Lady of Curses

Chapter 59-Unexpected acquaintance

Stepping inside Aella was greeted by a cozy setup. There were some soft looking chairs and sofas on the side, with some plants in pots planted around the room. Right across the room from the entrance was a receptionist's desk.

Aella saw some Safury relaxing in the lobby either just enjoying the soft chairs or talking with someone. Indicating that this place was good, as the customers looked satisfied. 

Aella walked up to the receptionist and saw that the one manning the desk was a Safury that looked like a monkey beastkin. The woman looked human with the exception of her ears and the four tails that were swaying behind her. 

''Welcome, what can I do for you on this wonderful night?'' When Aella walked up to the desk, the receptionist greeted her with a beaming smile.

''Hi, entrance for one.'' The receptionist's smile was contagious and Aella couldn't but smile while she replied to the receptionist.

''Of course, what kind of experience would you like to have?'' This question stubbed Aella a little, and she wanted just say relaxing but she decided to ask the woman for more detail. 

''Sorry, I'm here for the first time, can you tell me the options?'' 

''O, a first-timer, how wonderful!'' Aella could see that the receptionist got more energetic as she clasped her hands together in front of her chest. ''Well we have many options, designed to satisfy any and all of our customers, from lava baths inside volcanos to freezing baths that are made out of ice essence, so just say what you want and we will try to accommodate your wish best of our abilities.'' 

That sounded interesting, but Aella wasn't really keen on bathing in lava or in ice essence, and she was sure even if she tried she would probably die trying. 

''Then I would like a regular hot spring I can relax, and if possible with a nice view of the moon.'' Aella thought it would be nice to relax while gazing at the moon and the starry night. 

''Of course, that will be five growth crystals.'' The lady took out a wooden tag, from behind the desk, and handed it to Aella while taking the five growth crystals, with her other hands. Yes, only now Aella noticed that the woman had four hands.

''Now then just step through there and you will arrive at the dressing room.'' With two of her hands, the receptionist showed Aella an entrance that was blocked by a white veil. Aella turned to the receptionist nodded and went through.

For some reason when she stepped through she felt a little bit dizzy, but as quickly as it appeared it went away, so Aella didn't worry about it. Looking around the dressing room Aella saw that there were Safury either getting dressed or dressing down ready to enjoy the hot spring.

After she scouted the room, Aella stopped paying attention to others and picked a free locker. Opening the locker she saw three compartments with the middle one being the biggest, and having some hooks on the backside. 

Aella slowly got naked, she didn't think much and just showed most of her clothes inside. While dressing down she noticed that the wooden tag she was given was gone, and for a moment she started to panic until she vaguely remembered that it disappeared the moment she entered this room.

So with that out of her mind, she continued to undress, her important stuff she put in the upper compartment, in the middle she just pilled her clothes without organization, and in the bottom one she put her boots. 

Now fully naked, Aella closed the locker and went for the room's exit that led to the hot spring. While making her way to the exit, she stumbled upon a big mirror. 

'I have to say, I do look good.' Aella couldn't help but admire her body, it may be a little bit narcissistic but she couldn't deny that her body looked fantastic. For a moment she got confused about the black eyeshadow she was wearing, trying to remember when she put it on. But when she tried to rub it off she remembered it appeared when she advanced. She took another quick glance at herself before leaving the mirror.

The entrance to the hot spring was covered with a transparent silvery veil, and near the entrance, there were shelves full of folded towels. Aella took a look around and saw that some Safury took a towel and some didn't, so Aella chose not to take it and just went through the veil. 

What greeted Aella on the other side was a big outdoor hot spring with multiple Safury already there, with the night sky hanging above it. Looking around Aella couldn't find anything like a shower or a place to clean yourself. But seeing that the water was clear and nice Aella just went for the hot spring. 

The path of sleek stones felt chilling to her feet as she got closer to the hot spring. When she arrived at the edge she slowly put her right foot in the water, testing its temperature, and the results were satisfying, and Aella got ready to fully lower herself in the water. 

But before she could do that she spotted someone some distance away. Aella was sure who it was, the long silver hair and the pale skin belonged to someone Aella was happy to see. So she got out of the water and carefully made her way to where Zira was relaxing.

Zira had her eyes closed, so she didn't see Aella approaching her, and even when Aella slowly lowered herself into the water beside her, Zira didn't open her eyes. 

''Your hair is as beautiful as I remembered them.'' Aella grabbed a few strands of hair that were flowing on the water's surface as she told Zira what she thought about them. 

This got Zira's attention because the next moment her eyes shot open and she swiftly turned her head in Aella's direction, and the moment she saw Aella's mischievous smile the shock on her face calmed down. 

''Thank you, your hair's beautiful too.'' Zira responded to Aella's compliment with a calm voice. ''But I didn't expect to encounter you here, but it is a pleasant surprise.'' 

''Yes me neither, I just found this place, this is my first time here.'' Aella too was surprised to encounter Zira here. 

''I see, so what do you think of this place?'' 

''Well the water is great, the view is fantastic, and now you being here, well let's say it's near perfect.'' Aella slowly sunk her body deeper into the water as she responded. 

''I'm happy you like this place, I myself visit here regularly.'' Aella saw a small smile appear on Zira's face, but it was only for a second before she returned to her natural expression. ''But I do wonder what's stopping it from being perfect?''

''Some snacks, a drink, and some private alone time with you.'' Aella gave Zira a mischievous smile as she said the last part.

''Well, the snacks and drinks we can take care of right now.'' Zira lifted one of her hands out of the water and waved at one of the stone statues that looked like a sleeping, sphere-like rock creature. ''As for the other part, we can take care after we arrive at my room.'' 

The last part took Aella by surprise, but she couldn't say she wasn't happy to hear it. The stone creature came closer to Zira and stopped as if waiting for something. 

''Yes, I would like some dried fruit and something fruity to drink for me and my companion.'' After Zira said what she wanted the living rock walked away and went to deliver Zira's order. 

''I hope you don't mind the thing I ordered.'' 

''Not at all, but I have to say you're more, how to say, open maybe, than the last time we met.'' From Aella's perspective, Zira looked more confident and open than the last time they met. 

''Well, I'm still shy and awkward around strangers, but even though we have met only a few times, this included, after our last night you're a little more than a stranger.'' 

''I see your point.'' 

Like this, both of them spend their time talking and relaxing. They spoke about what they have been up to, Aella told Zira about her latest escapade of looting and killing some bandits. 

When the food and drinks arrived, they slowly enjoyed that, until they felt like they had enough and started to get out.

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