Lady of Curses

Chapter 39-Outside the cage

After finishing her fruit Aella decided that the best course of action was to go and find out if she could buy some soup or something else she could use to clean her clothes. And even if she doesn't find any cleaning agents she was sure that someone could use magic to clean her clothes.

The only reason she was a little reluctant to go outside and find what she needed was because she had just cleaned herself and after this outing of hers, her feet will probably get dirty again and in need of cleaning. Aella didn't mind the dirt itself but more the fact that she would need to shower again. But what can she do, clean clothes took priority for her. 

After walking out of the bathroom Aella went for the wooden door that led outside, but as she grabbed the handle she remembered that she almost forgot to take the leather pouch, after all, you can't buy stuff if you don't have money. 

Turning around Aella went to grab the leather pouch, but while her mind was thinking of how she will get her clothes clean Aella failed to see something forming, on the floor, a few steps before her. She only realized when it was too late, both of her feet were already inside the magic circle. 

''Fuc-'' That was the last thing Aella uttered before she was swept away to somewhere. 


Gricelda looked at one of the torches that were lighting up this place and was closest to the cage she was in and thought about how long she had left before the capturers sold her. She still couldn't believe that she got captured, but bashing herself for it wouldn't help. 

She has no idea how long she has been here, but if she had to guess she was probably stuck in this cage for about 4 days. But she wouldn't be surprised if she was here longer, after all the only light she got in this damn cave room was some torches here and there. The only thing she could use to guess the time was when they got some food, but Gricelda was sure that they brought them food unregulary, possibly to throw their judgment of time off. 

But it didn't really matter how long she spent here, as she wasn't able to do anything while she was chained like an animal. Looking away from the torches flame Gricelda looked down at her hands. Her hands were locked up in a big metal piece that locked around her wrists, and although her fingers were free she couldn't do much. And her feet were in the same position, fortunately, her ankles weren't locked in one big metal peace but by a chain so she had some freedom of movement there.

While looking at her restraints Gricelda was remanded of her state, she was naked, dirty, and in chains, while her ass, legs, and back were feeling the cold metal she was sitting on.

Looking to her side she saw people in a similar state as her, except the restrains. They similar to her were captured and brought here, the difference was that these people were civilians, so the bandits didn't see the need to put chains on them. Besides her, Gricleda counted 5 other people, two were missing, probably taken to get violated again, and by the looks of it it was the mother and son pair, unfortunately, they were picked regularly for this. 

So all in all the bandits had captured 8 people in total including herself. 

''Curse them, curse them, curse them...'' Gricelda looked over to the one who was cursing their captors. She saw a young woman in a disheveled state combing through her hair as she cursed the bandits. 

When looking at her Gricelda wasn't surprised because this woman had started to curse them some while ago. It looked like she lost her mind after the last time they took her away. Unfortunately, this woman wasn't the only one who was like this, although she was the only one who was constantly cursing the enemy, the other people here had lost hope too, and mostly just sat in silence. 

Gricelda couldn't blame them, because she herself had lost all hope. She still had a plan to try and escape when the bandits start moving them, but she wasn't too sure she will be able to escape, but for her, it was better to try and die than just accept the dark fate.

While Gricelda had all these thoughts swimming around in her mind, she got a little confused, because something stopped. The woman's cursing had stopped, and that meant she either was sleeping or eating. But when Gricelda took a look at her she was just combing her hair with a wicked smile on her face, as she looked at one spot outside the cage.

Confused Gricelda turned her gaze in the direction the woman was looking, and what she saw surprised her. There in the spot, outside the cage, where the woman was looking was a magic circle forming on the ground. 

Gricelda was familiar enough that she knew that the magic circle was for summoning, but the question now was, what did the crazy lady summon?

Slowly everyone inside the cage started to observe the magic circle. It soon grew to its full size, before with a short flash something appeared where the circle was just a second ago.

Gricelda couldn't fully see it, but she could see that it was humanoid in shape and that it had long dark hair, everything else was obstructed by the dark.  


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