Lady of Curses

Chapter 38-Cleaning after the hunt

''I'm home!'' Aella announced to no one as she entered her home. 

She had finally arrived at her own home after walking around trying to find it. She knew the general location where her home was, and it mostly was because for some reason she had this instinct pointing in the direction where her house was, but it was somewhat vague, so she had spent some time walking around trying to find her house. 

It didn't help that she was all bloody and muddy, and people kept taking a glance or two when passing by, but it didn't bother Aella too much, plus all she cared for right now was to go clean herself. 

So that was what she intended to do. She closed the wooden door behind her, threw the leather pouch on the kitchen table near the bowl of fruits, and then started to undress herself. 

It took some time to undress because of the dried blood and dirt. But it still took her less than two minutes to undress, and the dirty clothes she left lying on the floor near the door. 

Now fully naked Aella made her way to the bathroom ready to clean herself. 

Opening the wooden door that leads to the bathroom Aella was greeted by a nice spacious room with a bath, shower, and sink with a cupboard that was placed right above it. It had a nice cozy feel to it, plus almost everything was made out of wood. 

After Aella got a good look at the room she got in the bath. The shower head, or what Aella presumed was one, was right above her, connected to the ceiling, and it looked like a wooden board that was almost the same length and width as the bath, with holes all over it.

It looked quite interesting but that was all. Aella quickly found two knobs on the wall, with one she could control the heat, and with the other the water pressure. It took a moment of filing to get just the right temperature Aella wanted but after that, Aella enjoyed the shower. 

It felt like rain to her and with one knob she could control if it felt like a light drizzle or a full-on storm, except the wind. While taking a shower Aella couldn't help herself and tasted the water, and it turned out the water was a little bit sweet, so while taking a shower Aella periodically opened her mouth and let the water pool in it. 

Slowly Aella got clean as there was less and less blood and dirt on her body. After cleaning her body from all the grime, Aella still lingered in the shower for some time, just enjoying the light rain-like drizzle with her eyes closed.

After she was done with that she turned off the shower and tried to find a way to dry herself. She couldn't find anything that could dry her, not even something she could use as a towel, she even opened and looked inside the cupboard but it was empty. 

While looking around she found something, it looked like a button. The button was located right above the two knobs used for controlling the shower, and it was quite concealed, as it was made from the same material as the wall, the only reason Aella even spotted it was because the button had an engraving on it, that looked like a simplified wind. 

Aella had no better options so she just pushed the button, but nothing happened except a light green light started glowing around the button. That is until Aella started to fiddle with the knobs. They still controlled the temperature and strength, but this time, not of the water but of the air that was coming from the shower head.

With that now figured out, Aella quickly got dry. After getting her body nice and dry, Aella left her bathroom, after pressing the button to get it back in the normal position. 

The first thing Aella looked at after getting out of the bathroom, were her clothes that she had left on the floor. She walked over to inspect them, and all of them were stained with blood and dirt, even her undergarments. So she took them and threw them inside the bath, carefully so that she herself didn't get dirty. ''That should do it.''

After that, she started the shower so that the water would fill the bath, while at the same time, she closed the drain so that the water stayed in the bath.

While waiting for the bath to fill with water, Aella went to her kitchen and opened the leather pouch. After opening it she dumped the content on the table. From the pouch fell out 25, they looked like somewhat spherical crystals, and they weren't too big, Aella could hold 5 of them comfortably in her palm. 

Looking at the amount she got 5 crystals per wolf. It didn't seem much even if Aella wasn't familiar with the currency and economics here, but she couldn't blame them for giving her this amount after all the carcasses of those wolves looked terrible, the battle was bloody and already ruined some of them dropping the value, and on top of that Aella had dragged those five bodies through the forest.

''Maybe hunting isn't for me.'' Remembering how this hunt went she wasn't so sure she wanted to go hunting again anytime soon. But if she decides to go hunting again she needs a better way to transport her harvest and she needs some tools, at least a knife.

With that in mind, Aella put all the crystals back in the pouch. She grabbed one of the fruits and got up. While eating the fruit she went to the bathroom, the water in the bath was still flowing and the bath was practically full, and the only reason it wasn't overflowing was because there were multiple little holes all over the bathtub's inside upper side of the walls. 

Seeing this Aella turned off the water, with her free hand. The shower got her arm wet, but a bit of shaking took care of it. Now the only thing she had to figure out was how she will clean the clothes because she probably needed at least some soap or something that could clean her clothes. She didn't mind doing it with her bare hands and water, but she wasn't too sure if that would work, maybe it would work, but then the question was how long would it take.

''Ah, the cruelty of not having a washing machine.'' Although Aella was excited about the new world, she couldn't deny that modern technology was very convenient, and living without it would take time to get used to.


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