Lady of Curses

Chapter 37-Selling the prey

Adir right now was a little bit confused about what was in front of him. Because just recently he was just going about his duty as he was stationed at one of the gates today. He was doing his job until he saw something move in the forest. 

At first, he didn't see what it was, all he saw was something dark logging some kind of beast, before the figure put it down and went back deeper into the forest, only to arrive a few moments later with another beast that was put next to the previous one. 

This motion happened another three times before, the mysterious figure picked up the first beast and started to walk in this direction. This time the being carried the animal to the edge of the forest and put it down and then went for the next one.

But thanks to that Adir saw who was the bloodied figure, and he was a little taken aback when he saw that the one hauling those wolves around was the newby he recently met. 

Another thing that he was surprised by was that Aella didn't look injured and she took out five of those beasts, after all, she just gained concusses, and usually new Safury tend to stay in the settlement.

While Adir was looking from the tower with wonder and intrigue at Aella's antics. Aella herself was having regrets, she started having them a long while back but that didn't stop her from asking herself why she did this to herself.

Fortunately, she didn't feel exhausted, but it still took a mental toll on her, because the repeated action of hauling these wolves one by one wasn't enjoyable to her. Aella was sure there probably were people who would like to do this and even claim that it was therapeutic, but this wasn't for her, so she was happy when she saw the wooden wall that protected the settlement.

Right now she had only one trip left, and she couldn't be more ecstatic about it. Aella took one of the wolf's corpses put it on her shoulders and started walking to the gate.

While walking in the direction of the wooden gate, Aella saw someone familiar come out of the side gate. It was one of the guards Aella met when she came here first time, and if her memory serves her right his name was Adir. 

Adir made his way to her and they met halfway where Aella put her prey down on the ground. 

''Want some help?'' 

''Yes, please.'' Aella wasn't one to reject help right now, the faster she was done with all this the happier she would be. 

So without talking, they made their way back to where the rest of the wolves were. After they got to the wolves, Aella took one on her shoulders, while Adire took two on his left shoulder and the last one under her left armpit. He made it look so easy Aella was kind of impressed with his strength. 

So like that they made their way back to where Aella put down her first wolf.

''Sigh...'' After they got there both of them put down their haul, and Aella breathed out a sigh, finally it was over.

''So what do you plan on doing with these?'' While Aella was enjoying the end of this journey Adir asked her about her plans for these corpses.

''Sell them.'' Aella didn't even think twice before she answered, because that was her plan all along, plus the quicker she got rid of them the better.

''Have you decided where you will sell them?''

''What are my options?'' Aella had some ideas on how and where she could sell her prey, but it didn't hurt to ask a local for his input. 

''Well your two major options are to go into the city and find people who want to buy these, but usually, they will ask for specific things from the beast and won't buy all of it, so probably will need to butcher them, or you could sell it here practically selling it to the city and its lord, but the price will be a little bit lower if you do this.'' 

What Aella gathered from Adir's said was that she could either sell these beasts here and now or go chop them in parts and then go try and find people willing to buy these parts. 

''I'm selling them here.'' Although she would get less money like this, Aella wasn't ready to put more work into this ordeal if she could help it. 

''Okay, just wait here a moment we will get them inside and examine them, and then we will give you the money.'' 

''Sure.'' With those words, Adir got to work, he asked another guard to help him and with both of them, they got the corpses inside, while Aella just stood there thinking about her home. 

While Aella was just blankly staring into space, Adir again came out of the side gate but this time he had a leather pouch in one of his hands.

''Here.'' The horned guard gave Aella the pouch and with that it was finally over. 

Aella didn't even say goodbye and just wawed her hand as she made her way inside the settlement. All she wanted was to go home and have a shower and only after that, she will think about what to do next. 

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