looking for her prey. She decided to stop going for lone small critters because the efforts would be wasted, instead, she started to try and find groups of animals.

Thanks to her aiming only for the animals in a group Aella started moving faster through the forest, she still was careful not to injure herself or damage her clothes, after all, she had only this one set.

While Aella was moving up her pace, she still kept her guard up and looked around. She didn't know what kind of creatures lived here, in hindsight, she should have asked someone about it, but at the time the only thing on her mind was to hunt some creature and see if she could make a living out of hunting. 

''Uuuuuughhh...'' At one point Aella heard a beastly cry as if something was dying. Hering the cry Aella started to walk in that direction. She had no clue what was happening there, but there is a chance that there two beasts had encountered one another. But her houses weren't high because it sounded like one of them was already dead, because she hadn't heard anything before the scream, meaning that the battle was really silent or it was just some predator hunting. 

Soon Aella saw something through the gaps between the trees and slowed down, as she got closer she started to crouch in an attempt to not get discovered. Soon she got close enough to see what was happening. 

In a small clearing, she saw five wolf-like creatures, standing around and feasting on what looked like a big deer. 

'Jackpot.' Aella had found what she needed, a group of beasts that could kill each other. The wolves were feasting and were distracted by their prey so it was a perfect time to strike. 

Aella slowly aimed her palm at them, and the used [Curse of madness]. Five smoke-like tendrils painted in crimson shot out of her palm and went straight to the wolves, one of them shot their head up as if sensing the danger, but it was too late, the next second the curse was upon them and they went mad.

The first to attack was the one who lifted his head, the wolf attacked the closest of his companions. It bit into the exposed neck with its sharp fangs. 

Aella could see the blood running down as the fangs dug deeper into the neck. As for the victim, it didn't just stand and take it but instead struggled. In the madness state it disregarded its own health and tried to twist its own neck so that he could use his jaws against the attacker. But the struggle was in vain because the attacker had a firm grasp on the neck and no matter what the victim did it didn't let go, even when the victim tried to roll on the ground and use its paws, in the end, it stopped moving, but the attacker still got injured and not lightly.

But while those two were fighting the other three were in their own battle. The fight started with closes two looking up at the same time, making a brief eye contact before they went for each other throat. Although they were in a madness state they still had some battle instinct, so they were evenly matched, but that lasted only a few moments before the third one joined in. 

The third one pounced on one of them from the side, clamping the jaws and sinking its fangs into the flesh. The moment one of them got attacked from the side the opponent went for the kill, clamping its jaw around the neck and ripping a huge chunk of flesh when it pulled away, and soon after the unfortunate victim was dead. 

After that, the two wolves that were left turned their aggression against each other, but before they could fully engage the wolf who was from the first fight intervened, and attacked the wolf who was more injured, and dispatched it quickly making so that only two wolves were left.

Looking from the sidelines Aella could see that the wolf who sensed the danger at the start was a little bit bigger than the rest of the group. But it looked like it didn't give much advantage right now because while it attacked one of two wolves that were ready to engage each other the one he ignored attacked the bigger one. 

Aella had to say that that particular wolf was lucky, because right now it makes two times it could attack from the side while its victim was occupied with something else, plus the bigger wolf was injured while he himself wasn't.

The bigger wolf reacted quickly when the smaller one attacked, but the smaller one still got its fangs into the bigger one's neck but at a weird angle. The bigger one retaliated with its front paw and managed to injure one of the smaller one's eyes blinding him in that eye. The smaller one retaliated by clamping its jaw tighter and then with one smooth motion ripping out a piece of flesh from the bigger one's neck.

That move sealed the bigger one's faith, but it still had some energy left, so while the smaller one was still in motion from ripping, the bigger one ponced and aimed for the through, but unfortunately, the smaller one managed to dodge and instead got the bigger one's fangs in its shoulder, and soon after the bigger one lost its strength and died. 

But although it died it was still holding on to the living wolf's shoulder showing Aella how deep its fangs went into the shoulder. Now with one eye blinded and a dead body hanging from its shoulder, the last wolf looked around to see if there were more things it could attack. 

At that moment Aella used [Curse of weakness] on the last wolf. The black smoky tendril shot out of her palm and made contact with the wolf and the black chains engraved on its body fully displayed it. 

That move let the wolf see where Aella was hiding and it tried to sprint in her direction, but it was too exhausted and weak to drag its own weight plus the dead wolf's so it didn't even make a few steps before it tripped and fell. 

After the fall it just laid there without moving, the only sign indicating that it still was alive was its rising and falling of its chest as it was breathing.

Hi! The fight might have been described messy. I hope it was possible to make sense at least a bit, but I will have to work on my description of these kinds of things.

Thanks for reading!


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